Keys Breeze November

Page 18

Evacuation Planning and Wildfire preparedness 1. Initiate an effort to standardize address markings. 2. Send a mailing to all TKPOA about the evacuation routes devised by the City of South Lake Tahoe. Year 1 (2024) 3. Post evacuation routes within the community Education and Outreach 4. Send a mailing and write an article in the Keys 1. Conduct a town hall to inform the community Breeze to inform all residents about what they of the steps involved in becoming a Firewise should do in advance to prepare for a wildfire at Community and our progress to date. This their home and what they should have prepared in meeting will also include information about what their “go bag.” individual TKPOA members can do to support the endeavor (home hardening, defensible space, and Year 2 (2025) current conditions of wildfire danger. Education and Outreach 2. Develop mailing (electronic and through the Keys 1. Continue to seek community support to reduce Breeze) to Tahoe Keys residents, property owners, combustible materials by 50% in the next 3 years. commercial properties and the TKPOA within the 2. Conduct a town hall to keep homeowners Tahoe Keys community. Send at least 2 mailings a appraised of the efforts to become a Firewise USA year related to the Firewise Community. Community. 3. Develop and maintain a Tahoe Keys Firewise USA 3. Share resources for defensible space work, community website, attached to the existing sources for approved fire resistance tarps, TKPOA website. 4. Provide information handouts to members on 4. Provide information to members on a community community workdays. workday. 5. Encourage homeowners to maintain defensible space around their house. Home Hardening 6. Display and distribute Fire safety brochures at the 1. Continue regularly scheduled meetings with bulletin board and within the TKPOA pavilion. the Tahoe Keys Neighborhood Firewise USA Committee and the South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue Home Hardening (SLTFR) to develop and implement defensible 1. Develop and initiate fundraising activities to offset space and home hardening strategies and costs and provide additional local services to activities and to convey they conversations to residents/property owners. TKPOA members. 2. Cooperate with the TKPOA to manage properties 2. Provide members with a means to capture owned by the TKPOA and with commercial volunteer work hours and money spent on home properties to advise on their improvement hardening and defensible space work. initiatives. 3. Provide information on fine mesh screening for all 3. Offer use of association vehicles for ground vents and chimneys to minimize ember intrusion. clearance disposal. 4. Encourage residents to remove wooden fences 4. Provide information on screening for all vents and that abut their houses and to replace them with open areas to minimize ember intrusions. non-combustible fences. 5. Encourage homeowners to remove wood that is Fuel Reduction piled near their home. 1. Continue to seek community support to reduce combustible materials by 50% in the next 3 years. Fuel Reduction 2. Conduct a town hall to keep homeowners 1. Seek community cooperation/support to reduce appraised of the efforts to become a Firewise USA combustible material by 50% in the next 3 years Community. in order to mitigate the potential for tree torching 3. Develop a program utilizing volunteers to and ember production during a wildfire. complete home defensible space assessments for 2. Maintain defensible space on common areas. residents/property owners. 3. Encourage homeowners to not cover wood piles outside with tarps.


Keys Breeze





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