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BODY HYDRATING DURING WORKOUTS All about sugars and electrolites Have you trained for long time? So you are aware of what dehydration means at next kilometer of running: a weakened body, no concentration, irritability, feeling dizzy. Are you just starting you adventure of triathlon? Learn how to prepare for and protect yourself against complications.

During a workout, the body loses water - mainly by sweating, but also by breathing. Fluid replacement during exercise ensures the maintenance of proper mineral concentration and water level. Studies show that during and after workouts athletes cover the demand for fluid in only 80 percent what negatively affects the condition of the body, their performance and realistic assessment of training abilities.

WATER THERE AND HERE Hydration is the key, not only for professional players, but also for amateur athletes. Fluid intake should be equal to its daily losses. We loose about 2,5 liters of fluid a day through the skin, sweating, along with the breath and urine. However, the recommendations on drinking of fluids strongly suggests a smaller amount - about 1,5 liters of mineral water a day. The rest we assimilate from food. Extremely rich in water are vegetables, fruits and milk shakes. Soups are also recommended in a balanced diet and very healthy.

WHAT AND HOW TO DRINK DURING TRAINING TO AVOID DEHYDRATION? The problem of dehydration is common among people practicing sport activities. It could seems that this is simply out of lack of knowledge. Good hydration requires only drinking before, during and after your workout. This may be water or an isotonic drink – you just need to have a bottle and drink. The key to good hydration is to prevent moment when you feel thirsty. We should ensure to nourish the body well, so it does not have to remind about it by itself, because then it is too late... Because hydration is not only about drinking water, but above all of its H3O PRO absorption and assimilation by body what takes carbohydrate-electrolyte more time. drink lemon flavoured Dehydration about 2 percent of body weight can to help hydrate the body threaten a decrease in athletic performance by up before, during and after to 20 percent and certainly it will require a decent exercise. It also improves rehydration before the next workout. water absorption during

HOW TO DRINK? You should start to hydrate your body about two hours before workout; you should drink slowly, sipping 400-600 ml of water or isotonic drink. When training lasts no longer than an hour with low intensity drinking mineral water is enough. In case of longer exercise it is required to supplement sugars and electrolytes. You should hydrate your body gradually, sipping fluid every 15-20 minutes, which gives a volume of 150-250 ml. In total, you should drink about 0.5 l of fluid per hour.

endurance workout and contributes to maintain performance during long-term training. It provides vitamins C and E, which protect cells from oxidative stress. 137 calories per one serving. Does not contain artificial sweeteners, flavours or preservatives.

Fluids which you drink compensate for any deficiencies arising during the exercise, but you need to additionally ensure water supply for the next hours, thus you should drink the proper amount of fluid after exercise, too. It prevents body from weakening after good workout. Hydration is particularly important in cases of warm weather, heat, high humidity, diarrhea, vomiting. Then you need to hydrate your body even more, paying attention to your individual needs.

WHAT TO DRINK? Of course, the foundation is water, but athletes need sport drink for their training activities. First of all, it facilitates absorption of water and – what’s very important - provides tired muscles free of calories drink for athletes, containing with sugars to improve performance and protect against electrolytes and increasing fatigue, thereby helping recover after exercise. Most sport consumption of fluids. It drinks contain glucose, quickly assimilated by the muscles, will cover 100 percent of and maltodextrin, very popular in this type of beverages, daily demand for vitamin C which is complex sugar, but has a high glycemic index and to help reduce fatigue and is quickly absorbed. Maltodextrin is perfectly suitable tiredness. It provides vitamins B (B1, B2, B12 and pantothenic for use during training, since it doesn’t taste sweet, so acid), calcium and magnesium; all does not make you thirsty nor cause gastrointestinal these elements contribute to proper problems that often affect athletes. Isotonic drinks energy yielding metabolism. It does contain water soluble vitamins and minerals not contain artificial colours essential in the process of cellular respiration: Na+, or flavours. K+, Ca+, Mg++.


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