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No. 47 | A JWC Media publication
Winnetka to spend six figures on engineering review By EMILY SPECTRE
n response to a significant cost increase of the proposed Willow Road stormwater tunnel project, the Winnetka Village Council awarded a contract to engineering firm V3 Companies to provide an independent cost estimate of the $58.5 million project. The independent review will cost the Village $122,004 and will also include a value engineering analysis. Steve Saunders, director of engineering, explained that in seeking an independent review of the project the Village sought to accomplish two goals. First, it would provide the Village with an understanding of the accuracy and reliability of the cost estimate provided by contractor MWH Global. Second, the value engineering analysis would aid in the determination of whether the stormwater tunnel project is the best, most cost-effective design. Not withstanding the fact that V3’s proposal was $50,000 more than Black & Veatch’s compet-
ing bid, Saunders advised the Council to award the contract to V3. “I think [given] the value that we would get for the project that is singularly important to the village at this time, and the discussions we are going to have, I think this is a worthwhile approach,” Saunders said. Saunders noted that V3’s “ground up” approach to cost analysis was similar to MWH’s method and advised the Council to use a firm that uses the same approach. While Saunders expressed reservations of Black & Veatch’s expertise in value engineering, he emphasized V3’s expertise in that area as well as its attentiveness throughout the bidding process. The trustees voted to approve the contract with V3 with the exception of Andrew Cripe who abstained from voting because Black & Veatch is client of his law firm. In approving the contract, Trustee Bill Krucks noted that he would rely on Saunders’ Continues on page 11
Looking to save face(s) A portrait beloved by former Mayor Daley searches for a home By BILL MCLEAN
he lithograph of four expressions of former Chicago mayor Richard J. Daley rests in a home in Wilmette. For now. How it got there — why it was produced, actually — is rooted in an ornery aide of the longtime Democratic mayor, a crestfallen, scrambling artist and a man of the cloth who votes … Republican. The Rev. Richard Dalton, an Anglican priest from Rochester, Mich., and his wife, Theresa, have four daughters. One of them, Elisabeth, lives in the North Shore home with the reproduction of the oil painting, created by Diana NevilleKnowles in 1975 and presented to an awestruck, teary-eyed Daley in a ceremony held at City Hall. Elisabeth and her father, a former Wilmette resident, believe it belongs elsewhere. “My dad [the late Robert G. Dalton] bought it in the mid1970s, but I’m not exactly sure why,” Fr. Dalton, 64, says. “He never hung it on a wall. He collected portraits of U.S. Presidents, all of them painted by Diana, and he hung those. I have 10 of them; they’re in my home
The Rev. Richard Dalton — a Republican — with the lithograph of the late Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, a staunch Democrat, which rests at Dalton’s daughter’s home in Wilmette. Photography by j0el lerner
in Michigan. Dad loved Diana’s work. “I like the image of Daley at the bottom, the one where he is kind of smirking, with a twinkle in his eye … his Irish eye. You look at him, you think of Chicago, don’t you? You don’t think of Michigan, and you don’t think of Wilmette.
“It needs to find a home, a proper home, in Chicago.” The portrait’s artist is living in Bigfork, Mont., tickled somebody is devoting time to relocate a lithograph of one of her 20,000-plus pieces of artwork. Her subjects also include Frank and Nancy Sinatra, Johnny Carson, Jackie Robinson and
Jack Nicklaus. Her portrait of former first lady Pat Nixon hangs in the Smithsonian. The Variety Club had commissioned Neville-Knowles to create the Daley oil painting. She needed 18 months to complete it, sometimes working up to
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Continues on page 11
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