AVIS Car rental In the services portfolio of company AVIS plays an important role a rental of personal and commercial vehicles. AVIS is capable to satisfy any demanding customer requirements, as demonstrated by fleet size, number of offered cars categories, professional approach to customer as well as the availability and quality of service. We offer Skoda Fabia for rent already from 18 EUR / day including VAT. AVIS Van Rental advantages t The largest and youngest fleet of 300 vehicles for rent in Slovakia with an average age of 6 months. t Branches in Slovakia: Bratislava, Galanta, Košice, Partizánske, Poprad. t Widest range of 14 categories of offered brands (Opel, Peugeot, Renault, Škoda, Audi, BMW). t You can rent vehicles and return it to wherever it is most convenient for you. t One-way rentals in Slovakia and also abroad. We try to be as close as possible - Avis opened in March this year the new
agency representations throughout Slovakia. We are looking for strategic places to be as close as possible to our existing and new customers who had not chance to use our services yet. This idea was created in collaboration with Skoda, because in our portfolio is the largest number of vehicles of this brand. But it is not a coincidence. Skoda vehicles are the most popular vehicles on the Slovak market and we buy cars for our clients who are always at the first place. AVIS Van Rental Part of the fleet consists of commercial vehicles brand Peugeot Boxer and Renault Master, which we provide for a short-term or long term rent with unlimited km, which are unrivaled benefit. AVIS Van Rental advantages t saves investments and increases company productivity,
t removes burdening administrative, t time flexibility (unrivaled quick formalities processing), t in case of need provision of replacement vehicle, t rent for 3 hours already from 39 EUR including VAT. Avis is the market leader and also due to this fact we aim to listen to customers and meet their requirements. We established a group Avis on Facebook Avis in April 2010. Because competition is an important part of our business, we have created a project to compare competition in Slovakia. We have selected 10 competitors in this project. It is thanks to Facebook that we have found an independent person, so called mystery shopper, using which we have consistently compared the competitive car rentals for two months. This project helped us in improving ourselves. Thus we were able to satisfy even more customers. And we will continue to strive to improve ourselves and stick to our slogan: „We try harder“ (We spend more effort).
AVIS SÚŤAŽ | AVIS CONTEST Sme radi, že Slovensko sa usporiadaním majstrovstiev sveta v ľadovom hokeji zaradilo do rodiny usporiadateľov, no sme ešte radšej, že už po desaťročia slovenskí hráči dvíhajú zo sedadiel fanúšikov na celom svete. A to nás inšpirovalo na súťažnú otázku: Ktorý slovenský hokejista sa ako prvý dostal co československej reprezentácie?
We are pleased that Slovakia is organizing the Ice Hockey World Championship and entered into the family of organizers, but we are happier that for decades Slovak players are picking up fans around the world from the seats. And it inspired us to a question for our contest: Which Slovak hockey player first came as the Czechoslovak national team?
Napíšte nám odpoveď do 30. júna 2011 na adresu vydavateľstva Kapos, s.r.o., Vajnorská 98 C, 831 04 Bratislava
Send us your answers up to June 30, 2011 on the address to the Publisher Kapos, Vajnorská 98 C, 831 04 Bratislava
Správne odpovede zaradíme do žrebovania o knihu 80 rokov slovenského hokeja a vyžrebujeme 3 výhercov.
From the correct answers we will draw by lot the book 80 years of Slovak hockey for three winners
jar | spring 2011