Some quick response to Faroz

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1. Renewables are not only wind and Solar – we have wave geothermal Biomass all available in Sri Lanka 2. So your problem statement needs to be changed. 3. We are going in for initially imported LNG and latter our own LNG from Mannar! 4. This will assist together with the available hydro to take up any fluctuations that could come from the distributed Renewable power from all parts of the island which will include floating Solar PV in all water bodies covering up to 40% of the surface area. 5. With properly tilted at latitude Solar PV will produce on average 5kWh/kW installed which also called sunhours – Your assumption of 4 needs to be increased 6. We can have more than 1000MW of wind that could get connected to the grid very soon with extensions in Mannar and Poonerian 7. We have much more than 1000 water bodies already listed in our Facebook which are very close to the 220 and 132kV transmission lines. All of them can be covered up to 40% of the surface area. 8. Biomass also can provide base load 9. Sri Lanka Energy policy already approved says 30% Coal 30% LNG and rest renewable 10. President wants 80% by renewables by 2050. 11. Without any battery storage we can mange with LNG if it arrives and convert some of the existing plants. 12. Battery prices also have moved down fast and solar+ PV, Levelised cost is lower than cost of future Coal Plants LCOE. - Please check recent Indian prices. 13.

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