a mini publication of things i like, love, and i want to share with others. i hope you like it too, but if you don't that's okay. jim . . .
For those of you who haven’t been to one of the twenty-three Seabreeze Jazz Festivals, you need to make plans to attend. It’s four full days of awesome entertainment! You can also take one of the two cruises and get some one-on-one time with artists like Eric Darius and Chris Standring who were featured this year.
Ticket options go from general admission to VIP. You'll meet folks and make friends from all over who also enjoy smooth jazz, chill, dance, and vacation at the beach. The VIP tickets go fast but provide a seat closer to the stage and in the center of the music.
You can see this past year’s lineup on a few pages deeper in amuse. Not everyone that performs at the festival is a smooth jazz artist. I've never seen Charlie Wilson perform live but always enjoyed his music as I grew up listening to the Gap band. One of the “Seabreeze Rising Stars”, Justin Lee Schultz, was very entertaining and I look forward to seeing where his bright future goes.
I chose not to write as much in this year’s coverage because I wanted to include more images of some of the smooth jazz music fans. These folks get up early each day (some as early as 3:30 am) and stand in line to make sure they can save their seat. It was fun to meet them, talk about their favorite artists, and joke around about lots of crazy stuff. Ask me when I see you and I’ll let you know what they said. Some people told me it was too early in the day to get their photo taken, ha ha ha. There are so many more of them that I didn’t get to photograph but I’ll try again next year. If you see me walking around stop me and ask me to take your picture too. I will be happy to.
I did get to reminisce with music by Spyro Gyra, Hiroshima, Peabo Bryson, and Ruben Studdard performing the best of Luther Vandross. We all danced with Cello Green, Sheila E, and Charlie Wilson. The energy returned with Eric Darius featuring Rebecca Jade and her smiling face vocals. The ladies
I was excited to hear Justin Lee perform at the 2022 Seabreeze Jazz Festival. After meeting Justin-Lee Schultz (Seabreeze Rising Star and keyboards), Jamie-Leigh (sister and drums), and Julius Schultz (dad and guitar) I could see they enjoy what they do. Maybe you have already seen them perform on tv? If you haven’t, you need to check them out. Music makes it better.
of Jazz in Pink returned with a couple of different artists with them.
The after parties were held Thursday through Sunday until late night with many musicians coming together to jam for the crowds. Down to the Bone, Gerald Albright, Lindsey Webster, Adam Hawley, and Norman Brown were the hosts who brought the parties to you. There were lots of refreshments to end the day dancing while getting you ready for a good night’s sleep.
The mornings were the roughest times for me - maybe I’m getting older? I didn’t say that. I would be excited about the day’s lineup while thinking about the best strategy to capture the best angles of all the musicians. I would also try not to get in the way of the other folks capturing video for the big LED stage screens. I guess that’s why they call it “work”? I usually must remind myself to eat for energy, drink lots of water for hydration, and to have fun while doing it.
There is nothing more exciting than capturing that special moment... that smile, that jump, the feelings, and the mental focus from the performers, musicians, and singers. You see the emotions of vocalists sharing their words from their hearts, I love it. When all the band members come together and truly are having fun playing music followed by the applause from the audience... true magic. I hope you can tell I enjoy this stuff.
People over the years have asked me who is my favorite musician, act, or singer. I usually say the one who lets me photograph them while they perform. It is one of my passions and a challenge I will always try to pursue.
Wednesday, April 20 Eric Darius Dinner Cruise
Thursday, April 21
Chris Standring Jazzy Brunch Cruise, Blake Aaron, Jazz In Pink, Marion Meadows, Alex Bugnon, Spyro Gyra, Justin Lee Schultz - Seabreeze Rising Star, Charlie Wilson, and After-Party featuring Down to the Bone.
Friday, April 22
Hiroshima, Eric Darius featuring Rebecca Jade, Cindy Bradley, Marchus Anderson with special guest Cello Green, Randy Scott - Seabreeze Rising Star, Sheila E, Damiien Escobar, and After-Party featuring Gerald Albright.
Saturday, April 23
Lin Rountree, Brian Simpson featuring Jessy J, Ken Ford “The King of Strings”, Brian Bromberg and His Unapologetically Funky Big Bombastic Band featuring Everette Harp, Ryan La ValetteSeabreeze Rising Star, Ruben Sings Luther featuring Ruben Studdard, and After-Party featuring Lindsey Webster and Adam Hawley.
Sunday, April 24
Kayla Wares and Kim Waters, Four 80 East featuring JJ Sansaverino, Peabo Bryson, Keiko Matsui, Mark Jaimes - Seabreeze Rising Star, Boney James, and After-Party featuring Norman Brown.
What are the best ingredients for a great dinner? Organic products, fresh produce, aged meats, fat or gluten-free, non-dairy stuff, fine wines, or recipes that have been handed down through generations. These all may play their own part, but I think it all starts with friends who play well together. Penny and Chris are two of our foodie friends that love to entertain.
What better way to be entertained than to have a cooking class with someone who learned how to cook while in Italy? Penny is that person. She invited Mara and I along with our friends Ashley and Carl to learn how to make pasta. We also discussed wine pairing that would go with the meal. We were sold on the idea.
We set the date, made the grocery list, picked a couple of bottles of wine, assigned jobs for everyone, and the plan was in place.
Chris and I don’t drink wine other than taking a sip when our wives force us. We do like great food, good music, and fine women.
Bougee Italian Night couldn’t come soon enough. My mouth was watering just talking about the menu. Maybe I was already hungry?
The evening started out with some bubbly, munchies on sticks, and the aroma of chicken roasting in the oven. Of course, I had my camera out documenting everything I could. Penny provided play-by-play instructions and assistance when rolling and stuffing the pasta. The sauce, OMG the sauce, you could eat it all by itself and be in heaven. A fresh salad, roasted chicken, and homemade pasta covered with that OMG sauce. Hopefully, you’ll see, smell, and taste the love, care, fun, and friendship by looking at the photos.
It’s the little things in life that can make a day and bring one joy. The rare moments that make you thankful, grateful, and joyous! We all have those tiny moments in time where you think “I’m going to remember this moment. This very moment. This is my mental snapshot forever engrained.”
It’s a sense of calm like a truly great Sunday, a beautiful sunrise/set, or a gorgeous sunny day where all your worries and responsibilities are put on hold for just a little while. I love to do this, and whenever I catch myself in a new moment it often jogs my memory of the older ones. In today’s never-ending need for the immediacy of our attention on multiple things… all the time … and all at once! it’s important to remember that you can slow down for a second. You can take a pause and appreciate it NOW.
Recently, I was on a walk on our infamous beaches. My husband Carl and our dog Mac Brown took a seat in the pavilion while I went to use the restroom. I came back to find them both quietly watching the Gulf waves. Silent. No one around. Just the sunset, the birds, and the breeze. Our dog is young, and I was thinking “I
wonder what he’s seeing for the first time that has him so intrigued? Is he just enjoying the fact dad is next to him petting him and he’s smelling the air? Or is he watching the waves too?” Suddenly, and as if by a time warp… I was transported.
I was taken back to so many mental memories, little perfect moments in time. I remembered the first time I saw the redwood forest, a Hawaiian beach, and walked the rainforest in Costa Rica. I remember the lights of Miami and the smell of the hot dog vendors in NYC. I remembered the smell of my grandmother’s leather bible and my grandfather’s tobacco pipes. I remembered the sting of blackberry thorns I picked as a child and the cool morning dew on my arms as I waited for the bus. I remembered the flutter of my heart upon my first kiss with my husband and the overwhelming joy of meeting my puppy (Mac Brown) for the first time after the loss of my 13-year-old soul dog Hudson. I remembered festivals and the beats pulsing through every cell in my being…. and more. So many things, and all of this in just a few minutes.
When you really stop to appreciate it, Life
is Amazing!! We have 5 senses we know of and not a single one of them is labeled social media! I have found that in today’s world of technology it is so gratifying to just feel human for a second. Experience the world through MY senses and not just the when, where why, and how others are experiencing life in photos or videos. All those posts that we look at, and all those posts we read- they are other people’s moments in time, But they’re not YOURS. Professional photographers are the masters of moments in time. They portray to you what they feel, or what their subject feels and 99% of their photos never make it to print. For a reason.
Being present in your own life is important and being fully present in a moment in time of your own is equally as important. As time goes by our memories fade, and the snapshot moment isn’t as vivid…. SO, we like to document our experiences to look back on them. This is so much more easily done with our tiny hand computers i.e., cell phones than ever before with film. However, when you can, Capture YOUR moments in time for YOU. Appreciate them as yours, share if you like, but just know others will experience them differently. I took a photo of my dog and my husband on the pavilion that day. They were having a very personal moment, and I was having my own watching them. Had
I posted the photo others would’ve just seen a picture of a ridiculously cute dog and a very handsome man on a very pretty beach, but it was so much more to me. So, I took a mental snapshot as well and I kept it for myself.
There is a saying ‘The song remembers when….’ A song played can take you to a moment in time - the touch, the smells, the colors, the noise, the invisible beat that brought emotion. Hearing and seeing our memories relived is an amazing part of being human.
*There is also the saying a picture is worth a thousand words, so capture your moments in time and cherish them…. as yours. Not just hidden in an app, but personal to your life. When you’re tempted to take a picture with your phone ask yourself why? What am I feeling right now that I need to document? Is this for me or for someone else? Personally, I love using rotating photo boards at home and even on the fridge. I know …I know …who has time to print photos? Digital picture frames work wonders too! But there is a reason people miss Polaroidsyou can touch them.
In conclusion, remember that sometimes just being present is important. Touch, smell, feel, see, taste, and mentally take it in as yours. Days are long but Life is short. You never know how many great moments in time you will get.
A SPACE TO BE EXPERIENCED. Follow the QR code for more information.
Imagine getting a text from someone you know a little bit about inviting you to an event you know nothing about. There were no details other than the date, time, and location, and the event was limited to 30 people. You have an hour to decide. Do you rsvp? Are you curious? Do you want to go? Would it help if it was free admission? What if there were free appetizers and drinks?
I meet Dave King and his wife Bo through an introduction by my wife. Mara thought that I would relate to Dave’s personality and outlook on life. We did get a chance to talk over a couple of drinks. Mara was right. Dave told me about the concept of SOWAL House. Followed by a brief history of how it has become where it is today. Plus he shared how he wants it to develop into “the place” to go to meet and connect with creatives of all types.
Back to the event text. I get my first invite but notice the date of the event was one with an out-of-town conflict. I had to decline. This only made me even more curious as to what was going to be my first SOWAL House. I did some research online and found that musicians were performing there from time to time. Businesses had rented the space for meetings, small events, and even to have their podcasts recorded.
I receive my second notification. I check my calendar and confirm that we are available. I text “YES” to the event. Added to my calendar and I start guessing who or what is going to happen that evening.
I receive a notification that the doors open at 6 pm and the performance begins at 7 pm. I arrive at Rosemary Beach at 5:30 pm. I get lucky and get a close parking space. Since I was early I decided to walk to the beach to see the waves. On my way back I stop at curate (art gallery) to see current work on display. Time to head to the event still wondering who will be performing.
I take the elevator to the second level. SOWAL House overlooks the south side town square and post office. I swipe my card at the door and before I can open the door it opens. The lady says hello and welcomes me in. As I walk in I am greeted again, but this time it’s Dave. I tell him I am excited to be there and look forward to tonight. He invites me to get a cocktail and meet some folks.
Laura Vida was the guest artist from Nashville but who lives in Florida now. Laura is truly a singer/songwriter with a polished voice and a fun personality. I say hey to her and others during sound check. After the room fills up with guests Dave introduces Laura and her
performance begins. Did I mention that they are recording the entire event? Yes, they are with at least five cameras.
I enjoy the show and love the people watching it. There were couples holding hands, they’re heads swaying and smiling to lyrics. Some people record snippets with their phones while sitting in comfy seats in a lounge vibe atmosphere with everchanging lighting. All ages were in the audience, everyone listening and feeling the music followed by lots of applause.
I had moved to the back of the venue to refresh my cocktail and to see the full room. I decided to do a quick sketch of Laura since I knew it was about to be over. I love to doodle! After Laura performed many great songs while playing her piano her encore was singing one song unplugged. Truly a treat and then she mingled with guests. SOWAL House brought out some munchies and everyone decided to enjoy them with another beverage.
I had the honor to meet some new people, participate in great conversations, and even laugh at funny jokes. With all of this said take your phone out of your pocket or purse and scan the QR code to find out more about SOWAL House. I believe you will have as much fun as I did at your first event. Be yourself and act like you are at home with others like us.
The excitement started the moment she asked me if I would mind if she used one of my images as a reference. I said "of course" before even knowing what image she was referring to. It was the one below taken from a SoWal House creatives event. A sketch later appears, followed by the toenail painting detail, and the rest is history. Follower her on INSTAGRAM @ruta_and_rose
A non-profit run entirely by volunteers. Artel Gallery was founded in 1993 to foster an appreciation for art in its purest form without concern for commercial marketability. Its mission is to provide the Northwest Florida region with a continuous forum for quality experimental and contemporary art exhibitions and programs dedicated to the enrichment and education of the community. 223 S Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32502
My name is Carl Simpson. Someone taught me that you can find your way home using just four stars. I have used that method to find myself along the way, using the four points of light that I navigate my life.
PASSION. Identify and prioritize the things you love. Make them the biggest parts of your life. My wife, my friends, and my family are everything to me; what I do, I do for them.
PRINCIPLES. Always be yourself and be open to letting others be themselves. Don’t compromise your integrity for anyone; even for your own gain.
HEALTH. I freaking love being a fitness trainer and coach. I get to help people break through walls and believe in themselves to reach a goal.
HOME. There really is no place like home. It is where your cherished moments and personal growth come together. Family and friends share laughs, tears, meals, and memories here. As a Realtor, it is an absolute joy to help people find their happy home.
THAT’S IT. THAT’S ME. I would be honored for you to reach out to me at, and to hear what some of your four stars are. Whether you have questions about your fitness and health, or you need someone with passion and principles to help you find your home.
When friends you haven’t seen in a while message you to take candid pictures of their family, you do it. Becca and Bama did just that. We did get time to talk about the good ol’ days when they lived in Destin. Without social media like Facebook, we may not have reconnected.
Some friends there may have already seen these fun images. We had walked, talked, and I took snapshots all along the way. The sun was crazy bright but lovely crisp photos came out of my camera.
After a break at the pool, I drove my sweaty, smiling, and burnt face home for a shower. We said our goodbyes, “I love you” and plan to get together when they visit again.
If you enjoy the finer things in life you already know that fine art is awesome in your home. You meet the artist, get to know them, and when you purchase a little bit of them to take home. Pieces can be found here by many local artists.
Who doesn’t like to draw or doodle? I have been doing it since I was a kid many years ago. While waiting for my lunch I would grab a napkin and draw something. Artful Things has all the art supplies to get you on your way to becoming an artist. Paints, brushes, canvases, and panels, can be found here.
Whether you’re a pro looking to hone your skills or a casual creative looking just to have fun, they have an art class or workshop for you! The classes are taught by local artists and artisans, and they love students of all ages and skill levels.
If you want to give a one-of-a-kind gift Artful Things is the place to find it. Choose from fine art pieces, jewelry, novels, and so much more. You can even create a new artist package with sketchbooks, watercolor paints, or assorted pencils to help start their creative juices flowing.
Gallery owner Share is an Okaloosa County native and life-long musician. Her love for the arts is undeniable from the moment you walk into Artful Things Niceville and discover the incredible group of local creatives she has curated and the community that the gallery and its patrons has become. Her passion for the Niceville community and for giving back is inspiring, and she herself is also an artist and an incredible framer.
Alanna is a watercolorist and, lately, an acrylics artist (occasionally dabbling in oils as well) who loves to paint botanicals and takes significant inspiration from nature. Her style has recently been called “iconic” and she’s really leaning into that. As if working in the gallery as the events coordinator and painting isn’t enough, she also hosts a podcast and blog in her free time. Passion projects are her passion, I guess!
Sheila has been an invaluable addition to the team, taking on the framing workshop with full force as well as teaching private and group classes regularly. As an instructor she specializes in One-Stroke painting and children’s classes, showcasing her charismatic and kind personality. Sheila is often inspired by the tropics and the local bayous for her paintings, and draws oceanic inspiration for her steam-punky jewelry creations. She is such a creative treat!
Gallery photographer and copywriter Chris provides the vital service of capturing and articulating the beauty of the art featured at Artful Things Niceville. Not to be pigeonholed, though, Chris is an artist and instructor in his own right, teaching a teens’ drawing course and holding linocut workshops throughout the year.
Ren is a talented stagecrafter, multimedia artist, and soon-to-be college student. As if their fun hair and fashion choices weren’t a hint, Ren’s style is unique and strong, blending inspiration from nature and architecture to bring a fresh vibe to Artful Things Niceville. Ren is also a talented framer, and has been absolutely invaluable in the custom framing workshop. Ren’s hands are never idle, which is especially evident in their new collegiate adventures!
MJ is a master framer, having gained significant experience framing in Germany. She’s also an accomplished ceramic artist and watercolorist, and has graced area children with her knowledge as our resident home-school artist, utilizing her Masters in Education to instruct regular classes over the past few years. MJ and her husband left the gallery family late Summer 2022 for a new journey, but we are so grateful for the knowledge she’s leaving behind!
All you have to do is make a funny face, crack a cheesey dad joke or do something silly to get someone to smile. I may not remember what I said to these folks but most of the time it worked. I love the Seabreeze Smooth Jazz Festival Family and it grows every year. Looking forward to seeing you in 2023.
Work on your smile. When you see a person with a camera taking photos be the next person to share your smile.
ALL ABOUT WOMEN well kinda... you will see next issue!
Did you recognize the artist on this cover when you first saw it? Ceelo Green was a guest artist who performed with Marcus Anderson at the 2022 Seabreeze Jazz Festival. Yes he did sing the “F*#> You” song during his set too.
LET ME KNOW AND THANKS. Yes... I am asking you 'cause I have learned that if you don't ask, nobody does anything. Share some of your thoughts or comments by e-mail at
A magazine can be fun to create, but it takes time to put it together the way you want it. Creating a flow and incorporating the style that matches your personality and includes things you like as well. The image on the top of this page was from a fun and challenging family beach session. You may have seen the mom’s image at the beginning of the issue. I can’t wait until the weather gets cooler and the humidity starts to go away for a while.
amuse CONTACT call 850.357.0088 and leave a message E-MAIL
I love the facial expressions of artists and the joy of capturing their performances live.
REBECCA JADE 2022 SEABREEZE JAZZ FESTIVALCall me at 850.357.0088 to discuss your next photo session, a fun portrait or candid event coverage.
verb (used with object), a·mused, a·mus·ing.
1. to hold the attention of (someone) pleasantly; entertain or divert in an enjoyable or cheerful manner: She amused the guests with witty conversation.
2. to cause mirth, laughter, or the like, in: The comedian amused the audience with a steady stream of jokes.
amuse ~ to occupy the attention with something pleasant. That which amuses is usually playful or humorous and pleases the fancy.
words related to amuse tickle, gratify, wow, please, delight, cheer, charm, regale, interest, gladden, divert, panic, grab, crack up, put away, knock dead...
3. Go to page 5 for Music - an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
4. Go to page 37 to see the amuse word of this issue. If you already did what did you do or think about it?