Verto Productions – Reference Material
Production: “Falling Into the Sky”
Document: Production: Voice Recording
Created by: Justin Loranger-Ahluwalia
Verto Productions – Reference Material
Isla 1 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 1 - Shot 3 – Sequence 3 & Sequence 4 Context: Isla is falling into the sky Content: Isla crying out Qualifiers: Panicked, stretched out scream at the end (may fade out or localise) Approximate Duration: 4 seconds
2 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 2 – Shot 1 – Sequence 1 Context: Isla has just woken from her nightmare Content: Gasp Qualifiers: Panicked, worried, frightened Approximate Duration: 1 second
3 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 2 – Shot 5 – Sequence 1 Context: Isla has just reopened her eyes and fixed perspective to be right-side up Content: Sigh Qualifiers: Tired, mildly annoyed Approximate Duration: 2 seconds
4 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 4 – Shot 2 – Sequence 1 Context: Xavier has just asked Isla if she’s seen Gabrielle Content: “No, sorry. I haven’t really been out.” Qualifiers: Tired, dismissive, uninterested Approximate Duration: 2 seconds
5 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 4 – Shot 4 – Sequence 1 Context: Xavier has just offered to buy Isla a coffee and converse. Isla is trying to leave the conversation Content: Look, Xavier, I don’t mean to be rude but I kind of have things to get on with so... Qualifiers: Isla is closing the door as she speaks (separate audio), tired Approximate Duration: 5 seconds
6 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 4 – Shot 8 – Sequence 1 Context: Isla has just closed the door and watched Xavier leave. She is turning to put her back against the door and sigh Content: Sigh Qualifiers: Sad, mild relief Approximate Duration: 2 seconds
7 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 5 – Shot 1 – Sequence 2 Context: Isla has just woken up, and is reacting to the sound of the door knocking Content: Hunh? Qualifiers: Brief, noise (rather than the word), mild surprise, confusion Approximate Duration: 1 second
Verto Productions – Reference Material
8 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 5 – Shot 3 – Sequence 1 Context: Isla is accepting Xavier’s rushed offer for her to go to his apartment Content: “Okay, two minutes.” Qualifiers: Amused, acceding Approximate Duration: 2 seconds
9 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 5 – Shot 3 – Sequence 2 Context: Xavier is about to drag Isla out into the hall, and she is panicking Content: “Oh god!” Qualifiers: Panicked, frightened, rushed Approximate Duration: 1 second
10 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 6 – Shot 1 – Sequence 1 Context: Isla is walking through the hall with her eyes closed, and is trying not to panic Content: Deep breathing Qualifiers: Worried, trying not to panic, extended take Approximate Duration: 3 seconds (minimum for sampling)
Xavier 1 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 4 – Shot 1 – Sequence 2 & Shot 2 – Sequence 1 Context: Xavier is speaking to Isla, who has just opened the door to him Content: “Isla! How are you? You haven’t been down at the cafe for days. You haven’t heard from Gabrielle have you? She left on Sunday without a word.” Qualifiers: Cheerful, slightly exiteable, inquisitive (second part), puzzled (second part) Approximate Duration: 7 seconds
2 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 4 – Shot 3 – Sequence 1 Context: Xavier is trying to invite Isla to join him for coffee Content: “How about I buy you a coffee in exchange for you pretending to be interested while I cry about her.” Qualifiers: Casual, comical Approximate Duration: 6 seconds
3 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 4 – Shot 5 – Sequence 1 Context: Xavier is trying to ask Isla if her problem has returned while Isla is closing the door on him Content: “It’s happening again isn’t it? The upside down thing...” Qualifiers: Concerned Approximate Duration: 3 seconds
4 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 5 – Shot 2 – Sequence 2 & Shot 3 – Sequence 1 Context: Xavier is trying to convince Isla to come to his apartment before she has a chance to shut the door on him
Verto Productions – Reference Material
Content: “I know, I know! Just let show you something... Five minutes. You don’t have to go outside, just pop over to my place for five minutes. Then you can run back and I won’t bother you... Two minutes!” Qualifiers: Rushed, pleading Approximate Duration: 8 seconds
5 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 5 – Shot 3 – Sequence 2 Context: Xavier is trying to reassure Isla, who has just expressed fear at entering the hall Content: “It’s okay. Close your eyes... Feel your feet on the floor. Follow me.” Qualifiers: Reassuring, concerned, calming Approximate Duration: 5 seconds
6 Storyboard Sequences: Scene 6 – Shot 2 – Sequence 1 Context: Xavier has just reached his apartment, and is telling Isla that it’s okay to look Content: “Okay...Open your eyes.” Qualifiers: Anticipative, pleased, reassuring Approximate Duration: 2 seconds
*Note: This list includes all sounds produced by characters on screen. All other sounds listed in the storyboard are ambient noise or sound effects and therefore shall be included in Foley.