Forgotten Treasures Austin Dodd
30 Freedom Fest Erin Carrico
Get Outside & Play! Aviva Yasgur
56 Summertime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Robert A. Valentine
Notes & Neighbors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Murray Life Staff
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Murray Life Staff
Pet Pause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Caina Lynch
A Laughing Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Murray Life Readers and Staff
Gardening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Suzanne Cathey
Count On It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Murray LIfe Staff
Library Goes “live” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sandy Linn
Recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Casey Northcott
Trivia Quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Austin Dodd
Money Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ron Arant
Distilled Bluegrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Logan Abbitt
Dining Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Murray Life Staff
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 What’s Happening & Where
The Last Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Robert Valentine
murray life magazine
Summer Edition
VOLUME 17 - NUMBER 2 - SUMMER 2012 Printed in the USA www.mymurraylife.com .........................................................................
Publisher Robert Valentine Operations Manager/Sales & Marketing Vicki Jo Stevens-Valentine Associate Managing Editor Austin Dodd Art Director Justin B. Kimbro, K-Squared Designs, LLC Assistant Art Director Amanda G. Newman Production Libby Files | Devin Perkins Chelsea Hartmann Editorial Staff Logan Abbitt | Kim Cottingham Internet Consultant Justin B. Kimbro, K-Squared Designs, LLC Staff Photography Justin B. Kimbro | Allie Douglas Contributing Writers Logan Abbitt | Ron Arant | Erin Carrico | Suzanne Cathey Sandy Linn | Austin Dodd | Caina Lynch Casey Northcutt | Robert Valentine | Aviva Yasgur Printing Copy Plus, Murray, Kentucky Murray Life is published five times annually for the Murray area. All contents copyright 2012 by Murray Life Productions. Reproduction or use of the contents without written permission is prohibited. Comments written in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the ownership or management of Murray Life. Subscription rate is $15.00 per year, two years $25.00. Subscription inquiries and all remittances should be made to Murray Life: PO Box 894, Murray, KY 42071. Subscriptions may also be made through the Web site, www.mymurraylife.com. All advertising inquiries should be directed to the Managing Editor at: PO Box 894, or by calling 270-753-5225. E-mail us at: murraylife@aol.com This magazine accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photography or artwork. All submissions may be edited for length, clarity and style.
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murray life magazine
Summer Edition
[ $ ] intro editorial
Summertime by: Robert A. Valentine
The summer skies are darkly blue, the days are still and bright, And Evening trails her robes of gold through the dim halls of Night. - Sarah Helen Whitman arah Whitman may not have been a meteorologist, but she obviously spent some time gazing at summer skies nearly 200 years ago. Summer, she may be pleased to know, has not changed much in two centuries.
Of course, there is air conditioning now, and cellphones and iPads and all manner of things designed to distract us from the real joys of summer: those darkly blue skies, lightning bugs, a million stars and the bounty of dirt, seed, warmth and water. It would be a shame to miss it. Too many people will do just that, cowering in fear of the mosquito or the discomfort of a day when the humidity ties the temperature for high score. Too bad for you.
In this issue, we’re going to provide you plenty of reasons to get out there before Autumn chases you in next to the fire. Suzanne Cathey will show you how to grow antique roses, and when you’re finished, you can take the kids on a nature scavenger hunt under the guidance of LBL Naturalist Aviva Yasgur. When the holiday rolls ‘round, you’ll have a Freedom Fest plan in place thanks to Erin Carrico who stays in town this time to give you the impressive numbers on Murray’s biggest holiday. When it’s vacation time, our own Austin Dodd will introduce you to a trick that lets of escape it all on less than a tank of gas: Kentucky’s own State Park system. Of course, our dining guide and calendar of events will keep your days full of friends and fun.
Two reasons to enjoy the summer are the Library and the special activities for kids freed from the joys of school. Sandy Linn lays out the plans for reading and entertainment for kids. Justin Kimbro has compiled a list of important dates and events for those with youngsters, and that should help keep everyone busy. We’ve got humor for newlyweds, trivia for outdoors lovers and fans of Kentucky lake, news tidbits we thought you might have missed and, as usual, more. We hope you will learn something, recall something, or just enjoy a helpful hint or a silly story. It’s summertime, and we’re happy to share it with you. So find a shady place, sit back, turn a page, and learn something about your own Murray Life. s
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murray life magazine
Summer Edition
[ ] notes & neighbors
Mr. Lee: Still Makin’ Jewelry Our old friend, J. T. Lee, is still designing one-of-a-kind jewelry as he has for decades. The difference is, most people don’t seem to realize it. “It seemed like a good idea at the time,” he told us. “It” was a “Quitting Retail Business” sale that made his store in the University Square a hotbed of holiday activity. The assumption of many people who saw the sign was that Murray’s own bikeriding, kilted jewelry designer was hanging up the torch and the cutting tools. Not so. “We only stopped carrying a full inventory
of retail merchandise,” said J. T. from his workbench on 12th Street. “We did that so we can concentrate on the creative side of the this business: preserving family treasures in new settings, or creating a special one-of-a-kind piece.” We can attest that J. T. is still there and is doing what he does best. He has a good store of local school memorabilia (MSU, Murray and Calloway County High Schools), watches and batteries, and still has the necessary connections to acquire almost anything that one might
imagine. He continues to be one of those locally owned businesses that make Murray the special place it is with experience, down-home friendly service, and customer focus. s
Murray Schools at 140! The Murray Independent School district is celebrating the 140 years since its founding 1872 with their 140 Years of Service campaign beginning July 7. 140 Years of Service is an initiative encouraging students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of Murray Independent School District to perform service hours for organizations throughout the United States and beyond. The six-month campaign will honor the 1,400 Murray students currently attending, and the thousands who have attended the past 140 years. The District has a long history of serving through numerous school and community-wide projects, accounting for more than 20,000 volunteer hours each year. “In honor of the MISD’s birthday,”
said spokesperson Sherry Purdon,“we want to hear from all our Tiger friends far and near about the wonderful service being offered, and credit it in honor of our Murray Tigers.” In 1872 Community leaders raised
money to build the Murray and Female Institute recognized as one of “the finest schools in the Jackson Purchase.” From 200 students in 1890 to 500 young men and women in 1900, the District now boasts approximately 1,400 students who intend to enlist the help of alums, family and friends to make additional contributions of service to communities across the globe. For more information visit: http://www.murray.kyschools.us. s
murray life magazine
[ ] notes & neighbors
We’ll Cross that Bridge ... By now, the entire world knows that, during the night of Jan. 26, an ocean-going freighter struck and damaged the historic Eggner’s Ferry Bridge near Aurora. Immediately, Murray and Calloway County lost the most convenient road link to the east and to the Land Between the Lakes. Hundreds of Kentuckians had to redesign their daily routines – and find more gas money in the bargain. As we go to press, news has been received that repairs to the historic Eggner’s Ferry Bridge will be completed in time for the Memorial Day holiday. May 27 is the target for reopening the bridge to traffic, according to Transportation Cabinet spokesman Keith Todd. Businesses who rely on summer traffic and tourists who seek to link a stay in the Murray area with a visit to Land Between the Lakes will find the summer more enjoyable if the bridge is opened on time. An agreement with the contractors making repairs provides for a $50,000 per day penalty if
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Summer Edition
the deadline is not met, so the heat is on. In the meantime, unseasonably pleasant weather and a minimum of serious storms should enable workers and engineers to make solid progress. We certainly hope so, and if you are planning a trip to the Lakes
area, we are confident that you can build the restored Eggner’s Ferry Bridge into your travel plans. You’ll find a full season of special activities in the LBL, at the three area Kentucky State Resort Parks, area resorts and campgrounds and Paris Landing State Park in Tennessee. Y’all come see us now, y’hear? s
[ ] notes & neighbors
Amen, John Dale; Amen MSU’s Ernie Bailey reminds us that the Glendale Road Church of Christ will observe an important day this June 24th. That will be the final day for John Dale to serve as minister to the congregation he has been associated with for so long. Pastors are allowed to retire from active service without too much attention, but we would be remiss if we did not call this event to your attention. John Dale’s unassuming nature and compassionate character, bolstered by a seemingly indomitable sense of humor and gentle smile, have made him a spiritual and cultural leader of the community almost as much as he has been minister to the Glendale congregation. All of us are indebted to that church for its generous sharing of their preacher.
The tale is told that, when a large public meeting was being arranged and the committee of organization was putting the agenda in place, someone suggested that it would be appropriate to have a prayer of invocation. One of the committee members suggested John Dale as the appropriate speaker for the invocation, and he was deputized to contact “Brother John.” “What if he’s not available?” the deputy asked. “Then find out when he is available,” was the response. “We want to do this right.” John would be the first to assure you that everything will go on as it should, and it would be mistake to think that he will not be a visible and valuable part of the community.
He is, more than likely, far from finishing the race or fighting the good fight. And, without making this sound too much like a eulogy, perhaps he will have a bit more time for grandchildren and a few more of the things the rest of us take for granted. We certainly hope so, and we join the community in hoping he enjoys the change and all the many days yet to come. We want to do this right, you know. s
MCC Chamber of Commerce Awarded The Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce recently received recognition for it’s annual Viewbook and Relocation Guide. The annual magazine was named Outstanding Publication at the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Executives Spring Conference. “It's a great testament to our locally produced guide that is handed out to over 3000 visitors and community members,” said Chamber chief Lance Allison. “A
special thanks to Bob Valentine and his staff at Murray Life Magazine, as well as to Justin Kimbro and his staff at K-Squared Designs for theirsuperior work. We knew it, and now Kentucky knows it, too,” he said. The honors may not be over for the Chamber. Lance tells us that the book has been submitted for a possible national award that will be announced in June. Perhaps the Chamber will join the Racers in the quest for national notice. s
murray life magazine
] history 1912: Farmers, Fountains & Fires by: Murray Life Staff
We are indebted to the vision, art, and generosity of Dorothy and Kerby Jennings, whose work, The Story of Calloway County, 1822-1976, remains the best source of local history for Murray and the County. The following article is drawn very heavily from their very readable record, and directly quoted passages are in italics. t has only been a century, but the turn of events is both astonishing and enlightening. It was a year of progress as women in Calloway County were able to vote for the first time. Water fountains appeared in public schools, fires destroyed part of downtown, and a great county landmark was created – most mysteriously.
Modern historians, however, would be most likely to take interest in one barely-noticed event that appeared as a mere social notice in the Murray Ledger if it appeared in print at all: Nathan B. Stubblefield, broken and disillusioned, returned from Washington, D.C., to live out the remainder of his days in his native community. The man who would one day be resurrected by the Chamber of Commerce as “The Inventor of Radio,” and whose incidental work with field induction is a key element of the most modern electronic devices took up a pauper’s residence and tinkered his life away in obscurity.
and his mediocre land produced “sweet clover head high.” Alonzo Beaman, a livestock breeder, became the first farmer to buy a new Ford automobile. The Murray Ledger wondered in print if he would “plough, drive cattle or slop hogs with the infernal machine.” As it turns out, he was well ahead of his time. Cars were in the news in 1912 when Dr. Wildy Graves had his new Metz Runabout stolen (although the thieves were frustrated by the good Doctor’s practice of removing the spark plug)
It was 1912. The farmers of Calloway County reorganized a “Farmers Institute” to study new methods in crop rotation, fertilizer and agri-business practices. L. Y Woodruff (whose farm to the southwest of 1912 Murray is now covered in houses) ordered a carload of lime
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Holland Drug Store on Murray’s Court Square
Summer Edition
and Dr. Will Mason, Jr. had his new Case taken from the lot at the new hospital. Both vehicles were recovered undamaged. The N.C.&St.L. freight depot burned to the ground on April 21, but Everets Roberts, the night watchman, summoned help and several “hogsheads” of tobacco were saved, along with nearby warehouses, thanks to a score (about two dozen) of fire volunteers. The Allen Building, located between Dale & Stubblefield and Wear Drug, was also damaged by fire later that year.
The county’s women were allowed to vote for the first time, although their ballots could only be cast for the county school superintendents’ race. In another bold step forward, the public drinking cup at the Murray schoolhouse was banned on June 12. Eight new water fountains picked up the task of slaking youthful thirst in the interest of curbing communicable disease. The Fiscal Court followed suit by installing a public fountain on the north side of the square which served both humans and livestock. In the interest of sanitation, the parking of wagons within 30 feet of the fountain was prohibited thus creating the first “no parking” zone in Calloway County history. The Almo Brass Band became the most popular musical aggregation in the region and Mr. Henry Dees retired as cashier of the Bank of
Murray, thus ending the active portion of a storybook rise to prominence and respect for an orphan boy from Hazel. The Church of Christ opened its first building in the County on Sunday, Nov. 10, at Linn and Waters streets (6th and Maple). John Dale, of course, was not yet called. Finally, 1912 was the year that the County’s signature landmark was born in a near-miraculous turn of events. The county courthouse that now anchors the city square between Main and Maple didn’t exist when the year began, although the need for a county court building was clear. What was not so clear was the way in which the county would pay for what some people felt was a needless luxury. Feelings ran high on both sides. Twice previously, citizens of Calloway County had turned down general election bond
issues for the construction of a court house to replace the original court house destroyed by fire in 1903. * * * In previous votes it had reached simple majorities, but not the necessary two-thirds. * * * Pre-election campaigning was vigorous: opponents shuddered at the massive indebtedness imposed on their children and grandchildren, proponents crying back indignation that such a noteworthy county without a court house was a shame upon its fair name. No holds were barred by either side . . . . County Court Clerk Rueben Falwell, at the end of the first Tuesday in November, announced that the bond issue had failed again. The Jennings tell us that, as Mr. Falwell secured the ballots in his office, he carefully checked the windows for security. CONTINUED ON PAGE 39
The World in 1912 Elsewhere on planet Earth, there were a number of interesting events in 1912. The year dawned with Sun Yat-sen forming the Chinese Republic. Later that year the last Ch’ing Emperor would step down from the throne. The first parachutist hit the silk in 1912, and both New Mexico and Arizona “joined the Union” as the 47th and 48th states, respectively. The big news was probably the election of Woodrow Wilson over the sitting president, republican William Howard Taft and former president Theodore Roosevelt, who ran on the Progressive ticket. At least, it might have been the big news if it wasn’t for these
items, which may have excited more people. The great Jim Thorpe led a delegation of American athletes to Stockholm in Sweden for the Olympic Games and cemented his place in history. New York gave the returning heroes a tickertape parade. The Titanicleft Queenstown in Ireland on April 9, but never reached New York. On April 15, she went down off Newfoundland in the most storied shipwreck in history. The Scott expedition reached the South Pole, only to find that
Norwegian Roald Amundsen had been there only a week before. Scott and his party of four perished during their return to the coast. Ty Cobb was suspended for fighting a fan in the stands and the Detroit Tigers went on strike in support. Before it was over, the great granddaddy of the Baseball Players’ Association was formed to negotiate with owners. Al Jolson had the first “gold record,” Mack Sennett issued the first Keystone Kops comedy film, and the Balkan Wars broke out. Other than that, it was a quiet time.
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[ 11 ]
] pet pause Surviving Flea and Tick Season by: Caina Lynch
our pet probably loved the unusually warm winter we had this past season and so did the fleas and ticks that emerged from their dormant life cycles much sooner than normal.
This is not good news, especially when you consider that just one flea can lead to a full flea infestation in no time at all. An adult flea can lay 15 to 20 eggs per day and over 500 in her lifetime. At this rate one flea in your home can become a full flea infestation and no ones wants fleas on your pet, in your carpets, sofas and clothing.
hours of application and will kill ticks within the first 48 hours. It not only kills adult fleas but contains Methoprene, an ingredient that kills flea eggs and larvae. Most veterinarians recommended Frontline Plus to begin your flea and tick control regime. After using the same product on your animal for several months, immunity to Frontline Plus may develop. In this case veterinarians had two recommendations: the first is to continue with Frontline Plus but apply it to your animal every three weeks, instead of the average application of every thirty
days. The second recommendation is to switch to another preventative. Listed below are some of the products recommended by local veterinarians to help control fleas or ticks. One possible alternative is new flea control agent for dogs called Vectra 3D. Vectra 3D is also a fast acting, waterproof product that quickly repels and kills fleas (adult, eggs and larvae), ticks, and mosquitoes. It works well on larger dogs and is applied once a month onto the skin of the neck. Another option for flea control on
The only way to protect your pet is to treat them with a flea and tick preventative medication. If your pets are not yet on flea medication, don’t wait another day without getting them on the preventative they need. A single flea can bite your pet more than 400 times. The Humane Society of Calloway County interviewed local veterinarians to see what various prevention methods are preferred. Frontline Plus is a waterproof, long-lasting and easy-to-use product that kills both fleas and ticks. Frontline Plus is applied onto your pet’s skin once a month or every three weeks in severe cases. If you see an abundance of fleas on your animal after application, this is a good thing! Frontline Plus excites fleas and sends them to the top of the hair coat before dying. Frontline Plus will kill fleas within the first 12
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Summer Edition
The only way to protect your pet is to treat them with a flea and tick preventative medication.
dogs is Comfortis, a once-a-month beefflavored tablet. Comfortis is fast acting and begins killing fleas in 30 minutes and lasts all month. The medicine can wash off since it is administered orally.
Unknown stories lay “behind the ligature marks on his legs and nose and severely infected ears that were oozing puss.
– Caina Lynch
Similar to Comfortis is Trifexis, a monthly, chewable tablet that kills fleas. In addition to flea control, Trifexis also prevents heartworm disease and controls intestinal parasite infections (adult hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm infections). Since Vectra 3D, Comfortis and Trifexis do not control ticks, some veterinarians recommend the Preventic collar for tick control. This will prevent ticks from biting your dog for up to three months. Veterinarians also note that you can help avoid fleas and ticks by bathing your animal less requently. The grease and oil in their hair helps defend them from these pesky, unwanted critters; Mother Nature’s way of taking care of her animals. Along with fleas and ticks, mosquitoes are having a banner year. That is particularly bad news for your dogs. Mosquitoes can carry heartworms and when they bite your dog and infect your pet with heartworms, it will be fatal to your dog if not treated. Again, prevention is the key! Heartworm prevention is safe, easy and relatively inexpensive. While treatment for heartworm disease is possible, it is complicated and expensive and takes months for infected dogs to recover. Always consult with your veterinarian to determine what is the best flea, tick and heartworm prevention regime for your pets. Then it is your responsibility to faithfully maintain the prevention program you and your veterinarian have selected. s
For more information about any of the Humane Society’s programs, contact the Humane Society of Calloway County at 270-759-1884, humanesociety@murray-ky.net, visit our website at www.forthepets.org, find us on Facebook or stop by our office at 607 Poplar Street Suite A-1, Murray.
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[ ] a laughing matter
No Laughing Matter: Weddings by: Unmarried Murray Life Staffers
In May, June and July, more weddings are held than during any other 3-month period. Weddings are serious business, costing an average of $20,000 and involving more than 200 people per wedding. Still, we’re hoping that there is enough room in your heart for some less-than-serious consideration of the oldest institution. Here comes the bride!
Every man or woman should marry; after all, happiness is not the only thing in life.
Marriage is when a man and woman become as one; the trouble starts when they try to decide which one.
A wedding is a funeral where a man smells his own flowers. – Anonymous .......................................................
....................................................... ....................................................... Little Billy asked his father, “Dad, how much does it cost to get married?” The father answered: “I don’t know, Son; I’m still paying for it.”
She's a lovely person. She deserves a good husband. Marry her before she finds one. – Oscar Levant to Harpo Marx upon meeting Harpo's fiancee
A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished. – Zsa Zsa Gabor
A wedding is a day filled with wonder, but so is a snowy Fourth of July. – Andrew Dundee
A newlywed husband and wife were involved in a petty argument, both of them unwilling to admit they might be in error. "I'll admit I'm wrong," the bride told her husband in a conciliatory attempt, "if you'll admit I'm right." The groom agreed and, like a gentleman, insisted she go first. "I'm wrong," she said.
....................................................... By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher, and that is a good thing for any man. – Socrates
With a twinkle in his eye, he responded, "You're right!" ....................................................... Do not marry a person that you know that you can live with; only marry someone that you cannot live without. – Anonymous ....................................................... Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.
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murray life magazine
Summer Edition
This is medium level puzzle #19...Good Luck!
Instructions: Place the numbers 1 through 9 in each blank field. Each column (down), row (across) and 3x3 region must contain each of the numerals only one time.
Again, good luck! Where is the Solution? Not sure of your answers? Visit our Web site to check your solution. Go to www.murraylifemagazine.com and click the “Puzzle Solution” symbol. We’ll see you next issue with another great puzzle!
murray life magazine
[ 15 ]
] gardening Keep The Romance Alive by: Suzanne Cathey
omance? I am not talking about the romance in your life, but in your garden, of course! For thousands of years, roses have been used for medicinal and ritualistic purposes and as symbols of lineage. But most people around the world view roses as the number one “token of love.” One of my favorite roses is Cecille Brunner, which is also known as the “Sweetheart Rose.”
Like the resurging the popularity of heirloom vegetables and flowers, antique roses are making a comeback in today’s gardens. Antique roses (sometimes called “old garden roses”) are being sought after because of their hardiness, fragrance and disease resistance. My goal is
to dispel the myth that roses are hard to grow, require hours of maintenance and are short lived. Roses, particularly the older varieties, come in just about every shape and size and they may be the most versatile garden plant you can use in your landscape. They not only add beauty with the most exquisite colors but their fragrance is powerful. The term “old garden rose” doesn’t mean just any old rose discovered on the side of the road or at an old home place. Specifically, the American Rose Society defines these roses as those introduced before 1867. The first hybrid tea, named “La France,” was introduced to the world in that year and, therefore, any rose introduced after that point could be a hybrid. This was the beginning of what is now considered “Modern Roses” which were developed by crossing European roses with China and Tea Roses from the Far East. Today’s common hybrid roses are often bred for form, disease resistance, and exhibition qualities. The standard for rose beauty changed from overall landscape performance to emphasis on just a few attributes such as a high centered bud on a long stem, what we think of as florists’ roses. Just mention growing roses and the first
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Summer Edition
reaction from most people is usually negative. Visions of a family member or a friend spending hour upon hour tending their rose garden is enough to turn them off ever trying to grow a rose.
Caring for your antique “roses is much easier than you think. ” – Suzanne Cathey
Granted, with the recent introduction of the famous “Knock Out” roses, you see more people using roses in their landscape than before. However, landscapes are beginning to lose their individuality since everybody is using the same varieties. Adding a Bourbon rose like Souvenir de la Malmaison which Empress Josephine Bonaparte grew at Malmaison and which was loved by Catherine the Great would definitely give your garden character along with a rich and wonderful fragrance. If you think of them as roses for a garden instead of creating a garden only of roses, you will find many ways to utilize them. If you don’t think fragrance is important in picking out a rose, think about what the first thing a person does when you hand them a rose? Most people bring
rosarians feed their roses rabbit food as it is a cheap source of alfalfa meal. Alfalfa supplies a hefty dose of slow-release nitrogen and trace elements and contains a growth stimulant. Coffee grounds and used tea bags slightly acidify the soil (which old roses love) along with a banana peel or two for a dose of magnesium.
it gently up the nose to take a sniff. We have come to expect roses to have at least some fragrance. But just like heirloom tomatoes, roses have been bred to possess certain attributes that make it more commercially appealing. Sadly, the price has been the lost of one of its best characteristics: fragrance. The perfumes found in old roses come mainly from oil gland on the lower petals, and sometimes on the leaves and flower stamens. These aromas are strongest during warm, dew-free mornings, as well as when temperatures are between 68 and 80 degrees and humidity from 50 to 70 percent. Some of
They “beauty
not only add with the most exquisite colors but their fragrance is powerful.
– Suzanne Cathey
my favorite for beauty and fragrance are Alister Stella Gray, Duchess de Brabant and Perle d’Or. Caring for your antique roses is much easier than you think. Surviving for centuries on their own, old roses have adapted to a myriad of environments and are disease-tolerant. In fact, many of the new easy-care roses have been bred from the genes of antique roses. While resistant to diseases, old roses do contract the dreaded black spot and mildew but they have special defenses to fight against fungal spores. After contracting a fungus, the antique roses shed infected leaves and grow new ones. Proper spacing for free airflow and dry leaves help to prevent many diseases from ever getting started. Go easy on the fertilizer as antique roses are used to taking what they need from the uncultivated soil. Many
Plant your roses in a location that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. Although they can grow in poor soil, they are at their best in fertile, welldraining soil liberally amended with rotted manure, aged compost, or similar organic matter. Once established, old roses can grow without much water, but they will thrive with a deep soaking every week to 10 days, depending on temperatures. Repeat bloomers should be shaped in late winter or early spring. Just remove dead canes and shape and let them grow as naturally as possible. Those roses that bloom only in the spring should be pruned right after blooming to as they bloom on wood from the previous year.
. . you’ll be growing a bit “of .history as well. ” – Suzanne Cathey
I hope that you will be willing to add an antique rose or two to your garden this spring. Not only will you be adding beauty and fragrance to your yard, but you’ll be growing a bit of history as well. s Suzanne Cathey tends her roses at Beans to Blossoms, just east of Murray on Highway 94, and dispenses advice, as well through the website www.beanstoblossoms.com.
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[ ] count on it
Outdoors by: Austin Dodd
It’s time to turn our attention to the Great Outdoors. Before we do, let us take you on a brief tour of some of the little-known but very impressive facts and figures about all that lies outside your front door.
Kentucky State Parks. Three types: recreational, historical, and resort.
Lakes in Kentucky, including reservoirs.
200 mph: How fast the shuttlecock or "birdie" can fly in the game of Badminton.
30,441 ft3/sec: Average flow of water through Cumberland Falls.
2,700: Mosquito species in the world.
14.5 million: Viewers of the 2011 Kentucky Derby.
244: Native fish species in Kentucky.
90: Age of oldest known water-skier.
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murray life magazine
Summer Edition
85%: Number of people who have an allergic reaction to Poison ivy.
1 in 3: Adults have gone camping in the past 5 years.
11,799 miles: Longest continuous run done by a person.
40 feet: Official distance between the poles in the game “Horseshoes”.
Answered the Questions on page 42? Letʼs see how you did!
Have I got an answer for you? 1. (c) – “Honey, did you forget to turn off the water?” 2. (a) – Six years may seem like a long time, but it is. 3. (d) – No bubble bath, please. 4. (b) – Thatʼs $1.4 trillion in dog dollars 5. (d) – You ainʼt from Oregon, are you? 6. (a) – Itʼs not a straight, sandy beach, is it? 7. (c) – But they didnʼt take any coffee breaks. 8. (b) – Blame Flint, Mich., on something else. 9. (d) – And you thought it was Al Gore! 10. (c) – “What are the other fallows having, Dear?”
Sudoku Answers from page 16
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[ ] profile
The Library “Goes Live!” by: Sandy Linn
A summer of surprise and delight at the Library. he Calloway County Public Libraryis a hub for the community with programs, materials and resources for patrons of all ages.It’s a wonderful place to visit any time of the year but never more so than during the summer and this summer promises to be one of the best ever.
Thursday, May 24th will be mark the official “Go Live” date of the library’s new automation system.The three-year long process will at last begin to produce benefits thanks to hard work from library board members, staff and patrons. “With the new system, patrons will be able to access and manage their accounts from home, catalog searches will be easier and more accurate with wonderfully detailed information to aid them with materials they wish to locate,” says Director Mignon G. Pittman. “Children and parents will also love the children’s card catalog that features the delightful dog ‘Scout’ who scouts out great books.” It will be a daylong celebration for the community as the library also unveils new patron Internet computers provided through a BTOP grant as well as new children’s computers purchased, in part,with a donation from Dr. David and Jennifer Bryson. The day will be filled with marvelous surprises, refreshments and door
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prizes. Thursday, May 31st will mark another special “Go Live” date whenpatrons will be introduced to Kentucky Libraries Unbound, the library consortium that offers patrons the ability to download free e-books and audio books. Library staffmembers will be trained and available to assist patrons with this marvelous resource.
summer promises “to This be one of the best ever.” – Sandy Linn
And that’s just the start of a summer of surprise and delight at the Library.
Summer Edition
The Annual Summer Reading Program kicks off on Monday, June 4. Summer reading is a set of entertainingactivities designed to encourage kids to enjoy reading for pleasure during the summer break from school, while helping them maintain and strengthen reading skills. Summer readers are treated to entertainment each Monday for five weeks. The sixth Monday features “Read Mart,” a room full of prizes that children can buy with the “book bucks” they earned for reading during the program. This year’s summer reading theme is “Dream Big, Read” and performers for this summer include annual favorites Magician Chris Egleston and MadCap Puppets, as well as Aretta Baumgartner, Animal Tales
and The Groove Club. Summer reading is designed for children ages 5-12, with three Monday sessions available at 9:00, 10:30 and 1:00. Pre-registration is required and spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Younger children will enjoy the summer story time session held in a four-week session during the month of June. Parents with Ones and Twos (children age 1236 months) can accompany the youngsters on Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30-10:00 a.m. Preschool story time for children ages 3 and 4 will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required and it’s “firstcome, first-served.” Teen and Adult Summer Reading Programs return this summer on June 2. These programs do not require attendance, but encourage the enjoyment of the library and library books. Teen Summer Reading is designed for
teens age 13-17. The teen program is for those teens who love to read and who would like the chance to earncool prizes this summer. Teens sign up for the program and receive a prize for signing up. Each time they check out and read a library book, they can add their name for weekly prize drawings. Those who read at least five books during summer reading may add their names to a drawing for a grand prize. Adult summer reading is for adults of all ages and works much like the teen program. Adults who sign up will also earn prizes and will be eligible for weekly prize drawings.Those adults who read at least 10 books during the summer program will be eligible for a grand prize drawing. Adult summer readers will also enjoy the adult summer reading bingo card, which offers readers additional reading opportunities as well as a chance to win a second grand prize.
A new summer program for this summer will be “Family Book to Movie Club.”Each week a book will be offered to families. They are encouraged to read the book together and attend a weekly program that will feature a brief discussion of the book and then view the movie. The club is set to begin on June 13th. Other summer programs that can be anticipated will be the return of Movie afternoons, the Calloway County Public Library/Fort Donelson National Battlefield monthly discussion group, special programming by Calloway County Extension agent LaDawn Hale as well as an Eric Carle Art workshop for children to be taught by Heather Duffy. If you haven’t visited the library in a while now is great time to stop and check it out. You may find your door to the whole world – right on Main Street! s
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[ ] kidz zone
Summertime Schedule Summer Art Workshop:
Steve Prohm Basketball Camp:
June 3-8, 2012 High School Ages - $375
MINI CAMP June 11-14 AGES: 5-7 - $90
This year's workshop will focus on drawing, graphic design, metalsmithing and three-dimensional design. Students will spend a day in each area where they will complete a piece of work based on demonstrations done in class. In the art history component of the workshop, students will attend a lecture on art history, then view work on exhibit at Murray State University. murraystate.edu/camps.aspx
Young Authors Camp: June 4-8, 2012 Ages 8-12 - $115 The goal of this week’s camp is for participants to learn to enjoy writing. Young authors will practice a variety of styles (poetry, fictional stories, true stories, essays, skits, etc.) under the direction of experienced teachers from Calloway and surrounding counties, who will serve as writing coaches, consultants and as traditional classroom instructors. Emphasis will be placed on generating ideas, choosing a style and audience, ways of composing, and doing necessary revision. Each morning will include an art activity in conjunction with the writing projects. murraystate.edu/camps.aspx
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YOUTH CAMP #1 June 18-21 AGES: 7-17 - $180 YOUTH CAMP #2 AGES: 7 - 7th grade July 30 - August 2 - $180 Our camp objective is to instruct young players in the fundamentals of the game, while instilling a love and appreciation for the game of basketball. We offer an experienced staff of instructors and a full schedule of activities. Each camper can count on an exciting and rewarding week of camp! Our Goal is to ensure that each camper receives outstanding personalized one-onone instruction to help them become a better player and a better person.
Murray State Football Camp: May 19 - Rising 6-8 graders
Summer Edition
June 11-13 - Ages 6-12 June 13-15 - Grades 6-12 June 16 rising high school seniors
MSU Robotics Camps: June 18-22 July 9-13 July 16-20 July 23-27 Grades: 1 - 3 Cost: $140 June 18-22 July 9-13 July 16-20 July 23-27 Grades: 4 - 6 Cost: $140 June 18-22 July 16-20 July 23-27 Grades: 6 - 8 Cost: $140 July 9-13 Grades: 9 - 12 Cost: $140 Each camp includes activities for building, motorizing, using sensors, and programming with LEGO robotics kits. We also include general information about robotics, including robotics sites on the Worldwide Web. The camp finishes up with a "robotic derby" with various projects and events, to give the campers plenty of opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills.
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Kentucky State Parks:
Article By: Austin Dodd
Photos By: Kentucky State Parks
ummer after summer, the Jones family takes to the roads (or, often, the skies) to escape the stresses of everyday life. They spend all year saving up for this moment of "stressfree" relaxation. Months before the trip, Mom books tickets and hotel rooms to make sure the family gets the best room, away from all of the "party animals." If driving, Dad makes sure the tires on the vehicle have been replaced and the oil changed for the 600-mile trip. Brother and Sister have been working out for the past 5 months to make sure that their beach-bods are in top shape for "maximum-attraction-factor."
A week before the trip, heightened excitement reigns all through the house until – a phone-call comes with the news that Granny is sick. The family can't possibly travel 600 miles with Granny being under-the-weather. Mom is “stressed to the max:” all that planning for nothing. Dad doesn't show it, but secretly he is heartbroken that all of his vehicle preparations will go unused. Understandably, for brother and sister, life is over. How could one survive after something this disastrous? Perhaps all is not lost. In fact, something very valuable might be gained, and it is within easy reach. It seems that the Joneses have forgotten, like so many of us, about the Kentucky State Parks. Over the years, families have started to migrate farther and farther from home during vacationing seasons. Perhaps it was due to the popularity of spring break destinations, such as Miami and Panama City. It could be because people feel they get more out of a vacation if they travel farther. It may be the thought there is nothing to do in Kentucky – familiarity breeds forgetfulness. For whatever reason, families were not staying close to home for vacations.
Beauty in our Backyard Many Kentuckians, like residents of surrounding states, might be surprised to learn that Kentucky has 50 state parks. The park system is separated into three distinct park types: Resort, Recreational, and Historic. Resort parks have lodging and restaurants. Recreational parks generally have camping and picnic areas. Historic sites are situated around a preserved piece of Kentucky's history. The parks are spread out all over Kentucky and anyone living in Kentucky or the surrounding area won't have to travel very long to find one. Despite their long tradition and worldwide fame as the best state park system in the nation, the resort parks are not just old, worn lodges with nothing to do. All of the resorts have full-service lodging, whether hotel-style or cabin, and many have numerous attractions such as golfing, swimming, hiking, and much more. Many of the parks offer daily programs for children. For the older kids and adults, resort parks offer nature programs, tours,
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Summer Edition
trails, and beach activities among other events. In our own western Kentucky region, four resort parks lie within an hour's drive.
“Kentucky State Parks are right in our
backyard...” Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park sits right on Kentucky Lake near the dam, and features a championshipstyle par 72 golf course as well as a marina. Kentucky Dam Village offers over 150 rooms with different features (near golf course, cottage-style, and hotel-style). Kayak rentals are also available, making for a great time for the water lover. Kenlake State Resort Park, while a bit smaller than Kentucky Dam, provides all the amenities for a great vacation with an indoor tennis facility, which can be converted to a 20,000-square-foot exhibit hall or convention space. Kenlake also offers fishing, pontoon, bass or ski boat rentals and well as jet-ski rentals. All of this coupled with daily park-planned activities and a 9 hole golf course makes for a great family or couples destination. Considered by many the “crème de la crème” of the Kentucky State Resort Parks, Lake Barkley State Resort Park features both indoor and outdoor pools, a beach, boat-
ing rentals, and the 18-hole Boots Randolph Golf Course. Fly in to the nearby Barkley Regional Airport and head on over to the 120 lodge room and 4 suites, plus the lodges and cottages available at Lake Barkley. The last, but not least of the four resort parks in our region is Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. Secluded from main travel arteries and lying just south of Dawson Springs, it is near the center of a vast wooded area that adjoins the JonesKeeney Wildlife Management Area. About an hour from Murray or Paducah, it provides a great place to get away with 24 lodge rooms and over 40 campsites – perfect for a small business conference or family reunion. With an 18hole golf course, miniature golf, pedal boats, rowboats, canoe and trolling motors rentals available, plus 23 miles of hiking trails, there is always something to do at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park. With multiple meeting rooms for businesses, family get-togethers and weddings, the resort parks are the perfect locations for groups to meet away from the hustle-and-bustle of work and city-life. The next time you are thinking of going on a vacation; don't automatically think of traveling hours and hours away to escape. Kentucky State Parks are right in our backyard, and with affordable fun, and a variety of activities for all ages, there is no reason why every Kentuckian (and our surrounding friends) can't have a great vacation much nearer home. Use the saved gas money and airfare to stay a few extra days, and enjoy the treasure that’s right in your own backyard. Austin Dodd is a west Kentucky native and recent Murray State University graduate who has done extensive research on the State Park system. He currently serves as Managing Editor of Murray Life Magazine.
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Spring Edition Summer Edition
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Summer Edition
2518 14 months 12 staff 5
years events
Article By: Erin Carrico Photos By: Terry Little www.murraylifemagazine.com
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8,000 People
All of these numbers combine to create the largest event in Murray, Kentucky. Year after year, the community has come to expect and count on Freedom Fest; the patriotic celebration culminating near the 4th of July.
Twenty-five Years
Since 1987 Freedom Fest has evolved and changed dramatically. At one time the celebration was a month-long event beginning in June and ending on July 4th. During the month any business or organization hosting an event would be considered a part of Freedom Fest. Pie-eating competitions, car shows and beauty pageants were events throughout the years. In 2006, the Freedom Fest board made a decision to cut the event to a weekend festival, ensuring a jam-packed schedule, hoping more people would be able to attend more events. The decision was also made to provide a consistent day for the fireworks – the Saturday during Freedom Fest – as the foundation for the festival. The original founders had no concept of how the festival would grow and change into what Freedom Fest is now.
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Summer Edition
On Friday night of Freedom Fest, the court square is packed like a can of sardines. Lawn chairs and blankets fill the green space and concert area. The free concert and the wafting smell of barbeque create the atmosphere for over 3,000 people. Saturday morning, regardless of the morning heat, community members are stacked three-deep to enjoy the Freedom Fest parade hitting numbers close to 3,000. Saturday night, cars full of excited children line-up along U.S. Highway 641 North, in every available parking lot or empty space, to find the perfect view for our fireworks. Thousands of people from all over our area drive into Murray for what has become an amazing fireworks extravaganza thanks to Briggs & Stratton. Sunday ends the festival with 600 families joining together at Central Park for a day of togetherness where the Freedom Fest staff and volunteers grill 500 free hotdogs.
Fourteen Events
Events have come and gone throughout the years of Freedom Fest. Since 2006, there have been fourteen consistent events during the three-day weekend. The Street Fair holds 44 vendors offering everything from homemade crafts to fried Kool-Aid. Music plays throughout the evening and as night falls, over 200 glow necklaces are distributed among the crowd leaving a stunning view of the audience. Upcoming for the Street Fair in 2012, a zip line will be present across the downtown square. A new perspective of the square will be an option to see the crowd from 28 feet off the ground zipping across 180 feet of the festival. The Parade is the biggest logistical piece of the
Freedom Fest puzzle. Last year the staff strategically placed 87 entries for the parade, surpassing the year before by eight floats. To the public awaiting the start of the parade everything appears quiet and calm. To the staff standing guard down 10th Street, organized chaos ensues. The Kazoo band, marching 60 members, creates the musical style for the parade. The antique tractors (all 50+ of them) take up the entire street of Olive between 10th and Eighth Streets. Twenty Corvettes colorfully line Main Street, the cars decorated in patriotic fashion. When the parade begins, every rescue vehicle for Murray and Calloway County (about 35) turns on the sirens and lights creating a triumphant blast signaling the start of the parade. www.murraylifemagazine.com
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Eighteen Minutes
Fireworks are the foundation of Freedom Fest, the ultimate symbol of our patriotism and faithfulness of our country. Since 1987, Briggs & Stratton has provided our foundation much like the company is part of the foundation of Murray, Ky. The fireworks have grown throughout the years the same way Freedom Fest has. The fireworks used to be shot-off from the Murray State University football field many years before. As Murray grew and the festival grew the fireworks display became more powerful and popular in the region. Today, thousands of people begin to find the perfect spot for viewing hours before the fireworks shoot off. The town is quiet, waiting patiently for 9:30 p.m. to come. At that time and not a minute before, the sky erupts in an explosion of light and sound mesmerizing the crowd into silence for eighteen uninterrupted minutes of amazement costing $14,000.00.
“ ...the sky erupts in an explosion of light and sound mesmerizing the crowd into silence for eighteen uninterrupted minutes of amazement...” Five staff and three days
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Summer Edition
A volunteer board runs Freedom Fest, with only five paid staff members executing the event. A cast of twenty volunteers helps with varying events offering extra hands to the staff. For the past two years, over 400 students attending the Governor’s Scholar Program on MSU’s campus volunteer on the Saturday of Freedom Fest helping the staff and volunteers with every event hosted on Saturday, including clean-up. Planning Freedom Fest takes twelve months. During the event itself, the staff continually makes notes and corrections for next year. Cramming fourteen events into three days takes a great amount of time and attention to detail.
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[ ] going green
Recycling Revolution by: Casey Northcutt
“Bottletize”. “Paperize”. “Aluminize”. hese words grace the signs on recycling bins in Murray State University’s student center, and they serve as a plea to the community at large.
“Recycle your plastic water bottles,” they say. “Dispose of your used study guides here,” and “Let me save that empty soda can from a landfill.”
Rick Grogan says. “They went what they call ‘trayless’ in 2010, and that is where … they no longer use trays, so they have taken away the need to wash those, which saves … roughly 1,000 gallons of heated water per day.”
The signs voice concern for the environment, and during the past several years, the residents of Murray, Ky., have listened. The city has become increasingly conscious of nature’s fragility. The university itself has established recycling programs on campus that go beyond placing encouraging signs on a few bins in the student center. The Facilities Management department has placed bins in every dorm and in every classroom and office building, giving students the chance to recycle their old worksheets and diagrams with ease. The school’s main dining facility, Winslow Hall, however, has taken the environmental effort a step further. “They have made some really big strides, recently,” Assistant Director for Building Services
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The facility also began composting food waste, saving an average of five tons of refuse per semester from landfills. Workers then use the waste to fertilize its sustainable garden, feeding the tomatoes and heads of lettuce that eventually find their ways back onto student plates. The university also works to
Summer Edition
offer accessible recycling services to community residents, as well. The first Saturday of every month, the school teams up with the local governments to open the recycling facility on Murray State’s North Farm property to the public. Residents can drive by and recycle their trash for free. Other local recycling centers exist independent of the university, including Murray Recycling LLC and Key Recycling as well as a Sanitation Department drop-off on Andrus Drive. Through these facilities, residents can recycle materials such as paper, aluminum, glass and scrap metal. Yet, citizens don’t always have to drive to facilities to dispose of their trash responsibly. They can simply toss materials on their curbs for Green Solutions Recycling to pick up. For the past three years, Jereme Rose and Seth Arant have operated Green Solutions, simplifying the recycling process even further. Serving approximately 200 customers in the area, the business conducts weekly or bi-weekly pickups for discarded paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, metal, printer cartridges and car batteries. Rose says glass has been a new addition to their recycling capabilities because the city only recently received a grant for a glass pulverizer. This
means the city is still expanding its recycling resources. “They’re adding things that we can recycle, and they’ve got a pretty much comprehensive recycling center now where they take most all recyclable goods,” he says. “Where two years ago, I mean, all you could recycle were paper and cardboard and metal.” This environmentally friendly attitude has been building in Murray for a while. For several years, Mayor Bill Wells has supported an event called, “Make a Difference Day”, which encourages residents to recycle mass quantities of items at MSU’s Roy Stewart Stadium parking lot. The city holds the event about five times per year, and as of early March, it has hosted 84 events. Throughout the Make a Difference Day’s history, Wells says the city has collected 2,657 tons of paper, 100,200 pounds of aluminum cans, more than 16,420 gallons of motor oil, 118,690 pounds of glass and more than 32,851 pounds of small, A, B, C and D batteries. Residents have also donated old items for charity like 22,979 pairs of eyeglasses for a Lion’s Club program, more than 22,000 pounds of books for local educational centers and 800 shoes for a Kiwanis Club program.
big in recycling,” he says and then jokes, “Once in a while, and you may find this hard to believe, they might even have a question about what’s going on in the city, too.” Wells says Murray will continue to provide Make a Difference Days, and officials will continue to expand recycling resources in the city and county. They recently wrote a grant for more recycling bins to be placed outside the town.
area more environmentally friendly. They have given community members several chances to “bottletize”, “paperize” and “aluminize”. Residents now have a variety of opportunities to recycle their soda cans, paper plates and plastic bottles, or they can have someone recycle for them. Of course, these resources come with a down side—residents also have fewer excuses for not disposing of their trash in environmentally responsible s ways.
Of course, Murray’s recycling capabilities have room to grow, but officials and citizens have made concerted efforts to make the
Wells says hundreds of cars move through the stadium during the event. The act of recycling, he explains, brings the community together. “It’s a good way to meet about 500 to 600 different citizens that I know that are
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murray life magazine
Summer Edition
1912: Farmers, Fountains & Fires CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 An unnamed supporter of the court house bond had come by to check on the count and, as any decent person would, assisted Falwell in the security check. All was well, except that one window had been left unlocked – on purpose. Later that night, the “pleasant aide” entered by the unlocked window. Armed with blue ink, black ink and a few pencils, he went to work by candlelight. In no way did he tamper with the ballots but did restructa few figures on the tally sheet in the back of the book, carefully making a four out of a 1, or an 8 out of a 3, with sufficient delicacy not to arouse suspicion of variances. The next morning another supporter asked Falwell how close the vote had been “and asked if Clerk Falwell could run over those figures once again.” The unsuspecting clerk was stunned to find an error in tabulation, and repeated the addition for the sake of accuracy. The bond issued had “passed” with the twothirds vote required – and some to spare. . . . Townsmen were so jubilant with the outcome there was never a question as to the validity of the tally sheets. Thus Calloway County got a new court house, the best bargain in all its history . . . . Please do not request the source of the foregoing explanation for newspaper folks never reveal the sources of their information, but the writer knows the above is a truthful explanation of the “passage” of the court house bond issue. It was only a $40,000 bond 1912 dollars, and it produced a spectacular landmark. The Courthouse still stands and serves, and would probably be valued at much more than $40,000, if it wasn’t priceless in 2012. s
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[ ď‚Ş ] guess what
Kentucky Lake Trivia by: Austin Dodd
Kentucky Lake was formed in the 1940s by the impounding of the Tennessee River. The dam creates a haven for watersports and wildlife, produces billions of kilowatt-hours per year, and forms the western boundary of the Land Between the Lakes. It is nothing than less than a wonder, so we wondered how much you knew about it. (Answers on p. 19)
1. When 4 of the 24 flood gates are open at Kentucky Dam, more water flows through the dam than _________?
5. Which species of fish will NOT be found swimming around in Kentucky Lake? a. Largemouth Bass b. White Crappie c. Blue Catfish d. Coho Salmon
a. Ten fire trucks b. Hurricane Cecile c. Niagara Falls d. The Amazon River
2. Construction of the Kentucky Dam began in 1938 and was completed in _____?
6. Kentucky Lake is ____ miles long and has 2,064 miles of shoreline. a. 184 b. 9,000 c. 398 d. 48
a. 1944 b. 1939 c. 1953 d. 2011
3. Kentucky Lake has a flood storage capacity of 1.3_________ gallons of water?
7. Construction of the Kentucky Dam took 52,964,077 manhours to complete. How many employees did it take to complete this job?
a. thousand b. million c. billion d. trillion
a. 90,164 b. 76 c. 4,861 d. 10,000
4. The Kentucky Dam cost _____ million to build in 1938.
8. What town was wiped out by the creation of Kentucky Lake?
a. $4 b. $118.5 c. $56 d. $20
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a. Atlantis b. Birmingham c. Hodgenville d. Racer Nation
Summer Edition
9. Which president created Land Between the Lakes, The Lakes National Recreation Area? a. Bill Clinton b. Andrew Jackson c. Theodore Roosevelt d. John F. Kennedy
10. The endangered ________ was imported from Asia & Europe in the early 1900s. Only 150 of these roam LBL today and are protected from hunting. a. Panda Bear b. Belgian Hare c. Fallow Deer d. Wood Duck
2623 Wayne Sullivan Drive Paducah, KY 42003 Phone: 270-442-9726 Fax: 270-442-5058 www.computer-source.com
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[ ] the money pages
Finding Your Red Dot by: Ron Arant
magine that you are blindfolded, placed in a car, driven to an unknown destination, removed from the car, and escorted into a large building. As you remove your blindfold and your eyes begin to adjust, in front of you is the biggest shopping mall you have ever seen. As your eyes scan to the left and then to the right, the shops seem endless. Then you look up and realize there are so many levels that they seem to reach to the sky. For some (especially a teenage girl), this would be pure ecstasy, while for others (particularly a grandfather), utter horror.
You have never been to this mall and have no idea what stores are there. However, directly ahead you see a big display with the words “Directory.” As you walk up and begin to scan the directory, what is the first thing you look for? If you are like most people, you are seeking a big red dot and the words “You Are Here.”
Once the strategy has been determined, it’s time to execute the game plan. For the teenage girl, the motto will be “shop until I drop.” As for the grandfather, he has already found the nearest bench on which to sit for hours, constantly referring to his watch and wondering just how he ever got himself into this predicament. Life is much like the shopping mall. There are so many decisions that must be made, both personally and professionally. It seems that many areas of our lives are out of control. Our problem is not a lack of information but too much information. And the information is constantly changing, faster and
faster and faster. For many people, our world of technology has become the enemy. So what do most people do? Nothing! When faced with constant change, many people become paralyzed. They have lost their red dot. They no longer know where they are, let alone where they are going. Does this sound familiar? Have you lost your red dot? If so, a financial planner can help. Through comprehensive financial planning you can determine where you are today. But that is not enough. What is important to you? What are your goals, your dreams, your desires?
Why? Because before you go anywhere you want to know where you are. It is the starting point. You want to get your bearings. At this point, it is the only thing you know for sure. Once you know where you are, then you can begin making decisions about where you want to go. You can develop a strategy for “attacking” the mall. How much time do you have? What shops really interest you? How much money do you have to spend?
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Once you know where you are, then you can begin making decisions about where you want to go.
Summer Edition
Are you concerned about: • Maintaining your lifestyle, both today and in the years to come? • Protecting you, your spouse and other loved ones in the event of your disability or death? • Passing value and responsibility to family members? • Providing for your favorite charities? • Reducing taxes on income, gifts and estates?
The complexities of “building, preserving and passing along wealth have never been greater.
– Ron Arant
Once you make your decisions, you can better develop a roadmap of where you want to go: A “lifemap” to accomplish your goals and desires. But life is full of distractions. Many people have developed a wonderful roadmap, but have never begun the journey. However, helping you start your journey is still not enough; for most people, the journey never ends. Life is full of surprises. Along your way there will be roadblocks, detours and maybe even a few dead ends, but that’s O.K. We all accept that as part of life. So where do you begin? With the red dot, of course! Get help if you need it, but start today. s Hilliard Lyons does not offer tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax advisor or attorney before making any decision that may affect your tax or legal situation. Securities offered through J.J.B. Hilliard W.L. Lyons, LLC. | Member NYSE, FINRA and SIPC. ©2007-2009 All rights reserved.
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[ ] food
Distilled Bluegrass by: Logan Abbitt
ccording to legend, Georgetown founder Elijah Craig discovered a powerful new concoction in 1789 when he stored some of his whiskey in a barrel that he accidentally burned. The Baptist minister named this brew after his home county of Bourbon and secured Kentucky’s place in hootch history. Bourbon’s backstory is filled various legends, though, few of which can actually be verified. Living in Kentucky, you have probably heard a few, such as Evan Williams was Kentucky’s first distiller, or that today’s Jim Beam is the same as it was over 200 years ago. Whatever the true tale of bourbon is, connoisseurs today know true bourbon is a taste of Kentucky’s best.
will “thatWhiletrue many bourbon
claim must come from Kentucky, the truth is bourbon whiskey has been made all over the country.
– Logan Abbitt
Most authorities credit Dr. James Crow with the development of what we recognize today as bourbon whiskey. The creator of the famous Old Crow brand changed the way bourbon is distilled and aged. (Today’s Old Crow is not the same product. The brand was
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bought by rival Jim Beam when it went under in 1987.) Now we have very stringent standards, rules and laws to define what can be called Bourbon Whiskey. At its heart there are three essential rules: at least 51 percent of the grain used in making the whiskey must be corn (with 65 to 75 percent common); it must be aged in new, white oak barrels that have been charred (two years is usual, but it can be aged much longer); nothing can be added at bottling to enhance flavor, add sweetness or alter color.
Summer Edition
While many will claim that true bourbon must come from Kentucky, the truth is bourbon whiskey has been made all over the country. Kentucky is still home to the popular potion, though. Some claim it’s the unique water that cannot be replicated anywhere else. No matter where it’s made, it cannot be labeled as Kentucky Bourbon if it doesn’t come from the Bluegrass state. Reportedly, 97% of all bourbon is distilled and aged somewhere near Bardstown, Kentucky, the "Bourbon Capital of the World."
Directions • Place the mint leaves in the bottom of an old-fashioned glass and top with the sugar. Muddle* these together until the leaves begin to break down. • Add a splash of seltzer water, fill the glass 3/4 full with crushed ice, and add the bourbon. • Top with another splash of seltzer, stir, and garnish with a sprig of mint.
You can follow The Kentucky Bourbon Trail and visit major distilleries in the area. If you get a special passport stamped at each location, they’ll send you a free commemorative t-shirt. Currently, there are six distilleries on the trail: Heaven Hill in Bardstown, Jim Beam in Clermont, Maker's Mark in Loretto, Four Roses and Wild Turkey are both in Lawrenceburg, and Woodford Reserve in Versailles. There are other distilleries that used to be on The Trail, but they no longer host public tours. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your Kentucky Bourbon straight. A brandy snifter is the recommended drinking vessel; the shape of the glass tends to concentrate the aroma and keep it in the glass. However, there are other methods for savoring bourbon. .....................
Mint Julep The quintessential Kentucky cocktail, this drink is considered
absolutely mandatory by many come Derby Day. Ingredients • 2 1/2 ounces Kentucky Bourbon • 10 mint leaves, plus a sprig for garnish • 1 1/2 teaspoons superfine sugar • Seltzer water • Crushed ice
• Serve immediately with a straw that has been cut to 1-inch above the top of the glass so the nose is forced close to the mint when sipping the julep. * “Muddle” means to combine ingredients in the bottom of the mixing glass by pressing them with a long wooden pestle often shaped like a baseball bat, or muddler, before adding the liquid ingredients.
As Kentucky Goes, So Goes the Country An Act of Congress passed in 1964 made bourbon the official spirit of the United States. That special reputation extends beyond the borders, too. While bourbon can
be made anywhere in the country, it can’t be made anywhere in the world. Canada and the European Union require bourbon-labeled products to be made in the United States.
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Bourbon Pecan Pie A Kentucky accent on a Southern favorite. Ingredients • 1 tablespoon Kentucky Bourbon (when baking, a little goes a long way) • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened • 1 cup dark brown sugar • 3 eggs • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1/2 tsp salt • 3/4 cup dark corn syrup • 2 cups pecan halves or pieces, divided • 1 pie shell, 9-inch, unbaked Directions • Beat together the butter and brown sugar until creamy and light. • Add 1 egg at a time, beating after each addition. • Beat in vanilla, salt, corn syrup, and bourbon.
• Arrange 1 cup of pecans on the bottom of the pie shell. • Pour pie filling over the pecans, then sprinkle remaining pecans over filling. • Bake 55 to 60 minutes at 350° F.
Bourbon Whipped Cream Put your pie, or any dessert, over the top.
Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Kentucky Bourbon • 1 cup chilled whipping cream • 2 tablespoons brown sugar • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Directions • Beat cream until thickened. (For best results, chill bowl and beaters.) • Add sugar and flavoring; beat until soft peaks form. • Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. s
Bourbon County – Where? If we’re being completely honest, Bourbon County, now known as the proud birthplace of Kentucky Bourbon, was originally a part of the state of Virginia. This much larger Bourbon County is now thirtyfour modern
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Kentucky counties, including Bourbon County. Before that, it was part of the French province of Louisiana, named after the French House of Bourbon in gratitude for France's assistance during the American Revolutionary War. It
Summer Edition
was transferred to the newly formed Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1792, three years after Craig’s infamous discovery. To muddle matters even more, no bourbon whiskey is made or sold within Bourbon County today.
[ ] advertiser’s directory Need a phone number or an address to a business but can’t remember the page you saw it on? This is your guide to Murray Life Magazine’s advertisers. Enjoy! Advertiser
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Jarvis Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery . . . . . . . . . . .39
Briggs & Stratton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
K-Squared Designs, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Paris Winery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Cagle and Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Kentucky Farm Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Playhouse in the Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Computer Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Kopperud Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2, 3, 50, 61
Primary Care Medical Center (Urgent Care) . . .4
Der Dutch Merchant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Lee Jewelry Artisans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Primary Care OBGYN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Loft, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Ezell’s Cosmetology School . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Love Yo Mug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Randy Thornton Heating & Air . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Froggyland Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 50
Mattress Guys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19, 50
Rolling Hills Nursery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Gear Up Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
MidSouth Vinyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 50
Roof Brothers Wine & Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Glendale Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Murray Auto Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
SBG Real Property Professionals . . . . . . .15, 48
Glisson Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Murray Bank, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Seasons, Robert Valentine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Grey's Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Murray-Calloway Co. Chamber . . . . . . . . . . .50
Urology Associates, H.S. Jackson, MD . . . . .41
Heritage Funeral Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Murray-Calloway Co. Hospital . . . . Back Cover
Vintage Rose Emporium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Henry County Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Murray Electric System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Wall Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 50, 55
Highway 80 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Murray Family Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
WENK/WTPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Hilliard-Lyons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Murray Insurance Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Western Baptist Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Houston Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Murray Life Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
West Wook Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Home, Lawn & Farm Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Murray Woman's Clinic . . . . . . . . . .Inside Front
WKMS FM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Humane Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
My Wedding Logos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 23
WK&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Imes-Miller Funeral Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Northwood Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
WNBS-1340 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
BB&T Bank
[ ] coming soon ... Our next edition is our annual “Back to School” issue and young folks, parents and much of our city heads back into the classroom. Count on Murray Life for humor, shopping tips, dining guides, nature stories, trivia and more. • Check your Education I.Q. with quizzes and articles about schools and colleges in Kentucky. • Planning a Vacation? Gross Magee may have a good reason for your to consider Kentucky’s own “Mammoth Cave,” as he shares never-before-seen photos of this National treasure. • What makes the medicine go down easier than a spoonful of sugar? You’ll find out when Ben Morrow examines “compounding” and the advantage is has for people and pets. Join the fun: submit your calendar notes or news items to murraylife@aol.com, or drop us a note at P.O. Box 894, Murray, KY 42071. Photos are welcome, but they become property of Murray Life and return cannot be assured.
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[ ďƒŤ ] seen around town
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Summer Edition
[ ] dining guide Shogun
Largo Bar & Grill
706 N 12th St., Suite 9 (270) 761-7486
Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill 816 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 759-5551
Asian Buffet 638 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-3788
August Moon 1550 Lowe’s Dr. . . . . . .(270) 759-4653
Baldy’s Grill 901 Coldwater Rd. . . . .(270) 762-0441
The Keg 1051 N 16th St. . . . . . .(270) 762-0040
216 N. 15th St. . . . . . . .(270) 759-3663
Tom’s Grille 501 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-4521
Ann’s Country Kitchen Tumbleweed Southwest Grill 807 Walmart Dr. . . . . . .(270) 873-2300
Gloria’s World Village Food 124 N. 15th St. . . . . . . .(270) 759-3233
HRH Dumplin’s 305B S. 12th St. . . . . . .(270) 753-0000
Jasmine Restaurant - Thai & Asian Cuisine 506 N. 12th St. Suite E (270) 761-8424
Magnolia Tea Room 306 Gilbert St. . . . . . . .(270) 492-6284 Hazel, KY
La Cocina Mexicana 501 S. 12th St. . . . . . . . .(270) 767-1627 Murray
La Cocina Mexicana 314 Main St. . . . . . . . . . (270) 492-6392 Hazel, KY
Latin Lovers 716 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 767-0026
Los Portales 506 N. 12th St. . . . . . ...(270) 767-0315
318 Main St. . . . . . . . . .(270) 492-8195 Hazel, KY
Bad Bob’s Bar-B-Que
1005 Arcadia Circle . .(270) 759-8866
406 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 759-9000
Willow Pond Catfish Restaurant 16814 Hwy. 68 E. . . . .(270) 474-2202 Aurora, KY
The Olive
Big Apple Café El Mariachi Loco
4645 Hwy. 119 . . . . . . . .(731) 232-8323 Buchanan, TN
806 Chestnut St. . . . . . .(270) 767-0054
Aurora Landing Restaurant 542 Kenlake Rd. . . . . . .(270) 474-2211 Aurora, KY
Coldwater Bar-B-Que & Catering 8284 Hwy. 121 N. . . . .(270) 489-2199
Cracker Barrel
Belew’s Dairy Bar US Highway 62 East . .(270) 354-8549 Aurora, KY
Brass Lantern 16593 Hwy. 68 E. . . . . . 270-474-2773. Aurora, KY
650 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 762-0081
Crossland Diner 3034 Stateline Rd. W. .(270) 492-6424 Hazel, KY
Domino’s Pizza 117 S. 12th St. . . . . . . . .(270) 753-3030
Cindy’s on the Barge 888 Kenlake Marina Ln.(270) 474-2245 Hardin, KY
Cypress Springs Resort 2740 Cypress Trail . . . .(270) 436-5496 New Concord, KY
Eagle Nest Marina & Dockside Bar and Grill 500 Eagle Nest Rd. . . .(731) 642-6192 Buchanan, TN
Kentucky Dam Village 166 Upper Village Dr. .(270) 362-4271 Gilbertsville, KY
Happiness Restaurant 412 Main Street . . . . . .(270) 293-4952
Holmes Family Restaurant 1901 N. 12th St. . . . . . .(270) 767-0662
Hungry Bear 1310 Main St. . . . . . . . .(270) 753-7641
Laird’s Bar-B-Que 77 W. Main St. . . . . . . .(731) 247-3060 Puryear, TN
Lynn Grove Country Corner 7010 Hwy. 94 W. . . . . .(270) 435-4500
Quarters 200 N. 15th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-3406
Olive Pit 905 Mineral Wells Ave.(731) 6425030 Paris, TN
Ruby Renee’s Restaurant 1196 State Route 121 North(270) 7617829
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[ ďƒŤ ] seen around town
Visit us online at :: www.wallappeals.com
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Summer Edition
[ ] dining guide Martha’s Restaurant
Little Caesar’s Pizza
1407 N. 12th St. . . . . . .(270) 759-1648
Mary’s Kitchen 11205 Stadium View Dr..(270) 759-2036
Matt B’s Main Street Pizza 1411 Main St. . . . . . . . .(270) 759-1234
Mr. Gatti’s Pizza 804 Chestnut St. . . . . . .(270) 753-6656
Mugsy’s Hideout 410 Main St. . . . . . . . . .(270) 767-0020
Nick’s Family Sports Pub 614 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 762-0012
Pagliai’s Pizza 970 Chestnut St. . . . . . .(270) 753-2975
Papa John’s Pizza 656 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-6666
Pizza Hut 1113 Chestnut St. . . . . .(270) 759-4646
Pizza Pro 1304 Chestnut St . . . . .(270) 767-1199
Renfro’s Hih Burger Inn 413 S. 4th St. . . . . . . . . .(270) 753-1155
Rudy’s, “On the Square” 104 S. 5th St. . . . . . . . . .(270) 753-1632
Ryan’s Steakhouse 801 Walmart Dr. . . . . . .(270) 759-3809
Sirloin Stockade 922 S. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-0440
500 S 12th St. . . . . . . . .(270) 761-7777
Backyard Burgers 801 Paramount Dr. . . . .(270) 759-2480
107 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-5548
Murray Donuts
Boulders 317 Chestnut St. . . . . . . .(270) 761-9727
506 B North 12th St. . . .(270) 761-1818
Quizno’s Subs
Brother’s Barbeque 401 Sycamore St. . . . . .(270) 761-7675
1203 Chestnut St. . . . . .(270) 753-8880
Sammon’s Bakery
Burger King 814 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 759-8266
974 Chestnut St. . . . . . .(270) 753-5434
Sonic Drive-In
Burrito Shack 214 North 15th St. . . .(270) 761-4444
217 S. 12th St. . . . . . . . .(270) 759-9885
Captain D’s 700 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-9383
622 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-7827
Taco Bell
Candy Cravings 506 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 759-2010
402 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-8758
Taco John’s
Culver’s 818 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 761-2858
604 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-9697
Victor’s Sandwiches
Dairy Queen 1303 Main St. . . . . . . . .(270) 753-4925
1301 W. Main St. . . . . .(270) 753-7715
Vietnamese Cuisine
Dinh’s Vietnamese Cuisine 1407 Main St. . . . . . . . .(270) 761-7655
1407 Main St. . . . . . . . .(270) 761-7655
Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers Fidalgo Bay Coffee Shop
1111 Chestnut St. . . . . .(270) 759-4695
1201 Payne St. . . . . . . . .(270) 761-4800
Zaxby’s Hardee’s
N. 12th St. . . . . . . . . . . .(270) 792-2375
505 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-3246
KFC 205 N. 12th St. . . . . . . .(270) 753-7101
Snappy Tomato Pizza 1550 Lowes Dr. . .(270) 761-7627 Spanky’s 9505 Hwy. 641 N. . . .(731) 247-5527 Puryear, TN
T & J’s Diner 2667 St. Rt. 94 E.. . . . .(270) 753-4826
Tom’s Pizza 506-A N. 12th St. . . . . .(270) 753-9411
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[ ď‚Ś ] calendar of events Eric Church Concert
may 4
Downtown Saturday Market
Calloway County High Graduation
may 12 - sep. 29
may 21 Calloway County High School graduation ceremony will take place at the CFSB Center on Murray State University's campus. The ceremony will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Eric Church's Blood, Sweat and Beers Tour with special guests Lee Brice and Thomas Rhett. Tickets are $34.75 and $42.50 and are available at the CFSB Center box office or at ticketmaster.com. ..........................................
Spring Citywide Yard Sale
may 5
City Pool Opens Murray, Kentucky's downtown transforms itself on the south side of the square on Saturday mornings in May through October from 7a.m.-12p.m. It becomes the site of the Saturday morning farmer's market selling fruits, vegetables, flowers, home made goods and even fish! This 10-plus year tradition gives local folks a place to come, get some good fresh produce and visit everyone. ..........................................
Murray High Graduation
may 18 Clean out your closets, it’s time for Murray's bi-annual Citywide Yard Sale! Applications to participate in the yard sale can be downloaded at www.tourmurray.com and returned to the Murray CVB at 201 S. 4th St. along with a $10 fee. This will get your yard sale on the official map. Participants may set up a yard sale in Central Park. Maps may be picked up at 201 S. 4th St. for $2. This is a fundraiser for Freedom Fest. For more information contact the Murray Convention and Visitors Bureau, 270.759.2199.
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murray life magazine
The Murray High School graduation ceremony will take place at Lovett Auditorium, on Murray State University's campus. The ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. ..........................................
Eastwood Christian Academy graduation
may 18 Eastwood Christian Academy graduation ceremony will take place at 7 p.m. The ceremony will be held on Eastwood's campus.
Summer Edition
may 28
The Murray City Pool opens Memorial Day and closes Labor Day. Prices are $4 daily admission for adults and $3 kids under 8. Annual passes are available for families (with discounts before May 28th), please contact the park office for prices: (270 ) 762-0325 ..........................................
june 1-10 Doubt is a gripping story of suspicion cast on a priest's behavior that is less about scandal than about fascinatingly nuanced questions of moral certainty. Doubt was the winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award. Friday and Saturday shows take place at 7 p.m. Sunday shows take place at 2:30 p.m. For detailed information visit, playhouseinthepark.net
Wal-Mart FLW Tour Stop Weigh-in
june 8-10 Come visit the fishing tournament weigh-in at the CFSB Center. It will be entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. For more information visit, flwoutdoors.com. ..........................................
Freedom Fest
june 29 - july 1
Every Day in Murray The West Kentucky/Wrather Museum Preserving the visual and emotional traditions of the Jackson Purchase Area. Located at North 16th Street and University Drive on the campus of Murray State University, the museum is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. handicap access. For more information, call 270.809.4771.
The Cheri Theater Murray has a seven-screen movie theater located on Chestnut Street. For a list of current movies and times, please call 270.753.3314 or visit www.moviesinmurray.com.
Murray State University’s Fine Arts It's a three day event of fun, food and fireworks time! Celebrate Freedom Fest's 25th anniversary by participating in this year's exciting events. Most all of the Freedom Fest activities are free, so anyone can join the fun. The festival kicks off Friday evening with a street fair, kids' zone, BBQ cook-off and free outdoor concert. These fun events continue Saturday along with the FNB Bank Parade, Primary Care 5K Run, Main Street Mile and Bark in the Park. Saturday night, enjoy one of western Kentucky's largest fireworks displays, the Briggs and Stratton Fireworks Extravaganza. Freedom Fest winds down Sunday with Family Day in the Park, the Murray Bank Gospel Explosion and the WOW Flag Retirement Ceremony. For more information, contact Murray Convention and Visitors Bureau at 270.759.2199, or view tourmurray.com.
The University presents a variety of performances form dance to plays, from symphonies to choir concerts. For current information, call 270.809.ARTS.
The Clara M. Eagle Gallery at Murray State University The gallery offers a variety of exhibitions throughout the year, from student artwork to national tours. Art ranges from drawing to sculpture, from photography to multimedia. For more information, please call 270.809.6734.
Playhouse in the Park Calloway County’s 30-year-old community theatre. Playhouse presents a variety of plays throughout the year. For detailed information, please call 270.759.1752
The Murray Art Guild A nonprofit organization that offers workshops and exhibitions for children and adults. Stop by and see some of the area artists at work. The Guild is located in downtown Murray at 500N. 4th Street. For additional information, please call 270.753.4059.
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[ G ] freedom fest calendar of events June 29, 2012
June 30, 2012
6:30 am
7:00 am
Bacon in the Sun begins
Primary Care’s 5K Run
1:00 pm
8:00 am
Rotary Max Hurt Memorial Golf Tournament
Bacon in the Sun Judging
Street Fair Opens Parade Line-up (10th St.) Briggs & Stratton Main St. Mile Kids' Zone Opens
5:45 pm
9:30 am
Street Fair Opens Opening Ceremony on Main Stage
FNB Bank Freedom Fest Parade
5:30 pm
11:00 am 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Texaco Country Showdown
Kids' Zone
11:00 am 6:00 pm-10:30 pm Lake Chem and K98 Red, White and Blue Block Party
Parade Award Bark in the Park (Central Park)
2:00 pm 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Street Fair Closes
Aly'an (country) performs
9:30pm 8:00 pm
Briggs & Stratton Fireworks Extravaganza
Announcements of Bacon in the Sun Winners ..........................................
8:30-10:30 pm Rubik's Groove (80's cover band) performs
July 1, 2012
10:30 pm
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Street Fair Closes
Family Day in the Park (Central Park)
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Murray Bank Gospel Explosion
8:00 pm W.O.W. Flag Burning Ceremony
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Summer Edition
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[ ] nature
Get Outside and Play! by: Aviva Yasgur
f you are at least thirty years of age or older, chances are your childhood memories include long summer days spent outside. Playing outside is what kids used to do all the time – riding bikes, exploring the creeks and woods, playing tag with the neighbors, collecting caterpillars, and much more. My parents used to tell me and my brother to go outside and play, and they wouldn’t let us come back inside until it was dark. Judging from the fact that all the other kids in the neighborhood were outside too, my parents were not the only ones who enforced this policy.
Today, the situation is very different. On average, children spend an average of six hours per day in front of a computer or television, but only four minutes per day in unstructured outdoor play. Put another way, today’s kids spend less than one-ninth the amount of time outdoors that today’s adults did when they were kids. Of course, these are just averages, but they are pretty shocking averages. Imagine what your childhood would have been like if you had spent only four minutes per day playing outside! In 2005, a journalist named Richard Loev published a book called Last Child in the Woods. In this book, Loev documented how children have been spending less and less time outside, and he correlated this change in behavior with other trends such as childhood obesity and attention deficit
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murray life magazine
Today’s kids spend “one-ninth as much time outdoors as their parents did.”
– Aviva Yasgur
disorder. Loey’s findings startled many adults, who didn’t want to see the next generation of children grow up so disconnected from the outdoors. Many people began to make efforts to encourage children to spend more time outside. Over time, these individual efforts began to coalesce into what has become known as the “No Child Left Inside” movement. If you have fond memories of playing outside as a child and
Summer Edition
want your children to grow up with similar experiences, you can be a part of this movement too. There are all sorts of fun activities to do right in your own backyard or in a nearby park. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors with your kids. However, you might have to lead them yourself; kids have forgotten how to go outside. As your kids are doing these activities, they might get distracted. For example, they might come across a neat bug or a bird’s nest. They might simply get bored with the activity and start making up their own game. And you know what? That’s GREAT! That’s the point! When they start coming up with games on their own, that’s
when they’ll discover how much fun it is to play outside.
OUTDOOR ACTIVITY IDEAS Backyard Scavenger Hunt Go for a scavenger hunt in your own backyard or a nearby park. Bring a list of items to look for such as a bird of a certain color, a rock of a certain shape, etc. For a high-tech twist, have your kids take digital photos or video of their finds. Geocaching Here’s another way to put some high-tech to your scavenger hunt! Geocaching is a popular hobby in which people use GPS devices to search out and find hidden containers called geocaches, and then share their experiences online. There are geocaches all over the place, but you’d only notice them once you start looking. Check out the website www.geocaching.com for information on how to get started. Hide and Go Seek This classic game can be tons of fun to play outside, and it can be
played with a small or large group. When played outdoors, it can also be turned into “Hide and Go Seek Tag,” in which the hiders have to run and get to a home base before being tagged by the seeker.
get bored “withKidsyourmight idea and make up their own games – and that’s great!”
– Aviva Yasgur
Make a Backyard Fort Find a spot in your yard where there is a nice space between a shrub and a wall or fence. That is the perfect spot for a fort. You can build a rustic fort out of branches and other natural items, or you can use items like a tarp, cardboard box, lumber, or a tent. Once you’ve gotten the basic structure started, the kids can have a lot of fun making all sorts of additions and improvements. Then, they can hang out in it!
Collect and Raise Caterpillars Getting to watch a caterpillar grow and transform into a butterfly can be a very exciting experience. Keep in mind that many caterpillars are picky eaters and will only feed on particular types of plants. The best thing to do is to look to see if your caterpillars have been feeding on the plant you found them on. If so, this is the plant you should feed to it. Set your caterpillars up in some kind of ventilated box or container, and make sure to give them fresh leaves daily. You will probably need to clean out the container every so often to get rid of their droppings. When they develop into adult butterflies, you can release them outside. Freeze Dance Who’s to say you can’t have a dance party in your own backyard? All you need is a device for playing music, and the ability to stop and start it easily. You could use your kids’ favorite songs, right from their own iPods, if they have one. Canoeing Okay: unless you have a really amazing backyard, you will have to go away from home to do this, but canoeing can be a fun family activity! At Land Between The Lakes, you can rent canoes by the hour during the summer at both the Woodlands Nature Station and Energy Lake Campground. Build Fairy Houses Construct tiny homes out of sticks, pebbles, leaves, and other natural materials. Use your imagination to create a miniature world for fairies in your backyard. Who knows? Some of them might move in!
A fairy house any “Tinkerbell” would love to dwell in.
Invite Ants to a Picnic Ants are amazing at finding food sources quickly. To do this activi-
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ty, all you need to do is prepare several plates of picnic food for and set them out in your yard at a comfortable distance from the house. Simple foods like peanut butter and jelly work really well. Set out your ant picnic and check back in a few hours to see who showed up. Then observe the ants at work! Clean up your ant picnic before evening to avoid attracting nuisance animals to your yard.
Flashlight Tag For a fun activity to burn off some of your kids’ energy before bedtime, try Flashlight Tag. This is just like regular tag, except that the person who is “It” has to shine a flashlight on the other people in order to tag them “out.” Also, note that this game should be played in the dark. There are a thousand things to do to expand a child’s world, stimulate imagination, encourage healthy behavior and build a bond of shared memory between one generation and the next. Only a very few of them can be done indoors, so let’s go outside! s
Animal Signs Scavenger Hunt In your backyard or local park, look and listen for clues that wildlife have left behind. Tear out and mark off the clues you find!
Plant a Garden Summer might be a bit late for planting flowers, but there are still cool-season vegetables that you can grow. Broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, and collard and mustard greens can all be planted in late summer to be harvested in the fall. Give it a try! Play in the Sprinkler Summer days are hot here in western Kentucky. Playing in the sprinkler can be a fun activity and a good way to cool off. You can play all sorts of games, such as who can jump above the sprinkler without getting wet, who can collect the most chips or pebbles (located next to the sprinkler), etc. Or you can just run around and get wet!
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Summer Edition
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Summer Time by: Robert A. Valentine
“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy.” – George Gershwin e have to feel sorry for Mr. Gershwin who, although he was celebrated and doubtless saw many places and things during his lifetime, never (insofar as we know) enjoyed summertime in western Kentucky.
It’s about time. Setting aside all the heat and humidity, the bothersome ‘skeeters and privacy-invading ticks, summer is about time. Where January people are anxious to pile into their houses and crank up the heat by 5 p.m., summer folks are lounging about the dugout or the 7th hole at 5:30 and show no inclination to head home in a hurry.
window in December, can be found sitting on the backyard swing, or be heard shouting a welcoming encouragement to “C’mon over; we’ve got extra burgers!” as the fragrant smoke from the grill rolls over the neighborhood. The time is 7 p.m. and the sun is still well above the horizon even though it is clearly over the yardarm. Kids can play until 9 before parents begin to worry about what they are doing out there, although you don’t see so many kids playing out of doors these days. Like a race of youngsters out of some Hollywood horror flick, they tend to sit in clumps, not speaking, but earnestly sending electronic messages about where they are, what they are doing, and who is wearing what color. Still, those kids who
Neighbors, whose only proof of existence is a glow from the kitchen
wish to play like human children have a four-hour window of cooler, lightening bug-filled opportunity to throw, run, swing, slide or “kick the can.” Despite the 24-hour limit on the day as set by scientists, the day of summer is actually longer as measured by gardening, grass mowing, and hammock swinging. The steady creep of the sun up over the eastern horizon even extends the start of day for early-morning joggers or the less active dawn lovers who take the new book or yesterday’s paper onto the back porch with a cup of coffee and a sense of time stolen from some jealous regulator. There is a price for summer’s extra hours. It is paid in the heavy coats of February and in the leaf-raking labor of November. The toll is exacted when we put the tarp over the well-worn charcoal grill and find the last flower lying limp on the frostcovered lawn of late October. The price must be paid, and there is no escaping it. So why not enjoy that for which the bill will inevitably come? The time of summer is ours for the taking and the cool mornings of summer’s beginning are only matched by the gentle evenings of its going away. It may be a hot one; it may be a sauna of humidity and a blizzard of flying insects, but it will be summer and the livin’ will be as easy as we can make it and as fine a time as we deserve. s
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Summer Edition