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2021 Summer Bulkhead Replacement Projects

Summer Bulkhead Replacement Projects

By Kirk Wooldridge, General Manager

THE TAHOE KEYS PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION (TKPOA) is currently finalizing the contract agreements with Anvil Builders Inc. (ABI), for two important Bulkhead Replacement Projects scheduled for this summer to start June 16th, 2021. At this time, the project schedule is still being reviewed, with the project completion date of October 15th, 2021. These projects are once in 50 years or more major construction projects to replace these steel sheet pile East Cove bulkheads.

East Channel Bulkhead Replacement Project

Based on the July 29th, 2020 TKPOA property owner Voting Ballot for the East Channel East Bulkhead Replacement project. A total of 689 ballots were returned, with 536 property owners voting “Yes”. Member approval was required because our Bylaws prohibit the Board for Directors from entering into a contract in excess of $250,000 without approval of a majority of a quorum of the association membership by vote or written assent [TKPOA Bylaws Article IX, Section 2, subsection (a)]. The Board of Directors has authority to enter into a primary construction contract in an amount not to exceed $1,476,644 plus spending authority of up to an additional 10% for contingencies. No change in quarterly assessments will be required to fund this project during the 2021 fiscal year, and no special assessment is required for this project.

The TKPOA is obligated by court order (1991 Superior Court of California – Stipulation Agreement No: 1225) to perform such repair, maintenance, and replacement of the East Channel East Bulkhead as is reasonably required to keep it in good and serviceable condition. All reasonable costs the TKPOA incurs performing that duty are court ordered shared between TKPOA (30%), Tahoe Keys Beach and Harbor Association (TKB&HA) (30%), and the Tahoe Keys Marina and Yacht Club (TKM&YC) (40%). However, the judgment also obligates the TKPOA to first pay the costs of this work through to project completion and then, after rendering an accounting, we are entitled to obtain reimbursement from TKB&HA and TKM&YC for their respective share of the total reasonable costs the TKPOA incurred.

This project is the replacement of approximately 540 feet of steel sheet piling bulkhead at the East Channel East Bulkhead as detailed in the approved and permitted plans and project specifications and in coordination with the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) for project site access. It will be constructed with CHANCE anchors at 8-foot centers with an exterior waler to the sheet piles. The new bulkhead will be approximately 18 inches in front of the existing bulkhead which will remain in place with modification. The Anvil Builders Inc. (ABI) bid for this project is $1,436,00, with some exclusions. ABI the construction contractor will provide all necessary steel sheet piles, chance anchor tiebacks, walers, steel top cap, railing, and complete the site restoration. BMP Solutions will complete the required revegetation of the site in compliance with the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) Truckee Marsh Restoration project guidelines and Noble Consultants GEC Inc. are contracted for the construction management.

The approved plans & project specifications for the East Cove East Bulkhead replacement project are available online at: www.tkpoa.com website Documents>> Ballots & Elections>> East Channel East Bulkhead Replacement Project and a copy is

Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Project

A Cove 3C Townhome property owner Special Assessment Voting Ballot was required for the Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Project [Reach 11 & 12] to be approved and funded by a Cove 3C property owner Special Assessment of $76,000 per property. The Anvil Builders Inc. bid for this project is $2,616,595, with some exclusions.

Based on the April 21st, 2021 Voting Ballot count a total of 33 ballots were returned out of 35 property owners, with 18 property owners voting “Yes” [Choice #1]. Pursuant to Davis-Stirling Civil Code section 5605, in order for Cove 3C to conduct a valid special assessment vote, at least 18 ballots of the 35 properties that are property owners of this bulkhead must be returned to achieve a quorum. Passage of the “Special Assessment Funding [Choice # 1], or [Choice # 2]” then requires the approval of a majority of ballots cast. 5605 (b) Notwithstanding more restrictive limitations placed on the board by the governing documents, the board may not impose a regular assessment that is more than 20 percent greater than the regular assessment for the association’s preceding fiscal year or impose special assessments which in the aggregate exceed 5 percent of the budgeted gross expenses of the association for that fiscal year without the approval of a majority of a quorum of members, pursuant to Section 4070, at a member meeting or election.

This project will install approximately 910 linear feet of new free-standing heavy-duty sheet pile wall about 12 inches outside of existing sheet pile wall. The bulkhead project will outline the exterior of Cove 3C starting at Unit #111 and ending close to Unit # 145. The heavy sheet pile wall will be strong enough to provide for all its structural resistance, including retaining weak and liquefiable soils during earthquakes. Sheet pile material cost for the selected design was higher than for other alternatives considered, but construction is simpler, and there is no cost to install tiebacks or walers. The space between the old and new walls will be filled with drain rock. ABI the construction contractor will provide all necessary steel sheet piles, steel top cap, railing, gates, lighting and complete the site restoration. Reno Tahoe Geo Associates, Inc. are contracted for the construction management for this project.

The approved plans & project specifications for the



Help fight the invasive weeds that plague our lagoons and threaten Lake Tahoe.

Keep your boat weed-free Reduce weed fragments Stop the spread

Join our waitlist at keysweeds.com

1. Activate

Starting in late Spring this initial service activation will remove early weed growth around your dock and waterfront.

3. Pickup

Weeds will be deposited on your dock for the TKPOA weed pile pickup crews to collect and dispose of.

2. Maintain

rough the season your weekly aquatic weed service will rake the weeds and skim the water around your boat, dock and waterfront.

4. Report

Receive photographic evidence of your weed pile every service.

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