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Notice of Annual Meeting
Cove 3C Bulkhead replacement project are available online at: www.tkpoa.com website Documents >> Cove Advisors >> Cove Projects >> Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Project and a copy is also available for inspection at the TKPOA office.
ABI was selected for these two projects through the TKPOA competitive bidding Request for Proposal (RFP) process in which we sent RFPs out to over 37 specialized contractors. ABI also offered an additional discount of $75,000 if both the East Channel East Bulkhead Replacement and Cove 3C Bulkhead Replacement Projects are contracted this summer. This discount will be applied to the projects once the contracts are finalized.
Cove 3A Bulkhead Replacement Project
As of April 28th, 2021, Tahoe Marine and Excavating is unable to schedule this project for the 2021 summer for several reasons. At this time, they are withdrawing their proposal.
East Cove 2021 Boating Season
Based on these two important Bulkhead Replacement projects occurring this summer from June 16th, 2021 through October 15th, 2021 the Townhome property owners at Cove 3C and portion of Cove 3A and Cove 3C property owners will be unable to utilize their community docks (boat slip) due to construction. Many of these Townhome property owners would like to bring their boats up for this 2021 boating season. The TKPOA staff will be sending out a mailing to contact all Townhome property owners that are not part of these construction projects to see if your Townhome community dock boat slip is available this summer. As a Townhome property owner if you are not going to using your boat slip this summer and would like to offer to accommodate your Townhome neighbor please contact the Operations Manager Heather Blumenthal at Hblumenthal@tahoekeyspoa.org or (530) 542-6444, ext. 228. The TKPOA staff cannot guarantee that boat slips will be available, but we are contacting all Townhome property owners to assist in the coordination.
Questions or Requests for Information
Also, any additional questions can be answered by contacting the TKPOA front desk at (530) 542-6444 Monday through Friday, 8:30 am–4:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am–2:00 pm.