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List z AVISu A letter from AVIS

Stimulujúca konkurencieschopnosť v globálnom biznise Pascal Bazin Pascal Bazin (narodený 9/1/57) bol menovaný za generálneho riaditeľa 1. januára 2008, po dva a pol rok so skupinou ako prezident Avis France, kde sa postaral o úspešný obrat a stal sa s Avis France leadrom trhu. Do Avis Európe prišiel v roku 2005 z Redcats, tretej najväčšej skupiny pre domáci nákup vo svete, kde bol generálnym riaditeľom Redcats špecializovaných značkových divízií a viceprezident stratégie a rozvoja skupiny. Jeho predchádzajúce pôsobenie zahŕňa pozíciu generálneho riaditeľa viacerých medzinárodných divízií skupiny kozmetických výrobkov Yves Rocher. Jeho kariéra sa začala v roku 1980 vo firme manažérskeho poradenstva Peat Marwick Mitchell, po tom, čo absolvovan École Polytechnique v Paríži. (Born 9/1/57) was appointed Chief Executive on 1st January 2008, following two and a half years with the Group as President of Avis France where he led a successful turnaround and repositioned Avis France as the market leader. He joined Avis Europe in 2005 from Redcats, the third largest home shopping Group worldwide, where he was CEO of the Redcats specialized brands division and Senior Vice President of Group Strategy/Development. His previous appointments include Chief Executive Officer of a number of international divisions of the cosmetic group, Yves Rocher. He began his career in 1980 with management consulting firm Peat Marwick Mitchell, after graduating from Polytechnique school in Paris.


Správanie spotrebiteľov sa neustále mení, firmy sa ocitajú v boji za zachovanie pozícií na trhu. Pascal Bazin, generálny riaditeľ Avis Europe, sa zameriava na globálne výzvy, ktorým čelia podniky, a praktické kroky, ktoré môžu odlíšiť značky v stále viac konkurenčnom prostredí. BIdentifikácia značky a jej vymedzenie je kľúčové, pre novo vznikajúce podniky, ako aj pre už zavedené. V podstate, potrebujete niečo jedinečné, čo umožní zákazníkom nielen uvažovať o vás v prvom rade, ale potom tiež využiť vaše služby. Ak zabezpečíte sústavnú inováciu, udržíte si pozornosť zákazníkov aj svoje postavenie na trhu. Ako prík-

lad sme vyvinuli zaručené vydanie kľúča za 3 minúty pre našich zákazníkov Avis Preferred a táto ponuka je stále bezkonkurenčná. Firmy tiež musia odhaliť, čo ich skutočný étos a potom nájsť spôsob, ako to oznámiť potenciálnym alebo súčasným zákazníkom. Avis je lídrom na trhu desiatky rokov a je synonymom vynikajúcich služieb za konkuren-

Driving competitiveness in global business With consumer behaviour constantly shifting, businesses find themselves in a struggle to remain the provider of choice in their market. Pascal Bazin, Chief Executive at Avis Europe looks at the challenges facing global businesses, and the practical steps they can take to differentiate their brand in an increasingly competitive industry. Brand recognition and differentiation is key, both to emerging businesses and those already established. In essence, you need something unique that will make customers not only consider you in the first instance, but then also go on to give you their business. Ensuring you are constantly innovating will keep customers engaged, and maintain your foothold in the market. As an example, we developed a 3-minute key-delivery guarantee for our Avis Preferred customers and this offer remains unmatched in the industry today. Companies also need to uncover what their true ethos is, and then find away to communicate this to potential or existing customers. Avis has been a market leader for decades, and is synonymous with outstanding service at a competitive price. Much of Avis’ distinction is credited to the ‘We try harder’ campaign developed in the 1960s.

Today ‘We Try Harder’ is embedded in all we do and we recognise how the huge number of ‘We Try Harder’ actions set us apart from our competitors – if we are here, today or tomorrow it is because thousands of people are doing their best everyday to serve millions of customers. A key current focus is the development of new mobility solutions for our markets as we anticipate changing consumer behaviours and needs. We intend to make innovative offerings and provide an attractive and affordable alternative to owning a car, catering for immediate access both in terms of location and time of day. Market specificity is also a primary concern to international brands, as different countries and even regions will have varying requirements. Tailoring your service and product to meet these individual concerns will help maintain market prominence, and

jar | spring 2011

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