HelpAge India 5 Reasons Helpageindia.Org Is a Unique NGO If we talk about the old age homes then HelpAge India is one such initiative among the initiatives of NGO India that helps in the problems faced by the senior citizens and provides them shelter. HelpAge India has been an organization that has provided home to 100 million senior citizens. In the present era, people have forgotten their root values and they find no time for the senior citizens in their family and thus the senior citizens feel neglected and ignored and many a times depressed. Helpage India has thus provided these senior citizens a helping hand and has become the best in their field. The reasons that can be considered for their uniqueness are-
1. Established in 1978, Helpage India has been constantly involved in the betterment of the senior citizens who have no family to look upon them. They had stepped in and brought some astonishing elder welfare programs for the past 39 years that offer friendly policies for them. They have thus become unique service providers and have rendered their best. 2. They are dedicated towards the improvement of the state of India’s senior citizens and have spread their wings all over the country to extend their support to the senior citizens. It works in 23 states which is a huge statistic and this figure tells that how efficiently they are doing their task. 3. HelpAge India is moving towards the development services in rural and urban areas. In rural areas, they have taken the first ever initiative of the formation of Elder Help Self Groups that has restored the independence among the poor elder community. In urban areas, it has again taken a unique and remarkable initiative of Advantage Group under its Advantage Card Program which allows the urban elder citizens with benefits and discounts and has helped them to stay active. These steps are the first ever steps taken by an NGO that are unique to the world. Toll Free No Elder Help Line 1800-180-1253
HelpAge India C-14, Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi - 110016