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Summer 2014 | Wingfield Springs Community Association Newsletter


ope you all made it into summer healthy and ready to take advantage of all that our area offers during this wonderful season. Our community is built around a top notch golf facility. The courses are in great shape so get out there and test your skills. We also have a network of paths you can use for your hiking and biking pleasure. In short summer is a perfect time for outdoor activities so get out and be active. Let’s talk irrigation water. The late spring season with the warm days and high winds have been a challenge for us. That coupled with numerous mainline, lateral line and golf course breaks have impacted our ability to make the mow strips and other turf areas as healthy as we wanted. So why do I have the golf course as an impact in this list? Our irrigation water delivery is controlled by Red Hawk. Our irrigation system is connected directly to their watering system via multiple points of connection (POCs) and measured using 20 meters. This is a rather complex set up and is wrapped in a complex agreement between us and Red Hawk. Simply stated we are solely dependent on Red Hawk for irrigation water. This arrangement creates some challenges at times when issues arise such as drought predictions, golf course watering system breaks, etc. All this to say we need to exercise patience and adjust our expectations when times are tough such as what we encountered during the late spring season. It is important we report all issues to our management partner Melissa Robertson or Allie Sanchez (626-7333); in the case of an emergency (broken pipe, water shooting up from a broken head, etc.) please call ESI Security at 722-6270. We have resolved most issues within a week or better unless the break is too severe. One point to consider when reporting: be courteous with all you come in contact with; yelling and cussing at our partner employees will only affect the process negatively and leave a sour taste of you for future communication, obviously undesired from all aspects.

We just received notice that the ORR DITCH (a main supply of our irrigation water to Red Hawk and us) will close on July 15th indefinitely. Red Hawk is advising us to significantly reduce our irrigation water consumption. We will do our best to protect our plants yet the mow strips throughout the community will likely be the first target since 70% of our consumption originates from watering the mow strips. Please register on the community website for ongoing development on this important topic.

Projects Progress Report At the time of this writing we have several significant projects in full flight. The Singing Hills construction completion project has the pillars almost completed, and the Old Waverley/Prairie Dunes landscaping has broken ground. All to complete in August timeframe. The second phase of the Wingfield Springs Parkway will commence in July. The security technology project is midway and we hope to have it up in July. During the last Board meeting we agreed to install the patriotic flag at our windmill corner; this should be completed in July as well. We also have a sod and tree replacement program that runs in parallel with the major projects and as weather permits. This summary is the short of it and I encourage you to attend our Board meetings where we elaborate more on all aspects of these projects and more. These projects are worthy investments that ensure your property values are positively affected. Important that you match these efforts by keeping your properties in good shape meaning: fence surfaces viewable from public areas have the boards and split rails in good condition and well fastened, the landscape is kept clean, healthy and attractive, and your driveway is free of ugly oil spills, and so on. I am sure you get the point. In closing I wish you had a festive July 4th. On behalf of the entire Board and of our business partners, we want to wish you all a fun filled and restful summer. Drive carefully wherever you are headed. The next Board meeting is scheduled July 24, 6 pm in the private club across from David’s restaurant.


Photo by Deanna Hearn

ALERT – June 27 2:21 PM

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