CHP New Executive Committee Jan 2011

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CHP held an extra-ordinary party congress in Ankara on December 18 2010. President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has formed a new Central Executive Board from amongst the newly elected Members of the Party Council and affirmed that:

Turkey needs to avoid further deepening of polarizations, social fractures, corruption networks, economic mismanagement and the authoritarian trends of the executive power to the detriment of the legislative and judiciary powers. Turkey is ready for a CHP government whose main achievements will be a comprehensive democratic reform agenda, an economic environment boosting investments, new technologies, sustainable jobs and environment-friendly growth, social reforms, investment in education, EU membership process and external relations promoting confidence and exchanges in Turkey’s neighborhood. In his inaugural speech of the Congress, Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu gave details of CHP’s policies to reach these goals and reiterated his call for the Party to unite behind its republican values and social-democratic agenda of reforms in the runup towards the elections of June 2011.

CHP - Republican People’s Party ( Member of the Socialist International ) E U R E P R E S E N T AT I O N 11, Rond Point Schuman 1040 – Brussels T : + 322 256 7537

Facebook & Twitter : CHP EU


KEMAL KILIÇDAROĞLU President Mr Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was born in 1948 in the Nazimiye district of Tunceli. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Ankara Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy in 1971. He started his career in the Ministry of Finance and spent a period of assignment in France. In 1983, when he was appointed to the General Directorate of Revenues, then was appointed to the Social Security Organization for Artisans and Self-Employed (Bağ-Kur) in 1991, where he acted as the Director General. He started to work in the Social Security Organization (SSK) in 1992. Afterwards, he took office as the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. In 1994, he was presented with the ‘Bureaucrat of the Year’ award by the Economic Trend magazine. Kılıçdaroğlu taught at the Hacettepe University and chaired the Specialized Commission on the Informal Economy within the framework of the preparation of the Eighth Five-Year Development Plan. He also acted as a member of the Executive Board of İş Bank. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was elected as an MP from the Republican People’s Party (CHP) for the Istanbul province in 2002 and in 2007. He acted as the RPP Group Vice President until he was elected as the CHP Chair at the General Assembly of the Party held on 22 May 2010. Osman KORUTÜRK Vice-President - Foreign Affairs

Before joining the ranks of the CHP, Mr. Korutürk served as one of Turkey’s most senior diplomats as Ambassador between 1997 and 2009 to Tehran, Oslo, Berlin and Paris. He was also Turkey’s Special Representative to Iraq during the war (2003-2004). Gürsel TEKİN Vice-President - Organizational Development and Management

Hurşit GÜNEŞ Vice-President – Administration and Finance

Süheyl BATUM Vice-President – Electoral and Legal Affairs


Erdoğan TOPRAK Vice-President - Information – Media – Campaigns

Volkan CANALİOĞLU Vice-President - Local Administrations

İzzet ÇETİN Vice-President - Professional Chambers, Labor Unions and NGOs Umut ORAN Vice-President - Employer Unions and Professional Organizations

Gülsün BİLGEHAN Vice-President - Women’s Organizations and the Women’s Branches

Engin ALTAY Vice-President - Youth Organizations and Party’s Youth Branches

Faik ÖZTRAK Vice-President - Economic and Financial policies Alaattin YÜKSEL Vice-President - Public Relations

Sencer AYATA Vice-President - R&D, Science, Administration and Culture Platform

Sena KALELİ, Vice-President - In-House Education

Mehmet Emrehan HALICI, Vice-President - Information Technologies


Sezgin TANRIKULU Vice-President - Human Rights

Bihlun TAMAYLIGİL General Secretary


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