Chateau de vianges exclusive tours 2016 2017

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Copyright 2016-2017 © Les Residences du Chateau SARL

Burgundy is one of France’s most prosperous regions, world famous for its art and culture, HISTORy, Grand Cru wines and food, unspoiled nature and CAPTIVATING châteaux. Dijon, The Region’s capital and the heritage city of the DUKES OF BURGUNDY, world known for the famous mustard and home to the imposing historic Palace of the Dukes, where the Musée des Beaux-Arts was established in 1787. Here visitors can experience one OF the oldest and most impressive museums in France with huge collections, ranging from Egyptian to 20th Century art, as well as Burgundian art of the 15th Century and that of the 18th Century, when the Museum was founded. Dijon is one hour from Vianges and 1:47 minutes by train from Paris Airport Charles de Gaulle (Roissy). Beaune, a little fortified town that is the absolute wine capital of Burgundy, in the Côte d'Or department, located about 40 km south of Dijon, one hour by bus from Vianges, just over two hours by train from Paris Gare de Lyon and about four hourS and thirty minutes from Geneva Airport (by train) and 2:03 By high speed train (TGV) from Lausanne. From the comfort of your room or apartment at Les Residences du Chateau de Vianges, we depart for: A) Tour of Dijon (1 Day, 8AM – 6PM) Visit to the Musée des Beaux-Arts, The Tombs of the Dukes of Burgundy (inside the Palais des Ducs) and The Salle des Gardes, housing the magnificent tombs of the Dukes, Philip the Bold and John the Fearless, decorated with sculptures by the Flemish masters Jean de Marville, Claus Sluter and Claus de Werve, recently r e o p e n e d a f t e r e x t e n s i v e r e n o vat i o n w o r k . T h e a l a b a s t e r m o u r n e r s surrounding the tombs, masterpieces of medieval sculpture, are back in their rightful place after TOURING in the USA and Europe. STOP BY FOR A GourmET Lunch at 3-Michelin StarRED, Bernard Loiseau des Ducs, in Dijon. B) The Wine Tour (1 Day, 8AM – 6PM) Wine is, of course, the region’s most obvious attraction, and devotees head straight for the great vineyards, whose produce has played the key role in the local economy since Louis XIV’s doctor prescribed wine as a palliative for the royal dyspepsia. Wine tasting is particularly big business around Chablis, Mâcon and Beaune. From Vianges tour guests can privately learn about the prestigious wines of the Route des Grand Crus and become a Burgundy Wine Connoisseur, by tasting several Burgundy wines at cellars of the Côte de Beaune and the Côte de Nuits, by wandering around the historic heart of the fascinating town of Beaune and discovering its traditional shops, markets, local gastronomy, including the cassis (blackcurrant liquor), the famous moutarde de Dijon (mustard) the pain d'épices (honey spice cake) and Flavigny aniseed, by driving to medieval villages, Romanic churches, and old abbeys. We CAN arrange for you to be guided by expert sommeliers to cellars where legendary Grands Appellations, such as Romanée Conti, Clos de Vougeot, Chambertin, Montrachet, among others, will be available. C) The Beaune Tour (1 Day, 8AM – 6PM) This tour focuses on the Hospices de Beaune-Hôtel-Dieu, a medieval building, fine example of Burgundian-Flemish art, where unique ironwork and carvings, tapestries and polyptych are works of art in themselves. D) Castles Tour (1 Day, 8AM – 7PM) Around Beaune alone more than ten châteaux open their doors mostly during the summer season.

Classic Car Tours Drive one of our iconic British or Italian Classic Convertibles Drive to Dijon, take the route DES G r a n d s C r u s , v i s i t fa m o u s Châteaux AND REACH Beaune, capital of BURGUNDY wine, Enjoy the private hospitality of wine growers, tour vineyards and cellars, learn AND taste the great la Tâche, Echezeaux and Musigny TEACHERS OF THE Ecole des Vins de Bourgogne. Visit historic and heritage villages and stop along the way for a MEMORABLE picnic and a glass of bubbly.

Three Alfa Romeos and Two MGs

Select from Our Range of Classic Cars (POA)

La Route des Grands Crus

Djion, Beaune, Cellars and Castles

Drive & Golf Tour Burgundy offers 19 High-Quality Golf Courses and Clubs Drive AND stop for a game! THE Region offers Châteaux, Spas and TOP quality restaurants TO COMPLETE YOUR GOLFING EXPERIENCE. A MARVELLOUS OPPORTUNITY TO PERFECT YOUR SWING OR JUST PICK UP GOLF FROM SCRATCH.

Car & Horse Tour It is all about Horse Power! Drive a classic car or ride a classic equine beauty in the Morvan park, through forests, past Châteaux or around the Cote D'Or vineyards. We organise tours from Vianges or from places of particular interest. E n j o y m a g n i f i c e n t s c e n e ry i n u n s p o i lt c o u n t ry s i d e a s y o u f o l l o w t h e va s t n e t w o r k t h at makes Burgundy an ideal place for trekking and a f av o u r e d destination for horse riders of all levels.

Car & Bike Tour Enjoy the Wind in your hair! Burgundy boasts nearly 1,000 km of safe cycling trails, the majority of which ARE part of "Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®” GreenwaY and cycling routes ARE running alongside canals AND towpaths, former railway lines or across small roads and pathways through FORESTS, HILLS AND vineyards.

Le Tour de Bourgogne Ă VĂŠlo, Morvan Forests and Wineyards

Your Château in Burgundy The Chateau de Vianges is the perfect HOME to visit Beaune and Dijon, arriving from Paris by high speed train (TGV) to the nearby station of Montbard: catch a high speed train from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (there are 20 trains per day travelling every week) and you can reach Montbard in 3 hours and 49 minutes or in 1 hour and 10 minutes with the fastest line. On an average weekday, there are about 20 trains per day travelling from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (TGV Train) to Montbard. The area around Vianges, including a twenty minutes trip to Saulieu - with a world famous 3-Michelin Stars Restaurant Bernard Loiseau ( - is a fascinating natural environment, plenty of historic sites and monuments, including the world famous Hospices de Beaune and the Cluny Abbey, both UNESCO World Heritage sites. After being collected from Montbard, guests can experience the unique atmosphere of tastefully decorated private rooms, enjoy local wines and gourmet produce while relaxing in the 55,000 sq ms of PRIVATE gardens, or explore the surrounding countryside on foot, bicycle or horseback.

Le Château De Vianges The Château de Vianges is a registered French Monument Historique and it is one of the most ancient maisons-fortes (fortified houses) of the Côte-d'Or department.Originally built in the 11th Century, in 1305 it was officially listed as defensive military post. Today, after careful restoration, the castle displays both 17th and 18th century facades with large windows, preserved roofs and towers and a characteristic pigéonnier. There are two portals, one facing North and the other, with turrets, facing East. According to the Côte-d'Or Departmental Archives, a local family owned the Château de Vianges until the 13th Century when the Cussigny family bought the property. It was Philippe Saladin de Cussigny who transformed the property from a military structure into a stylish and elegant castle, following the Renaissance architectural taste and fashion of that time. In 1704, the castle was sold to Claude de Morey who became Marquis de Vianges in 1723 and then Governor of Vézelay.In 1755 the Marquis of Mac-Mahon, by marrying Charlotte de Morey, the young widow of the late Marquis, acquired the property for its family. The Château de Vianges remained in the hands of the Mac-Mahon, then Dukes of Magent, after the homonymous battle and victory under Napoleon III, until 1997 when it was sold to an Italian aristocratic family, who carefully restored and furnished the entire property as their French country seat.

Le Chateau de Vianges and Les Residences

Tours Planning is Open! July, August & September 2017 Apply Now for your Bespoke Burgundy ExperiencE EMAIL

PHONE: +33 (0)3 80 84 02 21 / +33 (0) 6 64 15 12 98

Copyright 2016-2017 © Les Residences du Chateau SARL

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