4 minute read
ACC Rule of the Month
By Linda Callahan, Architectural Control Department Manager
SECTION 12, Vehicle, Boat, Trailer and Parking Restrictions, the following restrictions shall apply to the use, storage or parking of boats, trailers and vehicles within the Properties: (a) House trailers, motor homes, boats, campers recreational vehicles, commercial vehicles, vehicles having a gross weight in excess of one ton, motorcycles, bicycles, vehicles undergoing repairs and trailers may only be parked or stored within the properties in an enclosed garage except that such equipment may be parked for periods of short duration for purposes of loading and unloading and the Association shall be entitled to implement a guest or visitor pass system to permit owners or tenants and the guests and visitors of owners or tenants to park campers or motor homes within the properties for periods not to exceed seven days. (b) Garages are to be used for the parking of cars, boats, trailers or similar items for storage purposes, and for no other purpose. Garages are not to be converted for any type of living space or utilized in any way which prevents the parking of vehicles in the garage space. (c) The guest parking areas within any Subdivision are to remain open for guest parking for the benefit of guests of owners within the subdivision and are not to be used for the parking of boats, trailers, campers, or other recreational vehicles. No house trailers, campers, motor homes, vans, privately owned passenger trucks of any size or design, boats, or boat trailers shall be parked or maintained outdoors on any Lot. (d) Except as otherwise provided in section 12 all vehicles (including 2-wheel vehicles) are to be parked within designated parking areas, driveways, carports or garages. Any vehicle parked within the Properties shall be in running condition. (e) No motor vehicle shall be constructed or reconstructed within the properties and dilapidated or inoperable vehicle including vehicles without wheel(s) or an engine, shall be stored on the properties; provided, however, that the provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to expeditious vehicle repairs or routine tune-up maintenance performed within a garage. (f) No parking of any vehicles or trailers shall be allowed on unimproved lots, unpaved areas or dirt areas, except as approved by the Board and authorized in the Association rules. (g) The Association Board shall be entitled to adopt uniform rules, not inconsistent herewith, to further regulate and define the use and parking of vehicles within the properties or within particular subdivisions. Without limiting the foregoing, said rules can impose a schedule of fines and a towing policy for vehicles parked in violation of these restrictions or any duly enacted Association rule.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Architectural Control Department at (530) 542-6444, ext. 239 or at lcallahan@tahoekeyspoa.org.
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