HelpAge India The Irony- It’s an Old Age Home that Offers Care to the Elderly Rather than their Own Families It takes just a glance at a dining table arrangement in a present-day household to gauge that the figure of the male head of the family has shifted from the traditional oldest to the bread winner. This is not because the elder has become old and feeble; on the contrary, with advanced health care, life expectancy is rising and elders live longer. In keeping with Indian tradition, elders expect to be given the respect they deserve and when denied this simple due, our seniors experience isolation and neglect.
The shifting of the senior from the head of the table to the sidelines of the house and family conversations could be due to the fact that with retirement, the senior’s income gets depleted or stops entirely. This renders him unable to contribute to the running of the household. One should stop and wonder if these elders after earing all their lives now deserve such a fate. Such a situation may get worse as soon, India will be home to the 2ND largest number of aged people in the world. Millions of citizens of more than the age of 60, a majority of who live without getting retirement income; those who do, often have their pension taken away by some clever family members. Sadly, though the elderly Toll Free No Elder Help Line 1800-180-1253
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