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Redefined brief

Redefined brief

Ergonomics and anthropometry

Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between people, their physical environment and the equipment that they use. In the institutional spaces, tables and chairs (different types of seating) are the most commonly used furniture and hence, should be comfortable and ergonomic. The furniture should be designed accordingly.


Ergonomics for furniture

The chair should provide good lumbar support to maintain a natural curvature of the back and a good working posture. Ergonomists are unanimous on the need to provide back support at the lumbar hollow in order to minimize the tendency to slump in posture. High backrests are acceptable, provided the lumbar area protrudes clearly beyond the rest of the surface. Otherwise, contact higher up the back occurs first and prevents significant pressure being applied in the lumbar area.

The sole of the foot should be flat on the ground while seating on a chair. Forearms should be at an angle of 90 degrees from the table top, this automatically hold the back straight. There should be sufficient room under the desk for the legs to move and stretch freely. Obstructions can restrict the ability of the user to sit closer to the edge of the desk.

There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.

-John Adams

Learning spaces

Space, whether physical or virtual, have asignificant impact on learning. Spaces like hotels, offices are changing from being formal and to more casual/relaxed and homely. Learning spaces needs a transformation in a similar manner. The aesthetics of learning spaces impact brain function and influence how students feel when they're in school. The physical surroundings of a students acts as a third teacher.

The idea of uncomfortable and non appealing furniture to be used in the classrooms for the students to make them more attentive is becoming archaic. Collaborative work environments and the incorporation of technology are changing the design of learning spaces. Instead of the traditional classroom layouts and furniture, more oraganic and collaborative arrangements and furniture are promoted nowadays, the change be seen mostly in international institutes. The spaces and the furniture are being designed in a way that it creates an atmosphere of teamwork. The inclination is towards making spaces more comfortable and homely, aesthetically pleasing, the simple notion is that classrooms can be a space students feel at home. Comfortable and visually appealing spaces and furniture acts as an enthusiastic promoter for the students.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is the idea of teaching and learning through group work and discussions. It involves working and ideating together to solve a problem or to create or redesign something. Collaborative learning can be among just two students or within a smaller or larger group. It can take variety of forms. Working together increases learning outcomes. Students can at times teach and explain eathother in ways teachers might not be able to. Through collaborative learning the students are not only learning and gaining more knowledge but it also teaches and incorporates the qualities of communication skills, teamwork and relationship management which helps them further in their lives. It aslo guides them to work with different kind of people and function well in the process. It is a very efficient way for students to learn. Basic skills of collaboration are similar to that of communication skills and are best absorbed by younger childrenwho can build on the skills as they grow. The skills are to be able to simply join in, listening to what other have to say and encouraging others to speak up, being able to express your opinion, following directions, asking for help. It also teaches students how to give and recieve a compliment and constructive criticism and discussing a disagreement until they can come to an agreement.

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is a developed and modified type of collaborative learning. It is also a type of learning which requires students to work in a group and it promotes team work. It often happens that while working in a group of students only few of the members do the entire work whereas the rest of the members are sitting idle and they are rewarded on the success of the entire group. In this situation it cannot be said that all of the students are learning. In order to avoid the above mentioned situation cooperative learning is used where each member of the group is assigned a particular task and after finishing it he/she is required to share and teach the information he/ she has learned with the rest of the group. Here the students are not only rewarded bases on the success of the entire group but are also individually accountable for their own work. Collaborative learning is teaches students how to socialise, handle conflicts and cooperate with other. Five elements that define cooperative learningFace to face interaction Positive interdependence Individual accountability Collaborative skills Group processing

03 Design Development

Redefined brief ......................94 Concept development ......................95 Initial explorations ......................96 Collection 1 ....................104 Collection 2 ....................130

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