Classic | rustic | fresh Restaurant with a unique approach to cuisine, which combines simple cuisine of our grandmothers and imagination of one of the world‘s chefs.
Moderný a útulný interiér reštaurácie Modern and cozy interior of the restaurant
When you step into Liviano the building of Technopol, Kutlíkova 17, you will find yourself in the middle of harmony, of which you will not want to leave. Restaurant Liviano celebrates this year its fourth birthday. During four years as one of the few restaurants in Slovakia they introduced the concept of cooking only with fresh, seasonal ingredients, based on Chef personality and open for every type of cuisine. Tuscan cuisine at the beginning of Liviano was replaced by a modern Slovak gastronomy, under the auspices of until now the only Czech-Slovak-winning Michelin star - Pavel Pospíšil. He and his pupil, the current
chef restaurants Liviano, Michal Šebela, brought to Slovakia the top an original, but not inaccessible gastronomy. (TEXT) Andrea Piterková (PHOTO) Liviano
Jedlá priťahujú nielen kvalitnými a čerstvými surovinami, ale aj vkusnou úpravou Jedlá priťahujú nielen kvalitnými a čerstvými surovinami, ale aj vkusnou úpravou
jar | spring 2011