Stafix Security Centres
Ø When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Ø Ultra Low Resistance Poliwire
Ø JVA Wi-Fi Board Now With Input Output Func on

Ø JVA Direc onal Digital Fault Finder with Remote Control
Ø JVA solar Energizer Stand Fin
Ø JVA Digital Voltmeter
Ø Large Game Warning Sign
Ø JVA Solar Regulator 12V 15Amp Lithium compa ble
Ø JVA SV20 Solar Energizer
Ø Lithium Ba eries
Ø Stafix Klerksdorp Refurbished
Ø JVA Fencing – For the passion of fencing

Ø Dahua launches their wireless series for small & medium sized scenarios
Ø JVA RF Interface Module Compa ble with Roboguard
Ø Out and About
Ø Love overcomes all obstacles
Ø Knowledge is Power
Ø Stafix Training Facili es
Ø Training Dates 2025

When the going gets tough, the tough get going
2024 has been a tough year for many, but the age-old adage, 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going', has certainly applied to our year. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, following the devasta ng fire which reduced our Cape Town branch to ashes, two new branches have replaced it, giving more and easier access to installers.
And while the natural tendency, when things get tough, is to pull in one's horns and cut expenditure, especially when it comes to adver sing, promo ons and exhibi ons, our staff and clients have to be congratulated on going the extra mile by holding more field days, a ending more shows, holding more training courses and assis ng more installers than in any previous year. We thank you all most sincerely for your efforts.

2024 also saw the introduc on of many innova ve new products and the installa on of our electric fencing security range around many pres gious sites ranging from domes c to large strategic key points locally and globally.
Finally, 2024 saw the re rement of two founding members, Maurice and Leanne Williamson, to non-execu ve directors. We thank them for their contribu ons to the growth and success of our company and wish them all the best in their twilight years.
To all our valued customers, a big thank you for your much appreciated support duringthe year. Here's wishing you everything of the best for the holiday season and 2025.

Ultra Low Resistance Poliwire

Poliwire is easy to work with, but has a high resistance due to the embedded, thin, stainlesssteel strands. Braided galvanized wire has lower resistance but is not quite as easy to work with as Poliwire. Ultra-Wire, combined with the low resistance of Braided Galvanized Wire, provides the best of both worlds.
The visible, 9-conductor, low resistance, UV stabilized, 2.5mm poliwire, is portable, tough and ideal for long distance electric fencing of temporary paddocks.


JVA Direc onal Digital Fault Finder with Remote Control

This exci ng new product can save fuel costs and me by enabling you to switch your fence, safely and securely, on and off from anywhere on the fence line. The JVA Digital Fault Finder and Remote Control allows simple and reliable electric fence measurement and control. The Fence Line Communica on technology allows your fence to be armed and disarmed at any point along the fence. There is no need for WiFi or Cellular signal, just the press of a bu on on your paired remote.
Ø Simple pairing sequence for your energizer

Ø Rugged plastic case for reliability
Ø Ergonomic design fits in your hand
Ø Replaceable standard 9v alkaline battery
Ø Proprietary Fence Line Communication (FLC) protocol
Ø Control your energizer through the fence line, no internet or cellular required
Ø Separate earth lead included
Ø Protective pouch included
Ø Large bright backlit LCD screen
JVA solar Energizer Stand Fin
Not everyone has a Y-Standard available on which to put their Solar unit or wants to carry around a heavy long post.

The JVA Solar Fin stand is light and compact. This full-length stand can be unscrewed in the middle, making the two shorter parts easier to store and carry and ship with Pet Solar Kits. It keeps the energizer off the ground but can also keep it low and hidden from prying eyes.
The fin acts as a foot plate and anchor when pushed into the ground but also, with its extra area, makes a nice earth spike and plate for short distance strip grazing and pet fences.

JVA Digital Voltmeter Large Game Warning Sign

This is an inexpensive and easy to use Fence Voltage Meter for when all that is required is to check that the fence is working. It is ideal for security guards and homeowners to ensure that their fences are operating.
Essential for accurate testing of fence and energizer earth Ø systems
Readings from 100V to 10 000V Ø
Solid state circuitry designed for durability and rugged use Ø
Automatic on/off
Replaceable 9V battery with a life of 12-18 months Ø
Large clip for attaching to the earth wire
A large 25cm x 25cm Warning Sign designed to clip over 20cm spacings in line wires. The larger sign makes the fence more visible to animals and also provides the installer with more space for custom branding.

JVA Solar Regulator 12V 15Amp Lithium Compa ble
The JVA 15A Solar Regulator is has been designed specifically for electric fence applica ons. It is protected against electric fence surges on all inputs. It will operate with four common types of rechargeable ba eries by switch selec on, including Lithium. It can be used for solar panels up to 180W. The JVA Solar Regulator's electronic components are sealed against moisture and ants.
Protected against electric fence surges on all terminals
Sealed Ø
Operates with four common types of rechargeable ba eries by switch selec on, including Ø
Can be used for 12V (nominal) solar panels up to 180W Ø

JVA SV20 Solar Energizer

The highly an cipated and improved JVA SV20 Solar Electric Fence
Energizer makes animal control a breeze. The integrated solar panel and ba ery saves me and money and is designed to give years of trouble free service. This unit has the ability to be recharged from an op onal 24vDC external plug pack which offers more versa lity on cloudy days. Ready to go straight out of the box!
Features Integrated solar panel, ba ery and bracket, nothing to add!
Ø Recharge internal ba ery from an op onal 24vDC external plug pack
Ø New Larger LCD shows fence voltage, stored energy and ba ery voltage
Ø Power on demand – automa cally ramps up power when needed
Ø Over discharge ba ery protec on
12Ah Long Life Lithium Ba ery (LiFePO4)
Ø Highly efficient and intelligent digital design
Ø Basic lightning protec on
UV stable enclosure
O-ring sealed case for ant and moisture protec on
The growth of the Lithium Iron Phosphate Ba eries Market
With the increased popularity of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) ba eries over the last year, based on their definite advantages, comes an increase in the number of devices being made compa ble with these ba eries. The JVA range of Solar Energizers are 100% compa ble and in fact, come with a LiFePO4 7.8 Ah as a standard fitment. The Victron range of products are also 100% compa ble with a specific se ng for LiFePo4 ba eries. The Paradox intrusion alarm systems also have such a se ng. IDS are also sugges ng an external charger with a bigger 20 Ah LiFePO4 ba ery where possible periods of long power cuts are experienced. Most modern inverters are LiFePO4 compa ble, even with most now only able to work on these ba eries. Mustek has brought out versions in their Mecer range which are now compa ble.
The advantages of LiFePO4 ba eries are their higher life cycles – up to 10 mes be er than SLA ba eries. The weight is greatly reduced with this technology as the weight per kilogram is 1/3 of SLA variants. Ba ery Management Systems are incorporated to protect these ba eries from overcharging, over discharging and short circui ng. The backup me is around four mes that of SLA ba eries.
The JVA Range of LiFePO4 ba eries come in the following formats:
12V 8 Ah Steady Capacity (up to 8 Ah discharge) Ø
12V 12 Ah Steady Capacity (up to 8 Ah discharge) Ø
12V 8 Ah High Capacity (up to 15 Ah discharge)
12V 12Ah High Capacity (up to 15 Ah discharge)
12V 20 Ah (up to 20Ah discharge)
12V 50 Ah (up to 50 Ah discharge)
12V 100Ah (up to 100 Ah discharge)
12V 200 Ah (up to 200 Ah discharge)
Stafix Klerksdorp Refurbished

Celebra ng the New Stafix Klerksdorp Branch: A Beacon of Growth and Excellence
A er much an cipa on and hard work, we are thrilled to announce the comple on of the Stafix Klerksdorp branch! This long-awaited development has been a labour of love, completed while our dedicated team con nued to trade seamlessly from the branch. The result is a state-of-the-art facility that not only enhances our service offering but also stands as a testament to the strength and loyalty of our customers.
New Addi ons to Serve You Be er
The revamped Klerksdorp branch is more than just a building—it's a hub of innova on and convenience for our Northwest Province customers. Highlights include: Training Centre: Empowering our customers and partners with knowledge, the new Ø training centre is designed to offer comprehensive sessions on Stafix products and solu ons.
Energizer and Gate Motor Repair Centre: Providing unmatched convenience, this Ø new feature ensures swi , professional repairs, reducing down me for your essen al security equipment.
A Home Away from Home for Nampo
In addi on to its many func onal upgrades, the new building also serves as a B&B for our staff during the annual Nampo show. This dual-purpose design reflects our commitment to suppor ng both our team and our opera ons in every way possible.
Gra tude for Our Customers
We extend our hear elt thanks to our loyal customers who pa ently endured the chaos and challenges during the construc on. Your unwavering support and understanding have been instrumental in making this dream a reality. As we open the doors to this upgraded facility, we invite you to visit and experience the improvements firsthand. Here's to a future filled with con nued innova on, excep onal service, and a growing partnership with you—our valued customers.
Thank you for being part of this exci ng new chapter in Stafix Klerksdorp's journey!

JVA Fencing – For the passion of fencing

JVA Fencing – For the passion of fencing

JVA Wi-Fi Board Now With Input Output Func on
Introducing the New and Improved JVA Wi-Fi Gateway Plus Version 2
This next-genera on , is a powerful upgrade to the device you already know and love. With cu ng-edge JVA Wi-Fi Gateway Version 2 features and enhanced capabili es, this new gateway is here to provide you with for managing unparalleled control and convenience your security devices.
The JVA App not only controls your energizer, but has many addi onal uses and op ons: it can control Alarm Systems, Roboguards, Gates, Garage Doors, Pumps, and Temperature Monitors to name but a few. With the addi on of a magne c switch, the board allows you to know if a door is le in an open or closed posi on.
What's New in Version 2?
The JVA Wi-Fi Gateway Version 2 builds on the robust func onality of the original model by introducing two key new features:
1. Relay for Switching Items On or Off / Open or Closed
This new relay capability allows you to control various devices directly from your gateway. Whether it's switching lights, gates, or alarms on and off, this feature offers seamless integra on and flexibility, pu ng the power of control in your hands.
2. Input to Monitor Devices
Stay informed like never before! The input func on lets you monitor external devices, providing real- me updates on their status. This ensures that you're always aware of what's happening with your security setup, even when you're away. The use of a magne c contact will allow you, by means of this input, to know if your gate or garage door is open or closed at any me.
Features Integrated with the JVA Cloud Router App: The gateway's advanced func onality is fully integrated with our JVA Cloud Router
Ø App, enabling you to manage and monitor your security devices from anywhere. The app's intui ve interface allows you to:
· Remotely control devices connected to the relay
· View the status of monitored inputs
· Receive no fica ons and updates for enhanced security.
More Control, More Security: With the JVA Wi-Fi Gateway Version 2, you're not just upgrading your hardware — you're gaining Ø complete control over your security system. This device empowers you to customize and automate the installa on, ensuring that your property remains secure while simplifying your daily life.
Why Upgrade? Get control of all your security devices on one JVA App pla orm with no monthly charges and cell subscrip ons.
Experience the future of security today with the JVA Wi-Fi Gateway Version 2. Visit our website or contact your local distributor to learn more about how this innova ve device can transform your security system. Stay secure. Stay connected. Stay in control.

Home Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi Gateway
Dahua launches their wireless series for small & medium sized scenarios
Dahua Technology, a world-leading video-centric AIoT solu on and service provider, launches the Dahua Wireless Series that offers flexible, compact, and wireless cameras that are ideal for small and medium sized applica on scenarios. The range comprises the Turret, Picoo, Bullet and Hero series, all designed to provide easy-to-install and discreet monitoring of your premises. This range replaces the IMOU range previously supplied by Dahua Technology.

The cameras in the Dahua Wireless Series are simple to install, thanks to their lack of cabling and their intui ve 'plug and play' set-up. They can be managed and operated over cell phone networks using the Dahua Mobile Security Surveillance (DMSS) app, or via WiFi via the Dahua Security System (DSS) video management system, both of which provide professional remote surveillance management pla orms to end-users. Using the so ware, users can manage device migra on and device sharing within individual accounts, and remote monitoring of both live and recorded video. Selected o cameras (Hero Series and Picoo Series) also provide seamless 360all-round monitoring, making them ideal for commercial sites.
Other features of the Dahua Wireless Series include built-in AI for smart human detec on – resul ng in more efficient use of the cameras and fewer false alarms – and a built-in microphone and speaker to enable a two-way talk feature, providing another dimension to situa onal awareness if needed. When not manually monitoring their cameras, users are sent real- me no fica ons to alert them of poten al incidents. They are also able to store video safely and reliably using a professional SD card, NVR or cloud storage. Privacy mode is also available on some cameras (Hero Series).
Comprehensive Wireless Cameras
Two of the Turret range (T2A-LED and T4A-LED) feature Dahua full-colour technology, giving users clear, colour images even in darkness enabling be er iden fica on of people. AI enables smart human detec on, resul ng in more efficient use of the camera and fewer false alarms. These cameras also feature Smart Dual Light technology in the form of infrared light in darkness, and white light when an incident is detected. This helps minimize light pollu on while providing clear colour images when needed.
o The Picoo Series also features Smart Dual Light technology to record colour footage of key events. It pans through 360 to provide all-round surveillance and features two-way audio as well as sound and light alarms for deterrence. Likewise, some models of the Bullet cameras (F2C-LED and F4C-LED fixed focal cameras) are also equipped with Fullcolour and Smart Dual Light technologies. What's more, all cameras in this series have IP67 protec on ra ng to ensure op mal opera on even in harsh weather environments, and feature smart human detec on and audio-visual alarms to warn and deter intruders.
JVA RF Interface Module Compa ble with Roboguard
Introducing the JVA RF Interface: Revolu onizing Roboguard Monitoring
The JVA RF Interface has brought the trusted Roboguard beams into the 21st century, redefining security monitoring with cu ng-edge technology. This innova ve device integrates seamlessly with the Roboguard system, enabling full app control and delivering real- me alerts directly to your smartphone.
With over 300 sites already using the JVA RF Interface, it's proven to offer unparalleled peace of mind to end users. Whether you're at home or away, you can rest easy knowing that any alarm from your Roboguard beams will be instantly sent to your smart device, keeping you informed and in control.
This breakthrough innova on is more than just an upgrade—it's a game-changer for security monitoring, blending the reliability of Roboguard beams with the convenience of modern technology. Welcome to the future of security, where protec on is always at your finger ps!

Frequency range
Ø 200m – Roboguard Detectors
Ø 60m – PIR Detectors
Ø 40m – Remotes
A Roboguard Repeater might be required for larger sites or improved signal strength.

This Australian designed and manufactured device is highly reliable and boasts the following features:
Ø Can monitor up to 8 wireless zones
Ø Can monitor up to 2 wired zones (sacrificing 2 wireless zones)
Ø Can be paired with up to 20 remotes
Ø Alarm reporting for each zone – through a User Interface
Ø Programmable Options – easy to customize the device to suit varying site requirements Ø 2 programmable function relay outputs.

Roboguard Beams (up to 8)
JVA RFI Module
JVA Keypad
JVA Wi-Fi Gateway Module
JVA Cloud Router

Beauleigh College
Centurion Brag Day, Stafix PE Branch
Herkouersdag Caledon
Fred Kinnear Golf Day at Matumi Golf Estate Nelspruit
Centurion Open day and Bok Fever Friday in Stafix Pinetown
Burgersdorp Witkop Landbou Vereeniging. Belhamel Compe on

Bloemfontein Branch, Centurion Smart Training
Centurion Open Day, Stafix Kya Sand Branch
IDS Open Day, Stafix West Rand Branch
Komga Spring Fes val
Lutzville Show
Supplier Open Day, Stafix Pretoria Branch
Nampo Cape
Mami Open Day, Stafix Alberton Branch
Potchefstroom Local Farmers Auc on

Love overcomes all obstacles

Sadly, from our point of view, in early November we saw the departure of Chris Maulgue 'eloping' with his soon-to-be newly wedded wife to the Land of the Long White Cloud.
However, take heart, all is not lost, and New Zealand's gain is not en rely our loss as Chris will be staying on within the JVA/STAFIX fold as manager of the Pacific Ring of Fire.
Happily, with modern-day technology, Chris will be only as far away as his trusty Smart Phone and so will s ll be available to answer your mails, WhatsApps, calls and queries. He also will be back visi ng SA regularly, and so he is definitely not gone.
Chris, we wish you well stoking those Pacific fires and all the best to you and Heather on this next exci ng phase of your lives, and always remember, “Happy wife, Happy life.” Good on ya mate.
Prince Albert Show
Cape Town Golfday
Security Show in Vredendal
Supplier Open Day, Stafix Nelspruit
Knowledge is Power

They say, ‘Knowledge is Power’ and when dealing with JVA power, it’s very important to have as much knowledge as possible so as not to burn one’s fingers. The same can be said for Dahua CCTV Systems, Roboguard and Askari beam systems, Automa c Gate Motors – in fact all the product ranges that Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centers market and sell.
It was with this in mind that Stafix Electric Fence & Security Centers, decided to establish a fully registered integrated training ins tu on, Ndlovu College, to provide installers with the best theore cal and prac cal training possible. This fully equipped training college is situated in Harmelia, a suburb very close to Jet Park and Oliver Tambo Interna onal Airport. The facility boasts a wellequipped lecture room, a prac-room containing fences for COC training and candidate evalua on, a room fully equipped for camera and CCTV training, and demo-areas specializing in gate automa on, Roboguard systems, and agricultural and wildlife fencing.
This Stafix training facility also has a fully func onal Security Control Guard Room providing trainees with the opportunity to gain experience in fully integra ng the diverse ranges of security products and security and animal control electric fence monitoring systems, marketed by Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centers.
The training college also has a comfortable entertainment and refreshment area and is located right next door to two moderately priced hotels.
Besides this JHB training centre, we have training centres in 11 of our Stafix Branches na onwide, making it easier and more accessible for those who wish to train and build their skills and knowledge though our available courses.
For further informa on on ‘When and What’ courses are being held, contact your closest Stafix Branch (www.stafix.co.za) or contact Johanna Dube on 011 397 3507 or email johannad@stafix.co.za.
Training courses available: Electric Fencing Introductory Course
Ÿ COC Course
Ÿ Dahua Basic and Advanced Course
Ÿ JVA Basic and Advanced Course
Ÿ Roboguard Wireless Perimeter Beams Course
Ÿ Alarm System Course
Ÿ Centurion Gate Automa on Course

Stafix Training Facilities


Introductory Training
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
Polokwane 18 January 25 January 25 January 8 February 22 February 1 March 1 March 8 March 15 March 15 March 5 April 5 April 12 April 3 May 7 June 7 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 5 July 12 July 26 July 2 August 16 August 16 August 16 August 23 August 30 August 6 September 13 September 20 September 4 October 4 October 11 October 1 November 8 November 6 December 6 December
Training Dates 2025 ONLINE LEARNING
JVA Advanced Training
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
CCTV Basic & Advanced Training
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
Port Elizabeth
JHB – Harmelia
Roboguard Training
JHB – Training Centre
JHB – Training Centre
JHB – Training Centre
Port Elizabeth George
JHB – Training Centre
JHB – Training Centre
COC Training
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
JHB – Harmelia
25 January 8 February 1 March 8 March 8 March 3 May 10 May 17 May 10 May 17 May 5 July 12 July 19 July 13 September 6 September 13 September 11 October 11 October 25 October 15 November 8 November 31 Jan - 1 February 21-22 February 28 February -1 March 28-29 March 11-12 April 9-10 May 23-24 May 30-31 May 6-7 June 13-14 June 11-12 July 15-16 August 22-23 August 5-6 September 26-27 September 24-25 October 31 Oct – 1 November 7-9 November 14-15 November 28-29 November
Polokwane 11-13 February 11-13 March 8-10 April 6-8 May 10-12 June 8-10 July 12-14 August 9-11 September 14-16 Oct 4-6 November 11-13 November 9-11 December 1 February 29 March 31 June 28 June
JHB – Harmelia