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streamline kaitlin ertel

trend polished neoprene

a l l - d ay a t h l e t i c s

functional structure

trend polished neoprene

The Verge: Quiksilver in Japan has created the “True Wetsuit”, an actual suit comprised of jersey neoprene. Fit for the waves or the office, the suit goes for $2500. Neoprene is being used more on the runway and sold in retail stores as a textile for more ready-towear and formal garments.

a l l - d ay a t h l e t i c s

Glamour: Athletic wear is the reason that Americans spent $1 billion more dollars on apparel and shoes than the year before. Designers’ new active lines and longtime partnerships with sportswear companies show that the athletic trend in lifestyle and fashion is here to stay.

functional structure

Fast Company: A shoe concept created by two design students at the Pratt Institute has the potential to save millions of lives. The shoe’s origami shape gives way to inexpensive production and shipping costs. More efficient costing allows the shoes to be more attainable to developing countries where parasitic disease from bare feet is common.

ta r g e t p e r s o n a rosaluna

who she is

25 year old woman who works in an architecture firm

w h at s h e d o e s

leads an urban, active lifestyle, and shows it through elements in her bold, yet classic wardrobe

how she cares

constantly trying to make a difference in her city - is much more willing to spend her hardearned money if the product has a bigger purpose

why she buys

finds interest in structural angles inspired by modern architecture likes to invest in one-of-a-kind, quality pieces that will last

product opportunity

line of neoprene bags inspired by structural shapes

formal shapes created with a traditionally sporty material gives way to an interesting balanced style

unique closure inspired by the opening and closing of origami

2mm neoprene to ensure the bag isn’t too bulky

earthy colors still fit the Mica style while the material brings a new edge

patterning could allow there to be no hardware or closure by being completely folded together

textile is very durable and easy to wash

final product

n e o c lu tc h neoprene: 34 acrylic (both sheets: 23.60 glue: 1.98 magnets (6): 2.76 chains: 9.41 laser cutting: neoprene: 15.71 acrylic: 11.63 team membership: 20 cost to make one bag: 33.03 retail price: 76 mica makes: 30.40 my profit: 12.57

proceeds LANE 8 Lane 8 is an organization that helps support low-income swimmers in Cincinnati..

Lane 8’s name “signifies the underdog, the late seed who qualifies for the very last lane but still fights the odds by competing.”

Their goal is to sponsor 5 inner-city pools and 15 swimmers at each pool by providing swimming gear such as goggles, caps, and swimsuits which can be very pricey. Money shouldn’t be the reason that these kids aren’t able to participate.

Since neoprene is made for the water and swimming is big in Cincinnati as well as in my life, the bags will be sold to support Lane 8.

- Portion of proceeds go to Lane 8 - Every bag sold pays for a spot on the team

thank you

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