Spring 2013 | Wingfield Springs Community Association Newsletter
e have now just entered the most beautiful season of the year in my humble opinion. Mother Nature is in bloom everywhere we look. It is time owners and tenants refresh their property inside and outside. Just a note to remember when undertaking these projects: if you are changing the color scheme of the exterior of your house, you must submit it to the Design Review Committee (DRC) for review and approval. The same is true for any significant change in your landscape design, front or back of the property. As well, ensure you are familiar and comply with the fence styles and seal/paint regulations. In brief, any significant change to the exterior of your property needs to be approved by the DRC. Doing so will eliminate potential headaches and related costs later should we find you are out of compliance. LAWN CARE: We do have regulations that make owners and tenants responsible for the good appearance of the grounds on your property. Simply stated, that means the lawn is kept green, mowed, and free of weed growth. The trees, shrubs and plants are healthy and trimmed. Trees that overhang the sidewalks and obstruct walkers must be cut back. Failure to comply with these common sense rules will trigger the violation process and potentially result in fines. We will be more aggressive with appearance violations this year. PETS: Great time of year to go out on long walks with the family dog(s). Be respectful to your surrounding ... pick up after your dogs, no matter where they do their business. It is a basic and important courtesy to the community. Also keep your dog leashed ... some dogs are aggressive with other dogs and some with humans. This will avoid potential issues of liability should situations arise. DRIVING: More children will be out taking advantage of the nice weather. All streets in this community are 25 MPH limit, set for the safety of our children and pedestrians in general. Drive within the speed limit and stay alert to avoid a regrettable accident. Enough said about being a responsible resident of our community. COMMON AREA NEWS: With our new landscape maintenance partner (Reno Green), we are also undertaking a refresh of many aspects of our common areas. The water system is charged up and in need of significant repairs; predictable since it is 15 plus years old. These will take place in early April and should be ready for the irrigation season with full pressure, no later than first week of May. Under the direction of directors Lou Dauria and Ray Case, a series of projects are in the pipe, some already started. The initial focus is a face lift of the two main entrances off Vista ... Wingfield Hills and Wingfield Springs Parkway (windmill). From a maintenance perspective, the mow strip aeration is completed and fertilizing will take place in the next month or so. COMMUNITY COMMUNICATIONS: One new and important project began in March: we will be converting many aspects of communication to electronic. In this day and age, email is the main communication means for a plethora of good reasons: speed, accuracy, ability to filter ... just to name a few. We encourage all owners to register your preferred email address online at our website; another method is to fill out the form inserted in this issue of Hawk Talk. We will protect your privacy, meaning your email address will not be distributed nor used outside our normal Home Owners Association (HOA) affairs. We are looking into some exciting applications for your safety and expediency of community news. Note that all legal HOA correspondence will continue via postal service. HOA LAW CHANGES: As you all know, the legislature is in session. NRS116 is the primary governing chapter for Community Association affairs. Substantial changes are in front of our law makers, some good and others potentially harmful to our quality of life. We are fortunate to have director Marilyn Brainard who is spending much time on that front to protect our best interests. Please read her summary herein of what transpired to date. In closing, quite a bit is going on with a very active Board. We are working hard to make our community the best and safest on the Valley floor. Help us achieve this goal by treating our environment and residents with the utmost respect using the Rules and Regulations as our guide. Catch you later on the trails or on the golf course.
Bob Denis