No. 45 | A JWC Media publication
sunday breakfast
saturday august 17 | sunday august 18 2013
Leslie Goddard’s historical portrayals are a hit. P. 16
more than 350 ENJOY SUMMER DINNER DANCE. P. 21
Taylor Tashima helps Team USA to a second-place finish. P. 32
featuring the news and personalities of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Northfield, Glencoe, Highland Park, Lake Forest & Lake Bluff
SUDDENLY, THIS SUMMER Find 10 things to enjoy on the North Shore before the season ends. P8.
Hannah Faucher and her sister Lindsey soak up the sun.
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The North Shore Weekend © 2013 Published at 445 Sheridan Road, Suite 100, Highwood, IL 60040 | Telephone: 847.926.0911