Hawk Talk Spring 2016

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Photo by Kyrre Carlsen

Spring 2016 | Wingfield Springs Community Association Newsletter


inter is over and already our maintenance crews are working hard at beautifying our common areas. Of high priority:

4 Irrigation. Always a challenge. See Director Jones report inside. 4 Director Dauria continues his excellent work with Reno Green to tend to our landscaping maintenance and new implementation needs. 4 Director Dauria also leads the electronic surveillance project. Should complete this year. 4 We will continue updating the landscaping in the medians on Wingfield Springs Road. 4 We finally have our tree database. Some are in serious need of attention. We have a budget to fix several trees. 4 The windmill feature is getting a significant facelift. Water scoops, new jets and upgraded lighting are the main feature of this investment. 4 We will also further research installing electricity in the Vista median and Wingfield Hills intersection.

“...recycle bins: please make sure to break down the boxes so as to minimize the amount of space taken.�

These investments are sure to lift our twenty year old landscape implementation. Other items get old after twenty years or so. Our governing documents need a significant refresh. Director Brainard is leading this charge. We look forward to the recommendations of the adhoc sub-committee.

OK, this next one is also getting old yet we continue to have dog owners ignoring their responsibility with regards to their dog poop. Folks it is a simple act of respect for all around you to pick up after your dog. We have several dog stations throughout the community so make use of this feature. The walk trails are for our

community to enjoy, not a bathroom for dogs. If you witness such event take a picture and send it to me. Maybe carry a smartphone so a photo can be snapped? If you are a landlord with tenants that have dogs please remind them they are under the same rules as owners. All of this is common sense and demonstrating respect. This one has to do with recycling. An owner asked me to include a note regarding cardboard in the recycle bins: please make sure to break down the boxes so as to minimize the amount of space taken. This last one I fail to understand. In late February a Red-tailed hawk was shot on the Hills golf course next to the number 13 tee box. This cowardly act is repugnant at best. If anybody in Photo by K. Carlsen. Location: Red Hawk Hills Golf Course. that area is aware of illicit activity by people trying to gun down our prey birds please contact me with whatever information you might have. I will get the State Department of Wildlife involved and the people responsible will be prosecuted. I have an article inside that deals with Red-tail hawks. Good read! I wish you all a great spring. The Board and all our partners will work diligently to make the season an enjoyable and safe season. See you at the April 28th Board meeting. Our guest speaker will be the legislative advocate for our homeowner issues.

Bob Denis


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