HelpAge India
Making World A Better Place - Social Work Organizations Poor, downtrodden and oppressed are the common terms that one comes across more than often in third world countries of the world. Though many of the developing countries have surpassed the economic growth expectations and want to come out of this tag, but the truth pertaining to the ordeal that people below poverty line go everyday cannot be ignored. This is the reason why philanthropists try to do their bit by taking time off and dedicating themselves to a good cause. It is us, the people, who can help each other and bring a change in the world by making life better and easier for those who need love, cooperation and above all, financial support.
So, here are some of the causes that social work organizations support and achieve their aim of making a small difference in the lives of the oppressed.
Food for the homeless: Poverty and hunger go hand in hand. There are still around 2-3% of world population that has not eaten two times a day. Organizing food distributing campaigns or adopting a slum area to meet the food needs are some of the most prominent works done by the non profit organizations. Education for all: Though the governments have the programs like ‘Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan’ where a large number of children are getting educated, still a major portion of the beneficiaries remain left out. Organizations focused on social work see free education as another important cause to deal with and they take care of the education needs of the children covered under their territory of influence. They Toll Free No Elder Help Line 1800-180-1253
HelpAge India C-14, Qutab Institutional Area New Delhi - 110016