HelpAge India
How Is India Caring For The Elderly Today Caring for the elderly is it in India or any other country is something that is to be done with the utmost concern and adherence. As people grow older, all they need is support in terms of health issues, finance and in some cases shelter as well. Even if they are blessed physically and financially, life is never the same as it was before. Living gets tougher with old age.
The government of any country plays an important role in the betterment of the lives of elderly. Over the past few years, the Indian government has taken many steps that have made the lives of the senior citizens much easier. Apart from the reserved seats in buses and metros, there are many other benefits that have been issued by the government with the aim of bestowing independence among the elderly and about which not many people know. Given below are some of the lesser known schemes for elderly in India Reverse Mortgage- Under this scheme by the National Housing Bank, any senior citizen in need who has a house of his/her own, can mortgage the property and a receive a monthly Toll Free No Elder Help Line 1800-180-1253
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