Keys Breeze July 2021

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NOTICE OF CHANGE IN OPERATING RULES TEXT OF PROPOSED CHANGES (Deletions are shown in strikethrough type and additions in boldface underlined type) On June 16th, 2021, the TKPOA Board of Directors approved the following Proposed changes to Architectural Control Rules for a 28 day membership review period. These rules will be considered for adoption at the August 2021 Board of Directors Meeting. If you would like to provide any feedback to the Board prior to approval, please email your comments to Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager at, or submit them in person at the TKPOA Pavilion Office.

Purpose and Effect of Proposed Rule Change To further clarify Architectural Control Rules SECTION 13 – BOAT DOCKS AND OVER-WATER PLATFORMS

Dock Guidelines

New Docks: Any construction of a new dock (either where there is no existing dock on the property or, where an existing dock is relocated) shall not exceed 225 sq. feet. Replacement in Kind: Applications for “replacement in kind” of an existing dock in the same location and of the same design and configuration shall not be considered a new dock and shall not be subject to the 225 sq. foot limit for new docks; however, the size of the new replacement in kind dock shall not exceed the square footage of the existing dock. Any application to change the location, design and/or configuration of an existing dock will be deemed a “new dock” application subject to the 225 sq. foot limit. Reconfiguration of docks exceeding 225 sq. foot limit: The following shall apply to existing docks where changes or modifications are proposed. a. Dock may be reduced in size from currently existing sq. footage. b. Dock position may be changed including position of pilings. c. Minor dock reconfigurations that assist in accommodating the needs of a member will be considered d. In no case may the current sq. footage which exceeds the 225 sq rule be increased. e. Reconfigured dock cannot accommodate additional moorings than what is currently available on the existing dock f. The cost of the maintenance or repair (including the proposed change or modification) shall not exceed 25% of the dock current replacement cost. Any repair or maintenance that exceeds 25% of the dock current replacement cost shall be considered new construction and must comply with existing Governing Documents.

Keys Breeze


JULY 2021



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