Ujal Gorchu Portfolio 2016

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One Room House - an academic project, developed in several steps during a period of six weeks. Models, collages and diagrams were used to explore both necessities of the given clients and the general character of the house. Elements like the floating library or orthogonal axes by which the disposition of the spaces is arranged were explored during practices with different mediums of representation.

the vvv

The house provides an opportunity for the residents to be, and more importantly to feel together though absence of walls. However, it respects the different hobbies its residents have, therefore, providing opportunitizes for solitude and privacy.

Every one of us gets that uncomfortable feeling when left completely alone. And that’s why we have music and TV that would play in the background. But how efficient is that? What if we could have someone by our side that could help us with our feeling of solitude and at the same time help us to concentrate on our daily life without directly interferimg in it? Mushii is a prototype inspired by animals and designed to convey a type of feeling you would get from a pet. The same way you would get emotionally attached to your particular animal but it will spare us from being unfair to the animals we often don’t have time for.

Our lives sometimes tend to get very hectic and even chaotic; we move from one place to another and often we a have hard time adapting. Therefore, it’s essential to have something that would always remind us of home and who we are.


The search for the form that started with the use of cubes eventually grew into a search of interior spaces and potential experiences they could provide. The structure that is based on the system of compression (stacked up boxes) and tension (supporting chords) is meant to be flexible enough to fit different contexes.

Man and Woman: Endless Transformations

Rahman Badalov is a Doctor of Philosophy, professor. He is the author of several books and more than 400 academic and journal articles on culture and sociology. As a leading researcher, he currently works at the department of the theory of consciousness at the institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of The National Academy of Sciences. The cover was designed for the upcoming book called “Men and Women: Endless transformations�. The book talks about the recent process of gender equality in the contemporary azerbaijani society. z

Patch Hall

Organizers One Caucasus Town is the part of the One Caucasus Festival organized by The Other Space Foundation (Poland) and One Caucasus NGO (Georgia) in cooperation with Marneuli Municipality (Georgia). The idea behind the OCT was to create a Not Perfect Town of Our Dreams. As a tribute to urban movements across the globe.It uses limited economic resources and proves that functional structures do not need be expensive. `

The space and especially the auditorum provides an opportunity in accordance with external needs. Auditorium can serve as stairs using simple boxes that can be moved , taken apart or used with a different purpose.

The space and especially the auditorum provides an opportunity when needed.It can serve as stairs by using simple boxes that can be moved without any extra equipment.

To have a glimpse of local culture we used traditional patchwork known as “qurama”. , participati on of the audience is crucial for a successul project, therefore we created a facade that would remind a patchwork on a big scale for everyone can “stick in” their piece of fabric in order to create a bigger picture.

Calls for teams in Azerbaijan The aim of the Azerbaijani call was to create an indoor venue (protected from rain) that will serve as the main Theatre and Cinema of the One Caucasus Town. The indoor venue needed to be multifunctional; the stage was supposed to serve for various performances from screening a movie to for example, the performance of the Baku Marionette Theatre. Project was completed and got selected in summer 2016 and is planned to be built in summer 2017 for the annual OC Festival in Marneuli,Georgia.

Mercado San Fernando

Hybrid section of the San Fernando market and the close neighbourhood. The market is situated in Lavapiez area; one of the poorest in Madrid. It has two different conditions; market serves as a gathering point on the weekends but on weekdays it is almost completely abandonded. One can almost feel the number of animals sacrificed on a daily basis. I wanted to articulate this unpleasent fact in order to be able to change something later on through the project.

Market transect

Dealing with inside and outside conditions eventually led to the issue of the promanade and how it affects our perception of the place. Being closely familiar with photography of David Hockney I decided that the best way to show this journey from different physical perspectives would be through a photo joiner.

Beer stall Soon after being assigned a particular stall (beer stall) we decided to explore the way one of the most popular spaces in the market operates on daily basis. Great importance was given to the existing relationships with the other stalls around. Unfrotunately some of the potentially very interesting links were dismissed and we wanted to suggest a fresh perspective on how stalls can interact with each other.


Therefore, inspite of the fact that I worked on a beer stall that was always the most crowded place in the market place in the area I wanted it to give maximum presence to the surrounding areas. The issue of being visible and invisible while blending with the environment was prioritized. Considering the neighbourhood I concentrated more on the experiences rather than auesthetic features.

Design for a stall (puesto) in Mercado San Fernando. Working on mutlifunctionality economy, repeatability, perfectible design and relationship to the market.

The issue of seating was quite important to me and I tried to create different types of seating/ standing spaces so people could interact with them and shape their experiences more induvidually. Because basically lots of seating combinations equals different experiences, and that is exactly what I would be looking for in a space that I would feel comfortable in, a place that would make me want to come back again.

Program proposal

Proposing an alternative program for the front part of the market summoned everything I have been observing so far, noticing the different “roles” the market can play in a society. Place to eat, buy food, and simply relax. When it got to the question of “how can we make the space a little bette for the society?” I wanted to prozzpose something new for people. My previous studies and my love for animals ended up with me thinking of a space where humans and animals can co-exist in a non-traditional way. So I ended up proposing an unconventional animal shelter. Madrid (starting from late 2015) is nokill zone for animals and there has been an increasing demand for physical shelter and awarness in the society.

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