Republican People’s Party R
November 2008
CHP Brings the parliamentary immunities and the exclusion of the Minister and Under Secretary of Justice from the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors to the Agenda of Turkish General National Assembly(TGNA) Ankara, 11 November 2008 CHP Vice-Chairman Onur Öymen has given a written to the TGNA requesting a response from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Babacan, in which he put; “The European Commission’s Progress Report of Turkey released on 5 November requests the abolishment of the parliamentary immunities and the exclusion of the Minister and Under-Secretary of Justice from the High Council of Judges and Prosecutor. Same request are also formulated in the latest report of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). 1. What are the reasons of the absence of both issues in the National Programme (for the EU accession process) elaborated by the government? 2. If the government disagrees with the EU on these fundamental issues, what would be the meaning of its satisfaction by the European Commission’s Progress Report?” __________________________________________________________________ Please refer as well to: http://brussels.chp.org.tr Facebook: CHP EU http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=69239487060&ref=ts Twitter: CHP EU https://twitter.com/CHPEU
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