Kappa Alpha Journal - Fall 2020

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FA L L 2020

An Open Letter

Interview with


Marlon Gibson

from the

KAs recovered

of an

leads on Race

Knight Commander

from COVID-19


and Grace in KA

pg. 2

pg. 30

pg. 10

pg. 68

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FRONT STORY Marlon Gibson (pictured presenting at an Officer Training Conference) is the Order’s first Director of Community Engagement. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and a seasoned higher education professional, currently completing his doctorate at the University of Georgia. Previously he was the Director of Greek Life at Emory University. He is married to Dr. Sheree Williams Gibson and they have a son, Adam Patrick. Read about our Values in Action program on page 68.

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Dear Brothers


The Spark


Gentlemens Gear


Moral Compass


Modern Gentlemen


Athletic Department


Our Order


Chapter Eternal


Loyal Legacy




Voluntary Remarks


Sir, You are a KA


Jesse S. Lyons ASS I STA N T E DI TOR


Brent E. Buswell

14 The Wood Family Legacy

Tria Designs, Inc.

175 years ago, James Ward Wood was born. 155 years ago, he founded Kappa Alpha Order. 57 years ago, his father was initiated. 17 years ago, his grandson was initiated, and he remains a living legacy to our founding. These are the stories of the ultimate KA legacy.

30 “Be Careful, Not Fearful.”



Tullis Beasley Adolph Casal Marlon Gibson Becky Moore Rick Moore Melissa Wilson

Stories of recovering from COVID-19, one harrowing, many hopeful, all unique— an interview with KAs from New York, Reno, and Washington, D.C. F A L L 2 0 2 0 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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DEAR BROTHERS Knight Commander's Message Dear brothers: On June 3, during the unrest and violence following the death of George Floyd and other appalling incidents, we sent the following statement to our members and posted publicly on social media: Kappa Alpha Order stands with all members. Any act of racism is abhorrent and betrays everything for which Kappa Alpha Order stands. Frustration, anger, and grief weigh heavily on our nation, but our faith will help us find a way forward. Our values of reverence, gentility, knowledge, leadership, brotherhood, and excellence teach us that as KAs we must strive to be better, to make our communities better, and to be part of the solution. CORRECTING THE RECORD

C. Douglas Simmons III

Kappa Alpha Order acknowledges and has deep sympathy for the racial inequality and injustice found in society. We are keenly aware of all sides of our history. We’ve researched it, worked to progress from certain aspects of it while holding on to the most important components, and we have learned from it. However, concerning our history, there are several falsehoods, half-truths, and half sentences that have been lifted and used as fact—in articles and opinion pieces that are simply false. This issue of The Journal sets the record straight.

(Beta Tau–


Mississippi State ‘95)

Kappa Alpha Order and most other fraternal organizations were formed after the Civil War, and minorities and certain religions were prohibited from membership. In 1937, Kappa Alpha voted affirmatively to remove a religion restriction and in 1972 we voted to remove all other restrictions, save singlesex restrictions which define our purpose as a men’s organization. This was significant, however ¾ of our chapters had already asked for and received an exemption to the restrictions. Our undergraduate men have proven themselves mature leaders in their willingness to address these issues and engage in these conversations. The practice of having costume parties called “Old South Balls” were unheard of when the Order was founded in 1865. These events did not become widely popular until the 1950’s, 85 years after our founding. Even then KA reviewed the policies regarding these events and decreed that restraint and dignity was required. Confederate flags were expressly prohibited in 2001; uniforms and parades in 2010; and, use of Old South terminology in social events in 2016. To be clear and contrary an ongoing narrative, there is not any extant connection to the Confederacy—and there never was one in the minds of the founders. It is also true that Kappa Alpha has come to be a diverse community with members of all races, religious beliefs, and ethnicities; throughout its history KA has been a philanthropic institution helping people of all backgrounds. Kappa Alpha has also had many distinguished members who were instrumental in social change, expansion of knowledge, and patriotic accomplishments. The insurmountable George C. Marshall established a post-World War II system of alliances in Europe which has allowed the world to maintain a system of peace for the past seventy-five years.

“We can and have learned from our past and will continue to fulfill our mission to provide an experience for young men centered on our core value of excellence which directs us to be better tomorrow than we are today.”


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The Kappa Alpha Journal (ISSN #0888-8868, USPS #014-747) is an educational journal published four times a year by Kappa Alpha Order, 115 Liberty Hall Rd., Lexington, Virginia. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Kappa Alpha Journal has been published since 1879. From 1883 to 1885 it was known as The Magazine of Kappa Alpha. Kappa Alpha Order was founded in 1865 at Washington College (Washington and Lee University) in Lexington, Virginia. Today, Kappa Alpha boasts 120 undergraduate chapters and more than 50 alumni chapters across the nation.


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FALL 2020


HOW TO CONTACT: Editor, The Kappa Alpha Journal

P.O. Box 1865 Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 463-1865 jlyons@ka-order.org TO CHANGE AN ADDRESS: Fill out the Alumnus Update on the website or send both your new and old address to Kristy Reed at the above mailing address or to kreed@ka-order.org. MEMBER:

Copyright © 2020 Kappa Alpha Order KAPPA ALPHA ® is a registered trademark of Kappa Alpha Order. Postmaster: Send address changes to Kappa Alpha Order, P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, Virginia 24450


The Order’s leadership and members continually examine our past in the context of our present and future. KA’s relationship with Lee is constrained by history to his time as president of Washington College. During those five years, he provided a source of leadership and an example of gentlemanly conduct that inspired all of his students, KA’s founders among them. Many historians claim that no one did more to unify the country after the war than Lee. KA does not deify Lee. Like any of us, Lee was flawed, he made mistakes, and errors in judgment. This is an increasingly important lesson for developing tomorrow’s leaders. I am committed to maintaining Robert E. Lee as our Spiritual Founder. Likewise, I am also committed to providing education, combatting racism, and providing a values-based experience for our members. These things are not mutually exclusive. THE RECENT PAST AND PRESENT— WHAT ARE WE DOING

Kappa Alpha Order has been a leader in examining the past and present. Many current efforts being undertaken in other organizations and in higher education have already been completed or are ongoing within KA. A blue-ribbon task force comprised of alumni from several professional backgrounds, including higher education, was given the charge to review current traditions, chapter house décor, and other items. They consulted chapters, higher education administrators, and other members. Based on the goal of being welcoming and inclusive to all members and guests in our image and reputation, they provided recommendations to the Order’s leadership in 2018. The leadership continues to review and implement these recommendations. Our leadership education programs provide opportunities for continuing education on public relations, branding, communications, social media, and understanding our relationship with Lee, and how KA on campus today has evolved from the several generations that came before. KA actively enforces its non-discrimination policy. Our chapters and the national organization aggressively sanction any racist or other inappropriate behavior. While I cannot claim there is no racism among KAs, I can confirm with absolute certainty that the leadership of KA at all levels is committed to doing our part in advancing positive change within our communities.


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Last summer, KA retained the services of Marlon Gibson to assist in developing a best-in-class educational program centered on KA values, diversity and inclusion, and the Order’s relationship with Lee. KA ultimately hired Marlon fulltime as its first Director of Community Engagement. Marlon led the implementation of the program entitled “Values in Action” at the Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI) in January, with all but one chapter president participating. He further presented the program at each of five Officer Training Conferences across the nation to more than 1,800 undergraduate members, including all officers from each chapter. This summer, Marlon developed a supplemental program presented over three sessions by webinar to all chapter presidents. He has also been providing chapter-wide and individual consulting to chapters and alumni leaders. Other national fraternities and sororities have asked to work with Marlon to pattern some of their own education after our efforts, and KA has been praised by higher education administrators for our leadership in this area. One administrator stated that KA was ahead of all national fraternities and sororities in providing this education and the opportunity for authentic engagement and discussion. The leadership and I continue to focus on education and engagement surrounding racial inequality and have enhanced the focus on Lee in the context of KA’s history. No one can re-write history, and KA cannot change the past. We can and have learned from our past and will continue to fulfill our mission to provide an experience for young men centered on our core value of excellence which directs us to be better tomorrow than we are today. I close this open letter with, “our future belongs to you.” I am proud to be a KA, and that is because of the best of our past, our efforts at present, and what the future holds. Fraternally,


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Rekindle your interest in the Order


FA L L 2019

Plus: Kennels that Save Dogs' Lives Pg. 30 Brotherhood in the Bayou Pg. 38 Voluntary Remarks with Parice Bowser Pg. 62

While in recovery from a toxic life, a gruesome accident leads to amputation and depression. Rising from rock-bottom, a world-class Paralympic athlete is reborn, his life now “better than before.” Pg. 16

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11/1/19 9:21 AM

W I N T E R 2020

“Rejoice, O young man in thy youth!” The exceptional and extraordinary experiences for boys becoming young men at Falling Creek Camp— and the KAs behind it all.


Voluntary Remarks:


Knee Surgeon


The Five Marks

for Freedom of

James R. Andrews, M.D.


Annual Report

of a Man


pg. 6

pg. 44

pg. 82

pg. 10

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Uriah Steffen the subject for the Fall 2019 cover story, recently placed second in the 2019 USA Male Para Triathlon Ambulatory Division National Rankings according to USA Triathlon, and he received All American Honors.

COVID Cancels Camp The Winter 2019 cover story, regarding Falling Creek Camp and the KAs involved, received high praise and engagement from our readers. It is disappointing to report that while Yates and Marissa Pharr gathered information and waited for guidance from trusted resources, they made the difficult decision to cancel all camp sessions through July. Despite multiple possible program variations, there were unable to find an option that we could confidently stand behind. From Yates and Marissa, “Camp is the best part of our year. Everyone on our year-round team is eager for the first campfire to start the season and to reunite with friends that have become family. We are used to a challenge … We have always found a way. We didn’t want to give up. The team has been thinking and praying about how to deal with this challenge and the restraints put on the culture and expectations of Falling Creek. This is the most challenging decision we have ever had to make. Despite the sadness and difficulty, we know it is the right one for us.” August father/son weekends are still being planned for, and several generous rearrangement options have been provided to 2020 campers planning for 2021. 4

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Cowtown Brewing Co., featured in the Winter 2019 issue, was named by Forbes in their “15 Great Texas Breweries,” listing. From the article, “Texans are big on barbecue, so beer lovers in the Lone Star State need a one-stop shop for smoked meats and spot-on brews. Cowtown fits the bill for both, pairing select cuts of brisket, ribs, sausage and more with a mix of light lagers, German classics and modern IPAs.” W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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The Journal asked members of the Loyal Order, “What is one thing you are most looking forward to post quarantine, related to Kappa Alpha or not?” We received hundreds of responses with popular responses including taking spouse out for dinner, travel, sporting events, and visiting loved ones. Here are a few standouts. KA and the Outer Banks

“There is a KA get together, mostly Gamma Rho from East Carolina, that gets together out on Ocracoke Island every summer. This will be the 38th or 39th year. I just got an email from Chuck Coggins that this year is a GO for KA on the outer banks of my home state of North Carolina. It made my day.”  J. Ben Whiteside (Gamma Rho–East Carolina ’77)

Back on the Diamond

“Getting back on the baseball field to coach/cheer on my sons as well as my daughter in softball!”  Kenny Wright (Beta Zeta–Florida ’96)

“I am looking forward to watching a ballgame with my son again.”  Kyle Eaton (Gamma Gamma– Memphis ’00), at right.

PhD, Wedding & Reception

“I have two things I’m truly looking forward to that were derailed by the coronavirus. I’m preparing to finish my dissertation and earn my PhD as well as planning my wedding to the love of my life.”  William B. Mitchner (Delta Nu–Murray State ’06)

“The one thing I am most looking forward to post quarantine is being able to have my wedding reception. I got married to on March 21st, and our plans had to be altered the week of, due to Covid 19. Natalie (KA Rose) and I were still able to have a small ceremony which turned out great but we were not able to have the reception that we had planned and dreamed about. We are fortunate that our venue and reception

vendors are all amazing and have worked with us to reschedule a celebration for later this year.”  Drew Shuler (Delta Epsilon–Newberry ’07)


“I’m looking forward to tailgating with my KA brothers before a UNC Charlotte football game this Fall!”


“I look forward to a big hug from my 20-monthold granddaughter Winnie. I have missed her so. I still get to see her some but at a distance.”  Bob Hagan (Delta Rho– Valdosta State ’74)

First Time Father

“I’m most excited about holding our baby girl, Lily Anne Doyal, due July 5th and becoming a father!”  Eric J. Doyal (Epsilon Delta–Texas A&M ’03)

Chapter Re-Chartering

“I’m most excited to attend my initiate chapter’s rechartering that had to be postponed due to the pandemic. The young men

 Richard Hudson (Epsilon Xi–North Carolina-Charlotte ’90)

“During the two months we have been ‘quarantined’ in the Florida panhandle there have seemed to be an almost endless stream of projects. I am looking forward to the end of projects and the beginning of football season.”  Steve Rowe (Alpha Alpha–Univ. of the South ’72)


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THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order

that have put an incredible amount of effort and hard work into re-establishing KA at Middle Tennessee deserve the opportunity to be celebrated by a strong and supportive group of alumni.”  Devin McClendon (Delta Lambda–Middle Tennessee State’94)

International Travel

“The most thing I am looking forward to post quarantine is to get back to traveling. Last year I was fortunate enough to visit England, France, Aruba, and China. This fall I look forward to visiting Morocco!”

forward to driving outside to visit the bank pharmacy, or grocery store while following standard guidelines for distancing, masks. Etc. We will get through it together.”  Charles H. Duckett, MD (Tau–Wake Forest ’51)

Anniversary River Cruise Celebration

“Rescheduling a longplanned river cruise down the Danube from Budapest to Vienna and Passau with Beta Zeta brothers Ned Hancock and Paul Bowdoin to celebrate Paul’s 40th wedding anniversary.”  Marty Fiorentino (Beta Zeta–Florida ’78)


 Jeremy D. McClendon (Zeta Iota–Indiana State ’01), above right

“Playing Ultimate Frisbee again with my buddies (and their kids) at Emory.”

St. Thomas Celebration

 Andrew West (Epsilon–Emory ’90)

“In October, my wife Jan and I have a trip to St. Thomas planned with eight other KA couples. Four of the Brothers turn 60 in the Fall, and we are going to celebrate in style. We have a house and chef for the week as well as a few excursions. We have our fingers crossed we do not have to change anything.”  Scott M. Hughes (Delta Iota–TexasArlington ’81)

Locked In

“We are doing well in our retirement community, having been ‘locked in’ from outside travel since midMarch. We are fortunate thus far that no Covid cases have occurred here, and that we can walk and enjoy ourselves. However, we look


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“I look forward to returning to regular Sunday services at my church. That is the thing I miss the most during the quarantine.”  Mike Williams (Delta Psi– Appalachian State ’76)

I Got You Babe

Senior Competitive Running

“I’m mostly looking forward to getting back to running my half marathon races. I have raced in 45 states and have five more to achieve my Fifty States award. Pretty good for an 82 y/o who just started competitive running at age 72?”  John A. “Jack” Hildreth (Beta Epsilon– Delaware ’56)


“Getting to play golf with my grandson who is a new K.A. who just finished his first year at LSU.”  Jake Netterville (Alpha Gamma– Louisiana State ’57)

“I am looking forward to being able to play golf with my friends again.”  Emory Thompson (Gamma Chi– Texas Tech ’75)

Visiting Former Knight Commander

“I would say visiting with Former Knight Commander Jack Taylor and his lovely wife Ann, who

have moved near me and my brother Dink, here in Raleigh. Dink and I saw them before Christmas at their new home in Cary and had a great visit. He was Knight Commander when I was National Undergraduate Chairman in 1983-1984, and our well-worn paths have crossed ever since.”  Scott Warren (Upsilon– North Carolina ’81)

Snow Cones and Ice Cream!

“Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, my wife and I were in the process of starting a small business named Tin Roof Treats, LLC selling snow cones and ice cream. While starting our business was delayed, we plan to have our Grand Opening on Memorial Day. One of our goals is to use proceeds from this business to support philanthropic opportunities in our community.”  E. Preston Pritchett III (Nu–Auburn ’10), below

“I am looking forward to knowing what day of the week each day actually is. I feel like Bill Murray felt in the movie Groundhog Day.”  Tom Jones (Zeta– Randolph-Macon ’67)

“Going out to dinner and a movie with my beautiful wife.”  Jim Boeckman (Alpha Eta–Westminster ’80)


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We asked KA undergraduates in the spring, “How often are you interacting with your fellow brothers, in one form or another?”

We are proud to bring you a new online video series called Journal Talks. They are meant to be a little bit of a deep dive with some of the features of The Journal, other extraordinary actives and alumni, and friends of the Order. These interview style videos will give you a chance to get to know some of the people out there in KA and that are supporting the Greek movement across the Country. Look for these videos on KA’s social media or Vimeo.com/KappaAlphaOrder.

 Multiple times a day (31.23%)

 A few times a week (16.06%)

 Constantly (25.81%)

 Weekly (5.60%)

 Daily (21.30%)

Social April 9, 2020 Facebook/KappaAlphaOrder

ERRORS & OMISSIONS In the last issue, the KAOEF Annual Report should have noted, R. Scott Heath (Delta– Wofford ’77) as a member of the 1865 Trust planned giving society. We thank Scott for his leadership on the KAOEF Board of Trustees and for leaving a legacy gift through the 1865 Trust.

Additionally, on page 80 of the previous issue, Dr. Charles Duckett (Tau–Wake Forest ’51) was listed as receiving a memorial donation from Dr. James R. Jackson (Tau–Wake Forest ’50). However, Dr. Duckett is alive and well, and himself made the memorial donation to the KAOEF in Dr. Jackson’s memory instead.

3,200 Views Golf Champions and Legends

While The Masters will not take place this weekend, we have compiled a video of some of KA’s golf champions and legends.


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The Journal regrets these errors, and appreciates the opportunity to correct them.


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Rekindle your interest in the Order


The Undergraduate Experience in the Age of COVID

July 28–August 1, 2021

79th Convention & Brotherhood Weekend

In order to get a better sense of the undergraduate experience of the Spring 2020 semester, we surveyed our brothers. Here are their responses.

Brotherhood Activities/Meals (27.64%) In-Person Interaction (26.73%) Social Events (20.18%) Living in the Fraternity House (11.09%) Sorority Mixers/Date Functions (6.55%) University Athletic Events (3.45%) Studying with Brothers (1.45%) Other University Events (1.27%) Intramurals (0.91%) Spring Break (0.55%) Philanthropy/Service Events (0.18%)


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Social Media (68.54%)

FaceTime/Skype/Zoom/GoToMeeting/ Google Hangouts/etc (64.92%)

Video Games (44.12%)

 More difficult (65.22%)  About the same (17.57%  Less difficult (17.21%)

Phone Calls (41.23%)

 Less than in-person ( 77.44%)  Same as in-person (17.87%)  More than in-person (4.69%)

Virtual Chapter Meeting (23.87%)

How difficult was learning virtually versus in-person? Virtual Game Nights (Jackbox.tv) (4.88%)

How much do you feel you learned during this virtual semester?

How are you maintaining brotherhood during COVID-19?

Netflix Party (1.08%)

          

Group Chats (86.26%)

What are you most excited about upon returning to campus?

Text Message (75.05%)

Location: Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona


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WHY I BUST STRESS — WITH SELF CONFIDENCE Dr. Adolph Casal has been a staff psychiatrist for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta for more than twenty-two years, twentyone of which he spent as the Medical Director of the ConsultationLiaison Psychiatry department. During that time, he designed the program, hired, on boarded and supervised the team of child and adolescent psychiatrists and nurse practitioners, all to address the anxiety and stress of Children’s special patients. He is a six-year member of the KAOEF’s Crimson & Gold Society. He has developed more than twenty “stress busters” for his colleagues during the coronavirus crisis. This is one he shared with The Journal. SELF-CONFIDENCE IS A BELIEF

that one has enough skill and energy to accomplish a task or face a challenge. It is not certitude or omnipotence.

Self-confidence can be strengthened by past success. But self-confidence isn’t only achieved, it is also believed. Benefits of self-confidence include less time spent obsessing about future tasks, lower anxiety, greater willingness to try new things, and a greater willingness to share our experience and knowledge with others. The disadvantages of excessive self-doubt include worry, isolation, fear


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of trying new tasks, and frustration. The mindset of selfconfidence is realistic thinking. We acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses. We set reasonable limits on the number and complexity of the tasks we accept. And we eagerly yet peacefully address our mistakes as learning opportunities.

“Pitfalls in developing and maintaining selfconfidence include recurrent selfcriticism, giving up on tasks because of perfectionistic ideas, and holding on too tightly to the idea that our results reflect our identity as a person.”

The philosophy of selfconfidence is sufficiency. We accept that we have enough knowledge, training, and experience to do the task adequately, not perfectly. At the same time, we ourselves are already enough. Completion of a task adequately does not reflect on who we are as a person. We do the best we can, and let go of attachment to or identification with the result. The technique of selfconfidence includes selfreflection and action. We dispassionately review our strengths and weaknesses so that we can rationally determine the degree of complexity that we wish to address in our tasks. Then we take action with trial and error. Self-confidence is more so a matter of perseverance than getting things right the first time. Pitfalls in developing and maintaining self-confidence include recurrent selfcriticism, giving up on tasks because of perfectionistic ideas, and holding on too tightly to the idea that our results reflect our identity as a person. Some results are simply out of our control. In summary, self-confidence is a belief that we are enough and that our skills are sufficient. We address life challenges with greater peace, creativity and joy. And that can make life a lot more fun. — L. Adolph Casal, MD (Epsilon–Emory ’84)


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THE SPARK Rekindle your interest in the Order


Evolution of an Organization KA has and continues to address image and reputation—from the undergraduate level to the role of Knight Commander. The Order chooses to celebrate the best of its history, while letting go of the rest. Here are three prime examples of past actions taken.



Addressing Movement to Prohibit Confederate Battle Flag (Prohibited that Year by Convention)

Prohibition of Confederate Uniforms

If we are going to live true to our ideals of gentility and chivalry, and use Lee as a prime example, then we must subscribe to his “Definition of a Gentleman” and forbear our power and privilege to use a symbol that is offensive and confusing to others. We are all obligated to live by a lofty code of honor, virtue, self-denial, courtesy and a careful regard for the feelings of others. How can we live true to Lee’s example by displaying embattled symbols? In order for Kappa Alpha to more closely embrace Robert E. Lee and his legacy, we must distance ourselves from the “Embattled Emblem” which has embattled the image of KA far too long. The Confederate battle flag is an emblem. Those who use it can no longer control the messages sent out by its use and how they will be perceived. Regardless of how much our members have used the battle flag in the past, the fact remains that KA has never had any official/formal association with the Confederacy or the Confederate battle flag. Is it now time to finally put to rest a losing battle that isn’t ours?

We aim to produce and recruit gentlemen who will bring honor to themselves and the Order. These gentlemen-brothers will continue to learn the history and accurate development of our organization. Across the country, our brothers young and old, will continue to celebrate their experiences. Their successes in the chapter and then in their future will only see a marked increase as they climb the mountain of life postgraduation. We will still relive countless individual memories and produce new ones this fall with our newest initiates. From chapter to chapter, our ritual will continue to uncompromisingly bind our generations of brotherhood.

— Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan

FROM 2016 NUMBER I’S LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Support for Executive Council’s Prohibition of Old South Terminology RESOLUTION OF THE UNDERGRADUATE CONFERENCE

Whereas we as Undergraduate Conference comprised of Number Is uphold the values and customs of Kappa Alpha Order, and, recognize the Order as the moral compass for the modern gentleman, and understands that all members should have a careful regard for the feelings of others, and; Whereas Number Is are the most important group of leaders of the Order and must be engaged in supporting the laws and policies of the Order, then; Be it so resolved that: The Number Is and Active Members assembled as the Undergraduate Conference at the Number I’s Leadership Institute in Sophia, North Carolina, on January 8, 2016, do hereby express support for the amended regulation both in letter and spirit.

— Editors Darron E. Franta and Matthew V. Bonner 10

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GENTLEMENS GEAR Qualit y items f rom our licensed par tners

These items and many more can be purchased through a licensed vendor or at KAonlinestore.com!


2. K A Apron

Win the barbecue competition in style in this full-length apron. 65/35 poly/cotton for easy care. Screen printed K A letters with two pockets. 22" x 30" 20.98 | K AonlineStore.com


Official Garden Flag Be proud of your membership in Kappa Alpha Order with this 12" x 18" garden f lag. Sleeve at top to fit most f lag holders. $39.98 | K AonlineStore.com


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3 3. Stainless Steel Money Clip Make an upscale statement with this attractive and functional money clip. The dual tone stainless steel silver and Laser engraved with K A letters. 2.25" x 1" $14.98 | K AonlineStore.com


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5. Croakies

Add a layer of security to your valuable eyewear while on the lake or at the game. High quality neoprene. Screen printed. Adjustable, fits most frames. Colorfast and washable. Made in the USA. $8.98 | K Aonlinestore.com

3. Camo Sport Cooler This rugged outdoor style cooler features a Velcro opening for easy access. 24 -can capacity. Embroidered K A letters. Adjustable shoulder strap. 10.75" x 10.75" x 8" $47.98 | K AonlineStore.com

6. Folding Captains Chair Perfect for the lake, sporting events, or any other outdoor activity. Designed for comfort with a full length back for support and features cup holders in both armrests. Comes with carry bag with drawstring. Weight capacity: 250lbs $40.98 | K AonlineStore.com



4. Cardinal Sweatshirt Blanket This extra soft, cotton/polyester sweatshirt blanket is perfect for picnics or camping. Screen printed. Dimensions: 50" x 60" $29.98 | K AonlineStore.com


7. K A Flag in State T-shirt Show off your K A and state pride with this 100% preshrunk cotton t-shirt! Also comes in yellow and long sleeve. $18.98 | K AonlineStore.com


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MANY YEARS AGO An explanation and visual examination of our origins IN TIMES OF SOCIETAL TURMOIL, organizations should look inward. We should ask the questions: what was our founding and what are our real origins? In planning and researching the content for this feature, I turned to our comprehensive history project that spanned five years from 2013 to 2018, led by Dr. Martin Clagett. Dr. Clagett is an accomplished historian and researcher who previously published “Scientific Jefferson” for the University of Virginia. He completed exhaustive research in the KA Archives and beyond to tell the true history of KA’s founding and development. In the end we published two books: Excelsior: The Story of Kappa Alpha Order, and The Compendium History of Kappa Alpha Order. Excelsior is the story and Compendium is reference and record. James Ward Wood is essential and central to the origin of Kappa Alpha Order. This year marks the 175th anniversary of his birth. When thinking about getting to the core of the beginning of our history, Wood’s legacy made the most sense. It doesn’t hurt that we have access to or ownership of nearly all things related to James Ward Wood. And, it doesn’t hurt that Wood’s son was an initiate and that his grandson is also an initiate—and living link to our chief founder. KA, like most American institutions and organizations, is working through a pandemic, grappling with history, and examining its role in combatting racial injustice and inequality. Accusations have been made about our Order which require correction. In historical research, primary sources are most authoritative and earliest recollections are most reliable—nothing is more primary and earlier than Wood himself. The following excerpts are from the original questions and answers that were taken in an 1918 personal interview. It can also be seen, noted in brackets, places where the interviewer attempted to put spin for a narrative. The original text can be found in (“Origin of Kappa Alpha: Questionaire submitted to James Ward Wood by Leroy Boyd,” July 3, 1918 (Lexington: Kappa Alpha Archives)). The answers that Wood gave are direct and primary evidence in regard to 1) any relationship to the founding of KA and the Ku Klux Klan, 2) the name of Kappa Alpha and from what source it was 14

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By Jesse S. Lyons

derived, 3) the date of the founding of the fraternity and any significance attached to it, and 4) if the founding of the fraternity was to perpetuate the ‘Old South’. LEROY BOYD (QUESTION 6): Was there any relation in 1865-66 between the Ku <Klux> Klan and KA? JAMES WARD WOOD: No. BOYD (QUESTION 8): Before the Civil War, in fact as early as 1812, there was an order in colleges of the South known as Kuklos Adelphon, also called Kappa Alpha or KA. Had you ever heard of that in the Fall of 1865? WOOD: No, except the knowledge that it had died & we took its name. [Boyd’s note: “He (Wood) called KA ‘Kuklos Adelphon’ any time he mentioned it. He did not once use either KA or Kappa Alpha.”] BOYD (QUESTION 18): Why was the name KA taken? WOOD: I saw a fraternity in a college paper. Just remember what name it was, that stated that the Kuklos Adelphon Fraternity was dead and I thought it was a good name to take & [William] Scott & others agreed & we took it, thought as it was dead [the old fraternity] it would be all right. BOYD (QUESTION 23): Can you give an approximate date when the order first used the name Kappa Alpha? WOOD: Early -66. It was Kuklos Adelphon but we called it KA or Kappa Alpha for short. BOYD (QUESTION 42): Did KA as organized by you owe anything to the ancient Kuklos Adelphon of the South? WOOD: In name only as far as I can recollect. W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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BOYD (QUESTION 61): Was KA established by you as a distinctively Southern order, to perpetuate in a way the principle and sentiments of the Southern people? WOOD: No.

KA was born out of an idea from a young man returning from war attending College where Lee was president. He was interested in secret societies, but was rejected upon application from one fraternity. Around Christmas (December 21), as students would not travel home for short breaks, he toasted his friends. As a jab at the rejecting fraternity, he created a similar name (Phi Kappa Chi). He changed the name when he saw a better one (or had been asked to do so—April 1866). He was likely given or found the ritual of another smaller defunct fraternity (Epsilon Alpha) to begin using. From there, other leaders took over and developed our present ritual and improved operations as society advanced, and that story is chronicled in Compendium. We have since evolved, following the arc of American history, and that is the story in Excelsior. Today, we are A Moral Compass for the Modern Gentleman, and our values are Reverence, Gentility, Knowledge, Leadership, Brotherhood, and Excellence; all of these were present and espoused in early minutes, documents, items, and actions by our Chief Founder. More than 170,000 men have come after Wood, some notorious, most noteworthy, and many have left their mark on our 155-year-old Order. On the following pages you’ll enjoy seeing and reading about artifacts and items surrounding James Ward Wood and his family’s legacy to KA. These items visually tell the story of our origin and early development of what we now know as Kappa Alpha Order.


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artifacts James Ward Woods’ life took many twists and turns, and was marked with several events throughout. From being born and raised on a historic property, to founding the Order, to being elected to the state legislature, he was an accomplished and interesting brother. We’re proud to share his life in a variety of images, items, and writings.

1845: WOOD FAMILY PHOTO James Ward Wood was born on December 26, 1845. Angus Wood, James Ward Wood’s father, is holding Wood as a baby on the steps of Woodlawn.

WOODLAWN The property, called Woodlawn, was originally granted by Lord Thomas Fairfax and surveyed by George Washington. The Wood family still has the original parchment document signed and sealed by Lord Fairfax. Woodlawn was the home that James Ward Wood lived in and left from to go to Washington College. His son, Jonathan, lived and farmed there. His grandson, Bill Wood, lives there today. Lost River, Hardy County, West Virginia (formerly Virginia). Photo in 2018


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 Circa 1864: COUNTRY STORE

 Circa 1864: COLT 44 1860 MODEL PISTOL The story goes, that near the end of the Civil War, Wood was home on furlough and took out to visit a girlfriend. Owing to the dangers found on mountain roads at that time, he loaded and stuck a pistol in his boot. Upon mounting his horse, the firearm discharged accidentally and wounded his foot. Photo taken 2020. On display at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill

During his convalescence, Wood fell into a conversation with an older man who Wood remembered as being a member of the Masonic Lodge. One account has the man being a “Van Arsdale” from the country store. Another, from his son, Jonathan, is that the man’s name was “Alfred Brenard.” Whichever, his new acquaintance intrigued Wood with his stories of the sacred rites, rituals, and mysteries of this society and secret societies in general. Fascinated, Wood said that these stories inspired him with, “a desire to be a member of a fraternity.” Thus, the seed was planted.” Lost River, Hardy County, West Virginia

1865: THOUGHTS ON LEXINGTON Early upon arriving in Lexington, Wood took to writing an essay describing the sights, sounds, and scenes he was newly encountering every day. The last line: “We have the Franklin, Washington and Graham Literary Societies and more badges bearing greek characters than I care to enumerate. Respectfully, J. Ward Wood.” Kappa Alpha Archives, National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill in Lexington, Virginia

 Circa 1860s: WASHINGTON COLLEGE ENGRAVING This is the only other extant image of Washington College during this timeframe where you can likewise make out the image of the south dorm and the far-left door to Walsh’s room. This sketch/ engraving was found on the reverse side of a carte de visite (CdV) of Robert E. Lee. It was donated to the KAOEF by Howard Pickett, former Regent of Sigma Nu, and former NIC Chairman. On display at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill.


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ď‚ 1857: EPSILON ALPHA INITIATION DIPLOMA It is believed that someone, accounts list a professor by the name of Harry Estill, gave Wood a copy of a defunct fraternity ritual, perhaps that of Epsilon Alpha. The Order has two copies of an initiation shingle, or as they called it, diploma. The cipher has not been fully broken, but the chapter issuing this one, is believed to be Alpha Chapter, which would have been at the University of Virginia. On display at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill. 18

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1866: ORIGINAL BADGE In Spring of 1866, after the organization had adopted the Kappa Alpha name, Wood was charged as a committee of one to design a badge. We are to understand that William Archibald Walsh assisted with financing the creation of the first six badges. This one is not Wood’s, it has been stolen or misplaced. The owner of this badge was Thomas McCorkle and it was returned to the Order through a donation from a relative of McCorkle to VMI, who presented it to Executive Director Wiese, in 1996. On display at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill in Lexington, Virginia

1865–1866: POCKET WATCH Owned, worn, or used by James Ward Wood while at Washington College, perhaps at the founding of the Order. These are part of a collection donated to Kappa Alpha Order by Bill and Edna Wood. On display at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill.

1866: ORIGINAL ESSAY Wood delivered this original essay on November 30, 1866 in front of Alpha Chapter. The essay discusses the challenges they’ve faced, the encounters they’ve had with other fraternities or someone betting they would fail. He describes the original badge design which he created, and, introduces to the fraternity the idea of being like the Knights Templar. Kappa Alpha Archives.


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1866: SUNNYSIDE HOUSE Wood rented a room in Sunnyside, a boarding house on the edge of town. Ammen, Will Scott, and Wood held conferences there to discuss the possibilities for a new ritual. Lexington, Virginia.

 1865–1866: CUFF LINKS, SHAVING RAZOR Items owned, worn, or used by James Ward Wood while at Washington College, perhaps at the founding of the Order. These are part of a collection donated to Kappa Alpha Order by Bill and Edna Wood. On display at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill.


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1865–1866: PHI KAPPA CHI SEAL IMPRESSION This impression of the Phi Kappa Chi seal, which was purported to be in the Order’s Archives but was believed to be lost in the early 1900s, is found in Samuel Zenas Ammen’s, “Diary of K.C.’s Office, 1891–1897,” p.194. Quoted in Ammen’s handwriting on that page: “This is important” — “The above is from the ΦΚΧ seal Wood gave me in 1866.” This is the earliest extant representation of what would become Kappa Alpha Order.


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1866: ALPHA CHAPTER ORIGINAL MINUTE BOOK These are the earliest records of Alpha Chapter meetings. The minutes are signed by James Ward Wood, as Recording Secretary, and William Nelson Scott, as President. The first is on October 10, 1866, in room number six of the “Main” building. Other meetings were in rooms of the “Main” building, a location known as Cat-Tail, the Lexington Hotel, and more. Discussion topics included electing and initiating new members, appointing proxy officers, who should design the badge, giving essays and orations, and when and where to hold the first celebration. Terms such as Council, Society, Lodge, and Fraternity were interchangeable. There are no extant minutes prior to these. Kappa Alpha Archives, National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill in Lexington, Virginia

 1930: WOOD COURT OF HONOR ESTABLISHED THE WOOD COURT OF HONOR JEWEL The James Ward Wood Province was a mere eight years old when it made history by establishing for itself a Court of Honor to honor alumni. On October 14 and 15, these delegates held a Province Council at the Alpha Nu Chapter house (George Washington University) where the "first" court was adopted by resolution. The first inductees were recognized in the ensuing months. Courts of Honor are unique in the fraternity world. Each inductee is given a certificate and a jewel. This one is for the Wood Court, with crimson enamel, gold outline, and a old gold cord.


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1866: WOOD ACCOUNTING LEDGER Wood kept meticulous accounting ledgers and diaries. He had to, in order to apply for funds from his father, periodically. Here you see his record of the expense of $1.00 to the KA Fraternity for his initiation fee. The only diary in his collection of this time that is missing is from 1865–1866 … maybe its still at Woodlawn—or maybe he was too busy and having too much fun with new fraternity to keep a diary.

 1915: ALUMNI DIRECTORY This directory, edited by W.B. Crawford, Grand Historian, was owned by Wood. These are part of a collection donated to Kappa Alpha Order by Bill and Edna Wood. On display at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill.


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 1936: TABLET COMMEMORATING FOUNDING In Chavis, formerly Robinson, Hall at Washington and Lee University. We now know that the toast to the “two Williams” by Wood was the event used as the founding date of December 21, 1865, and that the association of friends, the group known as Phi Kappa Chi, and eventually Kappa Alpha, was likely nurtured to good health in Wood’s room. If you read the tablet, the verbiage deftly does not commit the date to the location.


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The Wood family legacy continued in 1963 to the son of our Chief Founder. In the spring of 1983, then Editor of The Journal, Benjamin T. Bailey, arrived in Lost River, West Virginia, to meet and interview the son of James Ward Wood— Jonathan Ward Wood. Staff and others have since also visited Woodlawn, in Hardy County, to meet with the Wood family, but remember, in 1983, the National Administrative Office was not in Lexington, Virginia, 105 miles away. At that time, the office was in Atlanta, George, approximately 600 miles and eight and a half hours away. This was a monumental trip. The following is edited from the original Journal story.

A Legacy Begins By Benjy Bailey (Alpha Upsilon–Mississippi ’81) (Summer 1983) A typical West Virginia morning. The sun was eagerly jabbing the pine trees, as it forced its way out from behind the other side of the mountain. The shiny green pastures, glistening with dew, were wrinkled with sheep and an occasional house or barn. It was quiet, except for the few trucks speeding down the highway which pierced its way through the tiny hamlet of Lost River. This tranquility was reason enough for anyone to withstand 40-degree mornings in May, or to be so moved from the conveniences of the city, or to remain in one place for 86 years. As I drove down the road on this chilly morning, I sensed the fervor of this contained West Virginia environment and its people. As I pulled into the yard of the two-story, white, woodframed home (pictured on page 16), the sun began to illuminate the surroundings and open up the sky. Johnathan Ward Wood was standing on the porch of the house waving really big and smiling from ear to ear. He excitedly walked down the path to my parked car to greet me and to invite me inside. We couldn’t stay there long because we anticipated the short trip to Lexington, Virginia, where his father studied under Robert E. Lee and founded the Kappa Alpha Order. The house was warm and fi lled with artifacts depicted the history of the region and the James Ward Wood family. The house, called Woodlawn, stood on land originally granted by Lord Thomas Fairfax and surveyed by George Washington. They still had the original parchment document signed and sealed by


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“He didn’t get to go to Washington College, Washington and Lee it later was, but one year,” he said. “I don’t know whether grandfather didn’t have money or didn’t think that education was that vital to him.”


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Lord Fairfax. [Editor’s note: Woodlawn would have been in Virginia until West Virginia became a state, in 1863.] On our left he pointed to a smaller house adjacent to Woodlawn. “That was my daddy’s office,” he said. James Ward Wood was very versatile in the occupations offered through his office and farm. He was a lawyer, justice of the peace, legislator, veterinarian and farmer. He accomplished many things after spending one year at Washington and Lee University and founding K A. “He didn’t get to go to Washington College, Washington and Lee it later was, but one year,” Johnathan said. “I don’t know whether grandfather didn’t have money or didn’t think that education was that vital to him.” But, that one year and that’s when Kappa Alpha got its start, thank goodness for that year, he said. He went to school to study math under Robert E. Lee, he said. My grandfather used to send money over to my father at Washington and Lee and my father would write back and tell him how he spent every bit of that money. “And, he came back and did a lot of things,” Johnathan said. After his tenure at Washington and Lee, James Ward Wood returned to Woodlawn to help his elderly father farm. “The way he got to be a lawyer, and that’s what it was more than a justice of the peace, you could read law under the judge of the court,” Johnathan said. “If you did that three years and the judge passed you, you were a lawyer.” James Ward Wood also administered to neighbors’ animals. He learned some of his veterinary skills during the War. James Ward Wood was justice of the peace for several years. Often, he would hold trials at Woodlawn. He was [elected to] the West Virginia legislature around 1905. And, he was a Royal Arch [Mason]. “The funniest thing, when the War was getting well along, there was a man here, Alfred Brenard; he’s buried up there on the hill,” Johnathan said. “He had some the rudiments of masonry and

he must have told father [James Ward] about it. And, I think that my father was impressed with it. If masonry is so wonderful, wonder if we can’t work something out and that was where he got his idea to push Kappa Alpha. I think that’s very defi nitely is it.” James Ward Wood eventually became Clerk of the Station at the Ivanhoe Presbyterian Church in Lost River. When he came back from Washington and Lee, he joined the Episcopal Church in Moorefield, West Virginia. He later received his letter for transfer from the Episcopal Church to the Presbyterian Church. Jonathan Ward Wood became Clerk of the Station at the Ivanhoe church in 1925 and has served continuously since then. His brother had served a brief period in that position after his father had relinquished it. Like his father, Jonathan Ward Wood was a farmer and held some government positions. He also left school to manage the farm at Woodlawn. Jonathon Ward Wood attended West Virginia Prepatory School in Keyser. Because of a bout with measles in May, he was unable to complete a full year of school. When he returned to school the following year, his father was ill and getting worse and his mother was crippled with arthritis. So, he dropped out of school. During the Depression years, Johnathan supervised Civilian Conservation Corps camps building roads through mountainous West Virginia. He also appraised land for the federal land bank in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. He became the head of the Hardy County Production and Marketing Administration (P.M.A.) (later renamed the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee) because of his background in agriculture production. Because of his organizational skills, he was appointed to the state P.M.A. committee. And, eventually he was elected chairman of that committee. During the World War II years, he was charged with the state war board and rationing produce and staples.


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When Johnathan retired from the P.M.A. committee, he went back to Woodlawn to farm. Now, his son farms the land and he lives in the house with his sister, Margaret, who was a missionary overseas for most of her life. Jonathon Ward Wood is also a Mason. “I rode horseback to Moorefield to get my three degrees,” he said. In 1963, Alpha Rho chapter at West Virginia University extended a bid for membership to Jonathon Ward Wood. “I was made a K A without being a college man,” he said. “But, they leaned over backwards to do it. There’s no doubt about it in my mind.” Had there not been a person like Ralph Bean, who has been a solid Mason and a K A all along, I don’t think it ever would have been done, he said. So, they worked it out with John Nowell, Bi1l Forester, Tom Tune, and the Number I of Alpha Rho chapter. The trip to Lexington was short. As my car pull into the campus of Washington and Lee, his eyes twinkled and he began to get excited, like when I met him earlier that morning. He scuttled around the historic buildings with much agility for an 86-year-old man. You could sense his pride in showing us the room in Robinson Hall in which his father founded K A, and Lee Chapel, where he had fond memories of taking his wife, who died in 1972, and the administration building. “If I’ve done anything with you, I’ve tried to impress on you that I’m proud to be a K A,” he said. Jonathon Ward Wood was an amicable host. On our return to Lost River we again toured Woodlawn and the James Ward Wood room, fi lled with pictures and artifacts delineating family and K A history. This heritage and sense of place was the climate which the


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Kappa Alpha Order was born and has since prospered for 120 years. James Ward Wood and Jonathon Ward Wood, Christian men and duty-bound public servants, are exemplary of the type of men that are Kappa Alpha’s. And, it is significant that traditions of K A can be passed from one generation the next. As I left Woodlawn the sun had hidden itself behind the mountain, the sheep were huddled together, and the air was much cooler. But, I had a warm feeling that I was able to share with my Kappa Alpha brother and what I determine the ultimate K A legacy, Jonathon Ward Wood.

James Ward Wood and Jonathon Ward Wood, Christian men and dutybound public servants, are exemplary of the type of men that are Kappa Alpha’s. And, it is significant that traditions of KA can be passed from one generation the next.


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A continuation of the Wood Legacy — an interview with William A. “Bill” Wood By Jesse S. Lyons Tell us about your family.

I married my wife, Edna, in 1952. Sadly, she passed away in 2018. Our daughters are Robin are Tracy. Our granddaughter, Amelia has two children, Morgan and Jeb—he’s my KA hopeful! Edna and I never missed a Convention until 2017—a highlight for the delegates and us would be singing her “Happy Birthday” on or around July 30. That was always around a Convention. Where do you live?

I like to start my letters to KA with, “Fraternal greetings from Lost River, West Virginia!” Today, I live in the same homestead, known as Woodlawn, where James Ward Wood lived and left from in the summer of 1865 to attend Washington College—just a few short months before his “toast” on December 21, that started the fraternity.

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Your grandfather and your father became KAs in two different ways. What have you heard about those experiences?

Grandfather of course founded KA when he toasted the “two Williams,” in Walsh’s dormitory room at Washington College. Students didn’t always go home for Christmas break. A short journey today would be harrowing back then. As I understand it, KA came about in a series of events. Grandfather was interested in fraternities and secret societies before he came to college. He was maybe rejected from joining another group because he asked to join—that was a Masonic procedure. Those fraternities “recruited” you. He and some friends got together and began laying the groundwork. First they named their organization Phi Kappa Chi—but were supposedly implored to change it to another name and they came up with Kappa Alpha, which I’m told meant nothing at the time. He was given a ritual from a defunct fraternity and adapted it. It has changed a good bit, since, with Ammen’s ritual work. Father, however, never went to college. Alpha Rho invited him to join, with help from Bill Forester and Tom Tune. I drove father to his initiation at the Alpha Rho house! When I went to West Virginia University, father was not a KA yet, and I guess the chapter didn’t know the connection. He and mother went to the Centennial celebration in Roanoke, in 1965. The dress she wore is on display at my home.

And your joining is unique, too. Tell us about your KA experience.

You weren’t just a pretty face—you got involved, right?

In 2003, I was initiated at the 70th Convention in Tampa, Florida. I think it was Zeta Lambda at Bowling Green State and Zeta Nu from the University North Florida. The Model Initiation Director that year was Blair Bailey, now a member of the Executive Council. Initiated with me were Rev. Fitz Conner, who became the National Chaplain, David Carter [owns The Graphic Cow], and Curt Steger, a Lee historian, who's sons were KAs.

I was humbled to accept the appointment as the William Sprigg Hamilton Province Commander, and I served just under two years. It was an honor to answer the roll call at the 2009 Convention in Washington, D.C. I am humbled that I’ve been inducted into Courts of Honor, notably the first one, the James Ward Wood Province Court of Honor, named after my grandfather. And, attending Conventions and meetings have been hallmarks of these past 17 years.

“I like to start my letters to KA with, ‘Fraternal greetings from Lost River, West Virginia!’ Today, I live in the same homestead, known as Woodlawn, where James Ward Wood lived.” Was it different to join at that point in your life?

Kappa Alpha Order opened a new chapter in both mine and Edna’s lives. Undergraduate members, alumni members, leadership, staff, guests, and spouses have welcomed us into KA with open arms.


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What has been the highlight so far?

Receiving the Knight Commander’s Accolade from then Knight Commander Mike Duncan was the capstone and a moment in time I will always cherish. I am so very proud to be a KA. You made a significant donation/contribution to the KA Archives.

I am blessed and fortunate to have archives and family papers from very recent and dating back to an original land grant signed by Lord Fairfax in the early 1700s. Ten years ago, we were pleased to donate or place on loan numerous documents and items pertaining to or owned by my grandfather, James Ward Wood, my father who was also a KA, Jonathan Wood (Alpha Rho–West Virginia ’65), and/or Kappa Alpha. Those documents have since been scanned and are safely stored in the archives of the Order. Some go on display at Conventions and special events, or are on display as I understand it, at the National Administrative Office at Mulberry Hill.

You presented a very special artifact from your Grandfather, at the Sesquicentennial Celebration Convention in Roanoke in 2015.

The story begins in the last months of the Civil War. At home for a short furlough, a young James Ward Wood decided to visit a girlfriend in the neighboring town. As he mounted his horse, he secreted a pistol in his boot, which accidently discharged and effectively ended his military career. During his convalescence, he fell into a conversation with an older man who Wood remembered as being a member of the Masonic Lodge. His new acquaintance intrigued the recovering veteran with his stories of the sacred rites, rituals, and mysteries of this society. Fascinated, Wood said that these stories inspired him with “a desire to be a member of a fraternity.” Thus, “the seed was planted.” Indeed, I donated that very Colt 44 1860 model pistol. You could say that the accidental discharge is still a shot which can be heard ‘round the Order. It was indeed a spark, which ignited a flame, and has resulted in exactly what you have here today. To quote my grandfather and many biblical texts — “Behold what a great matter a small fire kindleth.” What would you like to say to all the KAs?

On behalf of my entire family, I wish you a fond, warm, and fellowship-filled time within the Order. These are trying times, but KA has endured for more than 150 years, and I’m certain, she’ll endure 150 more. God bless the Kappa Alpha Order.


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“Be Careful, But Not Fearful” Stories of recovering from COVID-19, one harrowing, all hopeful— an interview with KAs from New York, Reno, Stanford, and Washington, D.C. By Jesse S. Lyons


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Recovering from COVID-19 Mike Klein (Beta Kappa–Maryland ’06) lives and works in Reno, Nevada. During the week he helps to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy by building the best electric vehicles in the world at Tesla’s Gigafactory. On nights and weekends you’ll find him skiing, trail running, rock climbing, and mountain biking around Tahoe and beyond. Tom Jerhada (Alpha Nu– George Washington ’07) is a Vice President at Barclay’s as a cash manager for their futures trading division. He currently lives on Long Island, New York. He owns a small facilities management business, specializing in medical arts buildings.


Rob McDowell (Alpha Phi–Duke ’83) is currently a partner in the Communications Regulatory, Digital Media & Entertainment, Telecommunications, etc. practices at Cooley LLP. From 2006–2013, he was a commissioner with the Federal Communications Commission, appointed by President George W. Bush in 2006. He and his wife Jennifer live in Vienna, Virginia, and have three children: son Griffin Malcolm, a KA at William & Mary, daughter Mary-Shea Virginia, and son Cormarc Augustine. Sal Spina (Alpha Pi– Stanford ’17) is the current Number I of the Alpha Pi Chapter.


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How serious were your symptoms and how long did they last? Mike Klein (MK): Thankfully I had very mild symptoms—a twoday headache, runny nose, and shortness of breath. They lasted roughly one week, though the shortness of breath seems to have lingered a bit. TOM JERHADA (TJ): I am still battling fatigue and short-term memory lapses from the virus but that was pretty much it. For me symptoms had a habit of being worse at night then during the day. Thankfully, I had no breathing problems though. My symptoms took 14–16 days to fully subside. ROB MCDOWELL (RM): Initially my symptoms were not serious. I thought I had my normal seasonal allergies at first, and that kind of transformed into what I thought was a mild bronchitis that I get every couple of years. Then after a few days it didn’t get better and I wasn’t really thinking I had COVID, but it was in the back of my mind. I was not getting better and the symptoms were getting worse. The fever, congestion, and cough got worse. I was sent to get tested on March 18. That was the early days and it was harder to get tested. The strange thing is, I’m 56. I’m in excellent health.

I exercise and am not overweight. I don’t have diabetes. I don’t have a lot of the underlying conditions that some of the, the victims have had. It’s still a mystery as to why it hit me so hard. SAL SPINA (SS): I describe it as if I had a heavy cold and strep throat at the same time. My breathing was always at a good level and I never felt in danger. The symptoms were at their worst for about 3 days and it took about 2-2 ½ weeks from start to finish.

How did testing positive for COVID-19 impact your daily routine and social interactions? MK: A large group of friends of mine traveled to Chamonix, France, for a ski trip in late February. After finding out that a friend from the trip tested positive on her return to work as a nurse, our friend group all went into a 14-day quarantine. We each tested positive within a few days of receiving her news. I worked from home and my only contact with others was through video conferencing, phone calls and texts. As someone who is very active, I definitely got cabin fever and broke the stay-at-home order a few times to go run on horse trails out in the desert, well away


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“I had to completely quarantine. I ended up living in a trailer outside my house until I tested negative and I wasn’t really allowed to go outside for about two weeks.” SAL SPINA (ALPHA PI– STANFORD ’17)


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from others. I ended up being in quarantine for nearly a month and my social interactions once released were extremely limited in April, as no one knew exactly when you stopped being contagious and antibody testing was unavailable.

getting worse. But, I was actually happy to be sprung from the hospital because I didn’t want to be there. On Monday morning, my doctor examined me, via FaceTime remotely, and she said, ‘I’m calling 911, you don’t have any choice in the matter.’

TJ: I don’t think I had much change to my routine at the time I was confirmed positive. We had already moved into quarantine procedures at work about two weeks prior. My mother and sister are both healthcare workers in the pulmonary and critical care medical field on the front line and they are where I picked up it from, most likely. They were both diagnosed prior to me and I was able to limit my exposure knowing they had been exposed early on. Self-quarantining early on really allowed me to limit potentially exposing others.

In the ambulance the EMTs put me on oxygen. I instantly felt better. I go in for more x-rays and it ends up that I had full blown double pneumonia. My lungs were filling up very quickly with fluid. At that point they are contemplating intubating me, putting me on a ventilator, but at the time, I didn’t know. My doctor saw the x-ray and told my wife that I probably had less than a 50% chance of survival. My doctor subsequently has told me now, that she thought I only had a 20% chance of survival cause my lungs were in such bad shape.

RM: Well, you know how it ends—spoiler alert. I didn’t get the test results for about eight more days. I was not officially diagnosed until my life was threatened. On Friday, March 20, at 11pm, my primary care physician said I should go to the Emergency Room. I went, got my chest x-rayed and they found I had some pneumonia in my left lung. They admitted me. On Sunday for the doctor in charge of the hospital who never saw me, never examined me, discharged me over my primary care physician’s objections. I never met him. I was really

SS: I had to completely quarantine. I ended up living in a trailer outside my house until I tested negative and I wasn’t really allowed to go outside for about two weeks. Since testing negative, it has been really nice to know I can’t it again for some time, though!

How many people in your family/ household and how many contracted the virus? TJ: I have 3 people living in a two-family home, all were diagnosed positive. Once it got in


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the house it was pretty much impossible to not transmit it to others here. Thankfully it was mild all around for us. RM: It’s my wife and I, and our three kids. I had everyone tested on April 30 for the antibody. Four out of the five of us have the antibodies. No surprise that I do. Question is, when did the others get exposed to it? My wife was very sick with an upper respiratory ailment in the second week of January, which lasted five weeks. If that was COVID-19, that would have been before the first known case of in the U.S., which I think was in the Seattle area in the third week in January. That’s entirely possible as we find out more about this. This thing could have let loose in autumn like November. For most people you have a flu or a cold or pneumonia, you don’t think it’s an exotic lethal disease. Then our daughter was sick over President’s Day with an upper respiratory infection, but she was over it within four days or so. Then Griffin, after his friends were here, he took off for a short trip to the Dominican Republic. There, he felt a little flu-like the first day, but not enough to keep him from going to the beach. Or my wife, daughter, and son were all asymptomatic. But, only illnesses they’ve had that would match up. The other mystery, is my youngest son— Cormack. Here he was in a house with four other people spewing the virus and didn’t


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catch it. Either that’s a false negative on the test, or you just got lucky, or rather unlucky. I’d like for everybody have antibodies. I bet you a dollar to a donut that my wife had it. SS: Five people live in my house, but none of them other than me have gotten coronavirus.

Knowing now how COVID-19 affects people, what would you do differently that you weren’t doing before? MK: The French Alps hadn’t reported any COVID-19 cases at the time, while Reno had two confirmed cases as we left for the trip. Upon our return at the end of the first week of March, we could tell things were heading in the wrong direction, but the virus still wasn’t being taken seriously. No one was wearing masks or taking precautions. We all went back to work and talked about how this was just “another flu.” I wish we had quarantined as soon as we got off the plane and that we hadn’t fed into the narrative that it wasn’t something to worry about. TJ: I think now I understand “germaphobes” a lot better now. I am a lot more conscious of surface cleanliness and what I touch and who I touch. That being said, I think going forward I will just try to embrace the guidelines around washing hands and

sanitizing well used surfaces more often, just because it’s probably what we all should have been doing to begin with. RM: Excellent question. The weekend before or a few days before I became symptomatic, I had a business trip to New York City and under the CDC guidelines then, that was still okay. People were keeping a distance, but it wasn’t prescribed to keep a distance of six feet. I wasn’t shaking hands. It ends up that New York City was kind of cesspool for the killer, probably due to all the international travelers. It could be that I picked it up there. In hindsight, that trip was not a good idea. Then the only change in my treatment was in the second visit. Dr. Le fought to put me on hydroxychloroquine which had the consensus of the doctors there on the ground at the hospital. It was only after I got out of the hospital that I found out somehow it had become politicized. I guess everything has to become politicized. SS: I would recommend people stop smoking— it seems that it affects smokers much more than it affected me.

How would you compare COVID-19 to the flu? MK: COVID-19 is not the flu. We have no immunity to it, whereas our bodies have seen similar strains of


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Appointment of the KA COVID-19 Advisory Committee The Knight Commander has created this committee with the following mission:

MISSION: To serve as a resource to the Knight Commander and staff regarding the Order’s operations, including but not limited to chapter functions and housing; To review any recommendations the Order may make related to chapter and housing operations and offer input; and, To review any national meetings and functions and offer recommendations to comply with CDC and local guidance as well as any best practices.

APPOINTEES: • Former Knight Commander Darren S. Kay, Chairman • Dr. John L. Meade, MD (Epsilon Alpha– South Alabama ’81), Emergency Medicine • Dr. L. Adolph Casal, MD (Epsilon–Emory ’84), Psychiatry • Dr. Mark R. Stampehl, MD (Alpha Kappa–Missouri ’93), Cardiology • Dr. Paresh V. Lakhani, MD, MPH, MBA (Alpha Rho– West Virginia ’98), Public Health • Dr. James W. Denham (Psi–Tulane ’96), Pathology • Dr. Clay H. Wilson (Theta Commission– Citadel ’18), Nephrology 34

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influenza. We have no vaccines for it, while we are able to predict seasonal flu strains and get shots to avoid it. Early on, there was little data because countries weren’t testing, and we shrugged it off as another flu. Now that testing is becoming more widespread and death reports are stacking up near 100K in the US, it is evident that the virus is many times more deadly than

the flu. The US had more COVID deaths in one month than we see in twelve months of some of the worst flu years.

never had a flu hang on quite like this, weeks after initial infection. My energy levels still haven’t recovered.

TJ: It’s more like the flu turned up to eleven. Severe body aches and fatigue seemed to compound as it progressed. It is also insidious in how you will seemingly feel better before feeling significantly worse in short order. I also have

SS: I would say it feels a lot like the flu. I had some sinus congestion and pressure along with what felt like strep throat. I treated it the same way: trying to sit in humid areas and resting a lot.


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me realize I am not invincible and not to take my health for granted. Additionally, the stay-at-home order reaffirmed how fortunate I am to live near the vast expanses of natural beauty around Lake Tahoe, California, and Nevada, and how precious every minute outside can be. TJ: I think I have a greater appreciation for how easy it is to have your circle close and you are exposed to something you didn’t think you would or could get. I am heartbroken to see and know others who lost the fight against this virus and the sacrifice that essential workers are making right now. I feel blessed that I have only been touched by the virus itself and made it through it without any significant loss or hardship, I know so many more people have not been so lucky.

How does it feel to have survived? Has your view on life changed? MK: The thought of loss became much more real, and I’ve found that since the outbreak began, I’m reaching out to friend and family much more often. My mom started a mask sewing organization around

her neighborhood and donated more than 5,000 masks to healthcare workers and first responders. Watching groups like hers pop up all over the country to help fight the virus gave me hope that regardless of things like politics or religion, we can come together as communities to do amazing things. The shortness of breath I experienced made


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RM: I’ve always been a carpe diem kind of guy. This is actually my second time of kind of staring into the abyss. In1992, I was kicked by my horse and I had multiple organ ruptures and was in the ICU. I knew there were a lot of people praying for me from all faiths and backgrounds. When I was in the hospital, that gave me a tremendous amount of comfort and strength and resolve knowing that there are so many people out there and, this it is going to sound funny. I didn’t want to let them down. I didn’t want to die on them so that gave me a certain amount of energy.

“Since recovering, I have been coordinating between multiple organizations for antibody testing studies and convalescent plasma donation in hopes of helping others less fortunate in their fight against COVID.” MIKE KLEIN (BETA KAPPA– MARYLAND ’06)


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SS: It feels nice! I haven’t had any drastic changes in my life, but I am now far more aware of any poor health decisions I make. I am far better at avoiding these decisions now than I was before.

“Things will get back to normal, it may be a different kind of normal, but if we continue to adhere to our shared values, look out for your brothers and loved ones and take care of yourselves we should be able to get pretty close to what it was before this pandemic. Fratres usque ad aram fidelis.” TOM JERHADA (ALPHA NU–GEORGE WASHINGTON ’07)


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What changed for you as the Number I? SS: Not being able to see and interact with the other members has been difficult. The best thing about being the Number I is being able to lead the chapter in person and do what you can for them. Being away from campus has made this difficult.

What was your experience with doctors and nurses? MK: The doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals and support staff at the clinics, the county health department, and hospitals have been real heroes. Reno was a cold, cloudy ghost town when I went to get tested. While everyone else was at home, they were outside in the elements, braving an invisible risk and doing their best to hold it together. You could tell over the phone and in person that the healthcare workers were often tired and unsure of what the right answers were. But every worker has been extremely polite and friendly. Since recovering, I have been coordinating between multiple

organizations for antibody testing studies and convalescent plasma donation in hopes of helping others less fortunate in their fight against COVID. I’d like to thank the staff of the Washoe County Health Department, Renown Medical Center and the Vitalant blood donation center for their professionalism and gracious attitude over the past two months. RM: Absolutely excellent at Inova Fairfax. There were a lot of emotional moments. I’ll always remember there was a technician, who grabbed my hand and prayed with me. It’s a full team. When you think about the folks who come in to mop your, they’re coming into a room that’s potentially teaming with a deadly virus. These folks don’t necessarily make a lot of money. But, they were fearless. From doctors to janitors, I thanked everyone, every time they came in because it was a lot of work to come into the room of a patient with COVID. You have to get all dressed in the garb for five minutes and do your work, and then come out and take five minutes to remove the protective gear and wash up. Each visit is a lot of work and they are potentially risking their lives by doing it. I would say not just “thanks,” but, “I really, greatly appreciate what you’re doing and thank you for coming to work today and you know, I wouldn’t be alive right now without you all.” They were incredible.


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What message do you have to KAs who have not been infected? TJ: I would just implore all my brothers out there to use common sense. Be safe and follow the guidelines. I have all the confidence that the great majority of them can and would prevail in fighting the virus but the risk of exposing someone who’s not, especially a loved one is not worth it. RM: Be careful, be very careful, but don’t be fearful. Maybe that’s easy for me to say because I survived, I also almost died from it. I kind of viewed it as I was lucky. But, act quickly, don’t be in denial about your condition, and get the right treatment by someone who knows what they’re doing. This is a new disease and they’re still making it up as they go along. There are some doctors, though, who have been treating patients more than others.

What message do you have for KAs as they prepare to return to campus/work? MK: Take social distancing precautions seriously. Wash your hands and do it regularly. Go get a comfortable face mask and wear it when out in public and listen to public health officials, even if it’s inconvenient.


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TJ: Life has a habit of changing fast and in ways we do not expect but there is no reason that any of us should let this limit our potential as life restarts for us all. Things will get back to normal, it may be a different kind of normal, but if we continue to adhere to our shared values, look out for your brothers and loved ones and take care of yourselves we should be able to get pretty close to what it was before this pandemic. Fratres usque ad aram fidelis. RM: Keep the faith. My daughter is a high school senior, so she’s been a part of the Class of 2020 that didn’t get a prom and didn’t get a graduation. Her generation, for the rest of her life, will have a common bond with anyone you meet from your year. That’ll be something that provides the rest of your life with a contrast and it can be a good thing if you make it. To the KAs, enjoy the fellowship with your brothers and look forward to the future cause it’s very bright for you. Once we, the country and the world gets through this dark time, we’re all going to be rejoicing in the next few years. SS: Appreciate the ability to go back to work! I know online school hasn’t been the same for students, so getting back into a semi-normal pace of life will be a huge relief.


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MORAL COMPASS Tr ue Bear ings

Stuck in South Korea Chief Warrant Officer Shawn Fyfe Keeps Positive Outlook Despite Challenging Two Years By Jesse S. Lyons (Delta Alpha–Western Carolina ’98)


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CW2 Shawn Fyfe reengaged with KA in two ways during his “extra” stay in South Korea—he joined Forever KA online, and took the time to answer some additional questionas for The Journal.

Q &A


hawn Fyfe (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech ’06) is a Chief Warrant Officer 2 in the United States Army. He flies multiple fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft as a Standardization Instructor Pilot, an Instrument Flight Examiner, and a Maintenance Test Pilot. He’s a husband and a father. He’s a former Number V and Province Undergraduate Chairman. And due to COVID-19, he is stuck in South Korea. The story doesn’t begin there, however. This year has been a full of challenges and the impacts from COVID-19 and he could not have planned for the issues they have manifested into. “In March 2019, I had a permanent change of station from the U.S. to Korea, for what was planned to be a 12-month unaccompanied tour. Even before I left for that assignment my family and I had spent quite a bit of time apart.” Fyfe had recently completed a 4-month rotation in Afghanistan in October 2018, and then came home for nine days before departing on a two-month training period. He then returned with his family for a two-week period during Christmas. He hopped right back on duty and spent another month training, before preparing for the Korea move. “Despite the time apart, my wife and I were optimistic and had planned for her and the baby to come and visit frequently during my time in Korea. That all changed 2 weeks after my arrival to Korea when I received the hardest phone call of my life,” Fyfe recounted. Separated by fourteen hours and more than 6,000 miles, Fyfe’s wife Holland told him over the phone that she had just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The next few months were incredibly difficult for their family, as Holland had several doctors’ appointments and many issues to deal with, none of which Fyfe was able to assist. In the summer of 2019, she had a thyroidectomy and was able to be declared cancer free. Fyfe was relieved for a bit, and, “I was fortunate enough to be granted 2 weeks of emergency leave to take care of her and our infant son.” Later in 2019, his wife was finally able to come visit Korea, and again, in early 2020. As you can guess, their visit ended abruptly as COVID-19 began spreading through Korea. When they left in February, neither thought


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much of it as his assignment had less than a month left had less than a month left before ending. Their thoughts had turned to their altogether new station. Ten days prior to his final day in Korea, the U.S. Army halted all permanent change of station travel. A few days after that the Department of Defense issued a stop move order, which suspends all travel throughout the entire Department of Defense. Fyfe explained further that, “in Korea almost all ancillary activities were suspended and most everything closed, and all of my usual outlets for passing time on deployments, such as working out at a gym, were gone.”

“I can’t help but be envious of those stationed in the states who are on minimal manning and are spending everyday at home with their families.” Fortunately, Fyfe is mission essential, so he has been able to work six days a week with a reset day here and there. When asked what thoughts come to mind while monitoring the events and actions unfolding in the U.S. this spring, he says, he, “can’t help but be envious of those stationed in the states who are on minimal manning and are spending everyday at home with their families.” As he wraps up the fourteenth month of this assignment he is no closer to an answer of when he might leave for the U.S. In his words, “I have a big question mark and a timeline that keeps sliding right.” June will mark two years since he last lived with his wife and his now two and half year old son. [Editor's Note: As of press time, Fyfe had finally been reunited with his family in Germany.] “I’m sure hoping that we get something figured out soon", he says, and hopes continue that the Department of Defense lifts the stop move order. What is he ready for, beyond his family to be back together? Fyfe remains positive and lighthearted, and shares, “I could definitely go for some Chik-Fil-A.”

What is your favorite KA memory?

Every year as graduation approached, after one of our last chapter meetings for the year, each of the seniors would reflect back on all their great memories in college. It was an opportunity for the juniors to get to hear some of the outlandish stories or fun times that the older guys had during their time as a KA. Getting to tell those stories with my graduating class and look back on all the great times we had since being pledges was my favorite memory because it encompassed the entire time I had as an undergraduate. Why do you believe KA membership is for life?

As a pledge we were often told brotherhood was for life and that from that day forward our brothers would be a part of all of the significant moments in our life. I certainly believe that. My brothers have always been there for me, whether it be standing next to me on my wedding day, encouraging me the day my son was born, or even checking in on me and my family during a deployment. What caused you to join Forever KA?

It’s important for the future of our organization to ensure that many of the great works of the Order continue to be funded. There were many before me who were a part of endowments and gifts to KA which funded some of the outstanding opportunities I had as an undergraduate and I would like to see our future KA brothers have those same opportunities. What is one thing you’d tell every graduating alumnus about KA?

Hold the ideals and values that you have followed by being that definition of a gentlemen well beyond your time as an undergraduate. The path will always be clear if you stick that for the rest of your life.


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Member highlights f rom around the Order

Taking Care of One of Their Own

South Carolina Helps Support Single Mother of Three during COVID-19 Above: Philanthropy Chair Noah Moore Landon Nott and Number I JT Isgett presenting a check for $3,735 to Alberta Garcia

With COVID-19 shutting universities and businesses across the nation, many are left without a paying job. The Rho Chapter at the University of South Carolina decided to take care of one of their own during these difficult times. Alberta Garcia, a single mother of three, works at the chapter house. With the University and the chapter house closed for the semester, Alberta's hours were reduced, not only at K A, but with other businesses as well. As a result, her income dropped drastically as well. The members of Rho chapter took action and started a campaign to raise $3,000 to help Alberta pay rent, keep the lights on, and put food on the table for her family while she is without work. "She shows up every day and puts a smile on each member's face as she does her job and makes everyone


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else's day just a little bit better," the GoFundMe Campaign page said. "We love Alberta like family." When presented with the money, Alberta was caught off guard and got choked up expressing how thankful she was. As of Monday, April 6, 2020, the chapter has exceeded its goal, totaling $3,875 in funds raised. "This great thing that would have not happened without all 120 guys that are in this chapter," Number I John T. "JT" Isgett III said. "All of the guys were handson with this idea and made sure to donate themselves and share with family and friends. I am beyond proud of these guys and what we are doing as a chapter." Albert has worked for Rho Chapter for three years and has never asked for anything, no matter how much she may have needed it, JT said.


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Navy Reservist, Houston Nurse Deployed to New York to Help COVID-19 Patients


hard in the war against coronavirus. Thousands of military members are doing everything from disinfecting public places, handing out food, to working in mobile hospitals. “My employer (Houston Methodist Hospital) has been very supportive as a military reservist, and they know I could be called for any reason to support the country. When I told them I was getting mobilized to New York, they were very supportive of that,” explains Lieutenant Commander Akanu (Gamma Sigma–West Texas A&M ’06). He was in the throes of treating COVID-19 patients here in Houston the first of April and admits he was surprised to get the call to head to New York a month ago. However, he says he's always ready and willing to deploy and serve in any way he can. “Taking care of people on the front lines has been a privilege. I was


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assigned to one of the hardest hit places in New York City, and when I got here, it was quite shocking to see the level of illness that the patients were going through and to see how many sick people were in the emergency room,” states Mr. Akanu. He says what he has witnessed at the hospital is comparable to war. “I have been privileged to serve my country in Afghanistan and Iraq, and this situation is compared to that, it is controlled chaos and we try as much as possible to use the resources we have to take care of our patients. I don't know what the future will hold, but our team in the military has been working hard to take care of our staff and team leaders. We check-in with our sailors and soldiers to make sure they get time off to decompress and then get back to the fight," explains Lieutenant Commander Akanu. He doesn't know how much longer he'll be in New York, but looks forward to the day he gets to come back to Houston to his job here and loving wife and young children. “I’d like to thank my Methodist family for supporting me to serve as a reservist. I’d like to thank my wife and children (4), my family, and let them know I miss them, but what we’re doing here is great and I’ll be home soon,” says the Lieutenant Commander.


Helping to Protect Hospital Workers Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, Jacob Martinez (Mu–Tulsa ’17) partnered up with Tulsa’s medical community to help make face shields for local hospital workers. Using a laser cutter in Stephenson Hall's Projects Lab, he cut the plastic pieces that attach to the clear shield. Then he packed into kits and sent to several hospitals in the Saint Francis Health System. To date, Jacob helped to provide hundreds of face shields hospital workers.

This story ran in Houston during National Nurses Week—credit: Melissa Wilson, FOX 26 News KRIV-TV Houston and fox26houston.com


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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order


KAs Egg Yards in Three States for Easter Being unable to celebrate Easter like usual, Paul “Burns” Grich (Rho–South Carolina ’18) decided to provide a way for families to enjoy the holiday. He began the Egg Your Yard Facebook page, offering to “egg” people’s yards the night before Easter for a nominal fee. “Wake up Easter morning with a yard full of eggs!” the page advertised, from $25 for 30 eggs up to $80 for 100. Before long Burns’ Saturday evening was completely booked hiding candy-filled plastic eggs. PHOTO COURTESY OF CAMPBELL UNIVERSIT Y

The idea took off with other brothers of Rho Chapter who wanted to make a difference in their hometowns. James C. Hill IV ’18, and his brother, Teddy Hill, decided to host their own version in Richmond, Virginia. Harrison DeLong ’18 did the same in Atlanta, Georgia, and Andrew Cooke ’18 picked it up in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

“We thought it was a great way to stay busy and support our community during this time,” James said. Taking all the necessary precautions in wearing gloves and masks, the brothers were able to egg more than 100 yards across the three states, providing children with the joy of hunting eggs on Easter morning. Enlisting the help of chapter brothers Will Bethea ’19, Matthew Marechal (Delta– Wofford ’18), Adam Springs ’84, their friends and family, Burns and the South Carolina team was able to donate $600 to the local American Red Cross from their proceeds. Andrew Cooke was able to donate $650 to the local United Way of South Hampton Roads. Below: Paul Burns Grich (right) with Douglas Lorenz, a member of Sigma Nu at the University of South Carolina.


Man of the Year Zachary Kas ’18 was named the Campbell University Fraternity Man of the Year. A sophomore majoring in marketing, Zach currently serves as the Chapter as Number V and philanthropy chairman. In addition, he is the president of the Marketing Club, serves as a CUFS Peer Mentor, works as a research assistant at the Campbell’s Wiggins Memorial Library, and was a member of the homecoming court. Above: Zach Kas escorting court member Alex Smith of Delta Phi Epsilon onto the football field during halftime of the 2019 Campbell University Homecoming Football Game. 42

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Cornhole for a Cause Just prior to being restored as the Zeta Chapter, the brothers at Randolph-Macon College held their first major philanthropy event to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). In conjunction with Alpha Gamma Delta on November 7th, the Zeta Chapter held a cornhole tournament on their front lawn which included raffles, popcorn, and hot apple cider. Between the two organizations, 150 participants, and 35 cornhole teams, more than $2,000 was raised for the MDA and Fight Hunger. The duo hopes to continue holding the event annually. Above: Zeta Chapter’s Cornhole Tournament with Alpha Gamma Delta


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Duke Raises $36,000 for Regional Food Bank The Alpha Phi Chapter at Duke University established a fundraising campaign with the goal of donating $10,000 to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. The Chapter took a different approach to not only solicit support of friends and family, but also campus partners. “Our main drivers were the incentives we laid out, which made groups get competitive about raising money,” Number I Kaan Sahingur ‘18 said. We said that our chapter would at least match the student organization that raised the most money and also host a brunch for them back on campus.”


Clay Shoot Aims for Big Donation It was another successful year for their annual clay shoot on Saturday, February 15, 2020, at the NWTF Shooting Complex in Edgefield, South Carolina. The Beta Pi Chapter at Presbyterian College was able to raise a total of $7,652.21 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association from more than 75 participants.

With dozens of other organizations getting involved, the completed fundraiser raised $36,000, more than three times the initial goal. The winning sorority raised more than $9,000 and is looking forward to their hosted brunch when classes resume.

“This is our chapter’s favorite event of the year,” Number I Brent Glasgow said. “Brothers, alumni, friends, family, and faculty and staff of Presbyterian College all come together to eat some good food, miss a few clays, and raise a lot of money for a great cause.” 43

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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order


KA Author Overcomes Adversity to Publish Book SCOTT SERGENT (DELTA DELTA–EAST

Tennessee State ’85), writing under the pen name of Ivan Scott, has released his second novel, Redhead in a Blue Convertible. It’s the story of a Georgia doctor whose life crumbles when she loses a patient, and how she learns to appreciate her life again when she meets the owner of a blue convertible whose time on earth is short. Sergent (pronounce sir-gent) isn’t like a lot of authors, in that he is dyslexic. Fighting that uphill battle to begin with, he received 303 rejection letters from book publishers he sent the book to. Undeterred, he didn’t give up, making the decision to self-publish. “I believe the only person who can stop you from your dreams, is you,” Sergent says. “If you have a dream, and you are willing to work hard and convince yourself that nothing can defeat you, then the outcome is never in doubt.” “You have to be thick-skinned too,” he continues. “There will be detractors. There will be times when you doubt yourself. There were times I would think to myself, ‘I can't do this. I'm not good enough. I don't have the money or the time, or the intelligence to win.’ Then the next morning, I would look at my laptop and say, ‘Today is a new day and I will continue the fight. I will not be defeated. Not today. Not any day.’” Sergent says that his time as a K A

brother defi nitely had an impact on him in terms of making him the successful writer he is today. “When I fi rst became a K A, I was the usual 18-year-old freshman who didn't understand teamwork, sacrifice or leadership,” he says. “I was taught that being a part of a team was more important than being an individual. There were times our president would pull me aside, and instead of giving me a lecture

“There were times I would think to myself, ‘I can't do this.’ Then the next morning, I would look at my laptop and say, ‘Today is a new day and I will continue the fight. I will not be defeated.’” when I wasn't living up to not only K A standards but my own standards as well, he would quote from the Varlet, and it hit home so much more than if he had yelled at me. I thought about those days, especially when I wavered on the long road to writing the book, and it helped me get through the tough times. I also thought about a few of my brothers that I am still close to today, and how proud

I would be to tell them all about the book, since we have been through the good and bad days together.” And whether it was a conscious goal in the beginning or not, Sergent is an inspiration to anyone who is climbing a mountain to reach a goal. “I hope one day there is a writer out there who, in the face of adversity, will remember that your glory is never denied, only delayed, and you'll get there eventually.” Redhead in a Blue Convertible is available on Amazon.com, and BarnesandNoble.com, as well as audiobook distributors like iTunes, Nook, and Audible.


Social Fund Makes Impact The Zeta Sigma Chapter at the University of Southern Illinois (SIU) donated $1,000 of their formal budget to a Saluki Cares. Committed to the overall well-being, experience, and success of students at SIU, the university entity is offering financial assistance to students with issues that have risen due to COVID-19. Left: Number II Spencer Whitmore ’18 handing the check with Number VI Tristin Miller ’19 presenting a check to Kent Epplin, SIU student center associate director. 44

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CRAWFISH RUN BENEFITS MDA WITH SUPPORT OF LOCAL PD On Saturday, February 29th, the Gamma Eta Chapter at Florida State University was able to hold their annual Crawfish Boil and 1k Fun Run philanthropy event. “This was also a great opportunity for us to build relations with the local FSU Police Department, as we needed their assistance for the fun run,” Number I Zach Wollermann ’19 said. In addition to spending some time with first responders and enjoying some great food, the event raised more $7,500 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Left: Florida State brothers and FSP Police Department laced-up for their Fun Run and Crawfish Boil


Peach Farmer Named 2019 Georgia Farmer of the Year Georgia Governor Brian Kemp presented Robert Dickey (Gamma–Georgia ’72) with the 2019 Georgia Farmer of the Year award. A fourth-generation farmer, Robert manages more than 1,000 acres of peach trees in Crawford County with the help of this 90-year-old father, wife, and children. In addition to selling the sweetest peaches in the country through the Genuine Georgia Group, the farm makes a point to recycle what they can and deliberately maintain wildlife habitats with the help of the Georgia Forestry Commission. Sarah Greer, the UGA Cooperative Extension Agricultural and Natural Resources agent in Crawford County who nominated Robert for the award, said that the farm also stepped up when Crawford County lost its only grocery store in December 2016. “Dickey Farms stepped up and provided fresh produce in season to meet the county’s needs,” Greer said. “Dickey Farms exemplifies all that it means to be a steward of the land. They are innovative and progressive. Not only are they an amazing farm that has persisted over generations, but they are outstanding community members.” In addition to farm work, Robert is serving in his fourth term in the


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Georgia House of Representatives and serves his fellow farmers on the House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee. He is also a board member and past president of the Georgia Peach Council, has served as president and treasurer of the National Peach Council, and is a member of the Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peaches and the Georgia Agribusiness Council. Above: Robert Dickey with one of his peach trees. Below: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Robert Dickey, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black, and UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean Sam Pardue at the Georgia Freight Depot in Atlanta



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MODERN GENTLEMEN Member highlights f rom around the Order

Students Win! Harvard Drops Social Group Sanctions Policy Nearly two years ago, the Order was involved in leading an effort to take a stand for brotherhood. A pair of lawsuits were filed in December of 2018, by sororities, fraternities, and students challenging a Harvard sanctions policy that punished students who join off-campus, single-sex social organizations. The lawsuits described how Harvard used a campaign of threats and intimidation to scare students into abandoning their fundamental rights to free association and to live free of sex discrimination, as guaranteed by Title IX and the U.S. Constitution. 46

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While the Order does not have a chapter at Harvard and was not a plaintiff in either lawsuit, it was critical that KA support the challenging of Harvard’s infringement of student rights to prevent the spread of similar policies to other campuses. The Order participated in the grass-root campaign, Stand Up to Harvard, to promote the lawsuit and voice our support for the protection of freedom of association. Hundreds of brothers from across the nation signed the petition and shared social media posts to fight for the right to brotherhood.

Both federal and state courts rejected Harvard’s initial efforts to dismiss the challenges to its discrimination policy, and in June of 2020, Harvard dropped its social group sanctions policy as a result of the Supreme Court decision in the case of Bostock v. Clayton. This should serve as a reminder that infringing on the freedom of association rights of students and targeting single-sex student organizations is illegal and wrong. KA contributed funds to support the litigation and Executive Director Larry Wiese was directly involved in advocating the effort.


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Your K A Scoreboard


Exemplifying Leadership on the Gridiron


arty Favret, head football coach

vocal people on this football team.” Riggs

at Hampden-Sydney College,

explained. “I try to keep a positive

announced the team captains

attitude, honestly. I’m a firm

blocked point after touchdown attempt, along with two forced fumbles and one fumble recovered.

for the upcoming 2020 season. Along with

believer in a positive attitude

three others, senior defensive back Riggs

being contagious. I just try to

humbled, to be named a team

Jordan (Alpha Tau–Hampden-Sydney

keep everybody’s spirits up no

captain,” said Riggs in 2019. “Not

’18) was selected to lead the Tigers after

matter how the game is going,

serving in the leadership role last season

just keep fighting, keep pushing,

as well.

and don’t quit.”

“Riggs has really developed both as a

More than just

“I was really honored, and really

many juniors get that chance, that opportunity, to be a leader on their team. I was just really happy that my teammates trusted

player and as a true leader,” Coach Favret

attitude and a vocal

me enough to choose

said in 2019. “His boundless energy is on

demeaner, Riggs has

me as one of the

display every day, from the weight room

the career stats to


to the practice field. The fact that he was

back it up. He has

voted captain as a junior is a testament to

racked up 82 total


how his teammates feel about him.”

tackles, including 46

Tigers hope to have

Describing himself as a vocal person,

Riggs and the

solo and 36 assists,

a successful season

Riggs believes that is just one of the

9.5 tackles for loss,

this fall.

reasons his teammates voted to have him

one interception for

lead the team. “I’d say I’m one of the more

a touchdown, one


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Return to Colorado and Southern California This fall, the Order will be returning to the University of Colorado Boulder (formerly Zeta Alpha Chapter) and the University of Southern California (formerly Beta Sigma Chapter). Members of the national staff will be on the ground working to recruit and colonize the initial groups. Additionally, staff will be working to colonize interest groups at the University of West Florida (formerly Epsilon Sigma Chapter) and University of Missouri (formerly Alpha Kappa Chapter). Provisional Chapters at College of Charleston, Middle Tennessee State University, Missouri State, Murray State, Purdue University, and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte are working to complete their chartering requirements. If you know of any young man eligible for membership an any of these institutions, please share their information online at KappaAlphaOrder.org/Refer.


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First Virtual Reception a Success

The KAOEF had planned a reception to dedicate

and time, the Zoom video conference included a

the 1865 Trust Garden and the Crimson &

welcome from KAOEF Chairman Derick Close, video

Gold Society Dinner in Lexington, Virginia, on

tour of the building and property of Mulberry

Thursday, April 23rd in conjunction with the

Hill by Jesse Lyons, and a Convivium toast to KA’s

meetings of the KAOEF Board of Trustees and the

founding and founders led by Former Knight

Executive Council. Unfortunately, holding the

Commander Idris Traylor. To conclude the evening’s

event in person was not possible.

meeting of more than 100 brothers, Knight

Instead of cancelling altogether, a virtual

Commander Simmons gave the final address.

reception was held in its place. At the same date

Continuing to Serve Former Knight Commander J. Michael Duncan (Delta Kappa–Stephen F. Austin State ’69) was sworn in as a member of the town council of Pantego, Texas, where he and his wife, Donna, reside. “I recently resigned after five years as a Trustee of the Arlington Police Foundation, and decided I would try a different adventure,” Mike said. “I’m looking forward to giving back to my community as a member of the council.” W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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The Knight Commander’s Accolade was created to recognize excellence in leadership and service to the Order. It's the highest individual honor an alumnus can receive.

H. David Pinson

News, Notes & Recog nition ANNIVERSARIES

(Epsilon Zeta–Arkansas Tech ’00) CONFERRED: Locke Province Convivium and Court of Honor Induction Ceremony, Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 1, 2020

Dave was initiated by the Epsilon Zeta Chapter in 2000. He graduated from Arkansas Tech with both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. Professionally, he owns and operates Trinity MultiFamily, a real estate company based in Fort Smith, Arkansas, that does business in more than a dozen states. The firm specializes in property management services for both multifamily and commercial assets.

Above: Delta Xi Chapter alumni outside the Chapter House at McNeese State University

Delta Xi Celebrates Half a Century The 50th anniversary celebration of the Delta Xi Chapter at McNeese State University was held January 17th and 18th in Lake Charles, Louisiana. More than 300 people gathered for events at the Chapter house and the Lake Charles Country Club to celebrate the founding and honor the founding fathers in attendance. Knight Commander Simmons was glad to see such a great turnout and to enjoy in the celebration.

Delta Chapter Celebrates its Sesquicentennial The Delta Chapter at Wofford College celebrated the 150th Anniversary of their founding on Friday, November 15th with a banquet at The Country Club of Spartanburg. Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons was proud to address the brethren and guest in attendance and present Hon. Costa M. Pleicones (Delta–Wofford ’63) with the Award for Distinguished Public Service for his lifetime of honorable service in the local and state community including serving as Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court.

Dave has been the Locke Province Commander since 2010. Prior to becoming the Province Commander, Dave served as the Alumnus Advisor for the Zeta Rho Chapter at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith and assisted them through the provisional process and becoming a chartered chapter of the Order. For his efforts he was named the Alumnus Advisor of the Year at the 73rd Convention in Washington, D.C., in 2009. He has also served as a facilitator at the Number I’s Leadership Institute. He is a member of the Loyal Order, Forever KA, and the Crimson and Gold Society. Additionally, he is a member of the Locke and Chiles Courts of Honor. He and his wife LeAnn are the proud parents of two sons, Blake and Bryce, and one daughter, Madeline.

Above: Delta Chapter Number I Johh Lansing ’17, Knight Commander Simmons, Judge Pleicones, and Wofford College President Nayef Samhat F A L L 2 0 2 0 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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of a 1903 news clipping from The New York Times wherein John Temple Graves made abhorrent racist comments directed toward African-Americans. The remarks are in stark contrast to our values and they do not represent KA. South Carolina had been named for Graves since 1950. Consequently, on August 1’s virtual Advisory Council meeting, Knight Commander C. Douglas Simmons III requested of that body to reconstitute the province for the purpose of a name change, which happened unanimously. He then named the province for its first commander, Former Knight Commander Rev. Dr. William McLeod Frampton, Jr. (Beta Gamma–Charleston 1929). Frampton Province previously was the Midwest region and a change was necessitated. The same process took place, and after the reconstitution vote, the Knight Commander named the province in honor of Former Knight Commander Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. (Gamma Chi–Texas Tech 1970) who was present to make comments following the announcement. Staff have assisted both Courts of Honor in

Dr. Frampton first served as Smith Province Commander from 1942 through 1950. After leading South Carolina’s province for one year, he then served on the Executive Council from 1951 through 1957 when he was elected Knight Commander and served in that capacity until 1961. He served on the board of the North-American Interfraternity Council and was the Order’s first National Chaplain serving from 1957 to his death in 2003. He was the first recipient of the Order’s Accolade for Interfraternity Service. He made considerable contributions to the state of South Carolina in KA. Rev. Frampton was active in promoting civil rights; in 1968, he was selected as a chairman of the committee to promote racial harmony in Orangeburg, South Carolina. For his efforts he was presented with the Order of the Palmetto, the highest award for a citizen of the state.

Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Dr. Traylor began serving as Faculty Advisor in 1969 and celebrated fifty years of service in 2019. He was the Order’s National Scholarship Officer for more than two decades, and wrote Brains, Books, Brotherhood, KA’s first scholarship manual. He was the first Commander of Locke Province in 1974. He then served on the Executive Council from 1975 through 1985 when he was elected Knight Commander and served in that capacity until 1989. He is a past Chairman of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. He introduced the Order’s Distinguished Public Service Award. It was under Traylor’s leadership that the National Administrative Office moved to Lexington, Virginia in early 1986, and he was instrumental in establishing the first permanent headquarters at the old Rockbridge County Jail. To this day, he continues to serve the Order in a variety of leadership roles.

corresponding changes.

2020 National Undergraduate Chairman and Vice-Chairman Elected The Undergraduate Conference met on January 11, 2020, during the Number I’s Leadership Institute held January 12 through 15th, and elected the following officers for a one-year term.


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Martin A. “Tripp” Knight III (Gamma Gamma–Memphis ’16)

Thomas N. T. Moore III (Beta Tau–Mississippi State ’17)


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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

Staff Updates DEPARTURES


Carl Schumpert

Stu Hollandsworth

(Gamma Beta–

(Alpha Eta–

Charleston ’10)

Westminster ’16)

departed staff in

was promoted to

February 2020,

Director of College

to pursue new

and University

opportunities in South

Relations effective in

Carolina. He joined staff in May 2017,

May. His primary responsibilities are to

and was most recently serving in

manage the expansion and recolonization

the role of Director of College and

strategy for the Order.

University Relations.

Ari Ruiz (Zeta

Jake Warren


(Gamma Gamma–

Peay State ’14)

Memphis ’14)

was promoted to

departed staff

Director of Chapter

in May 2020, to

Development in May.

attend graduate

Ari will lead all of the

school at Mississippi

chapter development initiatives,

State University. Jake joined staff in

including all efforts in the restoration

January 2019, as an associate director

of dormant chapters and creation

for chapter services.

of new chapters and the Order’s

Tullis D. Beasley

NEW HIRES Marlon L. Gibson was named Director of Community Engagement effective January 2. The position is designed to develop and facilitate the curriculum for educational initiatives related to the Order’s values alignment on campus. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and a seasoned higher education professional and is currently completing his doctorate at the University of Georgia. Previously he was the Director of Greek Life at Emory University, where the Order recently rechartered our Epsilon Chapter. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English, creative writing, and a master’s degree in higher education administration from the University of Toledo. Marlon has worked extensively with members of sororities and fraternities across the country. He is married to Dr. Sheree Williams Gibson and they have a son, Adam Patrick. Jacob C. Cox (Zeta–RandolphMacon ’19), Winchell W. Gallardo (Mu–Tulsa ’16), Steven L. Gros (Delta Xi-McNeese State '16), and Gabe A. Rodriguez (Alpha Iota–Centenary ’18) joined staff as associate directors for chapter services/development in May. Additionally, Brandon A. Ashlock (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’18) also joined to serve the as a chapter services summer intern.

recruitment and rush initiatives.

(Delta Rho–

Evan M. Hanna

Valdosta State

(Epsilon Zeta–

’09) was named

Arkansas Tech

the Director

’17) was promoted

Chapter Operations

to Director of

in May. Unfortunately

Chapter Operations,

for the Order, he, his wife, and their

which will encompass

newborn daughter, began to relocate to

the duties of the former position,

his hometown of Valdosta, Georgia, due to

Director of Leadership Education, while

an unplanned career opportunity for his

taking on an increased supervisory and

wife. They look forward to being closer to

training role with the associate directors

family and remaining involved with KA

for chapter services.







as volunteers. We thank Tullis, for his six years of service on staff.


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Courts of Honor The Order’s system of Provincial Courts of Honor is unique in the system of American college fraternities. It was first introduced at the fifth province council, in 1930, by Frank Hammett Myers, Commander of the James Ward Wood Province. For insignia, each Court uses its own Provincial Cross with its own distinct colors. The purpose of the Courts of Honor is to recognize and acknowledge alumni for their continued interest, support, and participation in the Order, its active or alumni chapters, and their capacity to stimulate the expansion and prestige of the fraternity. A Court of Honor typically holds an annual meeting and dinner or event to nominate new members and make plans for the events of the upcoming year. A new inductee is presented with Court of Honor jewel along with a certificate of membership.




Saturday, February 1, 2020, at the Skirvin Hotel in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Saturday, February 1, 2020, at the Officer Training Conference in Tempe, Arizona

Saturday, February 21, 2020, at the Shreveport Club in Shreveport, Louisiana

 1LT David O. Beal (Gamma Kappa– Oklahoma City ’65)  James Scott Buckelew (Gamma Kappa– Oklahoma City ’88)  C. Douglas Simmons III (Beta Tau– Mississippi State ’95)  Ronald Eugene Willis (Gamma Kappa– Oklahoma City ’84)

 David P. Barksdale (Tau–Wake Forest ’83)  Anthony M. Graziani (Zeta Pi–Florida Gulf Coast ’07)  Chad A. Raymond (Epsilon Tau– Northern Arizona ’00)

 Andrew Trowbridge Emery (Gamma Alpha– Louisiana Tech ’10)  John B. Frierson (Alpha Gamma– Louisiana State ’07)

Above: Neal Court Inductees (L-R) Graziani, Raymond, and Barksdale. Top: Locke Court inductees (L-R) Beal, Willis, Buckelew, and Simmons with Jeff Chappell (far left), David Price (right), and Sam Leake (far right). Top Left: Hamilton Court inductees (L-R) Ball, Aiken, Larlee, Gellinger, Sams, Masey, Wall, Schmuck . Far Left: White Court Inductees Emery (left) and Frierson (right) with White Province Commander Matthew D. O’Neal (Gamma Alpha–Louisiana Tech ’06). Immediate Left: Ammen Court inductees Mike Walsh (left) and Dale Sarjeant 52

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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

KAOEF Volunteer and Staff Update Over the past year, several updates have been made to the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation.

Hamilton Saturday, February 8, 2020, at Moody Hall on the post of Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia

 King V. Aiken, Jr. (Kappa–Mercer ’83)  A. Blake Ball (Zeta Tau– Austin Peay State ’12)  Tanner L. Gellinger (Zeta Omicron– Southern Indiana ’12)  Christian R. Larlee (Beta Commission– VMI ’90)  Aaron D. Masey (Epsilon Eta– Virginia Tech ’17)  Issac M. Sams (Alpha Rho–West Virginia ’10)  Dr. James M. Schmuck (Alpha Eta– Westminster ’69)  Robert H. Wall (Tau– Wake Forest ’95)

First, on April 5, 2019, at the

Then, during a planned

Andrew P.

KAOEF Board of Trustees

reorganization process, on

Carr (Epsilon

meeting in San Destin, Florida,

September 6, 2019, during a


the following officers were

conference call meeting of

State ’00) was


the Board, the Bylaws were

promoted to

amended resulting in the

the role of Chief


Development Officer

 The office of Chairman and

having previously served as

Chairman and President, Derick S. Close (Alpha Omega– North Carolina State ’78),

Vice Chairman, Hon. David M. “Dink” Warren

Treasurer remained in their roles, unchanged,  The Executive Director’s staff title became President and Wiese remained in that role, and,  The title of Life Trustee was changed to Trustee Emeritus.

ing a conference call meeting

(Delta– Wofford ’77), and,

of the Board, the following took place: Eugene M. Julian (Beta Epsilon– Delaware ’63) was


elected as



Stanton Wiese (Gamma Omega– Midwestern State ’87),

by virtue of his office of Executive Director.


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role; the Vice Chairman and

Forest ’78),


 Dale Christopher Sarjeant (Beta Rho–Roanoke ’71)  Michael J. Walsh IV (Zeta–RandolphMacon ’72)

several years.

Next, on January 30, 2020, dur-

R. Scott

Saturday, August 24, 2019, at The Country Club of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia

director of development for

and Close remained in that




President became Chairman

Finally, Evan M. Stack (Zeta Chi– Kennesaw State ’15)

joined the KAOEF as a director of development effective May 15. He joins the aforementioned staff along with Tanner Gellinger, Aaron Masey, and Becky Moore. The KAOEF continues to fulfill its mission to raise funds for the benefit of the Order. Our objective remains to achieve the goal of the Crimson and Gold Campaign. Learn more at www.KAcrimsonandgold.com.

Chief Development Officer Ben W. Satcher, Jr. (Delta Omicron– Clemson ’79)

was transitioned to the role of Executive Vice President, and,


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2019 Awards For Chapter Excellence George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence



The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award of chapter excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for their superior operations and performance.


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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence The Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence is

and later to the chapters across the nation as he served as Knight

awarded to chapters that are in the top 15-20% in the Order based

Commander for two terms, totaling nine years. Much like our

on the applications received. It is named for Samuel Zenas Ammen,

practical founder, the Ammen award winning chapters exhibit a

Kappa Alpha Order’s Practical Founder. Ammen committed his time

commitment to excellence. They strive to be the best on campus

as a member of Kappa Alpha Order to improving, fi rst the ritual

and in the nation in every aspect of chapter operations.

and operations of our very fi rst chapter at Washington College,








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Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement

Scholastic Achievement Awards

The Carl Albert Award for Chapter Improvement is awarded to one

Academic excellence has been a priority of many Knight

to three chapters annually who show advance their chapter the

Commanders. Through the work of our chapters, and elevated

most year over year. It is named for former Speaker of the House

standards from the Executive Council, we continue to see a rising

of Representatives, Carl Albert (Beta Eta–Oklahoma ’29).

national GPA and successful brothers on campus.

National Scholarship Trophy This trophy, located at the national administrative office, is awarded to and engraved with the chapter that achieves the highest combined GPA for the year.

Stanford (3.705)–Alpha Pi Scholastic Excellence Awards Awarded to chapters who in one semester, or both, achieve



a GPA at or higher than 3.25 ONLY FALL 2018

BOTH FALL 2018 & SPRING 2019)

California (3.271)–Alpha Xi Davidson (3.289)–Sigma Florida (3.252)–Beta Zeta George Washington (3.34)– Alpha Nu Middle Tennessee State (3.35)– Provisional Chapter Washington & Lee (3.41)–Alpha William Jewell (3.4)–Alpha Delta

Arkansas (3.323 & 3.259)– Alpha Omicron Duke (3.624 & 3.534)–Alpha Phi Emory (3.325 & 3.34)–Epsilon Georgia (3.29 & 3.28)–Gamma Georgia Tech (3.47 & 3.45)– Alpha Sigma North Carolina (3.25 & 3.296)– Upsilon Rhodes (3.379 & 3.32)– Alpha Epsilon Richmond (3.327 & 3.32)–Eta Stanford (3.7 & 3.71)–Alpha Pi Texas (3.348 & 3.33)–Omicron Tulsa (3.359 & 3.438)–Mu Vanderbilt (3.339 & 3.45)–Chi Virginia (3.429 & 3.438)–Lambda Washington College (3.35 & 3.29)–Beta Omega


Austin Peay State (3.34)–Zeta Tau Baylor (3.4)–Delta Omega Georgetown College (3.4)– Beta Delta Southern Illinois (3.326)– Zeta Sigma Tulane (3.295)–Psi William & Mary (3.56)–Alpha Zeta



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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

Semester Academic Achievement Award (3.0-3.24) Awarded to chapters who in one semester, or both, achieve a GPA between 3.0–3.24 FALL 2018

Arkansas-Monticello (3.11)– Epsilon Chi Austin Peay State (3.03)–Zeta Tau Baylor (3.16)–Delta Omega Centenary (3.15)–Alpha Iota Georgetown (3.125)–Beta Delta Nicholls State (3.0)–Epsilon Beta Purdue (3.01)–Purdue Provisional Southern Illinois-Carbondale (3.11)–Zeta Sigma Tulane (3.045)–Psi West Texas A&M (3.115)– Gamma Sigma William & Mary (3.15)–Alpha Zeta SPRING 2019

Arizona (3.03)–Gamma Epsilon California (3.208)–Alpha Xi Charleston (3.031)– Provisional Chapter Davidson (3.101)–Sigma Florida (3.2)–Beta Zeta George Washington (3.22)– Alpha Nu Jacksonville State (3.195)– Delta Phi Louisiana Tech (3.0339)– Gamma Alpha Mercer (3.08)–Kappa Middle Tennessee State (3.14)– Provisional Chapter Mississippi (3.15)–Alpha Upsilon Mississippi State (3.06)–Beta Tau Missouri S&T (3.08)–Beta Alpha Presbyterian (3.14)–Beta Pi Randolph-Macon (3.11)–Zeta Univ. of the South–Alpha Alpha South Alabama (3.05)– Epsilon Alpha Tennessee-Chattanooga (3.05)– Zeta Upsilon

Transylvania (3.049)–Alpha Theta Washington & Lee (3.067)–Alpha FALL 2018 & SPRING 2019

Alabama (3.14 & 3.145)– Alpha Beta Arkansas-Fort Smith (3.08 & 3.03)–Zeta Rho Auburn (3.065 & 3.076)–Nu Clemson (3.047 & 3.039)– Delta Omicron Drury (3.191 & 3.0134)–Beta Iota Furman (3.215 & 3.167)–Iota Hampden-Sydney (3.09 & 3.18)– Alpha Tau High Point (3.02 & 3.22)–Zeta Phi Houston (3.084 & 3.196)– Gamma Mu Kentucky (3.09 & 3.03)–Theta Louisiana State (3.009 & 3.049)– Alpha Gamma Maryland (3.03 & 3.0)– Beta Kappa Miami (3.17 & 3.14)– Epsilon Lambda Millsaps (3.109 & 3.107)– Alpha Mu Nevada-Reno (3.24 & 3.05)– Zeta Delta Southwestern (3.234 & 3.024)–Xi Tennessee (3.16 & 3.13)–Pi Texas A&M (3.096 & 3.112)– Epsilon Delta Virginia Tech (3.036 & 3.008)– Epsilon Eta Wake Forest (3.147 & 3.203)–Tau Univ. of Washington (3.1 & 3.14)– Zeta Mu West Virginia Wesleyan (3.15 & 3.07)–Beta Chi Westminster (3.15 & 3.125)– Alpha Eta Wofford (3.21 & 3.17)–Delta


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Project Outreach Awards KA is pledged to the pursuit of excellence, and our brothers are committed to the development of themselves and others. With this challenge, we must assume responsibilities in many areas. Chapters across the nation offer their time and resources each year to benefit local and national philanthropies and charities.

Knight Commander’s Cup Awarded to the chapter with the best overall effort in Operation Crimson Gift, the Order’s blood drive initiative

Missouri S&T (382 participants)– Beta Alpha Outstanding Dollars Raised for Charity Per Man

Tennessee-Chattanooga ($81 per man)–Zeta Upsilon Arkansas ($76.84 per man)– Alpha Omicron

Listed in order of most $ per man

Missouri Southern State ($428.49 per man)–Delta Pi South Carolina ($252.55 per man)–Rho Mississippi ($213 per man)–Alpha Upsilon Mississippi State ($206.54 per man)–Beta Tau Presbyterian ($174.39 per man)– Beta Pi Jacksonville State ($162.89 per man)–Delta Phi Centenary ($135.28 per man)– Alpha Iota Northern Arizona ($107.09 per man)–Epsilon Tau Tulsa ($104.15 per man)–Mu Univ. of Washington ($100 per man)–Zeta Mu Louisiana Tech ($85 per man)– Gamma Alpha Missouri S&T ($87.30 per man)– Beta Alpha

Outstanding Volunteer Service Hours Per Man Listed in order of most hours per man

Missouri Southern State (122.6 hours per man)–Delta Pi Missouri S&T (59.01 hours per man)–Beta Alpha Univ. of Washington (46 hours per man)–Zeta Mu Jacksonville State (39 hours per man)–Delta Phi Southern Illinois at Carbondale (32 hours per man)–Zeta Sigma Tulsa (31.13 hours per man)–Mu


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OUR ORDER News, Notes & Recog nition

Chapter Operations Awards Chapters are recognized, based on their applications for a variety of areas of operations.

Excellence in Campus and Community Communication

Excellence in Educational Programming

Excellence in Social Media Communication

Outstanding Recruitment & Chapter Growth

These chapters show effective

These chapters schedule

These chapters utilize

These chapters show the

communication and promotion

speakers and/or workshops,

many forms of media in a

coordination of a year-round,

of the interfraternal spirit on

attend opportunities

frequent, values-centric way,

values-based approach to

their campus, with the faculty,

on campus, and lead an

continually sharing news

recruitment, using chapter

staff, and administration,

comprehensive approach

about their chapter on

accomplishments and

and community.

to membership education,

various outlets.

involvement to effectively

Centenary–Alpha Iota Jacksonville State–Delta Phi Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Presbyterian–Beta Pi Tulsa–Mu Univ. of Washington–Zeta Mu

Excellence in Chapter Finance These chapters should have submitted all national reports on time, maintained generally a zero balance, maintain great records, utilize the tools of OmegaFi for budgeting and collecting, and maintain a minimum accounts receivable from their membership.

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron Mercer–Kappa Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Texas Tech–Gamma Chi Tulsa–Mu


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which might include Council of Honor, The Crusade, and other areas of leadership and values education.

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron Jacksonville State–Delta Phi Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha Mississippi State–Beta Tau Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi Presbyterian–Beta Pi Tennessee Tech–Zeta Epsilon Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon Texas Tech–Gamma Chi Transylvania–Alpha Theta Tulsa–Mu Univ. of Washington–Zeta Mu Westminster–Alpha Eta

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Transylvania–Alpha Theta Tulsa–Mu Univ. of Washington–Zeta Mu Westminster–Alpha Eta

Excellence in Fraternal Communication These chapters show effective communication and promotion of brotherhood with other KA chapters, to include newly

recruit and retain new members

Arkansas–Alpha Omicron Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi State–Beta Tau Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha Northern Arizona–Epsilon Tau Tennessee Tech–Zeta Epsilon Tennessee-Martin–Delta Upsilon Tennessee–Pi Texas Tech–Gamma Chi Transylvania–Alpha Theta Tulsa–Mu West Texas A&M–Gamma Sigma Westminster–Alpha Eta

chartered chapters and those winning national awards.

Centenary–Alpha Iota Louisiana Tech–Gamma Alpha Millsaps–Alpha Mu Mississippi–Alpha Upsilon Missouri S&T–Beta Alpha South Carolina–Rho Tulsa–Mu Univ. of Washington– Zeta Mu


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2020 Risk Mangement Policy ALCOHOL AND DRUGS 1. The possession, sale, use and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on chapter premises, or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, county, parish, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either BYOB or Third Party Vendor guidelines. 2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with chapter funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common sources of such alcoholic beverage, for example kegs or cases are prohibited. 3. Open parties, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present are prohibited. Open parties have been defined as those functions at which the guest to member ratio exceeds three-to-one. 4. No chapter members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under the legal “drinking age”). 5. The possession, sale and/or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances by a member are strictly prohibited. 6. No chapter may co-sponsor an event with a distributor of alcohol, charitable organization or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of its annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of tavern, as defined above, for the purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern, as defined above, for an event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list. 7. No chapter may co-sponsor or co-finance or attend or participate in a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations. 8. All recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment or rush activities associated with any chapter may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy.


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9. No member or pledge/associate/new member/

novice shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games”. 10. No alcohol shall be present at any member awaiting initiation/pledge/new member program or activity of the chapter. This includes, but is not limited to, activities associated with “bid night”, “big brothers - little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities and initiation. HAZING No chapter, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as: “Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; calisthenics, physical and psychological shocks; use of pledge books or signature books, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.” SEXUAL ABUSE AND HARASSMENT The fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexist or sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members whether physical, mental or emotional. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which is demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment and sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy is prohibited. FIRE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY 1. All chapter houses shall, prior to, during and following occupancy, meet all local fire and health codes and standards. 2. All chapters must have posted by common phones and in other locations emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and should have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room.

3. All chapters shall comply with engineering


5. 6. 7.

recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities. The possession and/or use of firearms, archery equipment, incendiary devices such as fireworks or explosive devices of any kind within the confines and premises of the chapter house are prohibited. Pets are not permitted in any chapter house, lodge or facility. Permanent or make-shift pools are not permitted at any chapter house, lodge or facility. Make-shift or temporary builds or structures are prohibited, provided, however, that they may be approved if the procedures are followed in the Special Events section, Part 3.

SPECIAL EVENTS Special events are defined as any event/function (1) where alcohol will be present, and the guest to member ration exceeds three-to-one; (2) involving athletic events or competitions; or (3) that involves any activity that is deemed to be potentially hazardous by the Alumnus Adviser, the Alumni Advisory Committee, the Province Commander, the Executive Director, or the Order’s insurance broker. Any chapter wishing to host a special event must do the following: 1. Complete a comprehensive, written description of the event and forward it to the Province Commander and the Executive Director for review and approval. This information must be received by the Executive Director at least 60 days prior to the event; and 2. Secure a Special Events Insurance Policy (“Policy”) or pay a risk management assessment fee in an amount to be determined by the Order’s insurance broker. If the Policy option is selected, the Policy shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 available through the Order’s insurance broker and shall name Kappa Alpha Order, a Virginia Corporation, as an additional insured. EDUCATION Each student member, associate member and pledge shall be instructed annually on the Kappa Alpha Order Risk Management Policy. A copy of the Risk Management Policy shall be available on the fraternity website.


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William R. “Bill” Baldt

Teresa TC McCoy

Samuel D. “Sam” Wyche

Beta Epsilon–Delaware ’54

(1970–2020): TC McCoy worked for the Order and the KAOEF from 2000 through 2007. In her tenure she served as the Receptionist, a meeting/event planner, and the KAOEF Assistant. She planned several National Leadership Institutes and Conventions. Active Members, Alumni Members, and volunteer leadership recall fondly time spent with her before, during, and after those meetings. To several young staff members, and old ones alike, she was a big sister and surrogate mother away from home. TC was a kind person who was always ready to help and was always a friend to all. She touched the lives of her entire community through endless service and dedication to local area sports, schools, and other organizations.

Iota–Furman ’66

(1935–2020): Baldt was a graduate of P.S. duPont High School and received his Bachelor of Arts in history and a master’s degree in counseling education from the University of Delaware. His higher education career started at the University of Delaware where was an admissions officer. At Brandywine College he served as Dean of Students and in 1977, he began a tenure at Goldey-Beacom College, where he would ultimately serve as president for 19 years. Goldey-Beacom awarded him with an honorary doctorate in education. A respected member of his community, he served on numerous boards throughout his career. Bill served the Order first on staff as a Regional Advisor from 1956 to 1957. He also served as an Assistant National Scholarship Officer and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Fraternity Housing Corporation from 1982 to 1983. He later served as the Preceptor for the James Ward Wood Court of Honor and as a member of the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation Board of Trustees from 1987 to 1990, from 1992 to 1997, and from 1999 to 2004. Bill is survived by his three children, Morganne Ashlie of Crozet, Virginia, S. Erin Baldt of Warwick Rhode Island, and Christopher (Zeta Gamma–Goldey-Beacom ’02); his wife Jan of Millsboro, Delaware; his brother Leonard and his wife Beverly, along with a niece, nephew, and grandnephew.


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TC fought a long, tough battle following a automobile accident last year. She is survived by her husband, Jeffery; daughter Jaden; mother Peggy Carter; brothers Joey Carter and Edwin B. Carter IV; and several more family members. The KAOEF has created a scholarship fund for Jaden. You may make a donation to this fund in memory of TC, at www.KAOEF.org/ donate. Please put “TC McCoy Fund” in the description. You may also mail a donation to P.O. Box 1865, Lexington, Va., with “TC McCoy” as the memo line.

(1945–2019): Wyche played college football at Furman University after “walking on,” and then earning a three-year scholarship. He earned his MBA at the University of South Carolina. As a graduate assistant, he was assigned to the young defensive backfield coach, Lou Holtz. Drafted in 1968, Wyche played multiple years in the AFL & NFL ending in 1976. He appeared in Super Bowl VII. In 1979, Wyche joined his former BengaI’s quarterback coach, Bill Walsh, and drafted Joe Montana. He coached that passing game in winning the 1981 Super Bowl XVI. In 1984, as the Bengal’s new head coach he introduced the “No Huddle/Hurry Up” offense. He retired from coaching with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1996. He joined Marv Albert on the NBC broadcasts of the NFL in 1996. He is a member of numerous Halls of Fame. Wyche received a second lease on life in 2016 when he became the recipient of a donor heart. He fully recovered and became a staunch campaigner for organ, eye, and tissue donation. In his retirement, Wyche spoke to thousands of undergraduate KAs on leadership, traveling to all KA programs including Convention. He was the recipient of the Knight Commander’s Accolade and a strong advocate for the fraternity experience. Sam is survived by his wife Jane, children Zak and Kerry, and six grandchildren. W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles Alabama–Alpha Beta

Dr. James Fairly Alison, Jr. 1944, 03/24/2017 William Kavanaugh Francis, Jr. 1961, 02/07/2020 F. Watson Jones 1947, 03/12/2019 Appalachian State– Delta Psi

Jeffrey B. Keller 1976, 02/21/2020 Arizona– Gamma Epsilon

Alexander J. Traficanti, JD 1951, 01/18/2020 Arkansas State– Delta Eta

James David Wilson, Jr. 1973, 12/17/2019 Marshall B. Wixson 1983, 07/16/2016 Arkansas– Alpha Omicron

Thomas Lee Curry 1951, 04/06/2020 Auburn–Nu

Victor Bethune Atkins, Jr. 1944, 08/19/2019 Samuel C. Blackwell 1951, 09/06/2019 Larry P. Bryant 1954, 10/07/2019 John T. Ortstadt 1961, 01/22/2019 Homer G. Sparks 1950, 06/27/2019 Robert H. Tift 1944, 05/02/2018 Baylor–Delta Omega

Mark A. Robohm 1989, 02/27/2020 BirminghamSouthern–Phi

Billy J. Elliott 1945, 07/24/2005 California-Alpha Xi

James J. Nelson, 1949, 06/28/2019

California-Riverside– Epsilon Epsilon

Sean D. Toon 1989, 12/26/2018 Centenary–Alpha Iota

Willard L. Ent, Sr. 1944, 05/04/2019 James E. Franklin, Jr. 1958, 01/14/2020 Stuart D. Lunn 1943, 10/12/2019 Citadel–Theta Commission

Donnell L. Pope 2010, 01/04/2020 Clemson– Delta Omicron

W. Timothy Grant 1970, 09/20/2019 William & Mary– Alpha Zeta

COL Matthew Lee Gardner USA (Ret.) 1946, 12/08/2019 John Thomas Herring, Jr. 1956, 01/03/2020 Carroll Wallace Owens, Jr. 1962, 10/12/2019 William Earl Russell, Jr. 1957, 05/06/2020 Davidson–Sigma

Norman William Pettys, Jr. 1960, 01/26/2020 Joseph W. Richards 1947, 12/25/2019 Dr Charles Franklin Safley, Jr. 1960, 04/03/2020 Delaware– Beta Epsilon

Dr. William R. Baldt 1954, 05/06/2020 Delta State–Delta Beta Joseph O. Everett 1994, 01/20/2020 Bertram S. Wade, Jr. 1970, 11/06/2019 Drury–Beta Iota

Richard L. Turner 1970, 06/01/2017


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Duke–Alpha Phi

Dr. Albert P. Cline, Jr. 1949, 04/24/2020 Emory–Epsilon

Thomas B. Buck III 1956, 01/02/2020 Dr. Harry C. Tindall 1950, 12/15/2019 Warren W. Toole 1965, 01/15/2020 Florida–Beta Zeta

Johnson W. Blackwell 1966, 01/10/2020 Scottie J. Butler 1962, 11/21/2019 Chas. Robert Yates 1946, 02/03/2020 Florida State– Gamma Eta

Robert W. Byrd 1959, 12/31/2019 Greg K. Williams 1987, 01/12/2020 Furman–Iota

John Patrick Mullen, Jr. 1965, 12/15/2019 Samuel D. Wyche 1966, 01/02/2020 Georgetown– Beta Delta

Robert Cohen 1954, 04/08/2020 Benjamin D. Stone 1991, 09/22/2017 Georgia–Gamma

G. Woodfin Cole 1971, 04/02/2020 Robert R. Dunlap 1949, 01/09/1920 Rutledge Avalon Griffin, Jr. 1964, 11/05/2019 Lovic J. Marbury 1993, 01/02/2020 Coy James McCants, Jr. 1957, 03/09/2020 Mark B. Mitcham 1977, 03/18/2020 Charles Steadman Sanford, Jr. 1955, 09/04/2018

Shelton Palmer Sanford, II 1963, 08/11/2019 Georgia College– Epsilon Nu

Louisiana-Monroe– Gamma Nu

Horace W. Elkins 1968, 08/05/2017

CPT Brent Lotelle DuBois, Jr. 1990, 12/07/2019

Louisville– Beta Omicron

Georgia Tech– Alpha Sigma

Dr. Julian R. Hardaway 1940, 02/09/2020 Hal B. Washburn, Jr. 1950, 05/27/2019

Joel W. Horne 1944, 11/07/2019 Dr. Lynwood A. Johnson 1952, 12/18/2019 Hampden-Sydney– Alpha Tau

Philip M. Snyder, III 1947, 02/27/2018 Johns Hopkins–Alpha Lambda

Louis M. Sardella 1966, 01/21/2020 Kentucky–Theta

Dr. Edward H. Oldfield 1967, 09/01/2017 Louisiana State– Alpha Gamma

J. Randal Goodwin 1951, 01/16/2020 Roy E. Jordan 1954, 01/21/2020 George Enfield McNutt, Jr. 1945, 02/20/2019 R. Lee Sibley 1976, 01/23/2020 Levin C. Soule 1950, 12/28/2019 Louisiana Tech– Gamma Alpha

MAJ Toney W. Baskin 1963, 02/10/2020 Donald D. McFarland 1961, 08/11/2017 Louisiana–Gamma Phi

Thomas Lee Cloninger 1976, 08/22/2019 Chase Gillespie 2018, 05/03/2020 Dannon L. Peterson 1991, 03/09/2020 Ryan J. Saloom 1982, 11/13/2019

Marshall–Beta Upsilon

Joel A. Gensler 1969, 07/11/2019 William Leckie Kell, Jr. 1967, 03/30/2020 James E. Spencer 1960, 04/21/2020 Roger P. Wood 1945, 02/07/2019 McNeese State– Delta Xi

Martin L. Chehotsky 1975, 09/17/2018 Memphis– Gamma Gamma

William Alvin Holmes 1949, 03/18/2020 Burns Landess 1953, 09/27/2019 Mercer–Kappa

Robert Edmond Atwater, Jr. 1947, 12/28/2019 Dr. Augustus M. Parker 1946, 01/14/2020 William Pitt Callaway Smith, II 1949, 06/25/2018 Preston Clark Williams, Jr. 1944, 09/22/2019 Middle Tennessee State–Delta Lambda

Anthony R. Savage 1970, 12/20/2019 Kenneth J. Shelton 1973, 01/25/2020 Midwestern State– Gamma Omega

Michael R. Nelson 1966, 01/18/2020


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CHAPTER ETERNAL Fratres Usque Ad Aram Fideles

Millsaps–Alpha Mu

Dr. Gird A. McCarty, Jr. 1956, 01/18/2020 Thomas E. Royals 1959, 11/13/2019 Leland Somers Smith, III 1976, 12/27/2019 Mississippi– Alpha Upsilon

Norman F. Adcox 1982, 05/05/2020 Calvin J. Michel 1976, 04/07/2020 Sam V. Morse 1955, 04/03/2020 Missouri–Alpha Kappa

Phillip A. Tate 1965, 12/22/2019

Northwestern State– Gamma Psi

Louis Fair Hyams, III 1976, 11/30/2019 Michael L. McQueen 1988, 12/10/2019 Randal F. Wyatt 1979, 05/22/2019 Oglethorpe–Beta Nu

G. Douglass Alexander 1972, 04/06/2020 Oklahoma City– Gamma Kappa

James C. Brant 1967, 03/05/2020 Glenn L. Stephenson 1955, 11/27/2019 Rhodes–Alpha Epsilon

Missouri S&T– Beta Alpha

John K. Wadley 1953, 05/06/2016

Erwin G. Blankenmeister 1948, 03/16/2020

Rollins–Alpha Psi

Missouri Southern State–Delta Pi

CAPT Michael R. Gondro USCG 1978, 01/01/2020 Missouri State– Gamma Beta

William R. Hass 1956, 12/30/2019 Newberry– Delta Epsilon

Lewie E. Shealy LUTCF 1970, 03/20/2020 North Carolina– Upsilon

James Larry Carter 1958, 11/01/2019 James Allen Fine, Jr. 1981, 03/24/2017 John Shepley Schofield III 1948, 09/01/2019 North Carolina State– Alpha Omega

William F. Lane 1953, 03/11/2020 Francis N. Young 1964, 11/06/2019 North Florida–Zeta Nu

Robert M. Foster 2007, 01/02/2020 North Texas– Gamma Lambda

Henry B. Roberts, Jr. 1950, 04/13/2020 Sam Houston State– Gamma Tau

Elton L. Blanchard, Jr. 1977, 04/27/2020 San Jose State– Gamma Delta

Richard B. Robinson 1948, 07/21/2018 Walter A. Van Dehey 1950, 12/06/2018 Univ. of the South– Alpha Alpha

Robert H. Chapman III 1970, 08/23/2017 South Carolina–Rho

LT H. M. Alexander 1961, 08/21/2018 James V. Hicks 1947, 01/27/2019 Southern Methodist– Beta Lambda

E. Harmon Hodge 1946, 01/02/2020 Robert N. Medaris 1948, 05/22/2019 Will Nelson 2015, 03/07/2020 William S. Robinson 1954, 04/30/2011



Thomas N. Harrison 1963, 01/31/2020

William E. Hazel 1960, 04/26/2020 Daniel C. Lickle 1951, 02/05/2019 Randolph H. Neal 1945, 08/27/2018 COL James Ewell Brown Stuart IV, USA (Ret.) 1954, 07/17/2020

Stephen F. Austin State–Delta Kappa

S. Donald Huckaby 1971, 06/21/2018 Tennessee–Pi

Steven R. Smith 1984, 11/03/2019 Tennessee-Martin– Delta Upsilon

David A. Jenkins 1984, 01/29/2019 Texas A&MCommerce– Gamma Upsilon

John M. Struble 1967, 02/11/2020 Texas–Omicron

Albert W. Holmes 1956, 12/24/2019 Joseph N. Lattimore 1944, 09/21/2007 Transylvania– Alpha Theta

Stephen R. Porter 1984, 10/30/2019 Tulane–Psi

Dr. Jonathan Richard Williams, Jr. 1962, 01/23/2017 Tulsa–Mu

David B. Cook 1957, 12/14/2019 Peter R. Crawford 1942, 08/07/2019 Frank Edward Frawley, Jr. 1952, 03/26/2019 Joe F. Mills 1958, 03/27/2020 Robert R. Park 1942, 03/12/2018 Daniel Newton Williams, Jr. 1947, 06/04/2019 Vanderbilt–Chi

William James Stockard, III 1951, 03/13/2019

VMI–Beta Commission

Ben L. Angle III 1955, 10/13/2019 COL Benjamin F. Harmon III 1949, 11/07/2019 COL Donald K. Jamison 1971, 11/19/2019 James W. Moore 1958, 09/12/2019 Kevin E. Newton 1974, 10/30/2019 Edwin R. Trinkle 1970, 11/12/2019

West Virginia Wesleyan–Beta Chi

Glenn T. Lyle 1966, 10/08/2018 William M. Mitsch 1989, 08/20/2019 Jake A. Sawyers 1993, 06/17/2019 Theodore E. Tenney 1992, 08/24/2019 Westminster– Alpha Eta

Craig G. Hiscott 1965, 02/17/2020 William J. Kirberger 1944, 02/11/2020 William Jewell– Alpha Delta

Billy D. Kuykendall 1954, 04/03/2019

Wake Forest–Tau

Timothy H. Graham 1973, 04/06/2020 Spencer M. Kitchin 1962, 03/16/2020 Frederick L. Wendorf 1964, 02/19/2020 West Texas A&M– Gamma Sigma

John C. Duke 1974, 03/26/2020 Gerald W. Free 1959, 08/29/2019 Miles M. Welch 1963, 10/01/2018 Billy R. Woods 1959, 07/06/2019 West Virginia– Alpha Rho

David J. Baum 1976, 04/13/2020 LCDR Thomas E. Gibbs USN (Ret) 1942, 10/02/2018 Eric J. Macke 1999, 05/02/2019 Richard D. Riddle 1954, 01/06/2020 Edward S. Yarid 1947, 03/31/2020

James D. White 1958, 05/09/2020


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Ensur ing the future of Kappa Alpha Order

Garrett A. Bedenbaugh (Epsilon Xi– North Carolina-Charlotte ’08) FOREVER KA Garrett Bedenbaugh is a First Alert Meteorologist for Action News Jax in Jacksonville, Florida. Garrett joined the First Alert Weather Team in May 2014 as Weekend Meteorologist and has known he wanted to be a “weatherman” on television since he was in the third grade. Originally from Clinton, South Carolina, he obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is a Certified Broadcast Meteorologist (CBM) from the American Meteorological Society and is also a member of the National Weather Association. Garrett is a past Number I, II, and III of Epsilon Xi Chapter and has been a supporter of Forever KA since its inception in 2011. What is your favorite KA memory?

Aside from the great chapter social events, one of my favorite K A memories has to be recruitment. I literally have some great lifelong friends from just going up to say hey and talking to them about K A. F A L L 2 0 2 0 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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Why do you believe KA membership is for life?

I have run into people before and somehow, we end up finding out that we are both K A’s and the dynamic of the conversation immediately changes. There is an awesome bond by just saying those two letters to someone who is a Brother. It is always very interesting to hear about their experience with K A at their chapter when they were active. What caused you to join Forever KA?

I joined Forever K A because I wanted to still be involved with K A after college. It was a great, affordable way to still commit to helping others enjoy all of the benefits that K A has to offer throughout the college experience.

All joiners of Forever KA enroll at a minimum recurring monthly gift amount of $10 ($30/quarter, $60/semi-annual, $120/annual). Options for additional giving are available. First-time members will receive:  A beautiful KA pen  A Forever KA hat  Benefits of and membership* in the Loyal Order (lifetime Journal subscription)  An invitation to regional and national events  Discount offers from companies  A distinctive lapel pin to wear with pride * gifted by the KAOEF when total Forever KA donations given exceed $299 Other ways to Support the KAOEF & Kappa Alpha Order 1865 Trust


What is one thing you’d tell every graduating alumnus about KA?

Crimson & Gold Society

Don’t forget about your ties to K A. You never know when and where it can help you in life after college.

Loyal Order

www.KAcrimsonandgold.com www.LoyalOrder.org


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RECOGNITION In Memor y. In Honor.

Donation In Memory of: Norman F. Adcox

by Eddie S. Wilson Leslie H. Anderson

by Michael M. Anderson As early as 1952, the former “Kappa Alpha Scholarship Fund” was promoted with the following quote from Councilor Vernon H. McCall (Xi– Southwestern 1911): “Flowers are a beautiful conveyance of love and sympathy, but wither. Love and sympathy expressed through our scholarship fund, is life.” Today, the Kappa Alpha Order Education Foundation’s recognition program receives tax-deductible donations “In Honor” or “In Memory” of anyone and from anyone. Generally, one brother makes a donation in honor of a brother or group and designates it to recognize friendship, achievement,

Kaplan James Andrew

by Kelley K. Restemyer Dr. Paul J. Andrisani

by Eugene M. Julian William R. Baldt

by Larry S. Wiese

by Alpine Bank Raymond B. Bottom, Jr.

by James R. Foster by LT Hal V. Lackey, III John E. Boyle, III

by Robert L. Morris, Jr.

brother, in lieu of flowers or some other

PO Daniel John Fitzgerald Buck USN

Special notice is sent to the honoree or the family of the deceased brother, and those are then able to send a prepared thank you note back to the donor, creating a sincere and deserved system of recognition and thanks.

Bobby Cochrane

by Michael F. Milligan G. Woodfin Cole

by Malcolm H. Liles Jay C. Conrad

by John D. Peeples David B. Cook

George T. Cromwell, Jr.

by Donald J. Nici

unrestricted (but not required).

by Richard B. Liles

Erwin G. Blankenmeister

donation in memory of a beloved

annual giving level and typically are

Dr. Fred N. Clements, Jr.

by Larry S. Wiese

or significance; or one may make a

Gifts count toward a member’s

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by MAJ Charles A. Bertalot Joe F. Mills

David J. Baum

Charles Roy Brittain


Reynolds S. Cheney, Former Knight Commander

by Kevin T. McGarry Thomas B. Buck, III

by The Hon. George B. Hooks Robert E. Byrd

by LTC Walter David Archibald (Ret.) James E. Byrne, Jr.

by Robert L. Morris, Jr.

by Barbara Cromwell Dr. Richard T. Feller, Former Knight Commander

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Harry O. Fishel, Jr.

by Grace J. Fishel John Robert Fisher

by Robert L. Morris, Jr. William E. Forester

by Michael S. Henderson W. Julian Foy

by Michael S. Henderson The Hon. David M. Warren Thomas W. Gerdes

by Robert B. Glenn, Jr.

Walter Timothy Grant

Graham N. Lowdon

by Dr. John E. Ross

by David E. Hilt

Rutledge A. Griffin, Jr.

Paul S. Lynch

by Malcolm H. Liles Loren Q. Hanson

by The Hon. David M. Warren Aaron Lee Hart

by Jeremy D. McClendon Dr. James Elbert Hedrick, Jr.

by Gust Edwin Johnson, Jr. COL Larry Wayne Madden (Ret.)

by LTC John W. Bauder (Ret.) Lovic J. Marbury

by John C. Funderburk, III E. Fleming Mason

by J. Asa Banks, III

by Lee S. Dixon

W. Edgar Helms, III

George William McCall, Jr.

by Duke L. Anderson

by George W. McCall, III

Dr. Michael R. Henderson

John T. McCoy

by Edward Thomas Hurdle John Thomas Herring, Jr.

by Miles Racey Orndorff, Jr. Craig Gerald Hiscott

by Rex A. Friedman Linda Kae Juhl Hopper

by Robert B. Glenn, Jr. Louis Fair Hyams, III

by Donald J. Nici Dr. James R. Jackson

by Dr. Charles Howard Duckett Burns Landess

by Robert B. Glenn, Jr. James J. Lilly

by Robert L. Morris, Jr. TC McCoy

L. Blair Bailey Christopher B. Churchill Clint F. Cummins Dina A. Dudley CSM G. Jeffrey Jackson (Ret) Jesse S. Lyons David M. O'Dell Matthew D. O'Neal John E. Phingston Graham B. Stiles Hon. David M. Warren Joseph M. Van Name, III Larry S. Wiese Sean James McKnight

by Ben E. Lilly

by Robert W. Hopkins, II

Clyde Littlefield

John P. Mullen, Jr.

by Stuart F. Whtesell

by Kappa Alpha Order Alumni

Make your tribute at KAOEF.org/donate


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In Memor y. In Honor. William J. Neely

Bryce C. Ruth, Jr.

by William E. Watson

by J. Walter Wood, Jr.

Michael Raymond Nelson

Dr. Charles Franklin Safley, Jr.

by Larry S. Wiese

by Eddie S. Wilson

Geremiah Anthony Olvera

Ryan Joseph Saloom

by Damian C. Doolittle

by Dr. Russell J. Saloom, MD

Julian A. Pardini, Former Knight Commander

Shelton Palmer Sanford, II

by Bruce L. Hudson

by Lewis M. Little, Jr.

by Stanley J. Viner

Sydney N. Schrag

Alfred R. Van Landingham

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Dr. Augustus Milton Parker

by Timothy K. Adams Thomas G. Paulson, II, Former Knight Commander

by Hon. David M. Warren Jeffery V. Seay

by Blake E. Benney Lewie E. Shealy

Mark Andrew Tartaglio

by James Nolan Lumbley, III Thomas R. Tedcastle

by Edward G. Sullivan, Esq. Lee Herbert Tunis Irby Turner, III

by John R. Rowe, Jr. Kent W. VanSkiver

by Ward William VanSkiver

Donation In Honor of: Joseph Clay Adams

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Phillip E. Adams, Jr.

by Dean A. Schaffer King V. Aiken, Jr.

Raymond Randall Beard

Chapter Services Staff

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Anita E. Snyder

James W. Beavers, III

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Thomas A. Bessant, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

AlphaWashington & Lee

Beta AlphaMissouri S&T

by Allan C. Hubbard Dr. Nelson S. Teague

Beta RhoRoanoke College

Alpha GammaLouisiana State University

by John M. Schattyn

by Richard M. Trent, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by John Woody Cornwell Graves Province Court of Honor

C. Norman Pearson, Jr.

Kenneth J. Shelton

by Allen C. Wohlwend

by Robert A. Pugh

by Dr. John E. Ross Marshall B. Wixon

Stanley R. Prichard

Collie B. Sledge

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

by Christopher B. Williams

Paul Gibson Smith

Edna Wood

Alpha OmegaNorth Carolina State

by Hon. David M. Warren

by Dustin G. Brann John M. Griffin

Randal F. Wyatt

Alpha Phi-Duke

by Donald J. Nici Dr. Robert H. Wyatt, Jr.

by J. Michael Goodson Edwin F. Payne

Nathan Vincent Brannon

by Daniel W. Bridges, Jr.

Alpha SigmaGeorgia Tech

Hon. Dustin R. Burrows

Samuel D. Wyche

by James E. Elliott, Jr. Cleabert G. Farabee, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Randall R. Carver J. Guy Revelle, Jr.

by Hon. David M. Warren Dr. James I. Robertson, Jr.

by Nell C. Smith James E. Spencer

by John P. Justice, Jr. Steven M. Steele

by Hon. David M. Warren

by The Hon. David M. Warren

William Bryan Roehrig, III

William A. Stroud

by Dr. Joe Wade Hunt Robert W. Shafer, Jr.

Jacob West Summers, Jr.

Regan Hungerford Rozier

by Robert H. Wall John Isaac Rucker, Jr.

by Walter E. Grantham, II

by Howard M. Stroud

by Edward Wade Mullins, Jr. Freda S. Summers Mary P. Weston Jacob West Summers, IV

by Edward Wade Mullins, Jr. Freda S. Summers Mary P. Weston


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James H. Vaughn

by Robert L. Morris, Jr.

by Thomas V. Crichton, IV

William P. Williamson

Alpha IotaCentenary College of Louisiana

by Graves Province Court of Honor Jesse S. Lyons Ben W. Satcher, Jr. Larry S. Wiese

by Robert W. Sorensen

L. Blair Bailey

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Beta UpsilonMarshall University

by Norbert J. Ore Blake E. Benney

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Brett Michael Benson

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Rex D. Bohls

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Henry Piner

Annette Cain, Chi Omega 1960

by Bobby L. Buatt Thomas H. Campbell

Chi-Vanderbilt University

by Thomas J. Campbell, Jr. Ronald S. Childress

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Timothy W. Chisholm

by Anthony A. Davidson Derick S. Close

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. J. Kirk Corbin

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Thomas Richard DeBray, Jr.

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Kitty L. DeKieffer

by Judy Schmuck Delta BetaDelta State

by William H. Everitt Joseph R. Guice Delta EpsilonNewberry

by George M. Crosby R. Richard Sargent, II Delta LambdaMiddle Tennessee State University

by Julian B. Baker, Jr. COL John Furgess, Jr. USA (Ret.) Bobby Hatchett

by H. Lynn Greer, Jr.

Delta OmicronClemson University

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

F. Michael Carr

by I. Freeman Sturgis

by Andrew P. Carr

Richard A. Barnes

Bernace Michael Carter

Delta Pi Fall 2014 PC

Brian Charles Zody

David P. Barksdale

by Wesley J. Box

by H. Lynn Greer, Jr.

by Darren Prater

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. 65

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Delta Theta-Georgia Southern University

Gamma Iota-San Diego State University

by Stephen M. Jones

by David K. Dere

C. Shannon DeVaney

Gamma Nu-University of Louisiana-Monroe

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. William E. Dreyer, Former Knight Commander

by T. Edwin Norris by CPT Ronald C. Plunkett by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. J. Michael Duncan, Former Knight Commander

by H. Lynn Greer, Jr. by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Benny E. Edwards

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Epsilon-Emory University

M. Trace Hunt

Frieda Jean P. Martin

Thomas C. Rainey

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by John C. Martin

by Wyman R. Wade, Jr.

Lee Hunter

David T. Martineau, V

William Allen Ray, Jr.

by Casmer William Heilman

by Lewis Henry Gissel, III Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by William Allen Ray, Sr.

Littleton M. Maxwell

Aristeo Skyy Ruiz

Joshua Peter Jurack

by The Hon. William Thomas McDonald, Jr.

by Gregory R. Singleton

by D. Brady Wilson

Daniel K. McAfee

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Dr. Joe Wade Hunt

by Caylin J. Blockley

Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation Staff

Lewis Henry Gissel, IV

by Anita E. Snyder

by Lewis Henry Gissel, III

Kappa Alpha Order National Administrative Office Staff

by R. Glenn St. John Gamma Sigma-West Texas A&M University

by William A. Dyess Richard M. Flynn Tanner Lucas Gellinger

Brad R. Greer

by H. Lynn Greer, Jr. H. Lynn Greer, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Steven E. Kitchen LT James M. Tallman, MD

Robert W. Hagan

Iota-Furman University

by Dr. Rogers L. Chase

by Nina B. Campbell Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Darren S. Kay, Former Knight Commander

Douglas W. Hanisch

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

James R. Estes, Former Knight Commander

by Brent W. Fellows

Dwain P. Knight

by Lee Walter Schuenemeyer Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Evan M. Hanna

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Brent E. Buswell

Steve C. Knight

James W. Harle

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Luther B. Koon

Douglas B. Harris

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

by Thomas A. Saunders, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Stephen J. LaFollette

Matthew Joel Harris

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Dr. Jesse C. Ethridge

by Wyman R. Wade, Jr.

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

The Hon. Leslie F. Hatch

Lambda-University of Virginia

Eta-University of Richmond

Bradley Keith McDaniel

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Jeffery R. McIntosh

by William K. Downey SGM E. Kent McMichael

by Robby R. Jones Larry D. Meyers

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. David G. Minto, Jr.

James Jacobs Rester

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

David P. Rutland Ben W. Satcher, Jr., Former Knight Commander

by LT James M. Tallman, MD Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Stuart F. Whetsell James M. Schmuck Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Dr. Lawrence Scholvanec

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. William M. Mitsch

Jacob Alexander Seay

by Mary Bennett

by Michael L. Duke Robert L. Morris, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Mu-University of Tulsa

Erik T. Showalter

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Sigma-Davidson College

by William J. Hanna, IV

by MAJ R.J. MacDowell USAF (Ret.) Calvin Moniz

C. Douglas Simmons, III, Knight Commander

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by James J. Rester Dr. James M. Schmuck Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Matthew D. O'Neal

John E. Simpson, III

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Omicron-University of Texas at Austin

Gregory R. Singleton

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Sam O. Leake, Jr.

by Steven W. Tomson

Mitchell L. Heidenheimer

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Lee S. Dixon

Ryan S. Orf

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Dr. James M. Schmuck

William Byron Fincher

Malcolm H. Liles

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

Casmer William Heilman

Blake Russel Parsons

William R. Lissau

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

by Joe F. Mills

Lucas Philip Pelton

Terrill L. Lister

by Jennifer Pelton

by Lee Walter Schuenemeyer

H. David Pinson

Robert Cole Evans

by Andrew M. Shott

by Robert Marlon Evans

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Scott Z. Larson

40th Executive Council of Kappa Alpha Order

Jeremy A. Hebert

by Dr. James M. Schmuck

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

Cuyler C. Lawrence

Michael A. Hedlund

by Sam O. Leake, Jr. M. Tom Faircloth

Jeffrey P. Fink

by Robert D. Fletcher

by Brent W. Fellows

Darron E. Franta

The Hon. Mark J. Hocker

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Gamma-University of Georgia

by E. Russell Epperson, III Gamma Chi-Texas Tech University

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.


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by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Sturt A. Hollandsworth, II

Jeffrey W. Love

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

by Gregory R. Singleton

Jesse S. Lyons

John Albert Horne

by Stuart F. Whetsell

by Robert A. Byrd, Jr.

Dr. Joel A. Nickles

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. William H. Skipper, Jr.

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Travis McNabb Sledge

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Ronny J. Snow

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Darrell Frank Sorrell

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr.

by Brent E. Buswell E. Preston Pritchett

by William H. Walker Psi-Tulane University

by Creed Walker Brierre

J. Michael Stephenson

by H. Lynn Greer, Jr. COL Walter D. Tanner

by CAPT Sidney E. Wood, Jr.


9/22/20 2:47 PM

RECOGNITION In Memor y. In Honor.

Paul H. Tarwater

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Collin B. Taylor

by Brent W. Fellows Jack R. Taylor, Former Knight Commander

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

William James Whitlock

by Bradley L. Whitlock Dr. Dawn Wiese

by Judy Schmuck Larry S. Wiese

Dr. Charles R. Thigpen

by Alfred Diaz, Jr. Michael S. Henderson Dr. James M. Schmuck Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Dr. Dawn Wiese

by John F. Thigpen

Len Wilkerson

E. Powell Thompson

by Stephen D. Cohle, MD

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Michael P. Wilson

Sean David Toon

by Kimberly J. Novak

by Jeffrey T. Fisher

Richard B. Wilson, Jr.

Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. PhD

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.

Theta-University of Kentucky

by Michael E. Hughes

by Shawn M. Fyfe H. Lynn Greer, Jr. James W. Harle Robert L. Morris, Jr. Paul H. Tarwater

Zeta Gamma Chapter-Goldey Beacom College

by Stephen Christopher Hudson

Jon Crosby Turner

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. James Murray Underwood, Jr.

by James N. C Moffat, III Gordon Saussy Varnedoe

by LT James M. Tallman, MD Jason W. Vassar

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Mark B. Vinson

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. The Hon. David M. Warren, Former Knight Commander

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr. Jacob Wesley Warren

by Gregory R. Singleton David Perry Washburn

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Samuel Martin Waters

by Taylor M. Sledge, Jr. Merrill C. Wautlet, Jr.

by David T. Hennington Thomas N. Whitehead

by Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.


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Values in Action A History in the Making

by Marlon Gibson

Marlon Gibson joined the KA national staff in January 2020, but his relationship with the Order has spanned

“The truth is: Belonging starts with self- acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.” – Brené Brown


several years. After KA and Marlon’s personal and professional paths crossed several times, yielding success

at each turn, he was recruited to be the first Director of

Community Engagement focused diversity, equity, and inclusion, in context of on living KA values, and engaging

in necessary conversations and actions. On these pages we share his thoughts, our progress, and results from participants from this important work. 68

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for the Order at the beginning of 2020, I was honored to be the trailblazer chosen to lead K A in diversity, inclusion, equity, and continued excellence. Today, I remain excited and humbled for the continued opportunity of working with all 125 of our Active Chapters, and more than 135,000 alumni worldwide. K A has a storied history like any fraternity founded in the late 1800s. The oppor-


9/22/20 3:01 PM

Values in Action

“Marlon has been vital to our education with several incredible, indepth presentations to the Chapter that made us think differently and grow in our understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion. “Likewise, Marlon has been an incredible advocate for the Chapter in some of the most difficult situations by helping students, faculty, and staff to understand the Chapter’s perspective and begin conversations that could not have happened otherwise. “Finally, and most importantly, he has been a friend to every brother of Beta Pi and that is something we will cherish forever.” BRENT GLASGOW NUMBER I (BETA PI– PRESBYTERIAN ’17 )

tunity to work with an organization that remains true to its core values and yearning for opportunities to reconcile the past with that of today’s modern day moral compass in 2020 is an opportunity to engage multiple stakeholders in ways in which they have never been engaged in conversation and action. I think back to my initial meeting with K A’s Executive Director, Larry Stanton Wiese, in April 2019, to discuss this project. Larry asked if I would be willing to create the curriculum for undergraduate members to better understand and be able to articulate the moral compass of a K A today. While K A has had much education in this area, and has made much progress organizationally, the fraternity wanted to continue the work for all members. Initially, I had to stop and think about the time commitment and also think through what it would mean to be the inaugural person to create this curriculum and lead it for an organization with more than 155 years of history. I came home that day, and had a conversation with my wife. We prayed over this opportunity and, at 6:05 a.m. the next morning, God spoke to us. He said that we were looking at this the wrong way—we needed to reframe this as an opportunity to impact a historic fraternity which has been around since 1865. We began thinking of ways to create the curriculum and make it engaging and exciting for today’s undergraduate members. I called Larry and said I would be delighted and honored to take on this project. Before I knew it, I had written and created the curriculum and I presented it to the staff at K A’s headquarters in Lexington, Virginia, last July. The staff offered suggestions, I updated the program, and we had a plan. The idea was offered to pilot


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Marlon Gibson Director of Community Engagement, Kappa Alpha Order

Marlon Gibson joined the Order’s National Staff officially in January 2020 as the first Director of Community Engagement. He was most recently the Director of Sorority and Fraternity Life at Emory where the Order rechartered our Epsilon Chapter. He is now completing his Ph.D. at the University of Georgia, with research focused on first generation college students. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and a seasoned higher education professional. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English, creative writing, and a master’s degree in higher education administration from the University of Toledo. Marlon has worked extensively with members of sororities and fraternities across the country. He is married to Dr. Sheree Williams Gibson and they have a son, Adam Patrick. In this role, Marlon was tasked with developing a best-in-class educational program centered on KA values, diversity, equity, and inclusion. At first a part-time position, it became a fulltime as of July 1. Marlon led the implementation of this program entitled “Values in Action” at the Number I’s Leadership Institute (NLI) in January with all but one chapter president participating. He further presented the program at each of five Officer Training Conferences across the nation to more than 1,800 undergraduate members, including all officers from each chapter. Marlon developed a supplemental program presented over three sessions by webinar to each chapter president. He has also been providing chapter-wide and individual consulting to chapters and alumni leaders. Other national fraternities and sororities have asked to work with Marlon to pattern some of their own education after Kappa Alpha’s efforts, and KA has been praised by several higher education administrators for our leadership in this area. 69

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So What Is The Values In Action Program Experience? 1. Several video/calls with Marlon, other staff, chapter leaders, and advisors to build the relationship on trust 2. The Number I or Alumnus Advisor is the first to meet Marlon at the airport or when arriving to town, the first to have a meeting, and is the host for their guest 3. The next meeting is with “the top nine” Chapter Officers to broaden the conversation 4. A chapter dinner is always held to meet the membership, further trust, and begin a personal relationship 5. Following dinner, the presentation and program is delivered—if the chapter size permits, Active Members and New Members are together; if the chapter is too large, they are broken into groups 6. Each program begins with an invocation—this brings each member back to the value of reverence to begin 7. The Order’s values are throughout—the tone and style, is very casual—while there is an online, this allows for plenty of Q&A; then free-flowing conversation follows, while ending on real issues 8. A key component is role-playing or role-modeling through difficult or never before had conversations 9. Following the presentation, there is a debrief with the Alumnus Advisor, Province Commander if available, and the Chapter Officers 10. Time is always scheduled the following day to meet with student affairs administrators and review the program outcomes; this may include the Greek Life Advisor, Director of Multicultural Affairs, and/or Vice President, etc. 11. Finally, Marlon schedules a meeting or lunch with Number I to discuss outcomes and next steps 70

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this program at a couple of chapters before launching it at the Number I’s Leadership Institute in January 2020. In short time, I traveled and visited with the Chi Chapter at Vanderbilt, and the Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Ole Miss. The feedback, both anecdotal and concrete was encouraging— both chapters thoroughly enjoyed the program. My next opportunity to impact and support one of our chapters was at Presbyterian College, in Clinton, South Carolina, home of the Beta Pi Chapter. I began working with the nine Chapter Officers, the “top nine” as I refer to them, during my first visit to the campus. I also had an opportunity of meeting with several members of Presbyterian’s upper administration, including the Chief Diversity Officer, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and then with the entire chapter. The chapter was and continues to be very welcoming of me and supportive of our work together. I feel like they have made me an honorary member of their chapter. Beta Pi continues to be a shining example of how collaboration, opportunity, and relationship-building are the key tenets of the work the Order is doing though this program. Together, we will continue to work through years of racial tension and misguided perceptions of the Beta Pi Chapter by the Presbyterian community. As we write the future story of Beta Pi, and other chapters within the Order, we continue to educate stakeholders about the K A of today. One of the ways I have educated our undergraduates and alumni is through my presentation at our Number I’s Leadership Institute, where all 125 chapter presidents had an opportunity of connecting with me. I also presented at our Officers Training Conferences during all five regional meetings. Each session was engaging, while also including time for roleplaying and supporting students in asking me the “hard” questions and/ or me role-playing the member of

K A that has been called a “racist” or another person that is not inclusive of difference. I found each of these sessions to be the most engaging part of my presentations. I have also appreciated the invitations I have received from many leaders within the Order to come to their chapter and present while also engaging student leaders and staff on their respective campuses. Unfortunately, COVID-19 changed the course of those respective campus visits. However, I was able to conduct three webinars at varying times this past summer to honor different time zones and different schedules. In addition to the webinars I have responded to numerous texts, phone calls, Zoom meetings, and Google meetings, reaching nearly every chapter in the Order. I want to support and prepare our leaders and chapters so they are ready to face challenges and questions which may arise on social media and/or in person this summer, or as we prepare for an in person or virtual Fall semester. One of the opportunities for the Order and its members to remain as W W W. K A P PA A L P H AO R D E R .O R G

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VOLUNTARY REMARKS Section desc r iption will go here

"We have members within the Order that are just now learning about oppression, racism, and concept of privilege in our communities, and that is fine. I am thankful to start the conversation somewhere." MARLON GIBSON, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, KAPPA ALPHA ORDER

leaders in these conversations is to listen, honor, respect, and learn from the varying points in which individuals may be sharing their feelings with our members. I know that myself and others are asking for the removal of racist systems not the removal of symbols. This is an ongoing conversation I have with chapter leaders in asking them to focus on sustainable opportunities for K A to show up as being supportive today, tomorrow, and beyond. My hope is that campuses will see K A as supporting, walking, and leading with their peers in dismantling racist and oppressive systems on their campus and within their communities. We must listen to the privileges, which are different perspectives we have, and to understand these we must listen to each other. If we don’t name our oppression, we can’t fight it. We have members within the Order that are just now learning about oppression, racism, and concept of privilege in our communities, and that is fine. I am thankful to start the conversation somewhere. I am humbled and honored to work with F A L L 2 0 2 0 | THE K A PPA A LPH A JOUR NA L

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our undergraduates in navigating these conversations and opportunities for learning and growth. After all, Lee said, “The education of a man is never completed until he dies.” One of my personal goals each day is honoring this quote, “Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame.” When I am meeting with K As across the country, I ask them to extend grace in situations where they may not feel like to do so is an option. I am striving to help them to understand that we are all on this journey called life, and this is just one of the many ways to show people that we are modeling the way of living as today’s moral compass for the modern gentleman, on our campuses and within our respective communities. We also have conversations about what does it mean and how do we feel when our peers and family members don’t extend grace to us as human beings. As I always say, there is no judgment, I am here to help, support, and make a difference within the Order, our campuses, and our communities.

However, I know that I cannot do this alone, I always reach out to each chapter’s advisors and leadership team prior to my campus visit in order to prepare. In addition, I also reach out to campus colleagues to make sure that I am honoring and supporting them as a respective campus colleague. WHILE I’VE NOW PERSONALLY

presented to more than 1,800 members, and spoken with many more, I look forward to meeting as many K As as possible around the country. I look forward to extending our conversations to make K A more visible as an organization that values inclusivity and differences, and to show the world that a K A man stands for the Order’s values of reverence, gentility, knowledge, leadership, brotherhood, and excellence.


9/22/20 3:01 PM


A candid conversation with a member of our Order

Dr. Meade is an attending Emergency Physician, Southeast Health Medical Center, Dothan, Alabama. The hospital is a large regional referral center and their emergency/trauma center treats more than 70,000 patients annually. He and his wife have three children and three “delightful” grandchildren.

Q: Why did you choose to become a doctor, and specifically enter the field of Emergency Medicine?


• University of AlabamaBirmingham School of Medicine, 1986 • Three-year Emergency Medicine residency at Orlando Regional Medical Center • Board-certified in Emergency Medicine for more than 25 years


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I realized as a teenager that I was drawn to becoming a physician. Initially, I thought I wanted to be a surgeon, but then found my true calling in Emergency Medicine (EM). EM is a fast-paced, demanding field, and one in which you make dramatic differences in people’s lives. I literally get to save lives for a living. That is a blessing from God for which I am grateful.

Q: Before COVID-19, what was the toughest experience you had in your role? On a broad scale, I would say dealing with various Mass Casualty Incidents has been stressful. Living on the Gulf Coast, we have the occasional hurricane, tornado, and other natural disasters. We have even had a city jail explode, yielding 100 casualties. On a smaller scale, and unfortunately

more common, are the times we see seriously ill and injured children. When it is a result of negligence or abuse, the emotions run high.

Q: What has it been like for you working during the pandemic? The biggest issue for physicians treating this illness caused by the new coronavirus is that the illness does not act like any viral illness we had treated before. We literally had to learn as we went along, figuring out how best to treat these patients. We were sharing experiences with our colleagues all over the world, trying to compile treatment plans that would help the most.

“The biggest issue for physicians treating this illness caused by the new coronavirus is that the illness does not act like any viral illness we had treated before.”

Additionally, we now have to wear significant amounts of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for every patient, since we have found a large percentage of people have the coronavirus but have few or no symptoms. This PPE slows us down, and truly makes it difficult to communicate with patients and our fellow staff members but is a necessity at least for a while longer.

Q: Why do you remain loyal to KA today? I cherish my time in Kappa Alpha, and believe the values taught should be part of every person’s life.

Q: What advice do you have for younger KAs who want to remain connected to the Order? Membership in Kappa Alpha Order is an honor, and should always be held in the greatest regard. By maintaining your connection with KA, you are reminding yourself of what was important to you as a young man, and it will help you keep those values alive in yourself. In a culture where traditional values seem to be diminishing, KA can help you stay strong for yourself and others.


9/22/20 2:47 PM




Below: Stanford students were required to wear masks as the Spanish Flu of 1918 struck campus.

BACKSTORY This is a chapter letter from Alpha Pi Chapter at Stanford University, printed in the Journal, shortly after the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic. Those brothers were raring to get back to campus, and we know our brothers are too. Here’s to the Journal Editor in the future that reprints our reactivation efforts 100 years from now. [JSL]

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9/22/20 3:05 PM

Could He Be The Future of KA? Refer the name of a graduating senior to join the Order today today. Think of your network: family of coworkers, your family, your church, your neighbors and more. Alumni referrals are one way to support KA chapters anywhere. Help them to build their potential members list by completing this simple online form. The future belongs to you.

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9/22/20 3:06 PM

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