HelpAge India
Elder Abuse- Less a Myth, More a Reality For many of us, old age brings wisdom and calmness, liberty from the responsibility of taking care of a family and the opportunity to allow ourselves the luxury of some well-deserved rest, relaxation as well as 'me' time. However, there are some elders who have to face challenges like deteriorating health, memory loss, monetary hardships and even abuse. We deal with the issue Elder Abuse here with NGO India.
Elder Abuse is undoubtedly an offence Sadly, aged people are vulnerable to abuse – particularly in societies where poverty, corruption as well as unemployment create destitution and frustration. Cases where aged people are assaulted or even murdered for their pension are not uncommon. Senior citizens who rely on others for basic care might be mistreated or not given food and medicine, as well. Elder Abuse can occur in households, at the hands of spouses, children and also grandchildren. It can range from using vulgar language or screaming at the victim to hitting, kicking or pushing them, or stealing their things. Toll Free No Elder Help Line 1800-180-1253
HelpAge India C-14, Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi - 110016