Purchase Parenting and Family

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A nurse sits with a newborn night after night in western Kentucky’s only neonatal intensive care unit, keeping watch as if he were her own. Specially-trained surgeons use western Kentucky’s only da Vinci robotics for hysterectomy or cancer surgery with minimal scarring and quicker healing. And specialists use a clot-busting drug to reduce or reverse the debilitating effects of a stroke at the region’s only certified stroke center. At Western Baptist, we believe in miracles… because we see them every day. Patrick and Lashonda Saddler of Paducah Watching son Zaren, 4, play drums


This is where a title would go that was LONGer than most of our titles!


by Carissa Smith

Paducah Independent

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fromtheeditor’s webcam...


’m a communicator so I’ve always tried to keep in touch with my friends and family. When I first moved to the US overseas phone calls were expensive and hardly anyone had a computer. (Well, that gives away my age doesn’t it!) Cell phones were the size of a large briefcase and weighed pounds; not exactly mobile. We wrote letters and waited two or three weeks for them to be delivered. Ahhhhh the good old days! But the world of communication has changed and I have a couple of very good examples to share with you to prove the point. A few weeks ago I got a Facebook message from a friend I went to dancing school with back when I was four. What could I tell her about Murray State University? Now, that’s an odd question from a woman who lives in Portsmouth, England, so I told her as much as I could and directed her to various websites. Then I asked why she was so curious about MSU? “Emma has been invited to join the track team,” she told me. Emma, her eldest daughter, is 18 and has been running for years; apparently she’s good enough to attract the attention of the coach at MSU. Before I had the chance to even get onto SKYPE and talk to the family about the offer I got another message. “We talked to Coach (on SKYPE) and Emma accepted…she starts in August!” Incredulously, of all the places that Emma could have chosen for school she has ended up not 50 miles away from one of her mother’s oldest friends! ‘Auntie’ Karen is going to be busy next year making sure Emma gets a nice home cooked meal once in a while and that her mother isn’t worried sick about her. My second example comes from my 89 year old Mum and my 86 year old Uncle. My mum’s laptop has a camera and when my sister is around to encourage her, (and insist she roll her ‘hover round’ up to the desk,) she will talk to me on Google Chat. She’s always happy to see if my hair is growing, the new “wellington boots” I got for Christmas, or wave at the dogs. My sister chats and shares what they have been up to all week. It really feels as if we are not quite so far

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apart. Uncle Bob is much more technically oriented and often checks to see if I am online and available to chat. Unfortunately, the time difference and this magazine get in the way, but we manage to speak every week or so. He’s really fun to talk to and we have developed a wonderful relationship over the net! Britt, my husband, is ‘old school’. He is still a firm believer in a hand written thank you note or a nice card and I certainly agree with him that nothing replaces that personal touch. But while letters were great back in the day, I like the fact that I can now see my friends and family and hear their voices. It’s really nice to speak with my grandson in California and see the new kitten he got recently. I still think it’s amazing that I can ‘Facetime’ with my daughter, or best friend Cheryl, right on my phone. So, if you haven’t taken the plunge into virtual communication I recommend giving it a try. But for my Aunt Edna, who will never embrace ‘modern technology’…I’m writing you a letter.

Karen Hammond

Editor/Publisher: Karen Hammond Cell 270-559-5840 Fax/Office 270-415-9400 paducahparenting@comcast.net • paducahparenting.com Contributing Writers: Laurie Davala, Crystal Engler, Rick Epstein, Robin Gericke, Rick Goldsborough, Sandra Gordon, Jamie Lober & Joy Navan Calendar of Events: Let us know about your event, class, meeting or group. Send us the information by email to paducahparenting@comcast.net or call the office, 270-415-9400

Ad Design, Layout & Web Design: Angie Kimbro Ad Design: Laura Thornton, Glen Dunkerson Advertising: Want to advertise your business in the magazine? Have a question regarding ad rates, billing or your account? Contact our advertising department at 270-4159400 or by email paducahparenting@comcast.net Advertising Account Executives: Monica Adams, Gina Dunkerson, Crystal Engler, Evette Jernigan and Cassie Johnson Subscription and Distribution: Want to subscribe or receive a copy of the magazine by mail? Need a back issue? Want to add a location to our distribution? Please call our office at 270-415-9400 or email paducahparenting @comcast.net Mission Statement: Purchase Parenting & Family Magazine provides free, accurate and timely information for Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois and all its communities. Our goal is to educate, inform and promote family life, its goals and values, to the parents and grandparents in this area. The magazine will include community, medical, educational, lifestyle and spiritual articles on a monthly basis, written in a balanced and informative manner. Additionally, the magazine is to provide a full color, affordably priced venue in which local businesses can advertise. To that end, we will offer special pricing for not-for-profit organizations such as churches and government agencies, and a discount program for new and unique businesses. Purchase Parenting will maintain a high standard of editorial and advertising content, and creative design. Funding for the magazine will come from the sale of advertising and from public and private grant sources that support community information sources and parenting education. Purchase Parenting intends to maintain and publish a comprehensive monthly calendar of events. The calendar will be the main source within its distribution area for classes, church sponsored activities, reading, art events, galleries and museums, business and business organization events, sports activities, charitable events and fundraising, children’s story time, senior events and activities, and special populations events and activities. Entries to the calendar will be free to all except non- advertiser, for-profit, business entries.

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tableofcontents features dy for Get reaweather! flip flop icure, Get ! Ped Buy a nicure FREE a aM

Camp Robin by: Karen Hammond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Girl Scouts: The Year of the Girl by: Robin Gericke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Can You Beat Beethoven? by: Karen Hammond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

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departments activecare Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by: Dr. Heath Schipp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

dadrules Little Sister Strikes it Rich! by Rick Epstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

calendarofevents Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

healthyhabits 2012 Healthy Plate Pledge - Get Your Plate in Shape! by Purchase District Health Department . 27 Let’s Talk About Immunizations by Jamie Lober . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

hookedonscience Understanding Severe Weather - be Educated and be Prepared by Jason Lindsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Purchase Parenting & Family • P.O. Box 8061, Paducah KY 42002

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Purchase Parenting & Family® (PP&F® Magazine) is published monthly by Karen Hammond. Advertising design by K-Squared Designs and Emerging Media Productions and layout design by K-Squared Designs. PP&F® Magazine, K-Squared Designs & Laura K. Thornton are not responsible for any injury or harm resulting from the information or advice contained in this magazine. The articles in this issue of PP&F® Magazine may not necessarily reflect the opinions of PP&F® Magazine, K-Squared Designs & Laura K. Thornton. All subscription, editorial, and advertising inquiries should be directed to paducahparenting@comcast.net (270) 415-9400

communityevents Paducah Railroad Museum by: Jamie Lober . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Mrs. Kentucky United States 2012 Championing Adoption by: Crystal Engler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

churchspotlight Riverwood Church by: Cassie Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

familymatters Handling Sibling Rivalary by: Laurie Davala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

schoolnotes The Importance of Mentoring by: Dr. Joy Navan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

seniorspot Eating Well - Aging Well by: Superior Care Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

personalcomputing Doing Background Checks on the Web by: Reid Goldsborough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

healthmatters Good Timing by: Sandra Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

endingnotes Budget Busters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Advertiser’s Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

front cover by:

Brad Rankin Studio Cover Models: Charlie Sims • Natalie Sims (long curly hair) • Tyler Tinsley (older boy) • Courtney Tinsley

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nyone who has experienced the death of a loved one knows how difficult it can be. Imagine the challenges a child experiences in the face of grief. It could be the loss of a grandparent, a close friend or even a sibling. Regardless of the relationship, loss is sometimes hard for children and adults to understand and come to terms with. Lourdes Hospice provides an annual event, known as Camp Robin; a grief camp where children learn to express their feelings about the loss of someone close to them. During the past 7 years, Camp Robin has helped hundreds of children and families come to terms with the loss of a loved one. On our cover this month are four children who have

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attended Camp Robin: Tyler & Courtney Tinsley are together with Natalie and Charlie Sims. They have all experienced the loss of a loved one recently and found the activities and experience of Camp Robin very helpful in coming to terms with their grief. Camp Robin was named to honor a hospice patient who passed away in the fall of 2005. She died at the tender age of thirteen. Robin was a delightful young girl who shined with the characteristics of a winner. Robin cared for others so much so she put their needs before her own. She had a radiant love for her family, friends, and church, and showed strength, honor, and love in every aspect of her life. If Robin were in our presence I am sure she would be pleased to know that her memory has been kept alive to help other children deal with grief and loss.

“At Camp Robin, we teach children to reflect and express their feelings,” said Rev. Todd Hawkins, Chaplain at Lourdes Hospice and Camp Director. “They need to know that it can be healing to remember and talk about their loved ones. As they do that, they’ll find a process through their grief.” During the camp the children work in groups according to their age. “For younger kids, we talk about how it’s ok to cry and be sad,” explained Rev. Hawkins. “For the older kids, we teach them about the grief process and encourage them to identify how they were affected.” Camp Robin also incorporates many uplifting events throughout the day. The emphasis is not on sadness and gloom and there are exciting times during the program. “There are typically several ‘stations’ so the children rotate through many activities,” Rev. Hawkins told me. “We play games, do arts and crafts, and read stories from specially prepared material that deal with grief and grieving from a child’s perspective. The craft is something the children can take home; perhaps a memory tiles or book. The kids can keep it in their room in honor of the loved one that they lost. Every child is given a bag where they can place their craft, and the book, T-Shirt and journal they receive.” “During our story telling time, all of the kids (and sometimes adults) write letters to their loved ones. They can write about what’s going on in their life, how they feel about the passing of their friend, family member or even their own illness. One year, we had a little boy who was about four years old write a letter. The front and back of his card was filled with dots. He didn’t know how to write, but he pretended. I would love to know what he said to his loved one. It’s just very touching. That’s a good example of what Camp Robin is all about. At the end of the day, we tie the letters on to helium balloons. We have a balloon release to send those messages to our loved ones. It’s a very special and healing moment when the balloons float up into the sky. It often provides a sense of closure.” “Adults tend to hide their grief from children in order to spare them from experiencing it, but this may not be the best thing for the child(ren),” Rev. Hawkins explained. “Sometimes children feel alone and that they are the only ones grieving the loss of that relative or friend. Kids get it! They can often express very simply what that loss feels like and it may actually help other members of the family express their feelings as well.” Parents and adults are welcome to volunteer to assist at the camp,” Rev. Hawkins said. “Sometimes they will even participate in the activities such as writing a letter or making a memory box. Parents and other adults are involved in the healing process. We hold an adult segment where they can learn how to help their children grieve. It’s important that we educate adults on how to speak with children about grief. This is essential for anyone who works in a childcare facility, educators and family caregivers.”

Hospice Care Camp Robin is part of the ongoing mission of Lourdes Hospice & Palliative Care. Hospice is a special healthcare option for patients of all ages and families who are faced with an illness that will eventually be fatal. With a focus on the final months/year of life, hospice provides palliative care when curative treatment is no longer the patient’s choice. Patients receive care in their home or in a home-like environment such as a nursing facility. Along with specially trained staff

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Lourdes Hospice relies on volunteers. “Hospice is a calling,” Rev, Hawkins told me. “Many health care professionals work in a hospital setting where they bring babies into the world and help people heal from surgery and accidents. This is just the other end of the nursing spectrum,” he explained. “Upon completion of training, volunteers select the area of involvement in the program which best suits their time, skills and interest.” You do not have to be a healthcare professional to volunteer but you must be 18 or older. As well as Camp Robin, Lourdes Hospice operates a Bereavement Program to assist bereaved families in working through the grieving process. Assistance is provided through contacts or numerous support groups and bereavement memorial services are held quarterly in the Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel or at a local church. Hospice also provides public speakers who can discuss a variety of hospice related topics. Engagements are tailors to fit the audience interests and questions. To find out more about the bereavement program or speakers bureau please call (270) 4115-3636 If a child in your life has experienced a loss, consider Camp Robin as a tool in their recovery. The trained staff at Camp Robin is ready to help children cope grief and grieving in a positive and healing way. Camp Robin can bring their program to your school or community. They have provided programs to entire schools and to special groups when appropriate. This year’s camp will take place on Saturday, April 28. Registration begins at 8:30 AM and camp starts at 9.00 AM. The balloon release takes place around 2.00 PM. It’s free for children ages 4 to 17 and is open to the community, as well as hospice families. To register your child for the camp or to speak with a trained counselor about grief and grief programs please contact the Lourdes Hospice program at 270-4153636 for more information. v

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by Robin Gericke

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his year, the Girl Scouts celebrate a century of inspiring girls to be their best. The success of Girl Scouts speaks for itself. Mae Jemison, the very first African American woman in space, started out as a Girl Scout. Sandra Day O’Conner, the first woman on the Supreme Court of the United States; Dr. Drew Gilpin Faust, the first female president of Harvard University; and Katie Couric, the first woman to anchor a network nightly newscast all started shaping their future careers with Girl Scouting.

Their History Juliette Gordon Low was born on October 31, 1860, in Savannah, Georgia. She was the second of six children. Growing up, she enjoyed art and writing and was also an

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athlete. ‘Daisy,’ as she was called by family and friends, kept many pets throughout her life, including exotic birds. After attending a private school, traveling in America and Europe, and getting married, Juliette was still looking for something important to do in life. She realized she had a passion for youth when she met Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts. On March 12, 1912, 18 girls in Savannah signed up for the first troop of American Girl Guides. The organization changed its name to Girl Scouts the following year. Girl Scouts helped teach many girls the skill of homemaking and about the professional roles they might hold someday. At a time when girls with disabilities were usually left out of many activities, they were welcomed into Girl Scouts. After all, as well as being deaf, Juliette had back

pains and cancer. She passed away on January 17, 1927, leaving behind her legacy of the Girl Scouts.

Girl Scouts Today The small group of eighteen girls has grown tremendously. Today there are 3.2 million Girl Scouts, with 2.3 million girls participating and 880,000 adult members, mostly working as volunteers. There are Girl Scout troops and groups in over 92 countries, with over 100 Girl Scout councils in American. For one hundred years, the Girl Scouts have empowered girls to believe in themselves and be great members of their communities.

Girls of any age can become a Girl Scout. There are six grade levels in Girl Scouting: Daisies (Kindergarten-1st Grade), Brownies (2nd-3rd), Juniors (4th5th), Cadets (6th-8th), Seniors (9th-10th), and Ambassadors (11th-12th). At each level, girls earn badges for projects that involve everything from cooking to music to science. Girl

Scouts build confidence by learning new skills.

Girl Scout Cookies Between 1920 and 1921, Girl Scout membership had nearly doubled to more than 112,000 participants. The Girl Scouts were becoming more popular, and raising money became even more important.The need for a widespread fundraiser started the now-familiar tradition of selling cookies. In 1922, Florence E. Neil, a Girl Scout leader in Chicago, created a recipe for a simple sugar cookie. The recipe was published in American Girl magazine (a magazine for the Girl Scouts, published from 1917-1979). It suggested Girl Scouts sell one dozen cookies for 25-30 cents, the cost of making six to seven dozen cookies. Girl Scouts all around America baked the cookies and sold them door to door, earning money to fund their troop’s activities. Commercial production took over baking the cookies in the mid-1930’s. In July 2008, Dairy Queen created a limited-edition Thin Mint

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Blizzard. In one month, more than 10 million Blizzards were sold, making it the most popular limited-edition Blizzard in history.

100 Years Celebration On Monday, March 12, the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts will be celebrated across the country. There are several events going on in our region to commemorate the Anniversary. While no official celebration is planned, troops are encouraged to organize their own special anniversary ceremonies. “Locally we will be celebrating in our communities with Promise Circles. On March 12th, girls will gather together and perform a ceremony around the Girl Scout Promise. We will also be asking businesses to hang up Green Ribbons in support of Girl Scout Week, which is March 11th – 17th,” says Ashley Levine, the Program Delivery Coordinator of the Bear Creek Service Center. Special services for the Girl Scouts will also be held at several local churches on Sunday, March 11. Girls will end the year and begin the next century of Girl Scouting in a large ceremony on May 19th at the Girl Scout Camp on Kentucky Lake. “We will be honoring girls, and opening a time capsule and burying a new one,” Levine says. The ceremony is on Saturday, May 19, starting at 2 p.m. The cost is $3 per person, and Girl Scouts of all ages and their families are invited to attend.

ToGetHerThere The Girl Scouts of the USA have declared that 2012 is the year of the girl. On their 100th anniversary, they are launching a movement called ToGetHerThere. This multiyear campaign is dedicated to helping girls become future leaders. In a society full of peer pressure, bullying, false body images, etc., many girls are in negative environments that make them afraid to step out and lead. ToGetHerThere hopes to teach the adults of today how to mentor the adults of tomorrow and help girls reach their full potential. For more information, visit www.ToGetHerThere.org. As the first century of Girl Scouting is coming to a close, girls

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can look forward to many more years of inspiration and empowerment. The Girl Scouts Bear Creek Center is located at 711 Jefferson Street in Paducah. For more information about joining a local Girl Scout Troop or to find out about becoming a Troup Leader or volunteer please call (270) 443-8704 or visit www.gskentuckiana.org. v

Can you Beat Beethoven? On March 17th in conjunction with the “Beethoven’s 5th” Concert the Paducah Symphony Orchestra (PSO) will hold its inaugural 5K Fun Run. At 9 AM, starting with Maestro Ponti’s baton downbeat, participants run, jog or walk as the opening notes of the symphony are played. The runner’s goal will be to complete the course before the music ends and therefore ‘beating’ Beethoven! The 5K Run/Walk will begin at Shelter #10 in Noble Park. Pre-Registration (by March 18) is $25.00 includes a handsome T shirt featuring the Beat Beethoven logo. Race-Day registration is $30. Registration and sign-ins will begin at 7:30 AM on race day. Participants 12 years of age and under can also participate in a youth run of 1 mile which will take place at 10 AM. The entry fee for the 1 mile run is $10.00.

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Athletes of all ages and abilities are invited to run or walk to the joyous sounds of Beethoven’s musical masterpiece. The top 3 finishers in each age group will receive an award. Groups are as follows: Youth Run (12 and under), 19 & under, 20 -29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59, 60 & up. Every participant who ‘beats’ Beethoven will receive a free ticket to that evenings concert at the Carson Center. The PSO will begin their performance of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony at 7.30 P.M. Sponsors for Beat Beethoven include Western Baptist, Lourdes, WPSD Local 6, Go Performance, Rehab Associates, Rehab Associates Foundation, Jimmy John’s, Millwork Products, Broadway Dental Care, BB&T, Bill Ford Interiors, Super-Valu & the Cappock Family. To register for the race, pick up an entry form at the PSO office located at 201 Broadway, Paducah or register online at www.active.com/running/ paducah-ky/beat-beethoven-2012. For more information please call Leigh Ann Renfro at (270) 444-0065.

A Night at the Opera Calling all opera lovers! Verdi, Bizet, Puccini, Gilbert & Sullivan are just some of the great musical composers you will hear at the PSO concert on April 21st. The Paducah Symphony chores and soloists invite you to find a formal gown, break out the bow tie and head to the Carson Center for a night of extraordinary vocal talent. Maestro Raffaele Ponti teams up again with Director of Choruses Dr. Bradley Almquist and Youth Chorus Director Dr. Amy Aucoin to present highlights from Carmen, Il Trovatore, Nabucco, Aida and Madam Buttefly. The music is sure to transport you to the great opera stages of the world! Reserve your ticket now by calling the PSO office at (270) 444-0065

Symphony Sing Off The Paducah Symphony Orchestra (PSO) is very excited to bring a fresh and innovative premiere event to the area this year. The Symphony Sing-Off will be similar to the smash NBC reality TV show “The Sing Off” showcasing a wide variety of regional a cappella talent. An impressive number of national celebrities are slated to perform as special guests and celebrity judges including Terry Mike Jeffrey, Miki Abraham (finalist on The Glee Project TV show), and Paducah’s sweet heart, Jennifer Horbelt, former news anchor on WPSD. The quality of vocal talent in this region is phenomenal and

the PSO has many wonderful groups lined up for the competition including Jumpin’ Jive. The winning singers will be determined by monetary votes and will be given the honor of singing with the PSO at the annual Christmas concert. The stage, designed by Kenn Gray, of Ethan Allen Design Center, will replicate the one used in the TV show, The Sing-Off. The Paducah Symphony expects The Symphony Sing-Off to become an annual event. The night will begin with an elegant seated dinner catered by Harrah's followed by the performances. Premium tables will receive special treatment that night including a private waiter, drink ticket vouchers, complimentary swag bags, and a reserved table for ten. A silent auction featuring luxury items, Hollywood TV show taping tickets, signed memorabilia and vacations will be available for bidding throughout the event including the unique experience of conducting “Sleigh Ride” at PSO’s December concert. The winning ensemble will be invited to perform at the same concert. The event will be held in the largest ballroom in Harrah's Event Center in Metropolis, Illinois on Saturday, May 12th beginning at 6.00 PM. Valet parking will be available. For tickets or sponsorship opportunities contact the PSO at (270) 444-0065. v

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Handling Sibling Rivalry by Laurie Davala Positive Discipline Parenting Educator


nformation abounds about sibling conflict and rivalry, but preventing division between siblings requires more than lavishing each with the love, attention, and individual appreciation advised by most. A critical and often overlooked ingredient to a solid sibling relationship: parent neutrality.

A Neglected Side to Sibling Rivalry While pregnant with my second child, I fretted endlessly about how my firstborn daughter would adjust to the dramatic change of a sibling. Every day I read books, articles, online advice, etc., advising me how to make the transition smooth and to reduce potential resentment. Such advice included scheduling one-on-one time, making my daughter feel loved as a unique individual, and finding ways for her to help with the baby. I implemented this

valuable advice with a vengeance. I took care of the big three (transitioning out of crib, weaning, and potty training) well before my due date. I read her picture book after picture book about new babies and being a big sister. Yet, despite all my efforts, my daughter’s jealousy abounded after my son arrived. Not until I attended a seminar taught by Portland parent educator Glenda Montgomery two years later did my epiphany occur. And, what were those powerful words that changed my parenting and altered the course of my children’s relationship -”You are not a judge.”

Beyond the second wife We occasionally hear the analogy of the second wife, meant to help us understand our firstborn’s experience when our second arrives. Like our firstborn, we too would struggle with going from being a one-and-only to suddenly sharing attention with someone younger and cuter (i.e., a second wife). But to empathize with our children when we step in and take sides, we most likely need only to recall actual adult experiences. Think back to a disagreement when a third, uninvolved party stepped in and gave their two cents worth of advice. Perhaps you wanted your husband to take out the garbage without being reminded and your mother-in-law oh so gently pointed out that he works hard all day. True? Probably. Helpful? Probably not! Not only do we resent a third party butting in and weakening our position (which even adults present with some bias), but we also feel ganged up on and defensive, and hardly interested in the wisdom of the outsider.

Easier said than done Unfortunately, refraining from playing judge with our children is as hard as it sounds. You turn your back for one second only to find your toddler in tears and a drumstick in big sibling’s hand. How can you help but momentarily view your older, stronger child as mean when you see your innocent, helpless baby crying her heart out? Although sometimes counter-intuitive, effective alternatives to taking sides exist. The following suggestions can help our children view

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us as advocates rather than judges and their siblings as friends rather than competitors.

children, we help solidify roles, such as victim or aggressor, which may well follow them throughout their lives.

Think long-term When we dole out a good dose of condemnation and/or punishment, we may feel justice prevailed for the aggressor’s misbehavior, but if our long-term goal is to improve our children’s relationship, we’ve effectively weakened our cause. Resentment likely overshadows any remorse for wrong-doing. As far as the “offender” is concerned, the whole negative experience would’ve been avoided if not for the sibling. Further, repeated judgment influences our children’s identities and how they view themselves in the family, and subsequently, the world. When we judge our

Remain neutral First of all, even the most hovering parent occasionally misses pieces of the story. All too often we either believe we see enough to give out our verdict or we ask questions until we’re satisfied we know who’s at fault. Unfortunately, any outsider coming in and assigning blame creates a winner/loser scenario, with the winner learning to value coming out on top, and the loser feeling misunderstood and resentful. Hillsboro mother Wendy Saxton says her two young boys resolve their issues far more successfully and quickly when she lets go of

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“getting to the bottom of the issue” and focuses instead on moving forward.

Encourage independent problem-solving Rather than offering solutions or taking sides, notice the conflict and ask if your children want help. “It looks like you guys are having some trouble. Would you like help working it out?” If their answer is no, then walk away with a “let me know if you change your minds.” If one says yes, then lead them neutrally through problem-solving steps. Local mom Cassi Denari begins by getting down to her boys’ level with a hand on each to show her acceptance of both children. If your children are in a mental state to problem-solve, ask them what they want and for ideas to address both their concerns and their sibling’s. If they’re too riled up, suggest a cool-off period and return to the issue when they’re ready.

Advocate in private Don’t worry about whether the joint verdict is fair, only whether it satisfies all parties. If you’re concerned that your youngest is getting the short end of the stick, you can role play and brainstorm how he may better support his position outside of the conflict, but avoid trying to alter a mutually agreed-to solution. Your children’s longterm relationship and identities matter far more than the disagreement at hand.

Discourage tattling When a sibling informs you about another sibling’s wrong-doing, resist the temptation to get involved unless safety is concerned. Instead tell the child the only person you want to hear about from her is her, or if the transgression is against her, ask what she can do about it herself. Responding by reprimanding the other child reinforces telling on others and drives a disloyalty wedge between siblings.

Enjoy the results Not all siblings are destined to become best friends, but they can all learn to value each other’s strengths and differences and are far more likely to do so if we remove the competition for our good opinion. Take the pressure off yourself to have all the answers, be there to listen, understand and guide, and sit back and enjoy watching those you love most in the world love each other. v Laurie Davala is a Certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator, Early Intervention Specialist, and mother of two young children. Visit her website at www.pdparenting.com or contact her via her blog at www.pdparenting.com/blog to receive free positive advice on challenging parenting issues.

20 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome by Dr. Heath Schipp Active Care Chiropractic


omputer users, meat packers, sewing machine operators, assembly-line workers, and musicians often get the same injury. They all use their hands in repetitive motions that put a strain on the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most commonly reported medical problem in the workplace today. It costs worker compensation millions of dollars per year. How does Carpal Tunnel Occur? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused because of excessive pressure on the median nerve as it passes through an opening in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage formed by the wrist bones (on the bottom) and the transverse carpal ligament (on the top). Repetitive hand or wrist movements can put stress on the tendons, causing them to swell and press on the median nerve. This pressure causes pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and decreased movement of the hand. Any disease that causes carpal tunnel swelling, including pregnancy and thyroid disease, can compress the nerve.

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Carpal Tunnel Signs The following symptoms may be intermittent at first, but will worsen over time if not treated: • Decreased motion of the fingers, hand, elbow, or shoulder • Decreased hand strength • Dull aching discomfort or pain that occurs mostly at night or early in the morning • Severe night pain that awakens you during sleep • Wrist pain that radiates to the forearm, shoulders, neck, and chest • Dry skin, swelling, or color changes in hand • Numbness in the hand, resulting in weakness or clumsiness • Tingling in all but the little finger • Weakness of the thumb Don’t try to diagnose your own problem. Let a chiropractor or medical doctor do that. Accurate diagnosing and dealing with the pain early will prevent more severe problems from developing. Treatment of Carpal Tunnel There is a wide array of treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In the early stages, discontinuing the triggering activity and wearing a brace, which keeps the wrist in a neutral position, will sometimes reduce symptoms. The brace is worn all day and night to prevent exacerbation of symptoms. Anti-inflammatory medications, including ibuprofen and aspirin, can help with the swelling. Cortisone injections sometimes give temporary relief, but they also do nothing to correct the problem, which is pressure on the median nerve. Surgery is recommended as a last resort. Success rates for surgery are between 40-70%. In some cases after surgery scarring and weakness of the transverse ligament can further irritate the median nerve. Chiropractic has been shown to help relieve carpal tunnel. Gentle manipulation is used to realign the wrist bones which were exerting pressure on the median nerve. Therapies such as ultrasound, interferential current, heat, and ice are also used to decrease the swelling of the ligament in the carpal tunnel. By reducing pressure on the nerve and permitting it to heal naturally, most patients are healed without resorting to invasive procedures such as surgery or injections. Doctors of chiropractic have extensive training detecting and correcting nervous dysfunction. Discuss treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with your doctor today. v www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 23


Understanding Severe Weather – be Educated and Prepared!

by Jason Lindsey Hooked On Science


pringtime is severe weather season here in western KY and much of the central and southern US. We are lucky to have local Doppler radar and an office of the National Weather Service in Paducah. According to the Paducah NWS we experienced the highest number of tornadoes in 2011 since 1996. The Paducah National Weather Service forecast area averages about 29 tornadoes each year.

Are you prepared? Severe weather season is quickly approaching and now is the time to prepare. Each year hundreds of people are killed or seriously injured due to severe weather. Before severe weather strikes, you need to develop a plan of action for your family.

The American Red Cross offers tips at www.redcross.org along with the Federal Emergency Management Agency at www.ready.gov.

Severe Weather Facts • Although tornadoes occur in many parts of the world, they are found most frequently in the United States. • Flash floods are the #1 cause of deaths associated with thunderstorms. • Hail causes more than $1 billion in crop and property damage each year. • Lighting causes an average of 55-60 fatalities and 400 injuries each year. Source: NOAA

Severe Weather Fear When severe weather strikes some children and adults

24 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

experience intense anxiety. Some fear is normal and can actually force us to become better prepared. As a child, I was terrified of storms. I faced my fear of storms by learning more about how storms form and how they are forecast. You can reduce your fear or your child’s fear of severe weather by becoming better informed and educated about severe weather.

Weather Experiments How does a Tornado Blow off a Roof? Ingredients • Leaf Blower • Toilet Paper • Dowel Rod Instructions STEP 1: Place the toilet paper on the dowel rod and unroll a few pieces of tissue.

the top surface of the roll. Explanation Bernoulli’s Principle states that the pressure exerted by a fluid decreases as its velocity increases. Increasing the velocity over the top surface of the toilet paper lowers the pressure of the air pushing down on the paper. The paper is lifted because there is now an unbalanced force of air pressure acting upward. The same thing happens as the powerful wind of a twister pushes across the roof of a house. The pressure of the air inside the house is higher than the air pressure of the air blowing across the roof. The result, the roof is lifted off the house.

Tornado in a bottle Ingredients • Metal Washer • Two Plastic Soda Bottles • Electrical Tape • Water • Dish Detergent

STEP 2: Hold the dowel rod horizontally so the roll will unroll away from you. The toilet paper represents the roof of a house and the wind from the leaf blower represents the powerful wind from a tornado

Instructions STEP 1: Fill one of the plastic soda bottles half of the way with water and then add a few drops of dish detergent.

STEP 3: Turn on the leaf blower and aim the stream of air just over

STEP 2: Using the electrical tape secure the bottle openings together with the metal washer between the plastic bottles.

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STEP 3: Quickly turn the two plastic bottles vertically so that the bottle with the water is on top, and, holding the bottles, rotate your wrist. Explanation Centripetal force created by rotating the bottles in a horizontal circle pulls the water toward the center of the bottles. Gravity then pulls the water to the hole in the washer. As the water flows through the washer a vortex or tornado is formed. As an American, we live in the most severe weather prone country on Earth. According to NOAA, each year, Americans deal with an average of 10,000 thunderstorms, 5,000 floods, 1,000 tornadoes, and an average of 2 deadly hurricanes. You can make sure your family is safe through preparedness and education. It’s important to talk to your children about weather safety and awareness and have a safety plan the family can implement when wild weather threatens. Give your children a designated task to carry out in that plan (i.e. Grab the flashlight, draw a map, collect emergency numbers). If they feel as though they are helping the family during a time of need, they will feel more confident that the situation is under control. Share this website with your family and children: www.fema.gov/kids. There you can find a library of weather articles for kids, games and quizzes, and how children can create their own disaster emergency kit. Discover ways to become prepared, weather related experiments, radar, and your local forecast by going to www.hookedonscience.org. v 26 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com


2012 Healthy Plate Pledge Get Your Plate in Shape!

by Purchase District Health Department

March is National Nutrition Month® The Purchase District Health Department wants everyone to get your plate in shape! Many of you will know about the recently publicized revelation that a well-known celebrity chef has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This is a very good opportunity to give some information about how to get your plate in shape and help prevent type 2 diabetes. Statistics from the Kentucky Diabetes Prevention and Control Program show that diabetes is prevalent in Kentucky and it is growing at an alarming rate. Prevention efforts save lives and money. According to a report in the Center for Disease Control’s publication, News You Can Use, the prevention of type 2 diabetes can save 5.7 billion health-care dollars over the next 25 years.

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Preventing Type 2 Diabetes One question this popular chef and others diagnosed with type 2 diabetes may be asking is: How do you prevent type 2 diabetes? You can prevent type 2 diabetes by loosing a moderate amount of weight and increase your activity level. A couple of ways to improve your weight loss efforts are to lower the fat and calories in your recipes and eat more non-starchy vegetables! In this article we will offer recipes and practical ideas to get your plate in shape.

Lower the fat! Food items such as oil, butter, margarine, sour cream, nuts, mayonnaise, salad dressing and olives are packed with calories from fat. Eating too many calories can pack on unwanted pounds. All fats are high in calories. Be sure to limit serving sizes for good nutrition and health. Try this lower calorie alternative to chicken salad:

Orange Chicken Salad 1 large can white chicken (13oz) 1 container Yoplait light orange creme yogurt (6oz) 1 teaspoon light mayo 1/2C chopped celery 1/4-1/2 C sliced red grapes 1 tablespoon sliced toasted almonds Dash of nutmeg and garlic (enhances the flavor of the chicken) Makes 5 (1/3 cup) servings Nutrition analysis per 1/3 cup serving: Carbohydrates - 7 grams; Protein - 23 grams; Fat - 3 grams)

Get Your Plate in Shape! Pledge to make one half your plate non-starchy vegetables. Why eat non-starchy vegetables? Non-starchy vegetables are rich in phyto (meaning plant)

nutrients. These nutrients promote good health. Nonstarchy vegetables also are rich in fiber which is important for digestive health.

Which vegetables are non starchy vegetables? Think color! RED bell peppers and tomatoes. GREEN beans, spinach, and broccoli. YELLOW squash, yellow bell peppers. PURPLE onions, beets and eggplant. ORANGE carrots, orange bell peppers. Also included are artichokes, baby corn, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chayote, cucumber, green onions, collard, kale or mustard greens, heart of palm, jicama, leeks, mushrooms, okra, onions, pea pods, radishes, sugar snap peas, turnips and water chestnuts. Don’t forget salad greens such as chicory, endive, escarole, lettuce romaine, arugula, radicchio, and watercress to round out a meal.

How can I include non-starchy vegetables to my meals? • Add chopped vegetables to soups or stews. • Stir raw or lightly cooked vegetables such as carrots or onions into pasta sauce (really any vegetable can be added here). • To lower calories from fat, sauté vegetables in water or broth rather than oil. • Top a baked potato with salsa or stir-friend vegetables. • Pile your sandwiches high with lettuce, spinach leaves, tomatoes, onion, cucumbers- the works! • Buy pre-mixed bagged salads but avoid the dressing packets since these are usually very high in fat. Salads can be made unhealthy by adding these and other high fat garnishes such as bacon bits. Try this quick and easy recipe:

Roasted Broccoli Cut broccoli into serving pieces Sprinkle with olive oil and sea salt to taste Put on a foil lined cookie sheet Roast at 400 degrees uncovered for 20 minutes Nutritional analysis per ½ cup serving: Carbohydrates- 5 grams; Protein- 1 gram; Fat- 2 grams

28 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

When can I eat non-starchy vegetables? Anything goes! Have vegetables with all meals- including breakfast. Keep washed ready-to-eat cut raw vegetables such as carrots, asparagus, broccoli, celery, or cherry tomatoes in a visible place in your refrigerator as a reminder of your pledge to getting your plate in shape.

Safety for young children: Choking Remember to cook or mash carrots or corn due to the choking hazard for young children. Other foods that might cause choking include: raw celery, grapes and cherries.

Do any of these symptoms describe you? If so, you need to contact your health provider to see if you may have diabetes.

Did you take the Healthy Plate Pledge to getting your plate in shape? We want to help you on your road to good health. If you have taken the pledge to make one-half of your plate nonstarchy vegetables: we would like to offer a plate pledge prize for you. Please call us 270-444-965 ext 106 (Julie Muscarella RD, LD, CDE) or 107 (DeAnna Leonard BSN) and tell us about your pledge.

What if your child does not like non-starchy veg- Here are some good online resources – check out these websites! etables? • Unfamiliar foods are often rejected the first time. Did you www.eatright.org know it may take 8-10 exposures to a food for a child to www.kidseatright.org develop an increase preference to it? Be patient! www.diabetes.org • Are you, as a role model, eating the foods with your child? v • Offer foods separately when possible rather than in a www.purchasehealth.org casserole or mixed in gravies. • Serve a small portion of the new or previously disliked food along with a familiar food, without pressure to eat the new food. • Involve the child in meal planning, shopping, and preparing too. • Do not use food as a reward for finishing a meal. This teaches that the dessert is the most desirable part of the meal and may reduce subsequent acceptance of a new food.

March 27th is Diabetes Alert Day This is a one day “wake up call” asking everyone to take the Diabetes Risk test.


What are the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes has been linked to numerous risk factors which include: heredity, excess weight, inactivity, and ethnicity. Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes? A simple risk test can be found at www.diabetes.org. After getting to this site, just click “Diabetes Basics” and then the “Risk Test” link. Can you be walking around with type 2 diabetes and not know it? The answer is absolutely. Often people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms.*

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms* • • • • • • • • • • •

Frequent urination Unusual thirst Extreme hunger Unusual weight loss Extreme fatigue Irritability Frequent infections Blurred vision Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 29

eventscalendar To place an event in the calendar please call (270) 415-9400 or email us at paducahparenting@comcast.net. Submissions will be accepted until the 15th of each month prior to publication.

America – the 40th Anniversary Tour. The Carson Center. 7:30 Tickets $37, $47 and $57. www.thecarsoncenter.org or 270-450-4444


The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 7 PM and 9:10 PM. Nominated for 10 Academy Awards. www.maidenalleycinema.com

SATURDAY 3 Run4 Another 5K Run/Walk. The Gate, 1499 Olive Street Paducah. 9 AM. Proceeds benefit Murray XA World Missions and Murray Calloway County Senior Center. Register online at www.run4another.com


The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 4:30 PM, 7 PM and 9:10 PM. Nominated for 10 Academy Awards. www.maidenalleycinema.com



“Kick up Your Heels” Fashion Show. Baptist Heart Center, Western Baptist Hospital. 10 AM. Proceeds benefit cancer care education programs and services at WBH. $30. Call 270-575-2871. The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 7 PM. Nominated for 10 Academy Awards. www.maidenalleycinema.com Journey Stories – Wrather Museum, 16th and University, Murray, KY. 8:30 – 4:00 PM. A traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibition about great river highways, westeward expansion, railroads, land grants, immigration, northward migration, wars, and expanded mobility thorugh planes, trains and automobiles. Relay for Life Fundraiser. Buckets, Paducah, KY. 4:00 PM. Just drop your ticket in the bucket as you leave to help fight cancer.

FRIDAY 2 Journey Stories – Wrather Museum, 16th and University, Murray, KY. 8:30 – 4:00 PM. A traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibition about great river highways, westeward expansion, railroads, land grants, immigration, northward migration, wars, and expanded mobility thorugh planes, trains and automobiles. Friday Night Science with Hooked on Science’s Jason Lindsey – Recycling Rules! WKCTC Emerging Technology Center. 5 PM – 7 PM. $20. www.westkentucky.kctcs.edu. 270-534-3335.

30 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

United States Army Field Band and Soldier’s Chorus. The Carson Center. 3 PM. FREE. www.thecarsoncenter.org or 270-450-4444 The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 2:30 PM, 4:30 PM, and 7 PM. Nominated for 10 Academy Awards. www.maidenalleycinema.com

MONDAY 5 AARP Driver Safety Course for ages 50 and over. McCracken County Extension Office. 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM with an 11:30 break for lunch. AARP Members $12. Non Members $14. Class size is limited, call 270-554-9520. The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 7 www.maidenalleycinema.com


Nominated for 10 Academy Awards.

TUESDAY 6 Plant Propagation program with Heather Blankenship sponsored by McCracken County Extension. MSU Green House, Murray, KY . 5:00 PM. The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 9 www.maidenalleycinema.com


Nominated for 10 Academy Awards.

WEDNESDAY 7 Book Discussion: The Wench, by Dolen Perkins-Valdez. McCracken County Public Library. 12:00 PM.

The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 7 www.maidenalleycinema.com


Nominated for 10 Academy Awards.


Nominated for 10 Academy Awards.

THURSDAY 8 The Artist. Maiden Alley Cinema. 9 www.maidenalleycinema.com

FRIDAY 9 Comedian Tim Hawkins . The Carson Center. 7:30 PM. $18 - $64. www.thecarsoncenter.org or 270-450-4444 Charity League Bargain Fair Goes Boutique Preview Party and Designer Room Reveal. Paducah Convention & Expo Center. All proceeds benefit Easter Seals Kentucky. $15. Charityleagueofpaducah@gmail.com

SATURDAY 10 Leprechaun Hunt by Paducah Parks Services. Shelter 8 at Noble Park. Find the lucky treasures! Registration 1:30 PM, Hunt at 2 PM. FREE Charity League Bargain Fair Goes Boutique. Paducah Convention & Expo Center. All proceeds benefit Easter Seals Kentucky. Charityleagueofpaducah@gmail.com Grumpy Old Men Jazz Quartet. WKCTC Clemens Fine Arts Center. 7:30 PM. $6 General Admisison. Now and Then: Studio and On-Site Drawings by Dale Leys Reception. Ruth Baggett Gallery, 1025 Jefferson, Paducah. 5 – 9 PM.

SUNDAY 11 MONDAY 12 Silas House Master Class with WKCTC Creative Writing Students. WKCTC Clemens Fine Art Center. 12:30 PM. FREE. Presentation 7:00 PM.270-554-9200.

TUESDAY 13 WEDNESDAY 14 THURSDAY 15 An Evening Upstairs. McCracken County Library. Janet Scott portrays Mary Settles, The Last Shaker at Pleasant Hill (1836-1923). 7 PM – 9 PM. 270-442-2510 x 119. Introduction to Essential Oils Class. Heath Health Foods. 6:30 PM. $30. For more information call 270-534-4977.

FRIDAY 16 Green Teen Dance by Paducah Parks Department. Robert Cherry Civic Center. Ages 14-18. $5 per person. 8:30 PM –11:30 PM. Wear Green!

SATURDAY 17 Lone Wolfe Bash and St. Paddy’s Day Smash – Official North American Strongman Competition at The Star. 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Paducah, KY. Jason Bishop, America’s Hottest Illusionist. WKCTC Clemans Fine Arts Center. 7:30 PM. Adults $25, Students & Children $15. www.artsinfocus.org Beat Beethoven 5K Run/Walk sponsored by Paducah Symphony Orchestra. Noble Park, Paducah, KY. 7:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Pre-registration $25, Race Day Registration $30, 1 mile youth run $10. For more information or to pre-register, contact leighann@paducahsymphony.org or call 270-444-0065. Beethoven’s 5th Concert by Paducah Symphony Orchestra. Carson Center. 7:30 PM. www.paducahsymphony.org or 270-442-0065.

Underwater Easter Egg Hunt. Mayfield Graves YMCA. 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Free. Visit www.mayfieldgravesymca.com or call 270-247-0049.

SUNDAY 18 MONDAY 19 Community Breakfast. Fountain Avenue United Methodist Church. 17th and Monroe, Paducah, KY. 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Free.

TUESDAY 20 Essential Oils for Children and Babies Class. Heath Health Foods. 6:30 PM. $30. For more information call.


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eventscalendar THURSDAY 22 Sue Nickels 3 day Intermediate Workshop. National Quilt Museum. $350 NonFriends and $320 Friends of the Museum. www. quiltmuseum.org

FRIDAY 23 Sue Nickels 3 day Intermediate Workshop. National Quilt Museum. $350 NonFriends and $320 Friends of the Museum. www. quiltmuseum.org Fancy Finds Upscale Kid’s Consigment Sale. The Clay Chameleon, Paducah, KY. 10 AM – 8 PM. www.fancyfindsconsignment.com Clifford the Big Red Dog LIVE. The Carson Center. 7 Students. www.thecarsoncenter.org or 270-450-4444


$18 Adults, $10

SATURDAY 24 Sue Nickels 3 day Intermediate Workshop. National Quilt Museum. $350 NonFriends and $320 Friends of the Museum. www. quiltmuseum.org Fancy Finds Upscale Kid’s Consigment Sale. The Clay Chameleon, Paducah, KY. 1/4 to 1/2 off sale. 10 AM – 4 PM. www.fancyfindsconsignment.com Swamp Rats 10k Lights for Luke and 1 mile fun run. Mayfield Graves YMCA. Registration at 8 AM. Visit www.mayfieldgravesymca.com or 270-247-0049. Comedian Rodney Carrington. The Carson Center. 7 PM. $41.75. www.thecarsoncenter.org or 270-450-4444

SUNDAY 25 MONDAY 26 TUESDAY 27 Easter Egg Dash by Paducah Parks Services. Children 10 and under will race to pick up more than 13,000 candy filled eggs and search for the prize eggs. 5:15 PM to 6:30 PM. www.paducahky.gov. Homemade Pizza Making Class sponsored by Heath Health Foods at Fountain Avenue United Methodist Church. 6:30 PM. $10. Call 270-534-4977 for info.

WEDNESDAY 28 THURSDAY 29 Rogers & Hammerstein’s South Pacific. The Carson Center. 7:40 $42.50, $55. www.thecarsoncenter.org or 270-450-4444




Art Galleries, Exhibitions & Museums: Second Saturdays Gallery Walk . Visit Lowertown’s great galleries and studios on the second Saturday. 12PM – 8 PM. Apprenticeship for Artists. Ages 13+. Ongoing. Paducah Parks Department. 444-8508. Private Lessons and Glass Art Windows, Aire Castle Stained Glass Art Studio, 435 Salem Chapel Rd. North, Benton KY. Limit 2 Students per class, schedule is set according to student availability,. Copper Foil & Solder method or Came Method For more, 270-354-5004 or www.airecastle.com/stained-glass . Doodling classes conducted by Paducah artist Bill Ford at the Yeiser Art Center, 200 Broadway , Paducah. 12:30 PM – 2 PM on the following Saturdays: Feb 18, March 17, April 21, May 12 and June 23. Others to be scheduled. Ages 5 and up. $25. Pre-registration required . Contact Yeiser Art Center at 270442-2453. All Natural Four-Person Exhibition Opening Reception. Yeiser Art Center. 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. FREE. 270-442-2453.

THROUGH APRIL 3: School Block Challenge. National Quilt Museum.

32 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

Monday – Saturday, 10 AM – 5 PM. $11 Adults, $9 Seniors, $5 Students, $7 groups of 10 or more. www.nationalquiltmuseum.org or 270-442-8856.

THROUGH MARCH 13: Quilt Journeys: Three Quilters. National Quilt Museum. Monday – Saturday 10 AM – 5 PM. $11 adults, $9 seniors; $5 Students; $7 groups of 10 or more. www.nationalquiltmuseum.org or 270-442-8856. Glass Artisan Guild. Meets in Murray and is open to all. For information, contact Judi Little at 270-436-5132 or visit www.artisanglassguild.com. Meets the 2ND TUE AT 6PM- Usually at the Murray Transit Center- but we also meet in members studios for special projects and demonstrations. Civil War Walking Tour. Paducah Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Using the map, drawn by hand in 1861, by a Federal Captain of occupying troops in Paducah, follow the path of historical markers to discover the city"s important role during the Civil War. Call 1-800-PADUCAH for more. Market @ 315. An array of original art forms. Quilts, Paintings, Turned Wood, Bead Art, Fiber Arts, and much more! All to your "Arts Desire"! 442-6151.

National Quilt Museum. 215 Jefferson Street. For more, call 442-8856. www.nationalquiltmuseum.org. Scheduled school groups of 10 or more are free. The museum offers guided tours to pre-registered groups. Please schedule your group at least two weeks in advance. Lowertown Gallery information available at www.paducaharts.com. Paducah Railroad Museum – 201 Washington St. Fri. 1 - 4 by appt. $3 Adults, $1 Children. Donations. 270-519-7377

Broadway United Methodist Church - 443-2401 www.bumc-paducah.org

SUNDAY: Fellowship Time 9 AM. Youth & Adult Sunday School for all ages 9:30 AM. Worship 10:30 AM Youth group (grades 6-12) – 6 PM.Youth Activities, Sunday 6 PM. SELECTED FRIDAY NIGHTS: Parent’s Night Out. Safe, reliable babysitting available for special event or dinner out. Contact the Mother’s Day Out department at 443-2401 3RD MONDAY: Senior Adults Potluck. 12 Noon in Igert Hall. Bring your favorite dish to share and join us for food, fun and fellowship. WEDNESDAY Evening Meals. $5 for adults and $3 for children. Reservations are necessary. Food served from 5:30 – 6:15 PM. Programs begin at 6:15 PM. Mother's Day Out- Children 3 months -5 years meets Tuesday and Thursdays

from 9 AM -2 PM Call 443-2401 ext. 216 for more information. Thursday Morning Bible Study: Led by Senior Pastor,Rev. Joe Beal, This group meets most Thursday mornings at 11AM Open to all. Counseling Services: New Directions Counseling for stress, sadness, abuse; office hours by appointment, call 270-217-2753; First Step Addiction Counseling Ministry, call 270-408-1489. Choirs available for all ages. Gospel & Chancel Choirs for adults; Gloria Choir for

PM, Sat. 10 AM -4 PM or

PAPA Gallery. Works by 100 local artists. 124 Broadway. Mon. - Fri. 10 – 4PM. FREE. 575-3544. www.thepapagallery.com The Right Angle Gallery. Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 10-3. 4645 Village Square Dr. River Discovery Center – 117 S. Water Street. Monday – Saturday 9:30 AM – 5 PM. Sunday 1 – 5 PM . $7 adults, $5 children (ages 3 - 12), $6 seniors 60 and over. 270575-9958. www.riverdiscoverycenter.org Lloyd Tilghman House & Civil War Museum - 631 Kentucky Ave. Interpreting Paducah's & Western KY's roles in the Civil War. Fri/Sat Noon to 4PM; 10AM-4PM when riverboats in port; group tours by appt. Adults $3/child 6-12 $1/under 6 free 575-5477. The William Clark Market House Museum – 121 Market House Square. Mon – Sat 12 – 4 PM. $3 ages 12 and up, $1 ages 6 – 11, 443-7759 Whitehaven Welcome Center – I-24, exit 7. Tours 1 – 4 PM daily, Tours every half hour, daily 1:30 – 4 PM. FREE. 554-2077.

Religious Services & Meetings: Amazing Grace Lutheran Church - 270-554-5256 or 270443-7787 amazinggracelutheranpaducah.org unbridledword@yahoo.com Meets at House of Hope, 2025 Clarkline Road SUNDAY Service: 10 AM

Bellview Baptist Church – 554-3173 www.bellviewbaptistpaducah.com 4875 Old Mayfield Road – Pastor Bro. Mike Nolen www.bellviewbaptistchurch.com • Sunday School: 9 AM; Worship Service: 10 AM; Sunday Evening: 6 PM; Wednesday Service: 6:30 PM

Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church - 270-876-7239 www.bethelcpchurch.org “Come Grow With Us” SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9

AM.; Worship, 10 AM. & 6 PM. Youth (6th-12th grade) , 6


WEDNESDAY: 5:30 Meal 6 PM AWANA (0-5th) Youth (6th-12th) Adult Bible Study

Broadway Baptist Church 2435 Broadway Pastor: Brother Steve Gorham; Sunday School, 10 AM; Sunday worship, 11AM; Sunday evening, 6 PM; Wednesday worship, 7 PM

Broadway Church of Christ. SUNDAY: Morning Worship, 9:30 AM; Bible Study, 10:45 AM Evening Worship, 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study, 7 PM

www.paducahparenting.com March2012 • 33

Breakfast – 8 AM The Prayer Room is open to the public Monday - Friday 9 AM 4 PM • Plus Homemakers, Scouts, Blood Drives and other Occasional Events. Child care is Provided in the Nursery during Sunday Morning Services


Concord West Church of Christ-270-744-8440 children grades 3-5; Melody Choir for children K-2 and Alpha Choir for children ages 3-pre K. Adult HandBells- Fellowship Ringers. Call 443-2401 ext. 205 for more information about music opportunities at Broadway UMC. Brooks Pool - 443-1778 - Brooks Pool is open to the community for Year-

Round Swimming in our indoor heated pool. Swim lessons and lifeguard certification are available. Pool Rental for private parties. Contact 443-1778. Swim lessons and Parent & Me Classes are available.Water Aerobics: MONDAY – FRIDAY 10 AM MONDAY – THURSDAY: Open Swim. 5 - 7 PM. Water Aerobics: MONDAY - THURSDAY. 5:15 PM.

Central Church of Christ – 270-442-1017

2201 Washington Street: SUNDAY: Bible Study Classes for all ages 9:30 PM, Morning worship 10:30 AM, Evening worship 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study classes for all ages 7:00 PM EVERY TUESDAY: Ladies' Bible Class, 1 - 2 PM 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS: "Dorcas Day" Clothing Give-Away

Christ Chapel E.M.C.

Pastor Dr. Tom Hiter. Traditional Anglican--1928 BCP. SUNDAYS 8:30 AM, "The Lighthouse" floating Chapel on Kentucky Lake (moored at Southern Komfort Marina). WEDNESDAYS 7:00 PM, Hiter Chapel in Fairdealing. Call for directions 270-354-9132.

Community Fellowship Baptist Church - 270-856-4463 Off of Hwy 45 in Hickory, Ky SUNDAY at 9:45 AM for Sunday School • Worship 11:00 AM WEDNESDAY Night Service 6:30 PM • Sunday Night Small Groups 6:00 PM

Concord United Methodist Church - (church) 443-2629 www.concordpad.com SUNDAY

First Baptist Church, Paducah - 442-2728 www.fbcpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Early Morning Service, 8:30 AM; Bible Study, 9:50 AM; Late Morning Service, 11 AM WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting, 6 PM; Adult Choir Rehearsal, 7 PM.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - Benton www.fccdcbentonky.org 527-8560 - 2515 S Main Street Facebook: First Christian Church Disciples of Christ Benton Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RevTim1000?feature=mhee SUNDAY: Church school 9:45 AM, Worship: 10:45 AM • WEDNESDAY: Youth night 5:30-7 PM • MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY: Men's exercise group: 9-10 AM

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Paducah, Ky 270-443-8251 • 415 Audobon Drive Paducah, KY www.fccpaducah.org SUNDAY: Sunday School 9:30

AM, Bell Choir Practice 9:30 AM, Traditional Worship 10:45 AM, Childrens’ Church 3-6 year olds 10:45 AM, Kids GroupPreschool through 5th Grade 4:00 PM, Contemporary Worship 5:30 PM, Youth Groups 6th through 12th Grades 6:30 PM. SATURDAY, MARCH 24 Community Easter Egg Hunt on the grounds 10:00 AM

First Presbyterian Church - 442-3545

SUNDAY: Church School 9:30 AM; Worship 10:45 AM; Youth Choir (6TH - 12TH grades), 4:30 PM, Youth Group 5:30 - 7 PM, Handbells, 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Children's Choir & activities 4 - 5:45 PM; Adult Choir 7 PM -

Worship Times - 8:15 AM, 10:30 AM & 6 PM; Coffee/Donuts/ Fellowship – 9 AM. Sunday School - 9:30 AM Tuesday - 6:30 PM - WISE Bible Study for women WEDNESDAY Fellowship Meal- 5:15 PM (call to make reservations); B.L.A.S.T. for Kids, Youth Meeting & Adult Bible Study 6 PM THURSDAY- Men's Prayer

34 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

4715 Mayfield Metropolis Road SUNDAY Bible Study 9:00AM, Worship 10:00AM, Evening Worship 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7:00 PM

Fountain Avenue United Methodist - 443-1724

SUNDAY: Fellowship, 9 AM; Sunday School for all ages, 9:45 AM; Worship and Children’s Church (ages 4-9), 10:45 AM. Communion service first Sunday of each month. Nursery provided for birth - age 3. MONDAY/THURSDAY: Quilting

Group, 9:30 AM WEDNESDAY: Church Dinner, 5:30 PM ($5/ call for reservation by Tuesday Noon); Program and youth activities, 6 PM; Choir, 6:30 PM. SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY, "Revelation Is Not the End of the World." 4 PM

Four Rivers Covenant Church – 270-444-6598 or 1-866733-7245 Paducah Campus: 1200 Broadway • Lakes Campus: 109 Main Street, Calvert City SUNDAY: Worship- 9:30 & 11:00AM

Friendship Baptist Church of Paducah - 534-1900

SUNDAY: Worship Service 8:30 & 11 AM. Bible Study 9:45 AM. AWANA (children’s discipleship) 6 PM. Youth Discipleship 6 PM. Adult Discipleship 6 PM TUESDAY: Women’s Bible study, morning and evening sessions. WEDNESDAY: Children’s Choir (3 yrs - 5TH grade) 6:30 PM. Youth Bible Study 6:30 PM. Adult Prayer/Bible Study 6:30 PM

Grace Church, Int’l - 442-8949 www.gracechurchint.org

SATURDAY: Celebration Service, 10:30 AM and 5 PM TUESDAY: Celebration Service, 7 PM • THURSDAY: Corporate Prayer, 8:45AM

Grace Bible Church - 554-0808

SUNDAY: Celebration Service, 9:45 AM - Potluck following Sunday services. WEDNESDAY: Service, 6:30 PM

Harmony Baptist Church – 270-488-3115 9215 Ogden Landing Road • harmonypastor@gmail.com - Find us on Facebook! SUNDAY: 10 AM, Sunday School; 11 AM Morning Worship, Children's Church; 5:30 PM AWANA; 6 PM Evening Worship WEDNESDAY: 7 PM Prayer and Praise, Bible Buddies

Heartland Worship Center - 534-1400

SUNDAY: Sunday School - . 8, 9:15, 10:45 AM; Sunday Services – 9:30, 10:45 AM & 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Evening Service – 6 PM; Children’s activities - 6:15 PM; Middle/High School, 6-8 PM.; DivorceCare, 6:30 PM. The Landing: FRIDAYS at 6:45 PM. a year-long program that helps teenagers struggling with hurts, hang-ups and habits travel the path to freedom, healing and wholeness. FREE. Dinner served at 6:15 PM for $3.

Highland Cumberland Presbyterian Church – 554-3572

SUNDAY: Sunday School - 9:45 AM, Worship-10:45 AM, Youth and Evening Worship6 PM. WEDNESDAY: Evening meal - 5:15 PM, Youth - 5:30 PM, Bible Study - 6PM, Adult Choir -

Lone Oak United Methodist Church - 270-554-1272 www.loneoakumcpaducah.org SUNDAY: Sunday School: 9

AM, Sonrise Servise 8 AM, Celebration Service Worship 10:15 AM, Youth Group 5 PM WEDNESDAY: Church Dinner 5:30 PM, Bible Study 6 PM, Bell Choir 6 PM, Chancel Choir 7 PM

Lutheran Church of the Cross - 618-524-4628 2601 North Avenue, Metropolis, IL 62960 SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Sunday School - 9


Worship Service 10



Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays)

Margaret Hank Memorial Cumberland Presbyterian Church - 443-3689 www.margarethank.org SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:30 AM; Worship, 10:30 AM; Evening service, 6 PM

McKendree United Methodist Church - 488-3770 or 488-2444. SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9 AM Worship, 10:30 AM Youth and

Children Activities, 4:30 PM Evening Worship, 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study, 6:30 PM EVERY 3RD SATURDAY, Senior Citizens Social Dinner - 4:30 to 6 PM. Clothes Closet: Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10 AM - 3 PM.; Saturday: 9 AM Noon. Most items 25 cents to $1.

Milburn Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian - 488-2588

SUNDAY: Donuts & Coffee, 9 AM.; Sunday School, 9:30 AM.; Morning Worship, 10:30 AM.; Evening, 6 PM. • WEDNESDAY: Evening meal, 5:30 PM.; Bible Study (all ages), 6:15 PM

Mt. Sterling Cumberland Presbyterian Church - 618-5642616

SUNDAY: Sunday school 10 AM, Worship 11 AM, Evening worship 6 PM, Youth group 6 PM. WEDNESDAY: Bible study 6:30 PM, Junior youth group 6:30 PM Contact:Bro. David LeNeave, contact@mscpchurch.com

Mt. Zion Baptist Church - 554-0518 www.mtzionpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Sunday school, 9 AM; Worship, 10 AM & 6:30 PM WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, 6:30 PM.


Hillcrest Baptist Church - 270-217-2796

SUNDAY: Sunday School 9 AM, Services 10 AM and 5 PM. Mothers Day Out: WEDNESDAY 9AM - 2:30 PM. Hillcrest Preschool, MONDAY - FRIDAY

House of Hope Ministries, 270-933-1069 www.hohmin.org, Pastor Michael Pryor

SUNDAY - 9:30 – 10:15 AM, Purpose Driven Life Class and Sunday School; 11 AM, Worship Service WEDNESDAY – 6:30 – 7:15 PM, Midweek Fill-up Service

Immanuel Baptist Church - 443-5306 www.immanuel-paducah.org

SUNDAY: Worship Services-10:45 AM. Sunday School, 9:30 AM with classes for all ages.

Jesus Christ Little House of Prayer - 898-9875 SUNDAY: Morning Worship 10 AM. Evening Worship 6 PM. THURSDAY: Evening Service. 6:30 PM.

SPECIALS Monday Margaritas $2.50 • Taco Salad $6.50 Tuesday Margaritas $1.99 • Chimichanga $8.00 Wednesday Draft $1.25 • Burrito Special $5.75

Living Word Pentecostal Church - 575-3477

Thursday Jumbo Margarita $4.99 Enchiladas Supremas $8.00

Lone Oak Church of Christ - 554-2511 www.loneoakchurchofchrist.com

Saturday Vegetarian Combo $6.99

SUNDAY: Morning Sunday School/Worshi- 10 AM. Evening Worship - 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study - 7 PM Bus Ministry: 270-564-5706 or 270-210-9086

SUNDAY: Worship 9

Sunday School 15 minutes after end of worship, Evening Service 6 PM. WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 7 PM AM,

Lone Oak First Baptist Church – 554-1441 www.loneoakfbc.org

SUNDAY: Adult Sunday School, 7:30 AM; Morning Worship – 8:30 AM, 9:35 AM, & 11 AM; Sunday School – 8:30 AM & 9:45 AM; Evening Worship – 7 PM WEDNESDAY: Children’s Mission Groups & Preteen Group– 5:45 PM; Youth– 6PM; Children’s Choirs & Prayer Meeting– 6:30 PM Adult Choir & Orchestra Rehearsal – 7:15 PM


HAPPY HOUR! Monday-Thursday 4-10 P.M.

Accepting all major credit cards!

Become a Fan on Facebook!

2701 Irvin Cobb Dr. • Paducah

270-408-1243 Open 10:30 am-10 pm

www.paducahparenting.com March2012 • 35

eventscalendar New Covenant Fellowship of Reidland – 898-9664 SUNDAY: Worship Service 10:30 AM

New Geneva Community Church--Paducah – 443-8866 www.ngccarp.org

SUNDAY: 10 AM worship; 11:30 AM intergenerational Bible Study; meal following TUESDAY: Women's ministry 7 PM THURSDAY: Men's ministry 5:30 PM and 6:45 PM TUESDAY – FRIDAY: Biblical counseling available by appointment

New Harvest Church of God www.newharvestchurchpaducah.com

SUNDAY: Morning Worship and Children's Church (Age 11 & under), 10:30 AM; Evening Camp Meeting, 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study, 7PM For Youth Information: The River Youth Ministries. Contact Melanie Rogers, (270) 978-1761 or email: melattheriver@yahoo.com

New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church- 554-0473 www.newhopecpchurch.org

(ages 3 to K); 5:45 PM – Awana For Kids (ages 2 to 6th grade); 6:00 PM – Evening Worship; WEDNESDAY: 6:30 PM – Bible Studies for ages 2 through Adult

Open Door Baptist Church - 443-6522 www.theopendoorbaptistchurch.com 227 Farley Place, Paducah, KY 42003 Pastor - Bob Kelley, bkelley@vci.net SUNDAY: Sunday School, 10 AM, Morning Worship and Children's Church 11 AM, SUNDAY EVENING 6 PM; WEDNESDAY: Teaching Time for Adults and Patch the Pirate Club for Children 7 PM; FRIDAYS: Reformers Unanimous, a group that will help you overcome addictions, 7 - 9 PM. Clothes Closet open 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH. FRIDAYS: RUI, Addiction Recovery Program. 7 PM. If you need a ride or more information, call the church office.

Palestine Methodist Church Bible School - 270-559-1233 Ogden Landing Road, West Paducah, KY Pleasant Grove Baptist Church – 422-1000 1110 N. 14th Street, Paducah

SUNDAY: Explorer Hour: 9:30 AM; Worship 11AM, 1st Sunday: Lord Supper 6PM, 1ST & 3RD MONDAY: Women’s Fellowship 6 PM, 3RD MONDAY: Brotherhood 6 PM, WEDNESDAY: Prayer/Bible Study 6 PM, 1ST WEDNESDAY: Youth Bible Study 6 PM

newhopecpchurch@hotmail.com • Pastor: Jeff Biggs Youth Pastor: Drew Gray Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 a.m., Sunday Evening Youth & Worship 6:00 p.m., Wednesday Evening Youth & KFC (KIDS FOR CHRIST) 6:00 PM Adult Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Monday Night Females- 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH

The Potter's House Baptist Worship Center -270-928-9905 www.pottershousebwc.com

Oaklawn Baptist Church – 442-1513 www.oaklawnbaptistky.org

Reidland Baptist Church – 898-6243 rbaptist@bellsouth.net • www.reidlandbaptistchurch.org

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:45 AM; Worship 11 AM & 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 7 PM; God's Children 7 PM

Olivet Baptist Church - 442-3267 email: office@obcpaducah.org

SUNDAY: 9 AM - Sunday School; 10 AM - Morning Worship, Kids Worship Time

36 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

SUNDAY: Bible Study, 9:30 AM; Worship 10:45 AM; Sunday evening 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Small groups for adults and children, 7 PM Nursery Service provided for all services.

SUNDAY: 9:00AM Sunday School (classes for all ages), Morning Worship Service 10:10AM-11:30 AM; Children's Church (ages 4 to 3rd grade); 5:30 - 7 PM. Choir practice, Youth and children's programs and recreation; 6 - 7 PM Adult Bible Study. WEDNESDAY: 5-5:45 Evening Meal; 6-7: 45 PM, TeamKID: Ages 3 – 6th Grade; Youth Group; 6-7:45 PM, Nursery provided for all services and Sunday school.

Adult Life University Classes; Prayer Service: 6:30 - 7:45 PM. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: 9:30 AM – 2 PM, Mother’s Day Out Program. Ages 1-4.

Reidland Christian Church – 898-3904 www.reidlandchristian.org

SUNDAY: 9:30 AM Sunday school; 10:30 AM Worship; 6 PM Bible study WEDNESDAY: 6 PM Family Meal; 7 PM Bible study for children/adults .

Reidland Seventh Day Adventist Church - 270-898-3010 5320 KY Dam Road, Paducah, KY 42003

SATURDAY: Sabbath School, 9:30 AM; Worship Service, 11 AM. A FREE delicious vegetarian fellowship meal is served 1st Sabbath of each month following worship service. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting, 6:30 PM.

Reidland United Methodist Faithweaver Friends, preschool - 6th grade. Wednesdays: 5:15 - 7:30 PM. Free dinner & fun, interactive bible discussions for kids. For more, call 270-2170400.

Rosary Chapel Catholic Church - 444-6383 Rosary@bellsouth.net

Mass Schedule: TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 5:30 PM; SUNDAY, 10:30 AM 2nd Friday Fish Fry. 711 Ohio Street. Fish, Spaghetti, beans, slaw, drink, and one dessert for a $10 donation to Rosary Chapel. Serve from 4:30-6:30 PM. Carry outs are available.

Spring Bayou Baptist Church- Kevil- 462-3014 www.springbayou.com

SUNDAY: Sunday School - 9:45 AM; Morning Worship & WeeWorship - 10:45 AM; Awana Program - 5 PM; Evening Worship - 6 PM • WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7 PM.

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Grand Rivers, KY 270-362-2171, http://stpiusx.us • Pastor Father Anthoni Ottagan Mass Times: WEDNESDAY 9 AM, FRIDAY at 9 AM, SUNDAY 8 AM

Southland Baptist Temple - 270-444-9678 www.southlandbaptisttemple.com

SUNDAY: 7 - 9 AM Topper's Gospel Show (WKYQ); 9:45 AM Sunday School; 10:45 AM

Worship Service, KidzAlive (3 - 5th grade); 6


Evening Service,

WEDNESDAY: 10 AM - 3 PM Mission Room Open; 4:30 - 6 PM Evening Meal; 6:30 - 8 AWANA (2 - 6th grade), The Light (7th - 12th grade); 6:45 Classes



Adult Bible

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church - 442-1923 www.stfrancisdesalespaducah.org - Mass Schedule: MONDAY

–FRIDAY: 12:05 PM SATURDAY: 5 PM; SUNDAY: 8:30 & 11 AM and 5 PM

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church – 554-3810. www.stjohn-theevangelist.org Mass Schedule: TUESDAY – SATURDAY: 7:30 AM

SATURDAY: 5 PM; Sunday: 7:30 AM & 9 AM

St. Matthew Lutheran Church – 442-8294 SUNDAY: 9:30 AM, Worship

St. Paul Lutheran Church - 442-8343

SUNDAY: Worship, 8 & 10:45 AM; Bible study & Sunday School, 9:30 AM The Lutheran Hour, Christian outreach radio program can be heard locally on WNGO 1320-AM and WKYX 570-AM each Sunday at 6PM Sponsored by St. Paul Lutheran Church.

St. Pius X Catholic Church, Calvert City – 270-395-4727 www.stpiusx.us Pastor: Father Anthoni Ottagan Mass Times: TUES: 6 PM. WED – FRI: 8 AM. SAT: 4:30 PM. SUN: 10 AM.

St. Thomas More Catholic Church - 534-9000 www.stmore.org


SATURDAY: 5:30 PM • SUNDAY: 9 & 11 AM (3 PM En Español) Nursery available at all services. • WEDNESDAY: Mother’s Day Out • THURSDAY: Moms Group Playgroup 4TH MONDAY EVENING: Active MOMS group Active couples group. Call 534-9000 for more information.

Temple Israel - 442-4104 www.templeisrael.us

FRIDAY: Lay-led Services: 5:30PM; Rabbi-led Services: 7PM

www.paducahparenting.com March2012 • 37

eventscalendar Trinity United Methodist Church - 534-9516 www.trinitypaducah.com

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:30AM;Worship 10:30AM;Youth BLAST & The Hub, 46PM (meets 2x/month);Children's Choir, 5:15-6PM TUESDAY:Women's Bible Study 9-11AM & 5:30-8PM WEDNESDAY: Awana (2yr old-5th grade), 57PM;Wired Wednesdays (6th-12th grade), 5:30-7PM;Choir, 6-7PM THURSDAY: Men's Small Group, 6AM, IHOP, Paducah SATURDAY:United Methodist Men 2nd Saturday, 8-9AM, Little Castle, Lone Oak



Twelve Oaks Baptist Church - 554-4634

SUNDAY: Sunday School: 9 AM Worship. 10 AM and 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Awana: 5:30 - 7 PM, Mid-Week Service 6 PM.

Improve your quality of life with short-term rehabilitation from a team committed to helping you grow more complete.

United Central Presbyterian Church – 442-6414

www.unitedcentralpres.org info@unitedcentralpres.org Sunday School 9:45 AM, Sunday Worship 10:45 AM, Nursery provided, service ASL interpreted.

United Church of Paducah – 442-3722. www.uccpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Worship celebration–10 AM; Coffee and refreshments–11- 11:20AM; Christian Education until noon.


Waldo Baptist Church - 618-564-2180 waldobaptist.org

252 West 5th St. La Center, KY 42056 LCCA.COM

SUNDAY: Bible Study, 9 AM; Morning Worship Service, 10 AM; Evening Worship Service, 6 PM WEDNESDAY: Fellowship Meal Ministry, 5:30 PM; MidWeek Service, 7 PM

West End Baptist Church - 443-1043

Joint Commission accredited

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:30 AM; Worship Service, 10:45 AM; Evening Worship, 6 PM. WEDNESDAY: Fellowship Meal 5:30 PM - Reservations required. Call church office by noon Tuesday. Children/Youth Bible Study and Adult Prayer Service: 6:30 PM

Westminster Presbyterian Church - 443-2919

Rev. Sharon Murray -www.westminsterpresbyterianpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9 AM; Worship, 10:15 AM Free childcare available; Women's Circle Bible Study, 2ND MONDAY OF THE MONTH at 6:30 PM.

On-Going Community Events & Notices: Doll Adoption Center at Learning Railroad. Kids fall in love with their own baby doll and go through an adoption process and check up. Open Monday Saturday, 10 AM - 5 PM. 2695 Jackson Street. For more, call 270-444-9986 or visit www.thelearningrailroad.com.

MONDAY - SUNDAY: Nemo Feedings. Yaya's Island, Jordan Crossing Plaza. 1 PM. 270-408-9292.

Weekly special on cruises and all-inclusive trips with air from Fun Vacations Plus. Call 270-408-1284 or visit them on the web at www.funvacationsplus.com.

MONDAY - SATURDAY. GPS Recycle Now Collections. Recycling facility, 1830 N 8 Street. Open: Monday – Wednesday and Friday 7 AM – 2:30 PM; Tuesdays and Thursdays 7 AM to 6 PM, Saturday 8 AM - Noon. For a listing of what you can bring, visit www.recyclenowpaducah.com. Volunteers welcome. A group for those in the Paducah area wanting to get involved in recycling. For questions, email recyclenow.info@gmail.com. Kentucky Grandparents who are primary caregivers may be eligible for state assistance. Call the Purchase Area DeveloPMent District for more information at 877-352-5183. Feeding the Hungry - Community Ministries, 1200 Jefferson Street. Volunteers (age 14 and older) are always needed to help serve free lunches to anyone who's hungry. Shifts available from 9:45 AM - 1:15 PM, Monday - Friday. Financial support also much welcomed! For more info, call Sally Michelson, 519-9233. Civil Air Patrol - National Guard Armory, 8000 Hinkleville Road, , Tuesdays, 6 8:30 PM. Offering lessons in aviation and aerospace principles, along with teamwork and leadership training. Members often participate in rescue and disaster relief missions. $34 per year for youth; $61 for adults. For more info, call 270-3311750 or email kycap201@calldialog.net.

38 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

FREE GED Classes.WKCTC, 8:00 AM -4:30 PM at Anderson Technical Building & 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM at KY Oaks Mall. To register, call 270-534-3451. Fridays through June 20: Take a FREE official practice test at the Anderson Technical Building. Tests start at 8:30 AM. You can also take the GED FREE. Call to schedule a time. FREE GED CLASSES - Livingston County Adult and Family Learning Center 306 Wilson Ave. Smithland, KY Also offering free computer classes, math classes, reading classes, and ESL. For more info call 928-2168

SUNDAYS: Family and Community Kitchen Meals/Fellowship. Noon - 1:00 PM at Broadway UMC (443-2401). 3 - 4:30 PM at St. Luke Aldersgate UMC (4428621). Free meal. No questions asked. MONDAY: River City Singles – Monday Evening Dance, Carroll Convention Center, 7–11 PM. $6. MONDAYS: Introduction to Social Ballroom Dancing. Paducah Dance

Let's Beautify LaCenter Association: Meets the 1st Thursday of every month at 7 PM at the Ballard County Extension Office on Broadway in LaCenter. LBL is a non-profit charitable organization established for the betterment of the community and county. Refreshments are served and anyone interested in participating in community improvements is welcome. For more information please contact Glyn or Judy Webb 270-665-5630.

Academy. 6 PM.

WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS: Workforce Computer Classes. . McCracken County Public Library Teen Tech Lab. Wednesdays 1 PM.. “1 on 1 at 1” Basic Computing Class. Fridays 3 PM, Job Search and Resume. For more, call 270-442-2510.

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY: Workforce Computer Classes. McCracken Maiden Alley Cinema plays unique movies you won't see anywhere else in the region! They also host special events and art shows. Go online to maidenalleycinema.com for what's playing this week. Marcella's Kitchen. Draffenville Lions Club, 262 Griggstown Road. Open: Monday Friday, 11 AM - 1 PM. FREE meals served. For more, call Grace Forte at 270-205-0223. Paducah Cooperative Ministry. 402 Legion Drive. Provides emergency food pantry assistance, financial assistance for rent evictions, utility disconnections, prescription medications, and stranded traveler needs. Limited to McCracken County residents. Open Monday – Friday, 9 AM – noon and 1 – 4 PM. Call 270-442-6795. The Christian Art Center, a member of Christians in the Visual Arts (www.civa.org) invites you to volunteer to "Serve God Through the Arts". Extra help needed on the Second Saturday of each month for special events. No art experience needed. Contact Gretchen Smith, (270) 243-0444 or tallartist@hotmail.com St. Nicholas Free Family Clinic desperately needs pharmacists to fill prescriptions in the evenings. For information, email Anita Spurlock at anitasplk@bellsouth.net or call 575-3247. Bluegrass Downs - Harness Racetrack and Simulcast Outlet - Open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 AM to 10 PM; Sunday close at 7:30 PM, Concessions and Bar open daily. (270) 444-7117

County Public Library Teen Tech Lab. 1 PM. Monday is "Basic Computing,” Wednesday is “Building a Resume,” Friday is “Searching for a Job Online.” For more, call 270-442-2510. TUESDAYS: Two for One Studio Fee. The Clay Chameleon, 4793 Village Square Drive. 10 AM - 7 PM For more, call 270-442-1112. www.claychameleon.com. Come paint with a friend. TUESDAYS: Science Night. McAlister's Deli, 5021 Hinkleville Road. For more information, visit www.hookedonscience.org TUESDAYS: WKCTC Community Chorus. Clemens Fine Arts Building, Room 109 on the campus. 7 - 9 PM. Participation is FREE and anyone who loves choral singing is welcome to join. Contact Norman Wurgler at 270-534-3219. or by email at norman.wurgler@kctcs.edu. WEDNESDAYS: Knitting, Crochet, and More.Downtown Coffee Bar, 426 Broadway. 2 PM. Join the crew with your latest knitting, crocheting or other project. 444-0044. WEDNESDAYS AND SUNDAYS: Shark Feeding. Yaya's Island, Jordan Crossing Plaza. 1:30 PM. For more, call 270-408-9292. THURSDAYS: Story Hour. Metropolis Public Library, 317 Metropolis Street. 11 AM. For more, call 618-524-4312. THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 6PM Spring Hill Singles Ministry - Offering adult singles bible

Cat, dog, and small animal adoptions, All God’s Creatures Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Adoption Center, 595 Richmond Rd, Simpson IL, 1-618-9679601 or 1-618-695-2654. Cat, dog adoptions, Project Hope “No Kill” Humane Society, 1698 W 10th St, Metropolis IL, 1-618-524-8939.

EVERY BUSINESS DAY: Cat Adoptions, from various humane societies, Pet Adoption Center at PetsMart, (270) 575-9300 FIRST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH: Cans for the Cross, aluminum can will be collected at the corner of the Ballard County Courthouse at 10 AM.

SECOND MONDAYS: American Disaster Action Team (DAT) monthly meetings. 6:30 PM. Chapter building. 442-3575. SECOND MONDAY OF THE MONTH: KNITTING CLUB. McCracken County Extension Office. Members meet to share techniques and ideas and enjoy each others company. For more, call 270-554-9520. THIRD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH - Book Club. Downtown Coffee Bar, 426 Broadway. 10AM. Everyone is welcome to join our book club to discuss the book of the month. Call to find out what we're reading, 270-444-0044 SECOND THURSDAYS OF THE MONTH: Matters of Life Forum. Jackson Oaks Independent Living Center, 2500 Marshall Avenue 11:30 AM. We will discuss many topics such as ethical wills, passing on important values and bereavement support. For more, contact nancy.wallace@uky.edu THURSDAYS THROUGH MARCH 29: Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance (High School Curriculum). Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Limited space available. $100 per student,. Call 270-994-6156. FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH. L.I.F.E. Community Marriage Enrichment. 6 – 7 PM. Married couples are invited to these sessions to discuss issues that hinder marriage and how to overcome them. FREE. Contact 575-3823. MONDAY - SUNDAY: Nemo Feedings. Yaya's Island, Jordan Crossing Plaza. 1 270-408-9292.


www.paducahparenting.com March2012 • 39

eventscalendar study at Ledbetter UMC. Join us for fun fellowship while learning about real issues that singles face. Childcare provided, and single parents are welcome. Our singles Bible study will start Thursday, 1-5-2012. For the most updated information, like us on Facebook as Spring Hill Ministries Paducah. You can also email springhillministries@hotmail.com. THURSDAYS: Charitable Bingo. Ballard County Board of Education, 264 E Kentucky Drive, Barlow, KY. For more information, call 270-665-9844. THURSDAYS: Board Games at the Library. Second floor, Youth Services at McCracken County Public Library. 5 - 8 PM. FREE. Socialize with other youth and teens. Come play a board game. Call 270-442-2510, ext. 122. THURSDAY: Night Moves Dance Club –American Legion, 425 Legion Drive. 6 9 PM, line dancing and couple's classes. $4 at the door. For more, call 442-3186. FRIDAYS: Paducah Writer's Group. Hear some of the area's most talented poets and storytellers, along with a great audience. Come on down and drop some science on the mic – or just kick back and listen with a fine cup of joe. Etcetera Coffeehouse. 8 PM. FRIDAYS: Adult Ballroom Dance Party. 8 – 10 PM. $7 cover charge. Drinks & refreshments included. Open to the public. Ruth Johnson School of Dance, 1702 Broadway. Call 442-8321 LAST WEEKDAYS OF EACH MONTH: PATS Free Ride. Paducah Area Transit System invites us to ride free on any fixed route (nine in total) . 6 AM – 6 PM. Regular fare $.75, $.50 for 55 and over. paducahtransit.com.

opportunity for Graves County children to begin to become familiar with school so that when the time comes, the transition is very natural. Children are able to explore, play with new toys and meet other children. We include in our sessions times of singing, playing, arts, crafts, coloring, and snack time. While the toddlers are having fun mom, dad, grandparents, aunts, and uncles are learning creative ways to actively engage with their children. For more information, contact Jennifer Morris, 270-328-4868. The McCracken County Preschool Head Start office is now accepting appointments to register for the 2012-12 school year. Children must be 3 or 4 years old on or before October 1, 2012 and they must be income eligible or exhibit a developmental delay. Children also must reside in the McCracken County School District. Please call the McCracken County Head Start office at 270-538-4041 to mak an appointment. Early Head Start applications will also be taken at this time. Transportation for preschool is provided by McCracken County School system. Sorry, no transportation is provided for Early Head Start.

Camps, Classes & Education MARCH 30 – APRIL 1: Certification in Clinical Aromatherapy Program. CCA 301 – Sent to Heal and Anoint. Program cost $400 with a $50 deposit required. Contact Heath Health Foods at 270-534-4977. Paducah Parks Services offers classes for children, teens, and adults. Classes include art lessons, martial arts, soccer, and dance. For details, call 270-444-8508 or visit paducahky.gov

SATURDAYS: Family Movie Entertainment. Traders Mall, theatre. 2 PM matinee,

FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH THROUGH MAY 2: Clutterbugs. McCracken County Extension Office, 2705 Olivet Church Road, Paducah. Join this fun group focused on getting control of clutter in our lives. Meets once a month to learn simple techniques to better manage our lives. Call 270-554-9520 to join.

7 PM evening show. Concessions available, games before the show. For more, call Michael Vancura at 270-994-3686.

FOURTH THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH: Alzehimer’s Support Group.

Kids & Their Families: School Notes: FRIDAY MORNINGS MONTHLY: Toddler Time (for 2 and 3 year olds) is an

Paducah Care & Rehabilitation Center, 501 N. 3rd Street in Paducah. 4:30 PM. Call Felicia Williams or Katina Wilson at 270-444-9661 for additional information. Doodling classes conducted by Paducah artist Bill Ford at the Yeiser Art Center, 200 Broadway , Paducah. 12:30 PM – 2 PM on the following SATURDAYS: MARCH 17, APRIL 21, MAY 12 AND JUNE 23. Others to be scheduled. Ages 5 and up. $25. Pre-registration required . Contact Yeiser Art Center at 270-442-2453. arn to control their weight. Call 270-554-9520 to sign up.

SELECT THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS THROUGH MARCH 15: Kids’ Computer Classes. Metropolis Public Library. Designed to highlight websites for homework help and educational games for kids ages 6-12. Limited to 12 children, parents encouraged to attend. Dates are Thursday, February 16 from 5:30 to 7:30, Saturday February 18 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, Saturday March 3 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, and Thursday, March 15 from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Fore more information or to register call 618-524-4312. MONDAYS THROUGH APRIL 2: Cooper Clayton Smoking Cessation Classes. Cardiac Rehab Area, Lourdes Hospital. 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM. A comprehensive behavioral smoking cessation program to help people stay smoke free for the rest of their lives. Contact Janice Fondaw at 270-444-2808 or jfondaw@lourdes-pad.org. MONDAY MARCH 5: Stroke Support Group. Meeting Room A, Baptist Heart Center Conference Room , Western Baptist Hospital. 3-4:30. This group provides support for stroke survivors and their caregivers, family and friends. Light refreshments are served. Contact Deb Welsh at 270-415-7697 to register.

MARCH 5 AND 12 (MONDAYS) FROM AND MARCH 3 (SATURDAY) Prepared Childbirth Classes. Meeting Room A, Doctors Office Building 2, Western Baptist Hospital. 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Monday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Saturday. Free class designed to help expectant parents in their second or third trimester learn about the labor and delivery process. Call 270-575-2229 to register.

THURSDAY, MARCH 8. Relaxing from Within. Atrium Classroom, Doctors Office Building 2, Western Baptist Hospital. 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM. Free class designed to help expectant mothers become familiar with relaxation techniques. Participants are asked to bring a blanket, pillow and support person. Call 270575-2229 for more information.

MARCH 10 OR MARCH 26 (MONDAY) Breastfeeding Classes - 9 to 11 a.m., Held at the Atrium Classroom, Doctors Office Building 2, Western Baptist Hospital. Free class helps prepare expectant mothers for the breastfeeding experience. Phone (270) 575-2229 to register. MARCH 12 (MONDAY) AND MARCH 14 (WEDNESDAY). Diabetes Class. Atrium Classroom, Doctors Office Building 2, Western Baptist Hospital. 1:00 to

40 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

4:00 PM. Free class with a certified diabetes instructor to assist with any question ro concerns about diabetes. Call 270-575-2918 for more information.

Tuesday Classes are 4 – 6 PM. Call for exact dates and to register. 270-444-2915.

SECOND TUESDAYS OF EACH MONTH: Breast Cancer Support Group. MONDAY MARCH 26. Sibling Class. Atrium Classroom, Doctors Office Bilding

Lourdes Medical Pavilion, Suite 403. 6 PM. Call 270-442-1310.

2, Western Baptist Hospital. 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Free class helps prepare children ages 2 to 9 for the arrival of a new brother or sister. Call 270-575-2229 to register.

SECOND THURSDAYS OF EACH MONTH: Hopeful Hearts Breast Cancer

THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m – The Incredible Colon. Atrium of

Support Group. Marshall Nemer Pavilion at Lourdes Hospital, Womens Center Suite 210. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Call 270-538-5700.

Doctors Office Building 2, Western Baptist Hospital. This informative exhibit features a 20-foot long, 10-foot tall replica of the human colon. See examples of healthy colon tissue, several noncancerous diseases of the colon and stages of colorectal cancer. Phone (270) 442-1310 for more information.

EVERY TUESDAY: Ashes Smoking Cessation Classes. Classroom 4, Lourdes Hospital. 5 PM. Call 270-444-2808. FOURTH THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH: Sibling Class. Rosenthal Room –


2nd floor, Marshall Nemer Pavision Lourdes. Prepares big brothers and big sisters under 5 for the new arrival. 6 PM – 8 PM. Call 270-444-2640 or 270-444-2243.

MONDAY MARCH 19: The Incredible Colon at Graves County High School

MONDAYS THROUGH APRIL 2: Cooper Clayton Smoking Cessation Classes. Cardiac Rehab Area, Lourdes Hospital. 5:30 PM. 270-442-1310.

Sessions. Jackson Purchase Medical Center. 8 AM – 11:30 required. FREE. Call 270-251-4580 or 1-877-554-JPMC.


Field House. 9 AM – 3 PM. Walk through a model fo a colon and discover the various health concerns that may occur based upon your family history, nutritional status and physical fitness level. Free and open to public.

3 CONSECUTIVE MONDAYS IN EACH MONTH: Three week Childbirth Class. Borders Community Room, Marshall Nemer Paviilion at Lourdes. 6:00 PM – 8:00 270-444-2243.

PM, call for exact dates.

MARCH 3 (SATURDAY) AND MARCH 20TH AND 27TH (TUESDAYS): Childbirth Classes. Jackson Purchase Medical Center. Saturday 9 AM – 4 PM and Tuesdays 6 PM to 8:30 PM. FREE. Call 270-251-4580 or 1-877-554-JPMC.

SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH: Breastfeeding Class. Rosenthal Room – 2nd floor, Marshall Nemer Pavilion at Lourdes. 6 PM – 8 PM. Call 270-444-2243.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Seminar featuring

MONDAYS: Preschool Playdate. Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 11

Ruben Cuadrado, MD, Gastroenterologist. Community Conference Room, Jackson Purchase Medical Center. Please RSVP to 270-251-4580 or 1-877-554-JPMC.

SECOND THURSDAYS (EXCEPT IN JUNE, WHICH WILL BE JUNE 4) Infant Care Class. Marshall Nemer Pavilion at Lourdes Hospital. Baby basics to assist parents with their first few weeks with baby. Call 270-444-2443. THIRD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH: Kidney Optios Education Class.

AM - 1 PM. Come play on inflatables, on the soccer field, even bring your tricycle to ride on our basketball court! Concessions open. Find out more at www.plexsports.net

MONDAYS: Musical Fingers. (Classes for all children 4 and under.) Meet at Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 10 AM. For more information, contact Lyz Hornbeak at 575-1858, 331-2987 or at philelz@att.net. www.themusicclass.com

MONDAY AND TUESDAY: Aikido. Paducah Parks. For more or to sign up, call

Marshall Nemer Pavilion at Lourdes. 2 PM – 4 PM. Call 270-443-0217.


SELECT TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS: Your Guide to Joint Replacement classes. Marshall Nemer Pavilion at Lourdes. Thursday Classes are 1 – 3 PM.

MONDAY -THURSDAY: Multiple Class in Yoga and Pilates covering stretching, strength training, toning, and more . Call 444-8508 for more.

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eventscalendar TUESDAYS: Tot Soccer (for ages 2 and a half - 4). Paducah Regional Sportsplex.

MONDAY-FRIDAY: Crack of Dawn Bicycle Rides. 6 AM. Meet at Family Video beside Paducah Middle School, when pavement is dry and temperature is 40+ degrees. Pace set by who shows. For information, contact Torey or Hutch at Bike World, 270-442-0751 or email hutch@bikeworldky.com. MONDAY: Strength and Cardio Circuit Training. Curves, 3420 Park Avenue. Call 270-

5:15 PM. For more, visit www.plexsports.net.

575-3800 for more. www.curves.com Silver Sneakers can Workout for FREE.

TUESDAYS: PAWS (soccer for ages 4 - 8). Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 6 PM.

MONDAY – THURSDAY. Intro Kettlebell Class. Mike’s Kettlebell Club. 106 Broadway, Paducah. 6:15 PM. 270-554-8224.

Get some great coaching and play a few games. For more, visit www.plexsports.net.

WEDNESDAYS: Musical Fingers. (Classes for all children 4 and under.) Meet at Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 5:30 PM. For more information, contact Lyz Hornbeak at 575-1858, 331-2987 or at philelz@att.net. www.themusicclass.com

FRIDAYS: Family Education on Mental Illness. Western Baptist Hospital. 7 9:30 PM. Strategies to cope with the distress of mental illness in a loved one. AND how to take care of yourself during this hard time. For more, call Marcia or Paul Grant at 270-554-1915.

On-Going Dance, Fitness & Sports: SUNDAY: Holding and Relaxation. 3 PM – 4:30 PM. Elite Yoga, 106 Broadway, Paducah. 270-331-0366. MONDAY: Vinyasa Yoga. 6:30 AM. Yoga Blast. 8:15 AM. Elite Yoga, 106 Broadway, Paducah. 270-331-0366.

MONDAY: Zumba Gold! Washington Street Baptist Church, 721 Washington Street. 4 – 4:45 PM. $2 per session. Seniors and beginners welcome. Visit www.zumba.com for more.

MONDAY: Clogging Class. Robert Cherry Civic Center. 6 PM. $5 per session. For more, call 270-444-8508.

MONDAY – THURSDAY. Walking Club. Meet at Picnic Shelter 10 in Noble Park. M, W, 5 – 6 PM. Tu, Th, 12 – 1 PM. FREE.

MONDAY – FRIDAY: Afterschool Martial Arts Sessions. Hwang’s Martial Arts. School dismissal – 5:30 PM. During the school year. 554-6667 or email hwangsmartialart@bellsouth.net www.hwangs-martialarts.com MONDAY & WEDNESDAY: Jazzercise Classes. 33420 Lone Oak Road, Arch Towers - Suite L. 5:15 PM. New for March – EVERY THURSDAY IN MARCH IS FREE! Everyone welcome! For more, call 270-210-1044. MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: Karate Kidz Prep Beginners (Ages 7-8), Future Kidz Beginners (Ages 5-6), Future Kidz Intermediates (Ages 5-6), Future Kidz Advanced (Ages 5-6), Karate Kidz Beginners (Ages 9-12), Dynamic Tae Kwon Do Beginners (Ages 13+), Black Belt Class, TurboKick Fitness (Ages 16+) 7PM. Hwang's Martial Arts. Call 554-6667 for enrollment information or email hwangsmartialart@bellsouth.net. www.hwang-martialarts.com

MONDAY & THURSDAY: Gentle Bends Yoga. 4600 Buckner Lane - United Church of Paducah. 4-5PMYoga for beginners, those who want to brush on their poses and have restrictions. Contact Carolyn @ 554-4466 or carolyn@truenorthyoga.com MONDAY & THURSDAY: Introduction to Flow Yoga. 4600 Buckner Lane United Church of Paducah. 5:30-6:10 PM All Levels Yoga: 7-8 PM Contact Tim @ 205-1012 or tim@truenorthyoga.com MONDAY -THURSDAY: Jazzercise Classes. Paducah Jazzercise Center, Lone Oak Plaza, 3562 Lone Oak Road. 5:15 PM. For more, email paducahjazz@yahoo.com or call 270-210-1044. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS: Tiger Jiu-Jitsu (ages 5 - 9). Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy, 2343 New Holt Road. 5 - 5:50 PM. For more, email trmaa@bellsouth.net or call 270-554-4885. www.threeriversacademy.com.

MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS: Junior Jiu-Jitsu (ages 10 - 14). Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy, 2343 New Holt Road. 6 -6:50 PM. For more, email trmaa@bellsouth.net or call 270-554-4885. www.threeriversacademy.com.

TUESDAYS: Family Night. Kingway Skateland. 6:30-9PM. $4 each. Skates: Quad, $1, Speed/Inline $3. TUESDAY: Elite Power Yoga. 8 AM. Elite Yoga, 106 Broadway, Paducah. 270-3310366

TUESDAYS: Hatha Yoga. Paducah Yoga Center. 5:30 PM. Pay what you can, donation based class for all levels, including beginners.

TUESDAYS: Family Track Run Practice. Meet at Noble Park Picnic Shelter #10. 6 - 7 PM. FREE. For more, call 270-444-8508.

TUESDAY: Youth Running Club. Picnic Shelter #10 at Noble Park. FREE. Ages 5-15. 6-7 PM. 444-8508. TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Jazzercise Classes 3420 Lone Oak Road, Arch Towers - Suite L. 5:15 PM. Everyone welcome! For morem call 270-210-1044.




WEDNESDAYS IN MARCH AND APRIL: Oriental Belly Dancing Classes. Paducah Parks Department. 8 classes for $40. Call 270-444-858 for more details. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: Xtreme Martial Arts (Ages 8+), Karate Kidz Prep Intermediates/Advanced (Ages 7-8), Karate Kidz Intermediates/Advanced

42 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

(Ages 9-12), Dynamic Tae Kwon Do Intermediates/Advanced (Ages 13+), Adult Kickboxing (Ages 16+). Hwang's Martial Arts. Call 554-6667 for enrollment information or email hwangsmartialart@bellsouth.net. www.hwang-martialarts.com

EVERY 3RD SATURDAY: Senior Citizens Social Dinner and games. McKendree United Methodist Church. 4:30 - 6PM. 488-3770.

TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: Group Training Run, West Kentucky Runners

Residents at Trinity Village - Senior Family Home Care, 3910 Old US Hwy 45 South in Lone Oak. Invite you to a senior's get - together every FRIDAY (Please RSVP): Pot luck – 6 - 6:45PM. Bible Study 7 – 8 PM Contact Rene Sanchez-Chew, 554-7075.

Club. Summer Hill Ct (off Friedman Lane between Pines Road and HW 60 in Paducah). 5 AM. 8 mile run.

TUESDAY AND THURSDAY: Zumba Fitness Class. Paducah Expo Center, 1 Executive Blvd. 3:45 & 5 PM. $1 per class and or canned good (donated to food bank). Visit www.zumba.com to find out more.

THURSDAYS: Table Tennis. Ages 12+. Classroom 1, Paducah Parks. 5-6PM. $25.

Senior Medicare Patrol – LaShea Sutton, program coordinator of the local Kentucky Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) provides information on how you can detect fraud, waste and abuse of Medicare. She is available for questions Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 AM – 3 PM and Tuesday from Noon – 4 PM at the Senior Center, 1400 H. C. Mathis Drive. For information call 270-442-8993.


1ST & 3RD FRIDAY NIGHTS: Senior Citizens Dance - Paducah-

THURSDAYS: Drop in Doubles Clinic. Paul Rowton Indoor Tennis Center. 6:30 PM. Members $15, Non-members $19. 270-443-8363.

McCracken County Senior Center. 7 - 10 PM. $5. Live music. Bring potluckstyle snack food. Drinks sold on-site. Open to the public. 50 and over. 4438579

THURSDAY: Yoga Blast. 8:15 AM. Elite Yoga, 106 Broadway, Paducah. 270-331-0366.

MONDAY - FRIDAY: Informal Coffee Group. Etcetera Coffeehouse, 6th Street and Kirchoff's Bakery locations. 9 AM.

FRIDAYS:Kingsway Skateland 6:30 - 10 PM. $6. FRIDAY: Extreme Martial Arts classes 4:30 – 5:30 PM. Future Kidz Makeup Class, 5 PM; Lil' Dragons & Karate Kidz Prep Makeup Classes, 5:30; Karate Kidz Makeup Class, 6 PM; Dynamic TKD Regular Class (13&Up), 6:30 PM. Circuit Training. 6 PM. Hwang’s Martial Arts. 554-6667. ww w.hwangs-martialarts.com FRIDAYS: Advanced Computer Virtualization Course. Emerging Technology Center. WKCTC. 9 AM – 5 PM. Hands on Vmware authorized course based on Vmware ESXi 4.1 ad vCenter Server 4.1. Designed for individuals who have prior experience with computer networking and Microsoft or Linux operating systems. $1,200 per person. Call 270-534-3335 to register.

SATURDAYS: Intro Kettlebell Class. Mike’s Kettlebell Club. 106 Broadway, Paducah. 9:00 AM. 270-554-8224.

SATURDAYS: Tiger and Junior Jiu-Jitsu (ages 5 - 14). Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy, 2343 New Holt Road. Noon - 1 PM. For more, email trmaa@bellsouth.net or call 270-554-4885. www.threeriversacademy.com.

SATURDAYS: Kingsway Skateland. 1 - 3 PM and 3 - 5 PM, . 10 - 11:30 AM (beginner's session), $4. SATURDAYS: Pilates. True North Yoga, 4600 Buckner Lane, Paducah. 9:30 AM. Conact the instructor, Carrie at carrie@truenorthyoga.com or visit www.truenorthyoga.com. The first Saturday of Each month will be donation based classes benefiting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. SATURDAYS: Group Training Run, West Kentucky Runners Club. Meet at Rehab Associates, Berger Road. 5 AM. 4 mile run (up to 20 if training for marathon). SATURDAYS. Kingsway Skateland. 7:30 – 11


$6.50. . Skates: Quad, $1,

Speed/Inline $3.

SATURDAYS: Black Belts, 9AM; Hwang’s Martial Arts. 554-6667. hwangsmartialarts@bellsouth.net, www.hwangs-martialarts.com

MONDAY - FRIDAY: Hot Lunches - Paducah-McCracken Senior Citizens Center. 11:30 AM. Donation : $2. Must be 60 and over. 443-8579 MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY: Exercise Classes for Seniors - PaducahMcCracken County Senior Center. 10-11 AM. 443-8579 MONDAY - FRIDAY: Water Aerobics. Brooks Indoor Pool, Broadway United Methodist Church, 701 Broadway. 10 AM. $25 per month. Call 270-443-2401 for more info. MONDAY: Zumba Gold! Washington Street Baptist Church, 721 Washington Street. 4 – 4:45 PM. $2 per session. Seniors and beginners welcome. Visit www.zumba.com for more.

MONDAY: Ballroom Dance Classes - Paducah-McCracken Senior Citizens Center. 1-3 PM. FREE. Must be 60 and over. 443-8579 MONDAY: Senior Citizens Theatre Troupe. Murray-Calloway County Senior Citizens Center. 2:30 PM. Projects include radio plays, and reader's theatre. Call Lisa Cope at 270-759-1752 for more.

TUESDAY AND THURSDAY: Line Dancing Classes - Paducah-McCracken Senior Citizens Center. 1-2:30 PM. FREE. Thursdays for beginners. Must be 60 and over. 443-8579

TUESDAYS: Beginning Crochet and Quilting. Senior Citizens Center. 1 PM, 2 PM. FREE. 443-8579 WEDNESDAYS: Introduction to Senior Fitness Simplified. Paducah Yoga Center. 11 AM - noon. $10/ session, $30/month, $35/month with Sunday Tai Chi. Call 270-210-1465 for more. 1ST AND 3RD THURSDAYS OF EVERY MONTH: FREE Serving Our Senior's Bingo. Parkview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. 1:30 - 3 PM. Dessert and coffee served, enter at the Rehabilitation wing. To reserve a seat, call 270-443-6543. v

SATURDAY: Jazzercise Classes. 33420 Lone Oak Road, Arch Towers - Suite L. 5:15 PM. Everyone welcome! For more, call 270-210-1044. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT THROUGH APRIL 7: Kentucky Opry Talent Search. Open competition. Adults $16, Seniors $15, Studens $10, Children $7:50. Call 270-527-3869.

On-Going Events for Seniors: FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH: Super Seniors at First Christian Church of Paducah. Call 270-443-8251 for information.

3RD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH: Potluck at Broadway United Methodist Church. Join us for a potluck lunch at noon. Bring your favorite dish to share in our fellowship hall. For more information contact Bob Fejes at 443-2401.

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eventscalendarfamilynetwork Listings of non-profit groups providing family-oriented services

Adoption/Foster Care:

Adoption Support for Kentucky (ASK) - Sponsoring support group for adoptive and prospective adoptive parents. The meetings are held the second Monday of each month at the Oasis Christian Center, 3232 Buckner Lane (home to Community Christian Academy Elementary School in Paducah, KY and the last Monday of each month at the Community Fellowship Baptist Church on Hwy 45 in Hickory (across from State Police Post One) in Mayfield, KY. Both meetings are held from 6 - 8 PM. All adoptive parents and those interested in adoption are welcome. Childcare is provided free of charge. For more information contact: Tammy DeBoe @ 270-994-2466 or tammydeboe@newwaveccomm.net or Kim Armistead @ 502-558-6846 or raka1214@yahoo.com. NECCO Therapeutic Foster Care. NECCO Therapeutic Foster Care. Necco has been serving Western Kentucky's youth for more than a decade. To find out more about foster parenting, give us a call. Necco can introduce you to a child in need of a loving family and a safe place to call home. Benefits include training tailored to fit your schedule, 24 hour crisis intervention/support, access to on staff mental health professionals, ongoing monthly trainings with childcare and meals provided, respite, incentives, daily reimbursements paid twice monthly, case managers for every home, staff cell phone numbers, and unmatched foster parent support. For experience you can count on, call Necco toll free at 866-30NECCO (866-306-3226) or 270-898-1293. Foster a Child & Foster Hope (© 2011 Necco).

Child Care:

Tot School. 9 AM - 2 PM, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. Ages 3 - 5. $110/month. AUGUST 16 - MAY. Paducah Parks Bldg. 444-8508. National After School Program (NASP). Meets MONDAY - FRIDAY, 3 - 6 PM. FREE. To sign up, call Paducah Parks at 270-444-8508.

Child Protection/ Crisis Services:

Domestic Violence Information Session. McCracken County Courthouse, Family Court, Room “E”. 443-6071, ext. 5. The Purchase Area Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center. We provides fee services for both children and adult victims of sexual crimes. Our services include therapy, legal and medical advocacy, forensic interviews, child sexual abuse exams, consultation, assessment and referral services and education programs. Offices in Paducah, Mayfield and Murray reach all of the Purchase Area Region. Our 24 Hour crisis line number is 1-800-928-7273 and our office number is 270-928-4422. We welcome invitations to present preventive programs in schools, clubs, churches, and other groups. We need volunteers for our 24 hour crisis line and to meet victims at local emergency rooms. All volunteers undergo a criminal background check and central registry check. All are equipped with a 40 - hour training course. PASAC will accommodate your schedule. Join the team by calling 270-534-4422.

Children’s and Teen Groups: Boy Scout Troop 1 – Grace Episcopal Church. 559-1515. Looking for long lost Scouts! Visit www.scoutingfriends.org or call (270) 554-5857. Girl Scout Activity Listings: www.kyanags.org Teen Board- Conference Room at Paducah Parks Bldg. Ages 14-18. 4-5PM. FREE. 4448508

Education Groups:

Center for Gifted Studies. Alexander Hall, Murray State University. The Center, located at 3205 Alexander Hall, collaborates with pre-service and graduate education students, the School Psychology program, and other College of Education programs to provide services to parents and gifted children in the region. Its services include professional develoPMent programs for teachers, regional and international enrichment opportunities for gifted students during the academic year and summers, and informational and assessment services to parents. For more, contact Dr. Joy Navan, 270809-2539 or joy.navan@coe.murraystate.edu. C.H.A.M.P., Christian Homeschoolers All Meet and Play. United Methodist Church

44 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

Gym, Ledbetter, KY. Every Monday 2:30 - 4:30. We also have group recess every six weeks. Bring skates or sports equiPMent. FREE to all. For more, call Sherry Layne-Smith at 270-9284368 or email smith731@localnet.com. Heartland Christian Home Educators offers support, field trips, and fellowship for home school families in western Kentucky and southern Illinois. To find out more call 270-908-1619. Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site encourages area residents to volunteer at the park. Wickkliffe Mounds is a preservation of a Native American village dating to 11 AD. The park has a volunteer program and is searching for people who are interested in museums, history, archeology, education and Native Americans. Activities include tour guiding, educational programs, greeting visitors, outdoor landscaping and other help. Contact the Park Manager Carla Hildebrand at 270-335-3681 wickliffemounds@ky.gov Land Between the Lakes Programming - Trail hiking, animal discovery,

children’s activities, planetarium programming and more. Weekday and weekend listings. 270-924-2020. www.lbl.org McKAGE (McCracken County Chapter of Kentucky Association of Gifted Education.) Monthly lunch meetings at local schools. Noon – 1 PM. For information, contact Danette Humphrey, 442-5172 Ms. Bunny’s Pet Licks for Kids – Community Awareness Safety program. Pet care, responsibility and safety tips for children 5 – 12 years of age. Focus on dog bite prevention. Fun, interactive program with her tiny, fourlegged helper, “Scooby Sue”. FREE to children’s groups, schools and organizations. For information & to schedule Ms. Bunny. 575-3822 Center for Cultural Exchange. Host an international exchange student! CCI is looking for families to host high school students from foreign countries. Each CCI student is fully insured, brings spending money and is looking forward to an active family life. CCI is designated by the US Department of State and dedicated to promoting cultural understanding, academic develoPMent and world peace. Call your Area Representative, Corinne Sullivan at 270-5080622 if you have any questions or visit www.cci-exchange.com for more information. To view television programs, including Tot School from Paducah Parks Services, produced by the television department at West Kentucky Community and Technical College, visit www.paducah2.org.

Crisis Management

Lourdes Hospice Needs Volunteers: Working with hospice patients can grow your faith and teach you about the magic and beauty of life. Volunteers are needed in Ballard, Caldwell, Carlisle, Crittenden, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Lyon, Marshall, and McCracken counties. If interested, contact Susan Mason at 1-800-870-7460 or 270-415-3640.

EVERY MONDAY (EXCEPT HOLIDAYS). Healthy Grieving Group. Paducah Lourdes Hospice Office, Hipp Buildingm Jackson Street 5 PM. 1ST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Grief Support Lunch: Luke's Truckstop, Arlington. 11:30 AM. Contact Leah Fondaw, lfondaw@lourdes-pad.org. 270-415-3607. FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH EXCEPT HOLIDAYS. Men’s Coffee Grief Education and Support Group. Bob Evans Restaurant, Paducah. 8 AM. Call for info 270-4153632. TUESDAY, MARCH 27: Bariatric Support Group. Community Conference Room, Jackson Purchase Medical Center. 6 PM. Call 270-251-4169. Survivors of Suicide: support group for anyone whose life has been touched by the

unique grief of suicide. First Tuesday of the month. United Church of Paducah, 4600 Buckner Lane. Contact: 442-3722 Zack’s Hope SOS. Support Group for Survivors of Suicide. FOURTH THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Western Baptist Heart Center. 6 – 7:30 PM. For more, call Linda Thompson at 270-559-3480

Kentucky Regional Poison Center - Kosair Children’s Hospital. 1-800-222-1222 The Merryman House. The Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center provides free services to all victims of domestic violence, including shelter for those in need. All of the following services are offered FREE of charge. Some of our services include individual counseling, court advocacy, support groups, referral services, hospital advocacy, outreach services, and housing counseling. Though the shelter is located in Paducah, we provide outreach services for area counties. Our toll free crisis number is 1-800-585-2686 or (270) 443-6001. Our email address is merrymanhouse@ hcis.net. All services are completely confidential. Paducah Lifeline Ministries. Counseling and help for life-controlling addictions. Call 443-4743. 2801 Morgan Lane Paducah, KY Chapter of Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program - 800-SUICIDE (800-2433), 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255).zackshope.com For military and their families: www.operationhomefront.org


Compassionate Friends of Western Kentucky Self-help organization for families that have had a child die. Every first Tuesday, 7 PM, at St. John Catholic Church Cafeteria, 6705 Old US Hwy 45 S. For more, contact Darla Martin at darlamartinky@gmail.com or 270-331-0883. Four Rivers Compassionate Friends – THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. 7 – 9 PM EXCEPT December when we join in the National Candle Lighting 2nd Sunday. For families who have lost a child of any age. Community and Senior Ctr, 155 W Cumberland Av, Grand Rivers, KY (one block west of J.H. O'Bryan Ave, and behind 1st KY Bank) Contact: 270-217-4490, or FourRiversCF@hotmail.com for more information or to receive our FREE newsletter. www.compassionatefriends.org Grief Support Group – FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. Graves County Senior Citizens Building. 11:30 AM. Free grief support group sponsored by Lourdes Hopice. Contact Todd Hawkins at 270-415-3632.

Multi-service Providers:

Family Service Society is in DESPERATE NEED of FOOD. All types are needed; canned,

boxed, mixes, cereal, etc. Please contact Family Service Society by calling 270-443-4838. Lourdes Hospital has meetings and groups on: Childbirth, breastfeeding ALS support, Driving, Eating Disorders, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Breast & Cervical Cancer, Parkinson’s disease and Heart issues. Call 444-2444 or ehealthconnection.com/ regions/lourdes Western Baptist Hospital has meetings and groups on: Breast feeding, childbirth, Baby Care, Family, CPR, Menopause, Diabetes, Ostomy & other medical issues. Call 575-2229 or www.westernbaptist.com Hope Unlimited Family Care Center and Medical Clinic provides counseling, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes and The Learn to Earn Program which offers a way for families to earn points to purchase much needed baby items. For more information, call 270-442-1166 in Paducah or 618-524-5730 in Metropolis. St. Nicholas Free Clinic. St. Nicholas Family Clinic's mission is to provide quality health care to working individuals and families who do not have medical insurance or financial resources necessary to pay for private insurance and/or medical care The St. Nicholas Family Clinic offers medical services to Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, Hickman, Livingston, McCracken, and Marshall Counties in Kentucky and Massac County in Southern Illinois. Open to the public Tuesday - Friday from 10:00 - 11:30 AM and 12:30 - 4:30 PM. Drop by, call 270-415-0467, or email anita@stnicholasfamilyclinic.com. St. Vincent de Paul Budget Store. We are a volunteer based ministry that sells used clothing, furniture and other goods at a minimal charge to the community and in turn uses the proceeds to help those less fortunate through the Help Line. Help is offered based on need, regardless of religious affiliation or income. The Budget Store serves the public 5 days a week (Tuesday through Friday 10 AM to 3 PM and Saturday 9 AM to 1 PM). VOLUNTEERS AND DONATIONS ALWAYS WELCOME! Please feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions you may have regarding our services. Budget Store phone number: 270-442-

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Baptist Church of Christ, 2855 Broadway. 6:30 – 8:30 PM. A diverse group of people with one common interest: photography. Whether you're a new hobbyist or full time professional, our club offers the opportunity to learn, share, network and form new friendships! Yearly membership dues only $20. For more info, contact bonni.littleton@gmail.com

eventscalendarfamilynetwork Listings of non-profit groups providing family-oriented services

9351; Help Line phone stvincentpaducah@yahoo.com





Four Rivers Behavioral Health. Provides service in the areas of mental health, develoPMental disabilities, and substance abuse. Consulting and employee assistance available. Serving Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Marshall, and McCracken. 24-hr. crisis hotline, 1-800-592-3980. Call the office, 442-7121, to find out more. Martha's Vineyard. A ministry that prepares meals and delivers them to the less fortunate in our area weekly. If you would like to volunteer please call Martha at 575-0021. Donations may be sent to : Martha's Vineyard • 1100 N. 12th Street • Paducah KY 42001 Ballard County Community Food Pantry. St. Mary's Catholic Church, 662 Broadway, LaCenter. Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 AM to 12 noon for food distribution and to receive non-perishable donations. Need spaghetti'os, soups, vegetables, crackers, etc. For more, call the church at 270-665-5551.

McCracken County Genealogical & Historical Society. 2nd Wednesdays. McCracken County Public Library. 1:30 PM. Contact Marjory Heyduck at 554-0878. Programs include local speakers. New members welcome. Toastmasters EVERY MONDAY. Farm Bureau Office, 1600 Broadway. Noon-1PM. Visitors are always welcome. Come and improve your public speaking ability in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. For more info, call Clay Campbell, 703-2700.

Parenting Support:

I-CAN - The International Cesarean Awareness Network's mission is to improve maternal and child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education and provide support for cesarean recovery. Meetings the 2ND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 5:30, McCracken Public Liabrary Meeting Room. For more information, contact Kimberly Eckenberg 618-921-1132, kjeckenberg@hotmail.com or i-canonline.org


La Leche League of Kentucky- All breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding. Meetings 1ST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH at 10 AM, 160 South Gum Springs Road, Paducah. Contact Lynette Brown 534-0512 for directions. Inclement weather cancels. www.breastfeedinghelppaducah.blogspot.com

Art Guild of Paducah. FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH 6 PM. McCracken County Public LibraryFor more info, call Carol at 270-554-4803 or 270-210-1465, or Melanie at 270-331-3087.

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) - MOPS meets from 9:30-11:30AM on 1ST & 3RD THURSDAYS FROM JANUARY THROUGH MAY. If you’re a mother of a preschooler, you’ve got your hands full….and we know how you feel! Get connected in MOPS. There are limited spots available for childcare so please call ahead. 554-1441. They also meet one Sunday a month, 5 - 7 PM. Please call for specific dates.

Art Parties. Invite an artist to come to your place or have the party at ours. The artist will do live demonstrations, paint faces, and lead kids in a super fun art activity. Call Gretchen Smith at 270-243-0444 or email tallartist@hotmail.com.

Senior Pastor Bible Study. Thursday mornings at 11:00 AM at Broadway United Methodist Church. Come and bring a friend. You do not have to be a member of Broadway UMC to participate. 443-2401. Citizens Against Drug Dealers and Drug Abuse (C.A.D.D.) Working toward a drugfree McCracken County with education, prevention, and resources for families. 1st Thursdays; 6:30 PM. Milburn Chapel Church, West Paducah. For info., 554-9429. Dream Factory Volunteer Meetings - US Bank Bldg. 4TH & Broadway. 5TH floor. Interested in helping or donating? Janice Harris, 441-7611 www.dreamfactory.com Hearts for Babies. The group makes layettes for under-privileged and single moms in need and their new babies. Meets 1st Wednesday of every month from 10 AM – 2 PM at Lone Oak First Baptist Church, Room C 200. Come and join our fun group. We knit, crochet, quilt and sew! For more, call Nelly Sullivan at 270-554-3818 Paducah Chess Club - SATURDAYS, 1 - 4 PM, brilliant minds young and old, put their wits to the test at English's Antiques. Sponsored by English's Antiques and Rayela Art, 212 Broadway. Paducah Kennel Club. Meetings are the SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH

(EXCLUDING JUNE, WHEN THE MEETING IS THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO THE DOG SHOW) at 7 PM at the clubhouse. Guests are welcome. Membership is $30 annually for an individual, $45 for a family, and $5 for Junior Membership. There are ongoing conformation and puppy socialization classes, obedience classes, and agility classes. The club also offers Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International Testing. For more, visit www.paducahkennelclub.com Paducah Photographer's Club. Meets FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH. Broadway

Moms in Touch prayer support for Concord Elementary School. Call Kelly Hudspeth, 744-0800 NINO – Nine months in; nine months out. Provide infant sling & carrier information & support. 3rd Mondays. 10:30AM. McCracken County Library. For more information, contact Jill Tanner, 349-3806 or email thenaturalbaby@gmail.com Wives of Faith, Western KY Chapter – If you would like to join a Christian-based group of other military wives, this is the group for you. Come join us for lots of fun, support, and activities! All units and branches are welcome. Check out: http://www.wivesoffaith.org/groups/western-kentucky-wof and email ashley@wivesoffaith.org if you're interested or would like more information.

Social and Professional Groups:

40/50 Group. 1ST AND 3RD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH at 5:30 PM. Meets at area restaurants for socializes and to plan events. Meetings this month: February 7th at Tribeca, February 21st at Jasmine. www.4050group.blogspot.com ACCESS Christian Singles. We provide a safe atmosphere for social activity for all singles. Whether members are men, women, divorced, widowed, never married, just separated or dating couples, we all have different personal goals and ideas about socially acceptable behavior. Meets the SECOND SATURDAY AND FOURTH FRIDAY OF THE MONTH. Check the blog for details: http://accesschristiansingles.blogspot.com/ Downtown Kiwanis Club - 310 N 4th Street, THURSDAYS, Noon - 1 PM. Visitors and potential members are always welcome at these weekly service-oriented gatherings. Email Chuck.Williamson@jpenergy.comfor more info. Four Rivers Society for Human Resource Management - Meetings are the

FOURTH TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 6 PM at Whaler's Catch. For more, call Christa Dubrock at 443-7361, ext. 10689 or email dubruck@csiweb.com. Lone Oak Kiwanis - Meets WEDNESDAY mornings for breakfast at Parker’s Drive Inn Restaurant, 2921 Lone Oak Road, 7 AM. We welcome visitors and potential members. Breakfast is open to visitors on the first Wednesday of every month. Paducah /River City Business and Professional Women (BPW). MEETS SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at noon at the Pasta House. Email Jessica Koverdan for more, jessicakoverdan@kyfb.com. Paducah Business and Professional Women (BPW) Meets second Tuesday of each month for dinner. 6 PM, Grace Episcopal Church. For information, call Merryman Kemp at 270-442-7636 or Pat Moriarty at 270-853-2580. Paducah-Kentucky Lake Chapter of the International Society of Administrative

46 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com

Professionals. Meetings are the THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 5:30 PM. For more, call Christy Poindexter at 270-575-6624. www.geocites.com/paducahkylake.

Alcoholics Anonymous. Wednesdays evenings. 8 – 9 PM. Ballard County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Community Center in Lacenter.

Paducah Lions Club The oldest Lions Club in Kentucky, they meet TUESDAYS at noon for lunch and presentations by guest speakers at the Carson Center.

Caregiver Support Group – THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. Legacy Personal Care Home, 4747 Alben Barkley Drive. 6 PM. FREE respite care is provided. For more information, please call Carrie Gottschalk Singler, 270-534-0620.

Paducah Newcomers' Club: Monthly meetings are held on the SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH, please call 270-554-5303 or www.geocities.com/paducahnewcomers/index.html for more details. Paducah Newcomers' Club Playgroup: Held weekly on Monday at 10:00 AM, please call 270-534-1835 for more details. Paducah Rotaract Club. First MONDAY of the month at 6 PM. Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce. A group for young professionals 18 – 30 years old focused on helping others. Paducah Rotary Club -The group meets each WEDNESDAY for lunch and excellent speakers. Noon at the Myre River Room, Carson Four Rivers Center. Paducah Singles Connection - TUESDAYS, 7 PM at Grace Episcopal Church. All single adults are welcome to this group, which emphasizes positive fellowship and social interaction based on the Christian lifestyle. They neither encourage nor discourage dating among members. The goal is to encourage, with love and support, those adjusting to the single lifestyle in a way that enhances self-esteem, tolerance and understanding. South Paducah Kiwanis - 1640 South 6th Street, THURSDAYS from 7 - 8 PM. The club invites members to this weekly meeting. The group's mission: serving the children of the world, one at a time. Zonta Club of Paducah - 5:30 PM, SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH at Whaler's Catch restaurant. It’s always a fun night when this group of women executives and professionals gathers to work together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. For more, call 270-575-3444.

Special Needs: H.O.R.S.E.S. Inc. Therapeutic Riding Center currently has open enrollment for riders with special needs, on Wednesdays at Carson Park in Paducah and Mondays in Dexter, KY. Please visit our website for an enrollment package. www.horsesinc.org or call us at 270-437-3881. Easter Seals West Kentucky offers a range of therapies including speech, physical and occupational therapy services to children who qualify regardless of income. If you know a child who would benefit from these services or needs additional services above what they are already receiving, please call Tara Beyer at 270-444-9687. Easter Seals West Kentucky Adult Day Care has openings. Our program is ideal for seniors and special needs adults who are unable to be monitored during the day by a primary caregiver or simply need daily interaction in a safe, social group setting. In addition to activities, we offer meals and personal care. Caring nursing staff are also available to help monitor or assist with certain health or medical needs. Please contact Micah Sullivan at 270-442-2001 for more information. FEAT of Western Kentucky. Families for Effective Autism Treatment. Easter Seals Child Development Center. featofwky@gmail.com Marshall County Special Olympics. Marshal County Special Olympics. The group

holds their monthly meeting at the Woodmen of the World building in Benton, 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 PM. For more, call Brian and Melissa Collier, 270-227-5225.

Adoption Support for Kentucky (ASK). support group for adoptive and prospective adoptive parents. SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH at the Oasis Christian Center, 3232 Buckner Lane (home to Community Christian Academy Elementary School in Paducah, KY and the last Monday of each month at the Community Fellowship Baptist Church on Hwy 45 in Hickory (across from State Police Post One) in Mayfield, KY. Both meetings are from 6 - 8 PM. All adoptive parents and those interested in adoption are welcome. FREE childcare provided.

Bariatric Support Group. FOURTH TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 6 PM. Community Conference Room, Jackson Purchase Medical Center. For more information about participating with this group, call 270-251-4169. Brain Injury of Kentucky Support Group -Western Baptist Hospital, Conference Room A. Call Brenda Bradford at 575-2799 or 554-0452 Cancerport - the Breast Cancer Support Group. Women's Health and Wellness Center at Lourdes Medical Pavilion. Contact Kentucky Cancer Program at 270-442-1310. Cancer Support Group – First Christian Church. 443-8251 Celebrate Recovery. Heartland Worship Center's Youth Building. FRIDAYS AT 7 Are you struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups such as depression, insecurity, anger, overeating or chemical dependency? Open the door to change and find freedom from addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. For more, call 270-534-1400, ext. 260.


Christian Support Group Meeting for friends and family of the chemically dependent. New Life Tabernacle. Call 444-8073 or 554-5977. Circle of Hope Cancer Support Group. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH at 6 PM. Jackson Purchase Medical Center, Private Dining Room. Special guests are planned to provide information on pain management, depression, nutrition and many other related topics. For more information, call 382-3940 or 247-6546. Next meeting: FEBRUARY 7. Compassionate Friends – THIRD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. 7 – 9 PM. For families who have lost a child of any age. Community and Senior Ctr, 155 W Cumberland Av, Grand Rivers, KY (one block west of J.H. O'Bryan Ave, and behind 1st KY Bank) Contact: 270-217-4490, or FourRiversCF@hotmail.com for more information or to receive our newsletter. www.compassionatefriends.org Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America Support Group. First Thursday of the Month. Marshall Nemer Building, 2nd Floor Rosenthal Room. 7 PM. For more information, call 646-623-2620. Diabetes Support Group – Lone Oak Church of Christ. 3RD TUESDAYS. 7-8 PM. For questions, contact: Western Baptist Hospital at 575-2282; or Purchase District Health Dept. at 444-9625. Diabetes Support Group. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT 6 PM. Community Conference Room, Jackson Purchase Medical Center. Participants share in a diabetic-friendly potluck meal. Additional information can be obtained by calling The Diabetes Care Center at 251-4372. To register call 251-4580 or 1877-554-JPMC.

Down Syndrome Association of Western Kentucky is a resource group for families, friends, &individuals with Down syndrome. 6:30-8 PM on the third Monday of each month at the Heartland Worship Center in Paducah, Kentucky. For more, call Lana Dockery, phone number 270-564-0949, and email ldockery@comcast.net

Support Groups:

Cancer Support Group – FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. 7:00 PM. First Christian Church of Paducah. Call 270-443-8251 for more information.

THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY OTHER MONTH: Look Good…Feel Better by American Cancer Society. Open to all women with cancer who are undergoing treament. 6 PM to 8 PM. Suite 403, Lourdes Medical Pavilion. Call ACS at 270-444-0740. THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH: Bariiatric Support Group. Marshall Nemer Paviilion at Lourdes Hospital. For those who have had or are considering Bariatric surgery. 6 PM. Call 270-415-3888.

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eventscalendarfamilynetwork Listings of non-profit groups providing family-oriented services

Epilepsy Support Group. SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, 6 - 7 PM in the West Kentucky Epilepsy Center at the Murray Calloway County Hospital in Murray. Free and open to the public. Call 270-762-1566 for more information. Fibromyalgia Support Group. 6 - 7 PM. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH at Birk Grove Life Centre (5150 Village Square Drive.) Meetings are open to the public for women with Fibromyalgia. Phone 270-415-9575 for any questions. Hopeful Hearts -A support group for women with cancer led by Dr. Lisa Chaney Lasher. MEETINGS: 2ND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH 6:30PM. Lourdes Women's Health and Wellness Center, Contact 538-5723. Hot Shots, a support group for children with type 1 diabetes and their fami-

lies. For more information, contact 217-2548, 519-4155, 210-3047 or ronda. cartwright @mccracken.kyschools.us I-CAN -The International Cesarean Awareness Network's mission is to improve maternal and child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education and provide support for cesarean recovery. Meetings the 2ND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 5:30, McCracken Public Library Meeting Room. For more information, contact Kimberly Eckenberg 618-921-1132, kjeckenberg@hotmail.com or i-canonline.org L.I.F.E Community L.I.F.E-Saver Class - 523 N 12th Street. TUESDAYS, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. This class allows individuals to talk about any life-controlling issues and get support from the group. FREE. All are welcome. 575-3823. Lupus Support Group. Lourdes Hospital, Classroom 4. 6 PM, first Monday of every month. For more, call 270-210-9247. “Metamorphosis”: Lourdes Bariatric Program Support Group - For those who are interested or have undergone the gastric bypass procedure. 444-2444

N.AMI. Paducah (National Alliance on Mental Illness) support group for family members and persons affected by mental illness and their families. THURSDAYS, 7 – 8:30 PM. St. Mathew’s Lutheran Church, 27th & Broadway. Nar-Anon Family Support Group. TUESDAYS, 6:30 PM. Lourdes Hospital Classroom 4. Join in on a weekly hour of anonymous friendship, support and information for people with family members and/or friends struggling with drug addiction. For more, call 444-6718 Overeaters Anonymous. MONDAYS. 7-9PM at at various members' homes. OA offers a fellowship of men and women who seek recovery -through a Twelve-Step program. No public, private, political, ideological, or religious affiliation. No dues, fees, or weigh-ins. EVERYONE WELCOME! For more and weekly location, call 270556-8873. Paducah Area Amputees in Action Support Group. Lourdes Hospital - Borders Community Room. 5:30 PM. 3RD THURSDAY EACH MONTH. For information, please call Terri Ross, 488-3020. If you or a loved one would like a hospital or nursing home visit from an amputee for support and encouragement, please call for information. Parkinson’s Support Group. This group meets at Western Baptist Hospital in the 2nd floor Atrium Conference Room at 9:30 AM and at Lourdes Hospital in the basement, Classroom 4 at 10 AM. MEETINGS ARE EVERY OTHER WEEK. For exact meeting times and more information, please call 1-270-898-8031. Postpartum Depression Support Group. The FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH at Hope Unlimited headquarters. This resource is open to the public, confidential and free. For questions about this support group, call 270442-1166. Stroke and Brain Injury Survivors Support Group. Meets weekly on AM - Noon. Second floor conference room, Jackson Purchase Medical Pavilion. Call 270-251-4121 for information on upcoming meeting topics.


Support & education for families with a loved one who has a severe mental illness. FREE. Basic information about medications, the recovery process, communication skills, problem solving. Weekly meetings. Call to register 270554-1915 TOPS #110 Paducah. Lebanon Methodist Church., 4620 At Massa Drive. 6 PM , Weigh In; 6:30 PM , Meeting. This weekly meeting has a two-fold objective: encourage healthy lifestyles through weight management support groups and sponsor obesity research. Most members refer to the organization simply as "TOPS," an acronym for "Take Off Pounds Sensibly." The first meeting is FREE; yearly membership $26; monthly chapter dues $5. 270217-1182. TOPS KY 0212 Paducah "Take Off Pounds Sensibly". Our mission is to offer Support and Encouragement for weight loss. Fountain Avenue United Methodist. Meetings are every Wednesday morning & starts at 9:30. The first meeting is FREE, yearly dues are $26,and monthly chapter dues are just $4. For more information contract Tina at 270-331-0318. United Ostomy Association – Held at Western Baptist Hospital. Contact v

Bonita Cloyd, 575-2303

48 • March2012 www.paducahparenting.com



Paducah Railroad Museum by Jamie Lober Purchase Parenting & Family Staff


sk your grandparents and many of them will tell you that when they were growing up, most people who came to visit Paducah arrived on a train. “Every town was like that and there used to be big trains that ran from Paducah to Benton and Murray, across Kentucky to Louisville and down to Paris, Tennessee,” explained Bob Johnston, Public Relations Director at the Paducah Railroad Museum. Unfortunately, the railroad only brings freight cars these days. The last passenger train rolled into Paducah in 1957. But just because the trains are no longer moving does not mean that history should come to a halt as well. The museum will hold a Grand Opening on March 3rd. “We are trying to preserve the railroad history of Paducah since it is an important railroad town and we have all kinds of artifacts, memorabilia and a big operating model train,” Johnson told me. “There are so many people, especially in this part of the country, whose parents or grandparents worked on the railroad so it is popular with all ages.”

traffic control system the railroads used to have before they moved to computers and they were used in Paducah up until twelve years ago,” said Johnson. This is fascinating to kids. “They have lights and flash and all that jazz and we have signals so you can see along the track,” he explained. “We are working on a simulator where you get to experience the locomotive cab. Children will have to be supervised but they can experience what it is like to go for a ride. They can also enjoy Thomas the Tank Engine where they turn the switch and it runs all by itself.

There is so much for kids to experience at the Paducah Railroad Museum. The museum is located at 2nd and Washington Street, in Paducah. It went from a small train enthusiasts group to a full blown museum when the city donated a building they had originally purchased during construction of the Carson Center. The large red brick structure was originally built in 1935 and has been fixed up by local train lovers. The museum is run by the Paducah chapter of the National Railway Historical Society and is staffed by many volunteers. They consider working around trains and history payment enough and enjoy the experience of sharing their knowledge with visitors.

Times gone by The Paducah Railroad Museum is a true step back into time. “We are not real high tech,” said Johnson. Even so, there is no shortage of things to see and do. “We have a centralized www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 49

Everything is in real time. We have one area fixed up like a waiting room at a pasture station at a railroad depot where people sit and wait for the trains. It has the train bulletin board on the wall and another section is fixed up like a freight office, because before we had UPS and FedEx, everybody sent packages by train.” Kids can also check out an old-fashioned telegraph with the keys. “People used to send messages by telegraph before we had telephones,” said Johnson. “You will want to take a few steps back with your child and explain the significance of the various items. We have to explain to our younger visitors who do not have any conception of this technology. Long before cell phones and iPads people picked up their phone received and a live phone operator answered and connected the calls,” explained Johnson. Children can also gain insight into local history from looking

at vintage photographs of early railroad scenes in Paducah. “We have a purpose and the people are interested in history,” said Johnson. Some kids enjoy spending a lot of time studying the past while others just want to walk through and get the highlights. “We have mannequins dressed as an engineer and a railroad conductor,” said Johnson. “Our things are authentic and everybody seems to like it, as we have people coming from just about every state in the union,” said Johnson. Unlike most museums, everything is hands-on and the nominal fee makes it open to almost anyone. “It is three dollars for adults and one dollar for children twelve and under,” said Johnson. The gift shop appeals to all ages. You can find push cars, push trains, games, wooden whistles that sound like a train whistle, little railroad crossing signals and ladders. “We have little pencil sharpeners that are in the shape of railroad lanterns and cabooses,” said Johnson. You can also find traditional items such as t-shirts and caps. Thematic items like Thomas the Tank Engine books and DVDs are always popular. Girls like the charm bracelets and necklaces. The best part is all items are inexpensive, usually between three and five dollars.

Grand opening March 3 Folks should mark their calendar for March 3rd, the grand opening. “We will have a Little Obie which is a miniature train where the engine locomotive is made on the frame of a John Deer gator tractor and then it has two passenger cars, a caboose and another car the kids can ride,” said Johnson. “It offers a nice ride and has simulated smoke coming out of the diesel stack. The train ride is free but we encourage people to come into the museum and see the exhibits and model trains.” There is something for everyone from the history buff to the child who wants to touch everything. “We have stuff about the Civil War General Tilghman, who laid out the first railroad in Paducah; we have locomotive bells the children can ring; and there is just fun, interesting stuff,” said Johnson. Do not miss on this great educational opportunity this spring. The Paducah Railroad Museum is a great day out and a chance to get children to realize the important role that railroads played in our local and US history. For more information on please visit their website at www.paducahrr.org/index.htm or call (270) 519-7377. v 50 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com


Riverwoods Church by Cassie Johnson Purchase Parenting & Family Staff


hree and a half years ago Riverwoods Church was established in Benton. Lead Pastor Darrin Miller is often assisted by his wife, Carolyn. They were both raised in this area and have been married for 26 years. They have three children, all of whom are very active in the church: Logan 23, Lakin 20, and Lauren 18. Logan is the Student and a Teaching Pastor, Lakin participates in the church band, and Lauren helps in the children’s ministry.

church by the time Riverwoods was one year old,” Pastor Darrin said. “We were not able to reach that goal, however we were successful by our second birthday.” A new Riverwoods Church began in Dyersburg, Tennessee in the Fall 2010 and went public on Easter 2011. “Our idea of missions is the Gospel, and we want to be involved in getting the Gospel out to the world,” Pastor Darrin explained.

“Riverwoods started completely from scratch with a vision,” explained Pastor Darrin. The couple has often discussed starting a new church in their hometown and when they moved back to Benton they began a discussion about it with friends and family. A ‘launch team’ of about 30 people began to plan and prepare for the church. In October of 2008, Riverwoods held its first public worship service with 139 in attendance. “In three and a half years there has not been one Sunday when we have not had at least one first time guest,” Pastor Darrin said. Services are held at the main campus at 42 Main Street in Benton and also at the second campus at 337 Flat Road in Brewers. An existing church and congregation in Brewers merged with Riverwoods and formed Riverwoods Church South Lighthouse Campus. While the Brewers location is still in its beginning stages, services have started and the church is doing well. Pastor Chris Young leads this location along with his wife, Kara, and their son, Dalton.

Riverwoods offers two Sunday morning services in Benton at 9:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M, and worship service in Brewers is at 10:45 A.M. In addition, services are streamed live from the Benton campus

Services are streamed live!

March 11 Grand Opening On March 11 there will be a grand opening for both campuses and all are invited to attend. “We look very forward to celebrating with our members and our community,” said Pastor Darrin. The main purpose of Riverwoods Church is to reach out to the community and make passionate followers of Jesus who live intentional lives of hope, service, and generosity. Riverwoods offers a modern worship experience, and a full band leads worship at each service. Riverwoods believes its mission is to ‘plant’ new churches. “We set a goal to start a new www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 51

online at www.riverwoodschurch.com. “We live in a modern world, and we want to use technology to reach as many people as we can,” said Pastor Darrin. During each service, the children’s ministry offers a fun and active learning experience. Children ages birth through sixth grade are welcome to ‘Splash’ and the teenagers program sixth through twelfth grades is called ‘The Flood’. In Splash, the material, décor, and themes get changed every eight weeks promising the children never get bored with the same ideas.

Strong teen involvement Logan, the Student and Teaching Pastor, also makes sure the teens are very involved in the church. He incorporates teamwork, games, and teaching the books of the Bible so they can live a life focused on God. “We encourage teens to have daily quiet time to spend with God and read their Bibles,” shared Logan. Every Wednesday afternoon, the church doors open as soon as school is dismissed. “We strongly believe in teaching our kids to volunteer in our community,” Logan said. The teens at Riverwoods are well known for feeding the Marshall County football team before each home game and help preparing meals for the church bass tournament in the summer. The week leading up to the bass tournament the teens attend Camp 1:17, which is based on Mark 1:17. Riverwoods youth ministry even uses Twitter and text messages to stay in touch with

the teenage church members which fits in well with their busy, high paced lifestyle. Members at Riverwoods meet throughout the week during the Spring and Fall months in ‘Life Groups’. These smaller and more personal meetings take place in the homes of members, and everyone has the flexibility of choosing which ‘Life Group’ they would like to participate in. Each group sets a convenient meeting day and time. Members eat and have prayer time together, worship and discuss the message from the past Sunday. In addition, each group does something fun that they are interested in; it could be bowling or even Jujitsu! Each group also participates in a service project and they are also unique to the group. One may hand out hot chocolate at Mike Miller Park during the holiday season and another might help with a Habitat for Humanity house. “Celebrate Recovery” is a ministry that meets every Friday night with a meal at 6:30 and open meeting at 7:00pm. Anyone struggling with addiction issues or habits they would like to break is welcome to attend.

Third Annual Bass Fishing Tournament This year, Riverwoods will hold their third annual bass fishing tournament which is completely FREE to enter! “We are expecting at least 200 boats,” said Logan. “The tournament has grown every year.” The tournament is held on Riverwoods property and shows the community that they are very outreach focused. “If you are looking for somewhere with a culture of hope, we invite you to visit with us,” Pastor Darrin told me. “We are open, and we welcome you to Riverwoods Church.” For information or directions to the church locations, please visit the website at www.riverwoodschurch.com. For questions or information regarding the grand opening on March 11, please call (270)906-8294. v

52 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com


Eating Well - Aging Well by Superior Care Homes


arch is National Nutrition Month – a perfect time for seniors to take a look at the benefits of eating well. Do you remember telling your children “you are what you eat”? It’s an old adage that offers words of wisdom for every season of life. For seniors, eating well can play an important role in overall health, quality of life, a positive outlook and maintaining maximum independence.

Food For Thought - Why should seniors be concerned about eating well? • Reduce the risk of illness: Eating a well-balanced diet every day may reduce the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, bone loss and anemia. It’s never too late to take control of your health. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. • Manage the severity and progression of chronic illness: If you have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol, healthy eating can help you manage and improve those conditions. • Improve your immune system: When your body is receiving the nutrients it needs, you are better equipped to resist infections, like common viruses and the flu. If you do get sick, a well-nourished body will heal and recover faster. • Increase your energy level: Good nutrition provides you with the fuel you need to feel better, maintain a positive outlook, stay active and reduce the risk of falls and accidents often associated with fatigue and weakness. • Increase mental acuteness: Research has shown that key nutrients are important for the brain to do its job. A well-nourished brain can increase your focus and may decrease the risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The Senior Challenge Change is a fact of life. As you age, your body and how it functions changes. It’s a normal process. Your lifestyle may

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also change. Many seniors find they are less active or are living alone for the first time in their lives. By understanding those changes and how they can affect your nutritional requirements and eating habits, you are better prepared to make wise choices and take control of your nutritional wellbeing. What age-related conditions can sometimes contribute to poor nutrition in seniors? • Decreased Metabolism: As age increases, metabolism decreases. In fact, every year over the age of forty, metabolism begins a slow progressive decline. That decline associated with a decrease in physical activity means you burn fewer calories. If you continue to eat the same amount of food or consume a diet of calorie-rich foods, you’re likely to gain weight. • Decreased Sense of Taste and Smell: Eating is a sensory experience. The aromas, colors and tastes of food affect not only your appetite, but what you eat. A decrease in the sense of taste and smell accompanies the normal aging process. • Decreased Sense of Thirst: As you age, your ability to detect thirst declines and kidney function declines. Failure to drink enough water can lead to chronic dehydration, and may cause generalized weakness, fatigue, urinary tract infections, constipation, and occasional bouts of confusion. • Decreased Digestion: Your digestive system slows down as you age. You generate less saliva and produce less stomach acid which may interfere with the absorption of essential vitamins. • Poor Dental Health: Missing teeth, poorly fitting dentures, jaw pain or gum disease can make chewing painful, which in turn makes it increasingly difficult or painful to eat healthy foods. • Medications: Many prescription and over-the-counter medications can reduce appetite, cause nausea or affect how food tastes. When you don’t feel hungry or food tastes differently, you are less likely to eat. • Illness and Physical Limitations: Chronic illnesses associated with aging may lead to fatigue, weakness, pain and physical limitations, making simple, everyday tasks like shopping, preparing and cooking a meal too challenging.

Meeting the Challenge While aging may sometimes create challenges for eating 54 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

well, there is good news. With knowledge, a plan and some creativity, you can eat well and maintain good nutritional status. Here is some helpful advice and practical tips to help ensure you are getting proper nutrition.

smoothies will provide the same nutritional benefits. • Got milk? Aging bones need calcium to prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures. Low or reduced fat milk, yogurt and cheese are daily essentials.

Choose Healthy, Nutrient-Rich Foods People of all ages need more than 40 nutrients to stay healthy. As you age, it’s important that your diet contains enough calcium, fiber, iron, protein and Vitamins A, C, D and folic acid. Variety is the key to eating well. Avoid falling into a rut of eating the same foods over and over again.

• Control your carbs. Carbohydrates are essential for energy. But be smart with your carbs. Avoid over processed white flour and extra sugar. Choose whole grain breads, pastas and cereals instead. • Maintain muscle mass with protein. Protein builds muscle. Think beyond traditional beef and pork. Chicken, fish, beans, peas, nuts, eggs, milk and cheese are also excellent choices. If chewing presents problems shred or chop meat and poultry or choose tuna as an alternative.

Reduce Your Sodium (Salt) Intake Too much salt can cause water retention and high blood pressure. • Cook with as little salt as possible. Season with spices and herbs instead for extra flavor. • Avoid adding salt at the table.

• Eat your veggies. Think color - deep green, yellow and orange. Shoot for 2 - 2 ½ cups each day. Vegetables are rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins that improve your health and fight disease. Fresh is best, but if chewing or swallowing is difficult, soft canned and steamed vegetables will add value to your diet too. • Focus on fruit. Fruit provides vitamins and essential fiber. Again, think color and be bold. Go beyond apples and oranges to colorful fresh berries and melons. Like vegetables, fruit is an excellent source of fiber, which can assist with your digestive health. If fresh fruits are not practical, canned and dried fruits, juices and www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 55

• Avoid processed and convenience foods. • Look for products that are labels as low sodium.

Choose Good Fats “Good fats” can protect your body against heart disease by controlling “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and raising “good” HDL cholesterol levels. Olive oil and other monounsaturated fats are the best choices. But remember, fat is rich in calories and should be consumed in moderation to control calorie intake and your weight.

Stay Hydrated Drink 6- 8 glasses of water a day and avoid caffeinated beverages, such as soda and coffee. • Post a note in your kitchen to drink some water every hour. • Take a sip of water after each bite of food at meal time. • Add a slice or wedge of lemon to your water to give it a new twist. • Fill a cup or water bottle that is calibrated with visible measurement on it to keep track of how much you drink. Carry it with you around the house throughout the day.

Boost Your Appetite • If your medications are affecting your appetite, talk to

your doctor. There may be an alternative that will correct the problem. • Eat smaller, more frequent meals and snacks, making sure your snacks are nutrient-rich choices. • Experiment with spices and herbs to enhance the aroma and flavor of your food. Marinades, dressing and sauces also intensify food flavors • Vary your eating location. Make mealtime an experience. Eat by a window and use your best dishes. Add a special touch to the table with a colorful table cloth, plant or candle. On a nice day, move out to a patio or deck.

Make Meal Time Social For many seniors, eating alone means skipping meals or scrimping on eating a variety of foods. Eating is a social experience. Be creative and add some companionship to meal time each week. • Treat yourself to a meal out. • Make a date to share a meal with your son, daughter, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. • Invite a neighbor over for lunch. • Take advantage of senior community meal programs at local senior centers or churches. It’s a great way to receive a nutritious meal with the added value of meeting new people and making new friends.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help If you find that planning, shopping and cooking meals becomes difficult, it’s OK to ask for help. Talk to your children and come up with a plan to keep your fridge and pantry stocked with easy to prepare items. Eating well does not have to be a big production. With thoughtful planning and a helping hand, you can still maintain a healthy diet. Eating well is a choice. Aging well is the benefit. As you age, remember what your mother taught you…”You are what you eat!” and enjoy better health, independence and an active lifestyle. v

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Mrs. Kentucky United States 2012 – Championing Adoption

by Crystal Engler

Purchase Parenting & Family Staff


ometimes, when a woman gets married and has children, her dreams take the back burner while she stands still and her children bloom. This year's Mrs. Kentucky United States, Kathy Polston-Dalton, made it a personal goal to accomplish it all.

The Pageant The Mrs. United States Pageant is celebrating its 26th year and is considered the premiere pageant for married women. This spectacular event has assembled annually and acts as a way to celebrate the achievement of married

women throughout the 50 states and U.S. territories. The Mrs. United States Pageant showcases contestants who are confident, intelligent, successful, and beautiful. Their belief is that women should be recognized for their ability to integrate intellect and beauty. The Mrs. United States Pageant acknowledges the fact that married women are an inspiration to their families, friends, colleagues and communities. In July of this year, Mrs. Kathy Polston-Dalton will join 53 other contestants from across the United States in the city of Las Vegas, where the pageant has been held for the past twenty-five years. The five-day event culminates in two days of competition in which a panel of judges will score the contestants on beauty, charm, personality, poise, and the ability to articulate. Contestants participate in personal interviews, as well as evening gown and swimsuit competitions.

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Each state titleholder is introduced in a state costume representing a state theme. The winner of the Mrs. United States Pageant will receive many prizes and opportunities for a full year as a role model and spokesperson for married women. I talked with PolstonDalton recently about why she chose to enter the Mrs. Kentucky United States pageant. "I like the fact that the Mrs. United States pageant stands for the celebration of marriage,” she told me. “It’s great that you can have children, be married, be a mother and wife, have a career, and do it all! I have four adopted children, and one of the main reasons I wanted to be involved is to have the opportunity to speak to about adoption and to potential parents. I want to show that adoption is not as difficult as many people may think it is. You don’t have to give up your dreams or ambitions to become a parent to a child in need. There is

CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Thousands of Kentucky’s children need homes, and the numbers climb every day. Without people willing to take them into their homes, the future for these kids looks pretty bleak. If you are considering adoption, please consider foster to adopt.

Help Save A Kid’s Life. Helping children in crisis shine!

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sometimes a stigma with adoption. I thought if I could tell my story, it might change that. I wanted to win this pageant so that I could use my title as a platform to promote adoption and support for all adoptive parents." As with many other excellent examples, PolstonDalton proves that women can follow their dreams. "I competed in pageants when I was younger. I was 2nd runner-up in Miss Kentucky World and won my county fair pageant years ago. I just started getting back into them within the last six months. I wanted to show that you can still move forward and reach your goals after you have children." Polston-Dalton has always had a lot of energy and some might say a bit of an over achiever. She was one of the first recipients of the Governor’s Scholarship and after college, attended Samford University School of Pharmacy where she was President of her pharmacy sorority. When her father passed away she took over as the owner of his Chevrolet and Buick General Motors dealership in Albany, KY and managed it until it was sold several years later. She has held a commercial real estate license and owned a home infusion pharmacy. “I am involved with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, American Heart Association, Donate Life and LifeHouse for animals," she added. In the months to come, Polston-Dalton will be busy preparing herself for the national pageant. "I'll get ready to compete at Nationals with interview preparation, practicing on state presentation, photo shoots, and a lot of shopping!"

Causes Near and Dear to the Heart Kathy Polston-Dalton chose a platform that means a great deal to her. "I feel that pageant winners have an obligation to do the best they can to set a good example and standard for women in our society,” She told me. “I believe that your platform should be something that you love to do and that you live every day. This is why I chose adoption. I can't wait to share my adoption story to women that are interested in learning about it.” Polston-Dalton is passionate about her family. "My husband,

Mathew and I are the parents of four beautiful children: Diego, Braeden, Haven and Jagger. They are 8, 7, 6 and 4 years of age. “I had wanted to adopt since I was a young child and my husband felt the same way,” she explained. “We adopted our first child only eight months after we got married but we had been dating for five years and had discussed it extensively. All our children came through domestic adoptions although they are not related and all have different birth parents. They were adopted as newborns through an accredited adoption agency. There are currently 6,800 children in the Kentucky Foster System awaiting adoption and just 10% were adopted last year. These are children just like the four children that I adopted...needing a family to love them and provide them with a life they deserve. I am going to use my title to be a voice for these children and to reach out to families that are open to adoption and share my story with them." Polston-Dalton has many hobbies and interests. "I love children and animals!” she explained. “I rescue dogs and cat and cannot leave one stranded or hurt! I love to work out and of course to spend time with my family. My husband is my everything...he's what makes it possible for me to be Mrs. Kentucky. He encourages me to be the best I can be at whatever I choose to do. He is an incredible father and our adoption journey together has been the best and most special time of my life. I am so thankful and blessed by God to be called his wife."

Words of advice Polston-Dalton offered some tips for prospective adoptive parents based on her positive experiences. “Take the time to do the research and find a reputable person and agency to do the home study,” she advised.” It’s so important to find an agency and an attorney that you trust. Be prepared to go out of state if necessary to find your child. Find a state where the adoption laws protect both the birth parents and adoptive Parents. Kentucky has really come a long way in recent years and the state is making great strides in this area.”

Polston-Dalton is also planning on participating in drug abuse prevention programs during her year as Mrs. Kentucky. “Drug abuse and in particular prescription drug abuse is a huge problem in our state and in our country,” she said. “I want to and use my pharmacist background and hopefully make a difference in this area. For more information on the Mrs. United States Pageant, visit www.mrsunitedstates.com. For more information about Kathy Polston-Dalton's upcoming events, visit www.mrskentuckyunitedstates2012.weebly.com. v

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Let’s Talk About Immunizations by Jamie Lober Purchase Parenting & Family Staff


aducah parents are talking about immunizations. “They want to know if immunizations are safe and the answer is that they are,” said Dr. Shawn Trask, Pediatrician at Paducah Pediatrics. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, put simply, vaccines contain antigens, which are either live but weakened viruses, inactivated viruses or small parts of bacteria or viruses that prompt the body to produce protective antibodies without causing the disease. There is no reason to worry, as vaccines are studied in thousands of children as well as in combination with other vaccines before they are licensed. If anything negative is found, the vaccine is removed from the market and replaced by a better and safer product.

The benefits clearly outweigh the risks. “Parents tend to get caught up in the possibility of very unlikely side effects and in the millions and millions of immunizations given, these problems are rarely seen,” said Trask. Concerns of the past are rapidly being erased. Many parents are concerned about autism risks but studies have shown they need not worry. “There have also been concerns about mercury content in the vaccines but the preservative, Merisol, has been removed from all immunizations given to children so mercury is not a concern whatsoever,” explained Trask. There is consensus around the recommendations as they are approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics. “The schedule of immunizations is designed so that kids are covered as early in life as possible to protect against the particular infections they are being vaccinated for,” said Trask. As the schedule is updated from time to time, you should ask your pediatrician for a copy of the schedule or look. In February 2010, experts recommended that everyone six months and older should be vaccinated against the flu in addition to those members of the population who are considered at high risk; kids under age five, pregnant women, people over sixty-five, people with chronic medical conditions and people who live with or care for those at high risk.

Immunizations are working. “There is what is referred to as ‘herd protection’ which means that the few kids that are not immunized are still protected because they are surrounded by a group of other children who are immunized so infection is not spread,” explained Trask. In groups that are not immunized, kids can still get infections. “A common one is pertussis or whopping cough, especially in families where the entire family is not immunized,” he told me. “It is identified by spells of harsh coughs to the point of nearly losing one’s breath. It is treatable but takes a prolonged treatment and can cause hospitalization in young children. Parents should not assume that because everyone else’s child is vaccinated their child does not have to be. Remember it only takes one child with polio traveling 60 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

from a foreign country to the United States to bring on an epidemic. Do not feel discouraged by the fact that your child may need several shots at once. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids can be protected against fourteen diseases by the time they are two. Parents may worry about how this will affect their child’s immune system but the truth is that vaccinations are nothing compared to the amount of germs kids fight off everyday to keep the body healthy. To be exact, kids fight off 2,000-6,000 antigens each day which far exceeds the antigens in any combination of vaccines on the current schedule, with 150 in the whole schedule. The only reason your child should be exempt from a vaccine is due to allergies to specific ingredients or a shot may be delayed or not given at all if your child has a chronic condition or is undergoing medical treatment. Remember to be open about your child’s medical history as it can influence how immunizations are administered.

Tetanus is widely still present. “It is a germ that is in dirt and there is not really any treatment once it is acquired which, fortunately, is extremely rare,” said Trask. The best protection, as for most other conditions, is the shot. “Chicken pox has been greatly reduced with the immunization and the immunization for pneumonia has decreased the frequency of kids getting serious ill,” said Trask. There is an immunization against the haemophilus influenzae type B which was prior to the immunization the most common cause of meningitis. “Over the past few years we have started immunizing children at around eleven years of age against meningococcal.”

Pediatricians have trust in the shots. “Most of the shots we are using have been around for quite awhile,” said Trask. There are still some advances worth noting. “The immunization against the human papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer in females and genital warts has been in use over the last few years. It has also been approved for boys. In all instances, shots are advantageous and often may save lives. In many of the cases, the immunizations we provide protect against diseases that cannot be treated once they are contracted. Avoidable consequences include brain damage, blindness, seizures and even death.

Some side effects are normal. “Most all immunizations will cause or have the potential to cause some fever within the first day or so,” Trask advised “Soreness at the site where the shot is given or swelling at the site is not uncommon. This should not deter your decision. I strongly recommend that all children are immunized to protect them and everyone around them as well,” said Trask. Parents should not overlook themselves. “Adults should get tetanus shots every ten years and then the flu immunization yearly. That flu immunization is now available as a nasal spray for kids two years and above so there is no need for concern over an injection,” said Trask. While immunization is an individual family decision it’s important to remember the main point: It is better to keep kids from becoming sick rather than treating them after the fact. Immunizations have saved, and continue to save, millions of lives. v

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Little Sister Strikes it Rich! by Rick Epstein


need about $700,000. That’d cover state college for my kids, a new roof for our house and something for retirement. My daughter Sally, age 8, needs $7. That’s the difference between her life’s savings and the $15 price of a chunk of iron pyrite she wants to buy in

the gem-and-rock shop downtown. It’s nice to know someone whose financial goals are so attainable, and whose confidence will allow her, with eyes wide open, to invest everything she has in fool’s gold. She gets $5 allowance each week, and a good report card is worth another $5 from Grandma. But Sally’s love of pretty stones gobbles up whatever she makes, and she’s always looking for more. Sally is full of ineffective moneymaking ideas. Last month she offered 25-cent lessons to children who want to learn her trick of climbing up the inside of a doorway by bracing her limbs inside the jamb. She posted a sign on our street, but no students came forward to learn this valuable skill. Sally loves to sell things. A couple of years ago, when her big sister Marie had to move $50 worth of softball-league candy, Marie set up a table in front of our house. Unfortunately, we live at the dead-end of a street in a neighborhood of 10 homes, isolated from the rest of town by a busy street and an idle factory. Marie made a sale to the mailman, but that was 62 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

it. So we enlisted Sally, then 6. I got a brown grocery bag, wrote the pertinent facts on it in big letters, cut holes for her arms and head, and stationed her outside the supermarket where she capered around and asked every shopper, “Would you

like to buy some candy, madam?” (Or “sir”) Marie stood off to the side, embarrassed by her goofy sister. But sales were brisk, and Sally learned the joy of selling. That night I told her about her great-grandfather, who traveled the West for Gorham Silver Co., selling to jewelry and department stores, and raising four children on the proceeds. I told her about my days as a Fuller Brush man, and the satisfaction of selling products you believe in to someone who wants them – while earning a 40 percent commission. Not long afterward, she set up a table on the sidewalk in front of our house, hoping to sell her drawings. Sally sat there in such solitude that she might as well have been meditating at Walden Pond: A great place for a philosopher, but a lousy spot for an entrepreneur. When she had a yard sale, it had the same result - location, location, location! On Halloween we could afford to give out two-pound boxes of imported chocolates because we get exactly five trick-or-treaters – not counting our three kids; that’s how many children live in this little backwater. The neighbor kids drifted down to Sally’s yard sale, but her offerings (used-up toys) tempted no one. She’d drilled another dry well.

In school Sally’s classmates are always asking her how to spell one word or another. The day she decided to charge 25 cents per word, Sally came home with 75 cents. But the next day her classmate Andrew announced he would spell any word free of charge, and all the kids flocked to him, though his credentials were dubious. Sally stuck her nose in a book, but made sure all Andrew’s patrons heard her snickering at his spellings. Under his guidance, half the class wrote poems about Dr. MARTIAN Luther King Jr. in March, but they still preferred Andrew’s pro bono guesswork to Sally’s pricey expertise.





March 23, 2012 - 7 PM

A BIG Family

Every so often, Sally makes some change folding laundry or shining my shoes. I don’t pay well, and she isn’t very capable. But like a die-hard prospector of the Old West, she never gives up her quest. And last weekend, she finally caught hold of something. We’d allowed Marie to have a little sleepover party, with the usual proviso – that the big kids include Sally in their fun. Marie grudgingly agreed.


Her sister’s visitors had barely arrived when Sally handed me four one-dollar bills, saying, “Put this in the Bank of Dad.� (I hold the kids’ savings and pay them 5 percent interest when I think of it, keeping track of everything in a notebook, paying them back whenever they want it.) “Where’d you get this money?� I asked. “From Marie! She’s paying me to stay away from her and her friends.� Marie has deep pockets ($143.94. I happen to know). Without realizing its commercial value, Sally herself has been an uncapped gusher of little-sister pestiness – black gold – a resource more abundant than Arabian oil. Eureka! Now with a way to make it pay, our little prospector has finally struck it rich. v Rick can be reached at rickepstein@yahoo.com.

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The Importance of Mentoring by Dr. Joy Navan Navan Consulting


n my book, Nurturing the Gifted Female: A Guide for Educators and Parents, I wrote of the need for the gifted female adolescent to shadow and be mentored by successful women in professions that interest them. Mentors serve as role models to the girls and allow them to see themselves in a particular career. This month I would like to explore the concept of mentoring and why it is important for students to be mentored, and also for adults to serve as mentors to students.

the typical classroom. A mentoring experience immerses a student in a dynamic relationship in which he or she learns more than mere information. Rather, the student is able to develop the habits and attitudes of professional behavior while at the same time learning valuable skills like time management, organization and self-regulation.

The Greek mythological hero, Odysseus, as he left for the Trojan War, asked Mentor – the son of a close friend – to take charge of his son’s rearing. Thus, the idea of mentoring is an ancient one and valued as a method by which children and young adults can explore their world in a more authentic environment than

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When a student determines a career of interest, parents or teachers can arrange for him or her to explore the potential profession with a mentor. For example, the gifted and talented coordinator in a nearby school district contacted me a number of years ago about an eighth grader who was accelerated in math and who needed an enrichment experience beyond the classroom. The student was interested in a career in Animal Sciences and I had a university colleague in that area who agreed to mentor the student. The two worked on projects together that ranged from using the younger student’s math skills to calculate dosages of medicine and supplements for large animals

to studying different breeds of horses for a scrapbook. The culminating experience was a visit to campus to tour the barns and to sit in on college level courses. Readers can see from this example that the benefits of arranging such experiences include raising career goals and increasing the self-efficacy of students. There are three type of mentoring. The first, for students in grades kindergarten through about fifth grade, is mentoring that occurs within the classroom. This happens when the teacher makes arrangements for an older student to work over a period of time with a student in her classroom who is interested in exploring a subject or topic of interest more in depth. For example, a second grader may have an interest in learning more about geology than is usually offered at that level. A middle or high school student with strengths in that area can come to the classroom once or twice a week to work with the younger child on a project that explores types of rock and their formation with the younger child. Another type of mentoring is active mentoring, where a student goes out into the community to work with a professional. This is usually intended for middle and high school students. An example of this type of mentoring is a student who is interested in architecture as a career and who goes to the office of an architect to learn elementary skills such as beginning computer assisted design; or a young person who wants to pursue a career in the legal profession and meets with a lawyer every week to talk about necessary schooling, to discuss different areas of law, and perhaps even to observe in the courtroom.

ongoing monitoring, adjustments as needed, and be evaluated in order to determine the growth and learning of the student. A mentoring relationship is not for every student. Parents and educators must determine if the child has strong enough interest to pursue this type of learning. Often, all the child needs is to shadow or observe a professional for an afternoon or a day in order to gain a realistic perception about a career that is actually not what he or she had envisioned. However, if the student shows an intense interest after the shadowing opportunity, it is recommended that the parents or teachers proceed with setting up a mentorship. If you are eager to pusue this exciting educational option for your student, feel free to contact me for more information. Happy mentoring! v

Reference Navan, J. (2008). Nurturing the Gifted Female: A Guide for Educators and Parents. Thousand Oaks, CA:

In areas such as in rural school districts and small towns it is beneficial to make up for the lack of career resources by offering the third kind of mentoring – telementoring. This is also known as distance mentoring or e-mentoring. Such a program allows for students to connect with professionals in a wide variety of careers through the use of distance technology. In my book I offer a number of suggestions for setting up mentoring experiences for students. For instance, it is beneficial to perform a strengths/needs assessment of the student in order to determine what area and what type of mentoring will serve the needs of the student most effectively. In the case of distance mentoring, it is crucial that educators use the appropriate use guidelines for distance technology to ensure the success and the saftey of the student. Additionally, every mentoring arrangment should have www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 65




Doing Background Checks on the Web


ou may have seen the TV commercials. A nervous looking young woman has a date with a man she met over the Internet. She wants to make sure that he's not an ax murderer. To learn more about him, all she has to do is sign up with a service that provides background checks, for a fee. There are good services out there that do just this, but there are also free Internet services as well that let you uncover information about people. If you want to learn more about a date, a baby sit-

66 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

by Reid Goldsborough Purchase Parenting and Family Staff

ter, a job applicant, or a contractor working on your house, or if you want learn what information others can see about you, these sites are worth checking out.

Google the News Google, as the most popular general search site, is the place to start: Just type in the person's name. If the person has a common name, resulting in too many irrelevant results, you can try including a word or phrase connected with that person. Afterward, click on "News" to see if the

person has appeared on any news Web site aggregated by Google over the past 30 days. Google News Archive (news.google.com/archivesearch) goes back further.

Check Social Websites You can also try the popular social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Facebook is by far the most popular, and it has done a better job recently of helping those who want to keep their information private. But workarounds exist. If you go to Google's Advanced Search page, type the person's name in the "this exact wording or phrase" field, and type facebook.com in the "Search within a site or domain" field, you can find comments the person has left on Facebook.

Locating Criminals People, however, rarely talk publicly about their own criminal activities. Perhaps the best known site for criminal background checks is Intelius (www.intelius.com), a pay site. A full criminal check costs $49.95. This includes not only records of crimes but also lawsuits, bankruptcies, liens, divorces, income, and other information. The company has had some legal problems of its own, however, spelled out in its Wikipedia entry (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelius). As with any company through which you sign up for a one-time service, it's best to check your credit card statements for recurring monthly fees that you may be charged by mistake. Intelius provides information for a lot of other people search sites as well, which may provide other information on their own. One example of this is ZabaSearch (www.zabasearch.com). It can show you people's phone number, address, and even a map to their house or apartment. But when you click on "Background Check," you're directed to Intelius.

information requiring payment. Interestingly, pipl also lets you search for information about someone using their online handle, or nickname. But since handles are rarely unique, you may turn up information about more than one individual, and this may not even include the person you're looking for. Similarly, you can search through pipl and a number of other people search sites by email and phone number. Don't forget Google also for this. Despite privacy concerns, many people leave email addresses or phone numbers in Facebook comments and elsewhere on the Web. If you want to know who's behind a particular Web site, and this information isn't included as part of the site, you can often find this out as well. Whois.net (www.whois.net) and Whois Source (www.whois.sc) are two of a number of sites that can provide the name, address, and phone number of a Web site owner, provided that the owner didn't elect to make this information private when registering the site's domain. Whomever you are checking on be aware that the information you find on the web may not be current or accurate. Gossip is in plentiful supply on chat forums and social sites so don’t assume everything you read is true. v Reid Goldsborough is a syndicated columnist and author of the book Straight Talk About the Information Superhighway. He can be reached at reidgold@comcast.net or www.reidgoldsborough.com.

Government Agencies You can sometimes obtain information directly from federal and state government agencies, more or less easily. The U.S. Department of Justice maintains a sex offender’s registry (www.nsopw.gov/Core/Portal.aspx) that's easily accessible to the public. You're warned, however, not to use the information to "threaten, intimidate, or harass" in order to avoid criminal prosecution or civil liability. One good portal to information from multiple sources, including government agencies, is VirtualGumshoe (www.virtualgumshoe.com/resources). You have to dig around, and the resources are far from complete, but you can find information from marriage records to wanted lists, some free, some pay. Another such portal is pipl (pipl.com), which bills itself as "the most comprehensive people search on the Web" because of its ability to search through online databases. It finds phone numbers, addresses, age, birth date, Web sites, blogs, reviews written at Amazon.com, and other information. Some is free teaser information, with more in-depth www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 67


Good Timing by Sandra Gordon Purchase Parenting & Family Staff


hether we like it or loathe it, our hormones wield a lot of power over our bodies. They can make you feel calm and more confident or edgy and self-doubting, and that affects how you handle any situation—whether you freak out when your boss gives you a last-minute project, for instance, or find the willpower to resist a second piece of chocolate cake. “The ups and downs of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone influence your behavior throughout the month,” explains Scott Haltzman, M.D., clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University. Because so many of us are confused about how our hormones affect us on a daily basis, we asked top experts to demystify these fluctuations—and explain how you can use hormonal shifts to your advantage. Here, an updated guide to timing life by your cycle.

The best time to …Quit Smoking Days 1 – 14. From the first day of your period to mid-cycle, estrogen and progesterone levels are low, which means you tend to feel happy and even-keeled. This is an ideal time to stop smoking, because you won’t be hit with a double whammy of negative emotions—kicking the habit is associated with anxiety, depression and irritability. “Quitting during the first two weeks of your cycle may decrease withdrawal severity and increase your chances of stopping smoking for good,” says Kenneth A. Perkins, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In fact, a small study led by Perkins showed that women who attempted to stop smoking during the last two weeks of their menstrual cycle reported significantly greater tobacco withdrawal and depressive symptoms than women who tried to quit during their first 14 days.

The best time to…Get a Mammogram Days 1-9. Studies show that during this low-estrogen, low-progesterone phase, breast tissue tends to be less dense, so mammograms are more apt to spot small, hardto-see tumors. But don’t postpone getting this crucial screening if you can’t make an appointment during the first two weeks of your cycle, cautions Robert Smith, Ph.D., director of cancer screening at the American Cancer Society. “Getting screened within the recommended time intervals [yearly for women age 40 and older] is crucial to catching breast cancer in its early, most treatable stages,” Smith explains.

The best time to…Attack a Stressful Problem Days 3-10. When stress and female sex hormones are low, you’re biologically programmed to perform well under pressure, according to Dmitry M. Davydov, M.D., Ph.D., a Moscow-based psychiatrist and physiologist who studied the interaction between sex hormones (which drive the menstrual cycle), stress hormones and mood. At other times of the month, you may feel less motivated to take on a stressful situation.

The best time to…Take a Risk Days 3-10. Always wanted to try bungee jumping or snow68 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

boarding but couldn’t get up the nerve? Now’s the time to go for it. Not only are you better equipped to deal with stress right now, you’re also more willing to do something daring, says Dr. Davydov. Since your levels of sex hormones progesterone and estrogen are low, activities that boost your stress hormones can help restore your overall hormonal balance. In fact, around this time of the month many women unconsciously seek out stimulating events to elevate their cortisol and epinephrine levels. Otherwise you may start to feel bored or depressed, says Dr. Davydov.

The best time to…Start a Diet Days 3-25. You’ll find it

Your Cycle: An Owner’s Guide Not sure when day 1 of your cycle is? Can’t tell the difference between the luteal and follicular phases? We hear you! This quick, handy chart spells out everything you need to know. The Follicular Phase is the beginning of your cycle (day 1 refers to the first day of your period). Low levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the lining of your uterus to shed. In the first half of this phase, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increases slightly and a new egg develops. During the last part (typically starting on day 7), the ovaries begin to produce more estrogen and the uterine lining begins to thicken. The Ovulatory Phase starts around day 10 of your cycle, with a surge in FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH), which prompts the egg to be released (ovulation) around day 14. Estrogen peaks and the level of progesterone increases. In the Luteal Phase, levels of LH and FSH begin to ebb, starting around day 15. The uterine lining finishes thickening. If the egg is not fertilized, the levels of progesterone and estrogen decrease through day 28 and then your period begins. Back to day 1.

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easiest to resist high-fat, high-calorie comfort foods during this time. That’s because cravings for these treats, especially chocolate, tend to increase a few days before your period and linger a day or two after it starts, says Debra Zellner, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Montclair State University in New Jersey, who has studied the phenomenon. Although it may feel like the cravings are physiological, they’re purely emotional, says Zellner. “We tend to crave them because we need a treat when we don’t feel well.”

The best time to…Burn More Fat Days 15-28. As estrogen and progesterone levels rise during the two weeks before you get your period (called the luteal phase, see side bar, “Your Cycle: An Owner’s Guide”), so does your body’s ability to metabolize fat. “You’ll burn more fat not only when you’re exercising but when you’re at rest as well,” says Leanne M. Redman, Ph.D., a researcher at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. So don’t skip your workouts during this time; in fact, try to make them harder or longer to maximize your fat-burning potential.

The best time to…Schedule a Dental Check-up Days 6–11. “The week following your period is the best time of the month to see the dentist,” says Susan Karabin, D.D.S., president-elect of the American Academy of Periodontology in Chicago. Estrogen/progesterone levels are low, and your dentist will get a more accurate assessment of your gum health. High levels of these hormones, which begin to rise around day 10, marking the ovulatory phase of your cycle, can cause gum inflammation, making it tough for your dentist to distinguish whether gum disease is the source of the inflammation.

70 • March2012 www.purchaseparenting.com

The best time to…Make a Baby Days 10 – 13. If you have a typical 28-day cycle, you’re most likely to ovulate around day 13 or 14, during the ovulatory phase, says Nancy Klein, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at Seattle Reproductive Medicine in Washington. If your cycle doesn’t average 28 days, your most fertile time is probably about two weeks plus three to four days before your next period. If you have 35-day cycles, for example, that would be day 18, 19, 20 and 21. In any case, you should have sex every other day during your fertile window. “Sperm can reside in cervical mucus for several days, so you don’t have to be that precise,” says Dr. Klein. An egg, on the other hand, is viable for less than 24 hours, so it’s important to have the sperm on board before ovulation occurs.

this is when cervical cells are very mature and easier to read under a microscope,” says Diane Solomon, M.D., a Cytopathologist at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.

The best time to…Make a Major Decision Days 24– 28 Progesterone and estrogen levels ebb in the latter part of your cycle, the luteal phase, and you become less impulsive. Your intuition also becomes razor-sharp, so if you’ve been pondering a big life change, now is the time to trust your instincts. “Days 24 to 28 are when your decisions are more conscious and less driven by hormonal changes you may not be aware of,” says Dr. Haltzman. Use this time to finally decide whether to move, tweak your career track or adopt that puppy in the window.

The best time to…Have Hot Sex Day 13. “The day before you ovulate is when your libido is highest, orgasm is easier to achieve and is most intense. It’s a day you definitely don’t want to miss,” says Gabrielle Lichterman, author of 28 Days: What Your Cycle Reveals about Your Love Life, Moods, and Potential. This is also nature’s way of nudging your into bed, because that’s when you’re most fertile. It makes sense: If you have sex on day 13, there will likely be sperm waiting for the egg’s arrival on day 14. So grab your man and go for it. If you don’t want to get pregnant, be extra vigilant about birth control and use a condom to protect yourself against sexually transmitted diseases.

Sandra Gordon is a journalist and author and can be reached at www.sandrajgordon.com Her most recent books include: The Reunion Diet & Consumer Reports Best Baby Products

The best time to…Ask for a Raise Days 10-13. In addition to hitting your sexual and fertile stride, days 10 to 13 are also the best times to ask for a raise or promotion. “The rise of progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and other hormones in preparation for ovulation correlates with keener cognition abilities and verbal skills,” says Dr. Haltzman. You’re hormonally charged to think on your feet and defend your position if your boss throws you a curve. “Your confidence level also tends to go up, and you’re the most clearheaded right now,” he adds.

The best time…Get a Pap Test Days 10–20. Peaks in the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause cervical mucus to be at its thinnest at this time, which can improve the clarity of a cell sample. (The Pap test examines cervical cells for abnormalities and/or changes, including potentially cancerous ones.) “But more important, www.purchaseparenting.com March2012 • 71

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Active Care Chiropractic . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23

Jenny’s Day Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 52

American Chillers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 44

Jim Stott Magic Classroom . . . . . . . . .Page 47



Animal Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 49

Kentucky Kids Consignment . . . . . . . .Page 51

Paducah Symphony Orchestra . . . . .Page 16




Argonauts Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 71

Dr. Lisa Chaney-Lasher . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 34

Parkview Nursing &



Dr. Kelly Anunciato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 68

Leap-N-Lizards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 32



Liberty Tax Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 32

Personal Best Aesthetics

Be Charmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 7


Better Image Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 70

Life Care of LaCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 38


Between Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5


Purchase District Health

Brad Rankin Photography . . . . . . . . . .Page 24

Lourdes Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 78




Broadway United

Maiden Alley Cinema . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 31

Revolution Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 60


Rowton Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 13


Mayfield Family Eyecare . . . . . . . . . . .Page 36


Camp Kumbaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 45

Mayfield YMCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23

Smithland Medical Clinic . . . . . . . . . . .Page 39



Southland Baptist Temple . . . . . . . . .Page 14

Camp Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 1

McCracken Co. 4H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 36




Spaghetti and Meatballs . . . . . . . . . . .Page 11

Caring People Services . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 65

McCracken Co. Headstart . . . . . . . . . . .Page 61



Medical Spa 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3

Sunrise Children’s Services . . . . . . . .Page 58

Carson Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 63




Mike’s Kettlebell Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28

Superior Care Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 54

Community Financial

Mi Lindo Michoacan


Methodist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5

Services Bank (CFSB) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 29

Rehabilitation Center . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 7

and Laser Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 20

Mexican Grill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 35

Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 27

Terri Buri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 33


Navan Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 64


City of Paducah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 37


Terri Waldridge, LMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 14


NECCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 57

That Cute Little Shop in Benton . . . .Page 31

Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 53


Three Rivers Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . .Page 40


New Haven Assisted Living . . . . . . . .Page 42


Diamond Detailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 52


Tiffany’s Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 56

Family Allergy & Asthama Clinic . . .Page 41

O’Bryan Family Medicine . . . . . . . . . . .Page 26

Total Rejuvination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 6




Fancy Finds Upsale Consignment . .Page 19

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Tumbletown Daycare &


of Paducah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 21

Gymnastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 18

First Christian Preschool . . . . . . . . . . .Page 33


Vintage Rose Emporium . . . . . . . . . . .Page 44


Orthopedic Institute of Western


Flanary Veterinary Clinic . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4

Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 66

Wellsprings Dermatology . . . . . . . . . .Page 19




Funky Monkey Pottery Company . .Page 63

Paducah Board of Education . . . . . . .Page 69

Western Baptist Hospital . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2

Gate 28 Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 56



Heath Health Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 48

Paducah Headstart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 38

Wheeler Wellness Center . . . . . . . . . . .Page 77


Paducah Jazzercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 43


Hillcrest Baptist Preschool . . . . . . . . .Page 4


William Carter Photography . . . . . . .Page 13

Hooked on Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 26

Paducah Parks Services . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 48




WKMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 20

Horses, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 46

Paducah Pediatric Dentistry . . . . . . .Page 12




Woodman of the World . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 25

Hwang’s Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 55

Paducah Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 30




Yaya’s Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 22

Jackson Purchase Medical

Paducah Regional Sportsplex . . . . . .Page 50



Your Home Town Realty . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 59

Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 15 www.internalmedicinegroup.com/


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p SnaH Shots! Jade n & Lily

H a ppy

Issiah W ilde r

S a ra M ae

Ava Lee




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Lisa Chaney Lasher, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Shawn Trask, M.D., Pediatrics

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