European Agenda: Sevinc Heads CHP Representation to the EU

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Agenda Weekly

Up-to-the-minute newsletter on personnel changes and events.


Personnel News


Laurent Chokoualé

Chokoualé Datou to Manage Edelman in Brussels

General Manager

takes over from Jere Sullivan. Chokoualé Datou has 18 years of experience in EU public affairs


Laurent Chokoualé Datou has been appointed General Manager of Edelman Brussels. He

Nationality: FR

and communications, most recently as Vice Chairman of APCO Worldwide, Brussels. He was

Working Languages: EN, FR

Start date: 05.02.2009

First Solar Inc.

the EMEA region.

Mitchener to Direct Comms at First Solar Inc.


Communications for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. For the past four years, Mitchener

Brandon Mitchener has joined US-based solar power company First Solar Inc. as Director of

Nationality: US/FR

has been a lobbyist and communications adviser with APCO Worldwide, Avisa Partners and

Working Languages:

other clients via his own independent consulting firm. He is also a former EU and Germany correspondent with The Wall Street Journal and International Herald Tribune. Mitchener is a graduate of Wabash College and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Hafida Benyacoub

Benyacoub joins CEEP as Communications Officer

Nationality: FR

Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services (CEEP) which is one of the three Cross-


on Industry, Research and Energy) of the EU Parliament. She previously worked as an assistant

Communications Officer Hafida Benyacoub has been appointed Communications Officer by the European Centre of Working Languages: Start date:


Halk Partisi

but will now focus on client counsel, business development and operational support across

Director of

Start date: 01.03.2009


part of the Edelman leadership team in Washington DC, will continue to be based in Brussels,

Brandon Mitchener



the MD of the Brussels office of APCO Worldwide for six years. Sullivan, who was previously

sectoral Social Partners. Prior to CEEP, Benyacoub worked for the ITRE Committee (Committee in the European Commission, as a Public Relations and Communications Officer for a public

administration in France and as a Press Officer for a Member of the French Parliament. Benyacoub specialised in communications and information at the University of Nancy in France.

Kader Sevinç

Sevinç Heads CHP Representation to the EU

to the EU

CHP is the social democratic and main opposition party of Turkey, a member of Socialist

Head of Representation

Kader Sevinç has been appointed Head of the EU Representation of the Turkish CHP Party.

Nationality: TR

International and associate member of the Party of European Socialists. Sevinç established

Working Languages: EN, TR

the CHP office in September 2008. It was officially inaugurated on 10 February 2009 by

Deniz Baykal, the CHP President. Sevinç previously worked in the private sector and as an

MEP adviser at the European Parliament. She has a BA in Management and Tourism and an MA in International Relations, with certificates from the Jean Monnet European Integration Programme and Harvard University.


Hendrik Viaene

Viaene appointed Partner at Stibbe

Working Languages:

aene focuses on European and Belgian competition law and various aspects of EU law (li-


Hendrik Viaene has been appointed Partner at the Brussels office of the Stibbe law firm. Vi-


cences, various regulated sectors, etc.) With regard to European law, Viaene represents

Start date:


clients before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance, the European Commission, national courts and administrative authorities. He studied law at the University of Ghent and

obtained the certificate of Master of Laws in European Law at King’s College, University of London. Viaene began his careerIn 1999, he started as a trainee in Stibbe’s Brussels office.

Agenda Weekly


Up-to-the-minute newsletter on personnel changes and events.


Events: highlights of the week ahead 02 MARCH


With Croatia on the threshold of EU member-

The UniCredit Group host this high-level dis-

Could Balkan newcomers to NATO & the EU affect the security of the West?

Financial Inclusion for Migrants: A Win-Win Situation?

ship, and Albania and the Former Yugoslav Re-

cussion on financial inclusion for migrants.

public of Macedonia headed for NATO too, the

Philippe Legrain, Visiting Fellow at the London

day when Balkan countries will have an impor-

School of Economics and Political Science, and

tant influence on Western security policies is

author of “Immigrants: Your Country Needs

fast approaching. How great is the risk that old

Them” will join the discussion, and closing re-

enmities will spill over into wider policy areas?

marks will be provided by Charie McCreevy.

Bibliothèque Solvay


Security and Defence Agenda (SDA),



EIM Annual Conference

How does the EU research system address the

The evolution of the internet has the capacity

an Rail Infrastructure Managers enables senior

challenges we face? What is the place of citi-

ing, infrastructure owning and OEM companies to discuss strategy and future projects with their peers, industry experts and worldwide suppliers of innovative solutions.

Musée du Cinquantenaire


European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM),




Subtitled “Structuring the Future of Europe‘s

executives from leading European train operat-

La Bibliothèque Solvay


Civil Society: Motor or Obstacle to Research?

Railways”, the annual conference of the Europe-

UniCredit Group,

zens and civil society? Is it merely to take part

in public debates on scientific and technological issues or should civil society be involved in

setting the research agenda? Janez Potocnik (above), Commissioner for Science and Research, joins the debate.

The Greens /European Free Alliance, European Parliament, Salon des Membres



5th annual Growth and Innovation Day

to drive innovation that has never been seen

before. However, the new industry can only flourish if today’s inventor and tomorrow’s

entrepreneur are empowered to succeed. Through the right investments, Europe can strengthen tomorrow’s world leaders.

Microsoft EBC for European Innovation,


Avenue des Nerviens 85

05 - 07 MARCH

CEPS Annual Conference 2009

Subtitled “The Quest for European Leadership”,

ALDE World Congress: Freedom of Scientific Research

pean Policy Studies hosts the French Minister

be addressed at the meeting, from political

the annual conference of the Centre for Euro-

Different aspects of freedom of research will

for Agriculture and Fisheries, Michel Barnier

manipulation of science to the relationship

(right), as well as Roberto Nicastro, Deputy

between science and religion; from bioethics

CEO, UniCredit Group.

advocates and Nobel prize winners will participate in this high-level congress.

Happy Birthday Glenis Willmott European

Parliamentary Labour Party



Alliance of Liberal and Democrats for Europe,


CEPS, Palais d’Egmont,

8 Place du Petit Sablon

to reproductive medicine. Prominent patient

European Parliament

Dr. Ingeborg Gräßle MEP, 02.03.1961

Brian Crowley MEP, 04.03.1964

Vladimír Čelezný MEP, 03.03.1945

Anne van Lancker MEP, 04.03.1954

Johannes Blokland MEP, 05.03.1943

Carlo Casini MEP, 04.03.1935

Marcello Vernola MEP, 04.03.1961

Georgios Papastamkos MEP, 05.03.1955

Paul Verges MEP, 05.03.1925


Agenda Weekly Publisher: Rudolf Hetzel

Helios Media European Agenda

Tel +32 (0) 2 / 2 19 22 90 Fax +32 (0) 2 / 2 19 22 92



job agenda

Politics Media Communications


Job Market

Please mention European Agenda when you apply.

Project Officer Marco Polo

Project Officer

the Head of Unit and the Head of Sector and

multisectoral association for co-operation

Finance, Administration & Organisational Support Officer

currently looking for a Project Officer to work

tion (ILGA) is inviting applications for the

Within the Marco Polo Unit and reporting to in close cooperation with a team of other

project officers, the project officer will be in charge of the management and follow-up of a pool of operational projects.

and development of mountain territories. It is

on projects within the association, as well as provide advice and guidance to the Director on activities.


Location: Brussels

The International Lesbian and Gay Associaposition of Finance, Administration and Organisational Support Officer. The secretariat

includes three other staff and it provides co-

ordination and support to the ILGA network.

Organisation: Euromontana

Organisation: EACI Location: Brussels

Description: Euromontana is the European


Organisation: ILGA


Policy Coherence for Development Officer

Programme Officer

Looking to recruit?

for Relief and Development, is currently ad-

at leveraging private and public investment in

the sector of embedded systems in Europe, is

sionals in Brussels and Europe – place an ad-

CONCORD, the European NGO Confederation vertising for a Policy Coherence for Develop-

ment Officer. The role of the Policy Officer is to support and to facilitate CONCORD working groups and processes related to the issue of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD).


hiring a Programme Officer. Among other duties, the Programme Officer will prepare calls

vert here! Just click on the link below for the relevant contact information.

research constituency; and organise/be in-

volved in evaluation of proposals (selection of Organisation: European Agenda

Organisation: Artemis More

Promote your vacancy to over 30,000 profes-

for proposals/tenders and actively inform the

experts, logistics).

Organisation: CONCORD Location: Brussels

Artemis, the public-private partnership aimed

Location: Brussels


Location: Brussels, Belgium


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