Washoe Tahoe Housing Partnership TO STUDY HOUSING NEEDS AND STRATEGIES FOR INCLINE VILLAGE AND CRYSTAL BAY A NEWLY FORMED WASHOE TAHOE HOUSING PARTNERSHIP is coordinating a needs assessment and strategies for local resident housing in the Incline Village and Crystal Bay areas of Lake Tahoe. This is the last section of the lake to have this type of housing analysis completed, and will provide important guidance on how the area fits into the greater Lake Tahoe region. Thanks to a public-private partnership effort to support this project, the Tahoe Prosperity Center is proud to once again serve as the convener for this important issue, bringing together a diverse group of local stakeholders with technical guidance from an expert consulting team. Of primary importance to this study is input from residents, local employers and employees. Please note, there will be two community surveys in the area this summer — one related to this issue of local resident housing and the other coordinated by IVGID regarding Ordinance 7.
YOU CAN TAKE THE SURVEY HERE: ENGLISH s.alchemer.com/s3/WashoeTahoe-Housing-Survey
SPANISH s.alchemer.com/s3/Washoe-Tahoe For more information visit our housing page on our website at: tahoeprosperity.org/housing-study