THE ROOTS OF EUROPEAN UNION IN ANATOLIA Lykian Union The same issue is always being discussed in national and international platforms,newspapers and on television and radios: Will Turkey harmonize with EU structure? Is Turkey a European? Aren’t her cultural and historical heritages disconnected with Europe? An Anatolian Civilization gives maybe a meaningful answer to the section against Turkey, which opposes to Turkey’s membership in EU. Kader Sevinç
An issue often discussed in national and international platforms, media, business environment and family .. -Is Turkey really an European? -There are many political, economical and social factors, which empha the place of Turkey in the European Union. -Among all of these, it is necessary not to forget an Anatolian Civilization blinking from the depths of history. -Turkey is not a European with her current values, traditions, customs and operation. -Because Turkey is not a European, naturally it has no place in Europe. -When you open a geography book you will realize that Europe in Turkey doesn’t constitute at least 5% of whole Turkey. -It isn’t and never will be… While similar expressions, which you can come across even in any daily newspapers, are getting sharper towards that Turkey isn’t a European, Turkey’s Europeness became an issue often questioned by some European politicians . The same issue is always being discussed in national and international platforms,newspapers and on television and radios: Will Turkey harmonize with EU structure? Is Turkey a European? Aren’t her
cultural and historical heritages disconnected with Europe? An Anatolian Civilization gives maybe a meaningful answer to the section against Turkey, which opposes to Turkey’s membership in EU. There have been many ventures for political unity in Europe for centuries.Helenistic period, the Roman Empire, Holy Roman-German Empire, Ottoman Empire, Napoleonic Wars, Nazi expantionism,Soviet Union.. The basic difference that separates USA and EU from these is that there is a voluntary unity project between participants, that it is based on a philosophy, which is based on peace, equilty, law, democracy, common values and interests among countries.That it set out for an inter-social unity.There is an accumulation extending from idealist philosophical movements of 19th century in the heritage of political culture to secularism of French Revolution, humanism of the Renaissance, rationalistic, scientific, progressive leaps of Archaic Period in the depths of history. In the search for the same roots when we turn towards Anatolia, an impressive “mosaic of firsts” including Çatalhöyük with goddess Kybele, Karain, where we found traces of first human in the world, Olympous, Priene, a model city, welcome us.Not only we face Lykian Civilization in Archaic Period as a most developed civilization but also it appears as a creator of the first formation, the closest to EU model. Though not mentioned very much, history tells us a primitive model for the formation of EU, which Turkey underwent a comprehensive transformation process in order to be a part of, actually occurred in Anatolian territory. “Lykian Union”,which we can perceive as a gift of Lykian Civilization to the history of Anatolia and world, appears as an issue, which we aren’t familiar with much. Common Currency...Common Constitution...Common Army... Lykian, which came under Rhodos hegemony in accordance with Attelia Peace Treaty ( BC 188), get rid of repression and heavy taxes, which went on 23 years, with a huge uprising.After Lykian is declared independent by Rome, “Lykian Union”, which a new order and search for unity gave birth to, is established by joining 23 cities in 167 BC.This period, which will last a century, will be remembered as the years that Lykian Civilization advanced most afterwards. What Strabon, a famous geographer, conveyed to us includes amazing information.According to what he conveyed from Artemidoros, Union composes of 23 cities.Giving the right to vote to member states according to their population system, which is valid for European Parliament today, is also valid for Lykian Union.While the most important states have 3 votes, less important ones have 2 votes and the smallest states have 1 vote in joint parliament.Sources tell us that these big cities are Patara, Myra, Xanthos, Toulos, Olympous, Poulos.While Patara is the administration center, Xanthos is both the capital and gate of the Union.Contributions of these cities to common budget are parallel with their votes. Lykian Union with its common army, common constitution, common currency unit and parliament can be defined as a federation in today’s terms.When problems such as constitutional reform, which marked EU agenda, institutional balances between member states, disputes about budget, political hindrances against establishing a common army, are taken into account, Lykian Union becomes prominent in Anatolian history as a positive and constructive model of human history. When Lykian Union is implemented common currency went into circulation.species started to bear symbols representing common values and beliefs of union.Parochial species were completely forbidden, pictures of Bey’s were removed form the surface of species and they were replaced by Pagan symbols such as Apollon, Artemis, which were symbols of common belief in union.Other symbols peculiar to union were used on the other side of species.Today Euro, European single currency, is based on this design.National symbols have remained on one side of the coins.But only common European symbols occupy other sides and banknotes. Army is divided as ground and air forces.Commanders specialized in that field leads each force.Representatives selected from every city state present in the union, which has a common board of justice.In accordance with the Constitution of Lykian Union people of every city had equal rigths.
Lykian Union, together with these aspects, became a starting point and role model for both USA and EU.Georges Washington (1732-1799) and French stateman and author Montesquieu, one of the prominent names in the Renaissance referred to the Constitution of Lykian Union as an example of success. As Lykian Union is getting more and more colorful mosaic,reflections of Lykian Union experience should not be forgotten. A Turkey, which is more aware of the civilization heritage of Anatolia and Turkey, can introduce her contributions to today and future of Europe in more self-reliance. Turkish history has been an enormous contribution to cultural heritage of Europe.In the roots of this contribution, Lykian Union, which presents directly an example of success to today’s European unity project, should be better recognized.
Kader Sevinç Brussels