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No. 50 | A JWC Media publication
Resident recalls historic march, racism on North Shore By HOLLY MARIHUGH
or a $35 bus ticket, she got a front-row seat to history. Fifty years ago, North Shore resident Nina Raskin boarded a chartered bus in Evanston for Selma, Ala. after she and her friends and neighbors, all civil rights activists, responded to Dr. Martin Luther King’s call to Americans all over the country to step up and march. This past Sunday, many who witnessed history that year along with Raskin, 82, gathered on the Village Green in Winnetka to Continues on page 11
Biting back
North Shore towns spend millions of dollars to battle mosquitos Lincolnwood. • Southlake MAD: $490,000 Communities covered: Highhe recent discovery of West Nile virus in mosquitos from land Park, Highwood, Deerfield, test batches in Glencoe, Bannockburn, and Riverwoods. • Lake Bluff MAD: $173,200 Winnetka and Lake County emphasizes the importance of fightCommunities covered: Lake ing the slender fly. Bluff plus parts of Shields TownAll but one of the North Shore ship and Libertyville Township. suburbs are members of taxfunded Mosquito Abatement Just what are Mosquito AbateDistricts (MAD). Lake Forest is ment Districts? They are a unit of the exception, as it manages insect government funded by property control through its Forestry De- taxes and overseen by volunteer partment. It also spends consider- boards whose members are apably less on mosquito manage- pointed by county or township ment compared to its neighbors. leaders. Annual mosquito abatement The Illinois General Assembly spending: enabled residents to create the • Lake Forest: $17,000 districts decades ago when muCommunities covered: Lake nicipalities didn’t want to or didn’t Forest have the money to reduce mos• North Shore MAD: $1.7 quitos themselves, said Robert million Masini, attorney for Southlake Communities covered: Wil- MAD and Lake Bluff MAD. The mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Southlake district was created in Glencoe, Northbrook, Glenview, the 1920s; Lake Bluff in the Northfield, Evanston, Morton 1950s. Grove, Golf, Niles, Skokie and “The statute was set up at a By ADRIENNE FAWCETT
North Shore Mosquito Abatement District’s Christopher Xamplas collects mosquito specimens from traps throughout the area and tests them for West Nile virus. Photography by Joel Lerner
time when, you can imagine, there was a public health situation from mosquito-borne diseases,” said Masini. Southlake Mosquito Abatement District Southlake has a reserve of $1 million, according to the district’s tentative annual budget report. The Southlake district’s tax levy declined in 2013 to $262,144 from $560,000 the prior year and
then increased more than 90 percent to $500,000 in 2014. “Southlake had been levying for a number of years at an amount that got its reserves higher than they wanted them to be, so two years ago they dropped the levy,” Masini explained. “Trustees would have liked to have kept the levy down, but if done a second year they would have been caught way too low.” Both Southlake and Lake Bluff
districts have contracted with Clarke, a St. Charles-based mosquito management and products company, for many years. Clarke also is a consultant to the City of Lake Forest and a subcontractor for the Lake County Health Department, which on July 23 announced that a mosquito batch sampled in Gurnee had tested positive for West Nile virus, the Continues on page 10
Art at the Glen Town Center
ECRWSS Mark Waninger
August 8-9 10a -6p
Glenview - Willow Road, then south on Patriot Blvd. YO UR O NL INE ART G AL L ERY
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