MAY 2014
somersett links W
elcome spring and welcome to our first edition of the Somersett Links newsletter. We hope you enjoy reading about the happenings at your club and will use this publication as an additional reference tool to stay on top of all the activities at Somersett Golf & Country Club. The course is in great shape thanks to Robert and his team. Please remember to follow all posted and verbal course rules, rake the bunkers and repair your ball marks in order to keep the turf in top condition. Tammy has been busy these past months onboarding new members so if you see an unfamiliar face on the course, in the restaurant or on the grounds please take a moment to introduce yourself. You may find a new golf or dining partner! Stuart and his staff have lots of great golf events planned this season so please take a moment to read about the May activities and sign up on the website if you wish to participate. Ming and his crew have some fantastic food and beverage specials lined up with daily lunch and dinner specials. Be on the lookout for new tasty items as the seasons change. Ming will add spring and summer items to the menu as ingredients become available. From a financial standpoint the Club is ahead of income projections for the year. SGCC continues to be profitable while the management team is a careful steward of the budget. Monthly financial reports are given at the board meetings and all equity members are encouraged to attend. The board meetings are the third Monday of each month at 6 pm in the SunSett Grille unless otherwise specified. We look forward to seeing you there!
Anna Durst, CPA
Events At-A-Glance Please review the Club website for full event details and to sign up for all events at www. You can sign up for all golf events 30 days prior to each event. You can sign up for Learn to Golf 7 days prior to each class.
Friday, May 2, 10 am–4 pm Titleist Fitting Day This is a great opportunity to get custom fit by Brian Eilders from Titleist. Brian is an expert custom fitting specialist. Your golf staff will be fitting right alongside him. Titleist is offering new irons as well as popular fairway metals, hybrids and drivers. Also newly introduced are Titleist Vokey SM5 Wedges. Call the golf shop to schedule an appointment 787-1800 x 2.
Friday, May 2, 5–8 pm | SunSett Grille Dos De Mayo Dinner Specials In addition to our regular menu we will offer Mexican specialties including Pulled Pork, Carnitas, Enchiladas, Tamales, Chili Rellenos and staples like tacos and burritos. We will also have margarita specials for $5.
Friday, May 2, 5:30–7 pm Toes in the Sand Complimentary Bunker Clinic for Equity Members Only Do you have trouble getting out of Somersett’s bunkers? Stuart Smith will conduct an hour and half complimentary clinic for our equity members. He will begin by giving a demonstration, have a question and answer session and then have a contest. The winning man and women will receive complimentary Dos de Mayo dinner that evening in the Sunsett Grille. We will offer you a complimentary margarita to loosen up your golf swing. Reminder this is for Equity Members only.
Thursday, May 8, 3–4 pm Maintenance Facility Tour You are invited to tour the golf course maintenance facility with Robert DiPietro, GC Superintendent. Robert will show you the different equipment used to maintain the golf course and will be available to answer any questions you may have on golf course maintenance. Please RSVP so we know how many people to expect. The SMGA New Member Social on March 29: Darrel Duan, Don Grabarz, Kelly Whalen, Bill Leger.
Thursday, May 8, 5 pm Titleist Wedge Clinic Continued on page 3