The North Shore Weekend West, Issue 51

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saturday august 15 | sunday august 16 2015

sunday breakfast

Northbrook couple’s martini business keeps them in good spirits. P26

Illustration by Barry Blitt

Glenview | Northbrook



Kohl gets ready for ‘An Evening to Imagine’ gala. P19

Water polo attracts the tough — and the tough-minded. P23-24 Follow us:

No. 51 | A JWC Media publication

‘It is our Distinguished alumna talks duty to about ‘taking pride in what remember’ NEWS

you do’



ake the road less traveled – and don’t be afraid to buck norms. That’s Megan Murphy’s approach, and it has treated her well. Murphy’s path has taken her from Yale to Northwestern to Columbia; her career brought her from California to London to Washington. And this spring, she found herself returning home to Northbrook to speak with graduating seniors from her alma mater, Glenbrook North High School. Named the school’s 2015 Distinguished Alumna, Murphy, a 1992 graduate, shared her message of pursuing dreams, risk-taking and not worrying about what others think. She called GBN a “solid foundation” but said the biggest key to who she is lies in remaining open to radical change. Continued on PG 12

A Belgium man continues to care for grave of Lake Forester killed during World War II Lt. Marshall Hughes of Lake Forest, a 22-year-old paratrooper ach year on Memorial Day of “D” Company of the 505th and on Veterans Day, many Airborne Infantry Battalion, 82nd North Shore residents re- Airborne Division, who was killed member those who served in on Jan. 3, 1945 — just 11 days World War II. after joining his unit. Hughes lies in Plot D, Row 8, Belgian Eddy Lamberty does the same — only much more Grave 50. He was awarded the often. Purple Heart posthumously. Thousands of American troops Nearby Henri-Chappelle never made it home from the war Cemetery is the Salem Valley that began in 1939 and ended in town of Grand-Halleux. In the 1945; they lay eternally in 13 well- late 1990s Belgium asked its citikept cemeteries in Western zens to adopt graves of their Europe. The cemeteries are ad- World War II liberators in the two ministered by the American American cemeteries in that Battlefield Monuments Commis- country. Many, like Lamberty, sion and in several places local have done so. He started caring neighbors — like Lamberty — for graves at Henri-Chappelle also care for the graves. Cemetery when he was 17. Today Nearly 8,000 fallen Americans he is a 43-year-old father. are buried in the 57-acre HenriLamberty’s grandfather served Chapelle Cemetery in Belgium. in the Belgian Army and spent 16 Among these honored dead is 2nd months in a German prison camp, By A.J. GOLDSMITH


The Hughes boys with their mother. From left, Milton, Mansfield, Hazel Wing Hughes, John and Marshall. Photo courtesy of Mary Frances Hughes, widow of Captain John Wing Hughes.

a stay that shortened his life considerably. Another grandfather served in the Belgian Underground. Lamberty’s grandmother worked for the British Army in 1944. He said that his grandparents left him with the words: “It is our duty to remember.” He quotes one grandfather as follows: “The main difference was that these young boys crossed the

ocean to fight and to give us back our freedom.” Lamberty regularly visits nine graves of America’s fallen, including that of 2nd Lt. Hughes. He has also initiated contact with some of the survivors who fought to liberate his town (Trois Ponts) during the famed Battle of the Bulge in December 1944-January 1945. “I could speak for hours of my

pride to have known dozens of World War II veterans. They are the finest men I’ve ever met in my life,” said Lamberty. Recently, he contacted, the Web arm of The North Shore Weekend, seeking information about 2nd Lt. Hughes. DNS ran a story about him, and several people respondContinued on PG 12


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