7 minute read
Children and Youth
Halloween Appies Ages: 10–15
Learn how to add a dash of spook to your Halloween appetizers with our Red Seal chef! Some supplies required.
Sahali Kamloops Secondary
Thu Oct 20 6:00–8:00 pm 1/$35
Card Making Ages: 9–12
Learn the techniques behind making beautiful, handmade cards with simple, step-by-step instructions. All supplies provided to make a number of cards.
Heritage House Halloween Theme
Sat Oct 15 1:30–3:00 pm 1/$30
Parkview Activity Centre Winter/Christmas Theme
Sat Nov 26 1:30–3:00 pm 1/$30
Social connection improves physical health and mental and emotional well-being. Lack of social connection causes more damage to health than obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure. Strong social connection leads to a 50% increased chance of longevity, strengthens your immune system, helps you recover from disease faster, and may even lengthen your life.
(2014 Connectedness and Health: The Science of Social Connection)
Connect with your community. Find a program on pages 56-62.
Acro Dance Ages: 6–10
A mix of dance and gymnastics, this class is a fun way to build strength and increase body awareness. The class naturally progresses through skills at the student’s pace, achieving up to level 4 in acrobatics. Techniques such as stretching, strengthening, limbering, balancing, and tumbling will be covered.
Kamloops Performance Company
Wed Sep 21–Dec 14 3:45–4:30 pm 12/$123.50
Hip Hop Ages: 6–8
This is a fun and exciting program for your little one to learn selfexpression, movement improvisation, and structured dance steps and tricks.
Akimbo Dance Studios
Sun Sep 18–Nov 13 10:00–10:45 am 8/$108
Mixed Dance Styles Ages: 6–7
In this energetic class your child will learn movement of various dance styles (hip hop, jazz, TikTok, basic acrobatics) through educational dance games developed by dance and education professionals. Each child will learn moves specific to each genre, practise rhythm and coordination, and put together choreography.
Parkview Activity Centre
Tue Oct 11–Nov 29 3:30–4:15 pm 8/$80 Tue Oct 11–Nov 29 4:25–5:10 pm 8/$80
Musical Theatre Ages: 6–10
Musical theatre will explore singing, dancing, and acting. Your little one will learn how to follow a song with basic movement while singing and adding facial expressions gestures.
Kamloops Performance Company
Thu Sep 22–Dec 15 4:45–5:30 pm 13/$123.50
Art Blast Ages: 7–13
Ignite your creativity and explore shape, colour, abstract, impression, and portrait in this program. In this fun environment, you will learn techniques to help you get more out of your artwork. Materials included.
Kamloops Performance Company
Sat Oct 15–Dec 3 1:00–2:00 pm 8/$92
KMA Sketch Club Ages: 8–14
Learn the basic techniques of sketching with a local artist. A different gallery will be the focus each week, inspired by the KMA collection. All supplies provided.
Kamloops Museum and Archives
Wed Oct 19–Dec 7 3:15–4:15 pm 8/$125
NatureKids BC offers free monthly outdoor adventures for families with kids aged 5–12. Learn about nearby nature with other families and participate in activities like bird watching, pond dipping, arts and crafts, tree planting, and more! To learn more, visit NatureKidsBC.ca. CHILDREN & YOUTH

Educational Workshops
Nature Crafts Ages: 7+
Do you love spending time in nature? Do you enjoy crafting? Why not combine the two? In this workshop, we will collect leaves, twigs, rocks, etc. and show you how to make nature crafts that help support our local ecosystems, including seed bombs, bug hotels, and leaf confetti. All supplies will be provided. The program is in partnership with the Kamloops Naturalist Club.
Heritage House
Sat Oct 1 10:00–12:00 pm 1/$25
Voice Ages: 7–12
Learn the basics of melody, rhythm, and vocal dynamics in a fun environment with other singers.
Kamloops Performance Company
Tue Sep 20–Dec 13 6:30–7:00 pm 13/$123.50

SPORT Multi-Sport
Laser Biathlon Ages: 10+
This program will introduce you to the sport of biathlon. This program will feature drills, games, and relays that combine target shooting with a variety of athletic activities, including running and cross-training. The infrared Ecoaims rifle used in this program does not fire a projectile and is the biathlon target system used by competitors in the Paralympics.
West Highlands Community Centre
Mon Sep 12–Oct 24 4:30–6:00 pm 6/$60
Learn to Play
This program is designed for children to learn to move their bodies and socialize with others. They will have an opportunity to learn a variety of sports, games, and physical activities that support their physical literacy development.
Hal Rogers
Ages: 5–7
Sun Sep 18–Oct 16 10:30–11:15 am 4/$40
Ages: 8–10
Sun Sep 18–Oct 16 11:30 am–12:15 pm 4/$40
Sportball IV Ages: 5–8
In this program, children are introduced to eight different sports through play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum around key motor, social, and sport milestones. This program is in partnership with Sportball Kamloops.
TCC - Championship Court
Sun Oct 16–Dec 11 1:00–1:45 pm 8/$95
Westmount Elementary
Wed Sep 28–Nov 16 6:00–6:45 pm 8/$95
Sportball V Ages: 9–12
In this program, children are introduced to eight different sport through play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum around key motor, social and sport milestones. This program is in partnership with Sportball Kamloops.
TCC - Championship Court
Sun Oct 16–Dec 11 2:00–2:45 pm 8/$95
Westmount Elementary
Wed Sep 28–Nov 16 7:00–7:45 pm 8/$95
Research from the Université de Montréal found that children with low or no participation in organized sport between the ages of 6 and 10 showed higher emotional distress, anxiety, shyness, and social withdrawal at age 12 than those who participated regularly.
(Sport Information Resource Centre, 2019)

Submit your best digital photos to the City of Kamloops for a chance to be featured!
Residents of all skill levels and ages are invited to submit their digital photos for a chance to be featured in the 2023 City Calendar. We encourage submissions that highlight our City's diverse population, urban landmarks, breathtaking environment, and variety of leisure activities.
Individuals with submissions selected for inclusion in the 2023 City Calendar, or selected as a cover for the: • Winter 2023 Activity Guide, • Spring/Summer 2023 Activity Guide; • Fall 2023 Activity Guide; or • 2022 Annual Report will receive public recognition on our website and social media channels and will be awarded a one-month Family Pass to the Tournament Capital Centre.

Submission Deadline:
September 29, 2022, at 4:30 pm.

Viewsome of British Columbia’s most iconic wildlifeincluding bears, cougars, raccoons, elk, birds of prey,a badger,and more, at the BC WildlifePark, whereweconnect people to BC’swildlife and wild spaces. Offering in person, or virtual educational programs, privateanimal encounters,guided tours, birthdayparties, andmore! Upgrade to an annual pass forgreat savings! •Run wild at our imaginativeplayground •Hop aboardthe WildlifeExpress Miniaturetrain •Learn moreabout wildlife at our animal encounters and feed talks ui
Contactus: 250.573.3242 Located15mca inutes east of Kamloops -9077 Dallas Drive (exit 390 &391 on theTrans Canada Highway) To learn moreabout the BCWP and our conservation projects,visit bcwildlife.org

We are here for you!
The City of Kamloops understands the importance of non-profit and volunteer organizations in helping to develop and deliver valuable services to Kamloops residents. Grants are one source of funding, and the City offers several grant opportunities for groups to take advantage of. Together, we are Making Kamloops Shine!
Tournament Capital Grants
Amateur sport organizations and individuals are eligible for event grants up to $1,500 within the City of Kamloops.
BC Summer Games Sport Development Fund
BC Summer Games Sport Development Grants are available to local coaches, officials, and sport organizations interested in furthering their knowledge in their respective areas.
Winter Games Legacy Fund
Winter Games Legacy Fund Grants cover circumstances where a person or group advances beyond local competition or is recruited to a provincial or nationally ranked team. The maximum amount allocated, provided funds are available, will be $150 for individuals and $300 for groups.