Republican People’s Party
June 2009
CHP Brings Freedom of Expression and Union Rights to the Agenda of Turkish General National Assembly(TGNA) CHP has demanded a new arrangement about the Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, which led to the trial of many writers and journalists. The government has made an arrangement in which the right to sue somebody belongs to the Minister of Justice and it was CHP’s initiative to insert a clause in this article that guarantees ‘the critics cannot be considered as offence.” After these developments CHP is still following up the issue. CHP Vice-Chairman Onur Öymen gave a written question to the TGNA requesting a response from the Minister of Justice Sadullah Ergin in which he asked the number of people being judged within the framework of this law and the number of writers and journalists in prison at the moment due to various cases. CHP Keeps Her Call for The Law of Labour Unions The law of trade unions should have been brought to the agenda of TGNA by April 2009 to ensure the opening of the negotiations chapter “Social Policy and Employment.” That is why; CHP has asked the government to make the necessary initiative for the enactment of this law. CHP Vice-Chairman Onur Öymen has given a written to the TGNA requesting a response from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoğlu, in which he put; “In the screening report of 4 September 2006 of the EU it is pointed out that for the harmonization with the acquis under the chapter ‘Social Policy and Employment’, the realization of full trade union rights and the enactment of the law of trade unions are two prerequisites. Despite the time that has passed by, why the government has not brought the issue to the agenda of the TGNA?” __________________________________________________________________ Please refer as well to: http://brussels.chp.org.tr Facebook: CHP EU http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=69239487060&ref=ts Twitter: CHP EU https://twitter.com/CHPEU
CHP EU REPRESENTATION 11, Rond Point Schuman 1040 – brussels@chp.org.tr
T : +32 2 256 7537
F : +32 2 256 7503