TURKISH SOCIAL DEMOCRACY Republican People’s Party
EUROPEAN BULLETIN www.chp.org.tr
“From 21st century to bright future through a compass for change” The CHP of Turkey is a European social-democratic party committed to creating a fairer and safer society, sustainable economic growth and accountable public order by putting people first. Economic and Social Development The CHP aims to promote a fair economic order based on European standards and globally competitive economy. The objectives of the EU’s Lisbon strategy will be taken into account in reforming the economy and the boosting the growth. Privatization should be conducted on the basis of rational criteria of efficiency and public interest. The business environment for local and foreign fixed capital investors end innovative entrepreneurship will be promoted. The economy should be protected against adverse effects caused by monopolization and the competition authority will be more pro-active. The challenges of the age of information society will be better met, with more state support for the R&D, information and communication technologies, biotechnology, genetics, nanotechnologies and space programs. A comprehensive reform agenda on the introduction of clean energy policies, productive agriculture, modern education, regional development and sound fiscal system are proposed in details. SME financing system will be restructured in view of generating more jobs and growth. The social state will be reformed with the aim of universal health coverage and enhanced protection of workers. The ILO standards and the European social policies will be transposed to the Turkish social system. On gender equality in the education, professional life and public service, affirmative action and specially designed public policies will be the main instruments to guarantee rapid and successful achievements. Political Reforms The complete fulfillment of the European criteria on democracy, human rights, individual liberties, cultural rights, and freedom of press, the prevention of censorship in the arts and the radical reform of the judicial system are the priorities.
The Kurdish problem will be solved within the framework of democracy and development. Ethical and cultural diversities are part of Turkey’s rich historical heritage. Different ethnic identities, cultures, sects and religious beliefs of those living within national borders cannot prevent synergy and the national unity. The rejection of differences can never be a policy of the state. The progress lies in the integration, not assimilation. For Christian and Jewish minorities, as defined by the Treaty of Lausanne, the cultural rights will be protected with full force. The diversity of race, religion, language, difference in origin and sect will be a condition of Turkey’s pluralism and a prerequisite for our democracy. The Alevi prayer houses (Cemevi) will be granted an equal status with the mosques. EU Membership The EU membership process will be conducted in a transparent way vis-à-vis the Turkish public. In all fields of social and economic life, the upgrading of the Turkish people’s standards of life is at the core of the EU harmonisation process. A special attention will be given to the national interests rejecting any alternative to the status of full-membership to the EU. The actual deadlocks in the accession process deteriorate the fair competition for the Turkish economy undermining the sustainability of the existing customs union. The CHP is dedicated to reverse this situation in view of accelerating Turkey’s EU membership process under fair condition accordingly with the European values national priorities. The relations with the USA as well as within the Black Sea, Balkans, Central Asia, Middle East, Far East and Africa will be developed in synergy with the EU membership target. Foreign Affairs and Security CHP’s main international policy line is firmly based on the protection and promotion of the peace both with the neighboring countries and at the global level. The UN system ought to be reformed for more action to prevent armed conflicts and social and economic development disparities in the World. NATO membership will be the central pillar of our security policies. The US will continue to be a close ally for Turkey on a wide range of global issues including the fight against international terrorism. On Iraq, CHP defends an approach which excludes military occupation, focuses on the causes of terrorism and domestic turmoil and encourages a democratic and secular Iraq. On the Middle East in general, Turkey should reject any reference to so-called “moderate Islam” concept which
is in contradiction with Turkey’s republican, secular and European values. The project of “alliance of civilisations” launched by Spain and Turkey should also be evaluated through the prism of these values avoiding any misinterpretations. On the issue of Cyprus, CHP supports a fair settlement (in accordance with the European values securing the equal rights for the Turkish Cypriotes) without which a friendly compromise for the creation of two separate states will be considered. At the domestic level, a national security research institution and an undersecretary of homeland security will be established with the mobilisation of most advanced technologies. The national intelligence organization will be restructured. The practice of village guardianship in the South-East and East Anatolia will be abolished. Local Governments All mechanisms of corruption will be eradicated from the system and the citizens’ and civic society’s involvement in the public policy-making will be promoted. An outline for a new administrative model for Istanbul metropolitan area is proposed. Policies on earthquakeresistant cities, renewable energies, waste management, clean air, water supply, transports and the support for performing arts are formulated. A special emphasis will be given to the public auditing of the municipal corporations dealing with the cultural activities and utilities in accordance with the European requirements.