Major Studio Project - Weekly Folio

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Major Studio Project Weekly Folio Kara Brown S5063518

Week One: Project Schedule

Week Two:

Three Product Pitch & Market Reserch

Children’s Clothing Line

Swimwear Range

Custom Phone Cases

Market Research

74% 55%





What do you look for in a product?




Under 18









What do you like about the designs? • That they aren’t gender specific • I think they all look really cute and children will love them! • They are very now, I really like them. • They look so comfy!!

Any feedback regarding the deisgns? • The fabric pattern is far less significant than the type of fabric, the garment pattern and where the item is made. I’d love to support a clothing range that took these things into consideration first. The fashion industry is the second biggest polluter globally, do we really need more stylish options? You have such a great skill set and so much talent... how can you use this to produce something amazing? • They all work together cohesively and are very modern, love it!

Week Three: Wow Naming Exercise

Naming Worksheet

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79 78 Total Score




6 8 6 8 5 How well does it relate to your positioning or who you are?

6 7 7 4 How nervous does it make you?



7 8 Is it memorable?


8 7 8 6 Is it registerable and protectable?


6 8 7 8 7 Can it work internationally?


7 8 7 8 7 Does it sound credible?

6 7 6 7 7 Does it relate to the primary benefit(s) of the company/service?

7 6 8

8 7 9

8 5 Are quick associations positive? Does it have story appeal?

6 6 Use it in multiple sentences. Does it feel right?

9 6



6 8

Bellarose Eila


© Copyright 1999 – 2007 WOW Branding. All Rights Reserved.


Metaphorical, Attribute, Analogy, Symbolism

Is it easy to read/pronounce?

Technical Names that blend a mix of modern words, technical language and specific function. (Panasonic/Xerox )



Descriptive/Association Deliberately clear descriptions or attribute. (Volkswagen/Caterpillar/Bed Bath & Beyond/ Holiday Inn/Kitchen Aid/Bell )

Conjoined Names that are a combination or connection of two or more ideas. (FedEx/Microsoft/Bisquick ) Acronym, Abbreviation Names that stated as a group of letters that are intended to become the common name. (BMW/IBM/BBC/UPS )


Origin, Founder, Location, Cultural Bias Names that pay tribute to a specific inspiration or contribution to the birth of the brand. (Eddie Bauer/Ford/Hilton/Rolls Royce/Chevrolet/ The North Face/IKEA)

Completely made up words. (Kodak/Viagra)


Playful, Irreverent, Arbitrary, Oxymoron Names that challenge the ordinary. (Yahoo/Monster/Steel Magnolia’s/Guess?)


Allaby, Karab, Biskit

Does it sound/look good?


Little Rabbits, Little Lotus, Little Rose






Littleloves, Karabella, Bellarose



Is your first impression of the name strong?

Robell, Emelliah, Eilabell


Rosie Designs

Emella Boutique, Rosie Designs, Bella Boutique

Emella Boutique


Emella, Anarliah, Eila

On a scale of 1 – 10, rank the names individually. This is not a comparison exercise. All names can be strong and weak in various categories.


GC Apparel, Tahiti, Gold Coast

Naming Criteria Evaluation Sheet


Little Loves

Little Loves, Rosie, Bella ™


through this sheet, you may find that some names are actually a combination of more than one. The goal of this exercise is to get as many ideas as possible and uncover which stream the greatest. For this reason we ask that you

Name Selection

The name will be one of the most identifiable elements for the entire life of the brand. Creating the right name is a mix of creativity, meaning, impact, use and of course, availability. WOW’s naming process starts by exploring possibilities in each of the following categories. As you work


Week Four:

Business Model Cavas

The Business Model Canvas

Designed for:

Designed by:

Emella Boutique


Kara Brown



Key Partners

Key Activities

Value Propositions

Customer Relationships

Customer Segments

Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform?

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?

What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying?

For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers?

motivations for partnerships: Optimization and economy Reduction of risk and uncertainty Acquisition of particular resources and activities

categories Production Problem Solving Platform/Network

characteristics Newness Performance Customization “Getting the Job Done” Design Brand/Status Price Cost Reduction Risk Reduction Accessibility Convenience/Usability

What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they?

- Spoon Flower: Fabric supplier - Spotlight: Sewing: Equipment - Australia Post: Packaging - Squarespace: Website

- Website: Keeping up to date making sure it's working for customers.

Emella Boutique strives to create a personal Online experience, creating amazing content throughout all social media platforms.

- Social Media: Interacting with customers and answering questions, posting customer purchases. - Marketing: Through social media and Google ads. - Quality Assurance: producing and sewing products to top standards at all times. -Supplies: Making sure fabric and sewing supplies are always readily available.

Mass Market Niche Market Segmented Diversified Multi-sided Platform

examples Personal assistance Dedicated Personal Assistance Self-Service Automated Services Communities Co-creation

Trendy yet comfortable children's mix and match clothing. Only with the highest quality of materials.

Nice Market: Trendy parents aged 20-40 who love minimalistic designs, Valuing Family and home.

Constant interaction with customers Online, 24/7 website support, call service and FAQ page.

Emella Boutique provides constant new designs, a valued authentic boutique brand, affordable price for the quality, and easily accessible for customers.

Key Resources


What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?

Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached? How are we reaching them now? How are our Channels integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are most cost-efficient? How are we integrating them with customer routines?

types of resources Physical Intellectual (brand patents, copyrights, data) Human Financial

channel phases: 1. Awareness How do we raise awareness about our company’s products and services?

2. Evaluation How do we help customers evaluate our organization’s Value Proposition?

- Physical: Warehouse - To store stock ready to be shipped off and posted, for vehicles to collect and deliver to local customers.

3. Purchase How do we allow customers to purchase specific products and services?

4. Delivery How do we deliver a Value Proposition to customers?

5. After sales

- Intellectual: Copyright, Patents and data.

How do we provide post-purchase customer support?

- Human Resources: To help manage the staff and make sure the working environment is happy and healthy for everyone.

Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Google Ads and Squarespace.

- Financial: Human Resources and Payroll staff will look after all the finances of the company.

Cost Structure

Revenue Streams

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive?

For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?

is your business more: Cost Driven (leanest cost structure, low price value proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing) Value Driven ( focused on value creation, premium value proposition) sample characteristics: Fixed Costs (salaries, rents, utilities) Variable costs Economies of scale Economies of scope

- Most cost driven parts of the business is mass stock turnover, constant supplies of new fabric designs, payroll for staff and the warehouse. - Most Value Driven: Social media marketing, producing new designs. - Fixed Costs: Salaries, Rent, Fabric, Sewing Materials

types: Asset sale Usage fee Subscription Fees Lending/Renting/Leasing Licensing Brokerage fees Advertising

fixed pricing List Price Product feature dependent Customer segment dependent Volume dependent

dynamic pricing Negotiation( bargaining) Yield Management Real-time-Market

Paid through Website - Squarespace. Customers currently pay $30-$50 on similar items. Placing value on the process, time and work that is placed into each item. Customers willing to pay for value.

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Week Five: Styling Moodboard

Logo Designs




Thank you love from emella boutique

Week Six: Business Plan


Business Plan Prepared: 10/04/18

Kara Brown Creative Director & CEO Emella Boutique 57 Emella Drive, Robina, QLD ABN: 579536 ACN: 37415

The Business Registration Details Business name: Emella Boutique Trading name(s): Emella Boutique Date registered: 22/03/18 Location(s) registered: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, Southern Australia, Northern Territory & Tasmania Business structure: Clothing Company ABN: 579536 ACN: 37415 GST: Emella Boutique is registered for Goods and Services Tax on the 22/03/18 Domain names: Licences & permits: Australian Business Number (ABN) Tax File Number (TFN) Goods and Services Tax (GST) Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) PAYG withholder Payroll Tax Approval to erect advertising signage/Portable advertising devices Trade Waste Approval Workplace Personal Injury Insurance Policy Home based business/occupations Import Controls Registration as an Australian Company Registration of a Trade Mark

Business Details Products/services: Emella Boutique, founded in 2018 is a business selling Children’s clothing, including a bodysuit and track pants with many more exciting clothing items to follow including women’s fashion. Our goal is to create trendy, cute and comfortable clothes for children and soon to be women especially mum’s. The anticipated demand for Emella Boutique’s range is how casual kids clothing can be trendy, comfortable and how easy they are get your children dressed. We understand it can be stressful trying to dress children with little time. Our Children’s clothing range is perfect for the everyday parent rushing to get out the door whilst wanting their kids to look trendy and put together.




Sprinkle Set includes a bodysuit and trackpants.

$40.00 AUD

Plus Set

Plus Set includes a bodysuit and trackpants.

$40.00 AUD

Foxy Set

Foxy Set includes a bodysuit and trackpants.

$40.00 AUD

Moustache Set includes a bodysuit and trackpants.

$40.00 AUD

Arrow Set

Arrow Set includes a bodysuit and trackpants.

$40.00 AUD

Stars Set

Star Set includes a bodysuit and trackpants.

$40.00 AUD


Emella Boutique x Starlight Children’s Foundation

$25.00 AUD

Knotted Headpiece’s

Emella Boutique x Starlight Children’s Foundation

$15.00 AUD

Sprinkle Set

Moustache Set

Product/Services Market Position Our Children’s clothing will be marketed towards trendy parents with busy lifestyles still wanting their children to look stylish. Our market position is competitive with our main competitors Best and Less and Seed Heritage. Unique Selling Position Emella Boutique will succeed in the market as we have priced them affordable and high quality supplies. Emella Boutique products give that edge by creating trendy yet affordable and comfortable children’s fashion. Anticipated Demand The anticipated quantity of children’s clothing customers who will likely purchase will vary. Although on average customers will buy 10-20 children’s outfits per year. Pricing strategy: Emella Boutique’s pricing strategy is pricing similar or same price as our main competitors yet supplying high quality. Value to Customer Customers will view Emella Boutique’s products as fashionable, trendy and a necessity. Comfortable yet trendy clothing is necessity not only for adults but children to. Emella Boutique aims for high quality which can be considered as fashionable and trendy for some customers. Growth Potential There is an anticipated growth of the product in designs and variations. There should be growth in sales through social media marketing and sponsoring influences with our products.

Innovation Research & Development (R&D)/Innovation Activities The research and development that we will implement to encourage innovation in the business is by surveys and reviewing over our sales and learning what sells the most. At the moment Emella Boutique is financially funded by the creative director and CEO. Intellectual Property Strategy All designs and products by Emella Boutique will be trademarked and copyright. Anyone employed by Emella Boutique will have to sign confidentiality agreement that nothing gets taken or used outside of the company.

Sustainability Plan Environmental/Resource Impacts Some of the impacts Emella Boutique could have on the environment is mainly wastage. Wastage of fabric left over by printing errors and having to waste that fabric. Some of the fabrics could be non-biodegradable. Community Impact & Engagement The environmental impact of fabric wastage and being non-biodegradable can be a real issue for our local community when that waste could go towards other uses. One way we can eliminate wasted fabric is by selling it to other companies who can utilise it throughout their products. Risks/Constraints A risk to the business from this environmental impact is that it’s costing us more money to shred wasted fabric. Strategies One way we can eliminate wasted fabric is by selling it to other companies who can utilise it throughout their products.

Action Plan Sustainability Milestone


Target Date

Reduce Fabric Wastage

70% Reduction


Reduce Water Consumption

60% Reduction


The Market Your Customers Customer Demographics Emella Boutique’s target customers are trendy parents with busy lifestyles still wanting their children to look stylish whislt being handmade, eco friendly and with no harmful colours or dyes. The main customers would be parents. The average social status would be middle class as they are a little pricey compared to their competitors prices as they are all handmade in on the Gold Coast Australia. However major discounts will take place before new collections are released. Key Customers The key customers to Emella Boutique would be parents ages 25-35. The age group would be the key target as they are the ones purchasing the goods for their children. Our Clothing appeals to them because they are priced towards what the average middle class demographic can afford. Social media marketing and sponsoring influences to promote Emella Boutique’s products will help gain recognition towards the company. Customer Management Emella Boutique’s aim is to create a good relationship with our customers by ensuring that all products meet the appropriate standard of quality. Each product will be carefully made, guaranteeing that every product will undergo quality control before being sold and if the product arrives with any issues we will do our best to replace the product.

S.W.O.T Analysis Strengths


- Handmade - Easy Accessible - Strong Management - Different styles - Gender Neutral - Customer Loyalty

- Production will be slower - Online Presence - High Staff Turnover



- Online Market - Innovation - New Products

- Bad Economy - Intense Competition - New Products

The Future Vision Statement The Vision for Emella Boutique is to provide fashionable childrens clothing at affordable prices, exceed our customer’s expectations and to be innovative, cost effective and globally competitive. Mission Statement Emella Boutique’s mission to make sure our customers have the most enjoyable shopping experience online. As well as providing customers with high quality, modern and trendy Childrens clothing in hopes of having the competitive advantage. Goals/Objectives The short term goals for Emella Boutique are: - Brand Recognition - Consistently grow our company with different products - Incorporate womens fashion - Regularly curate content for social media, including gaining a following - Attract over 100 customers within the first week of business due to advertising - Experiment with regular pop-up shops The long term goals for Emella Boutique are: - Revenue Growth - Have the ability to sponsor well known influencers - Open a store in a shopping mall

Shop Interior

Week Seven: Venture Summary

Venture Name: Emella Boutique Public Disclosure Summary Emella Boutique will be selling unique handmade bodysuit and track pant sets, beanies and knotted headpieces. There are 6 sets all sewed by hand. Our beanies and knotted headpieces will be for sale by supporting the Starlight Children’s Foundation. All proceeds from the sales of the beanies and knotted headpieces will go towards helping sick children. Our short term goal is to be recoginsied. By using social media platforms, we believe we can create more sales. Our long term goal is to be able to open up a store in shopping malls containing both children’s and women’s fashion. To achieve this we would have pop up shops at markets around the Gold Coast.

Venture Overview Emella Boutique specialises in comfortable and trendy children’s clothing and soon to be women’s fashion. Although the product is a little pricey compared to our competitors, we use unique fabrics and hand make all our designs. Emella Boutique uses only top quality products including eco-friendly material which also has no chemicals or harmful dyes. Emella Boutique currently features six bodysuit and track pants sets. Emella Boutique x Starlight Children’s Foundation features two beanies and two knotted headpieces. Each beanie or knotted headpiece sold, 100% of the profits will go towards helping the Starlight Children’s Foundation. We will regularly change our track pants and t-shirt set designer, but will be also be able to accommodate for custom designs. Our sets will be limited edition and only last for limited time however, like stated before we will bring back any styles by popular demand which will be determined on social media. Our customers are valuable to us so we have included a customer car warrantee. If you are unhappy with your products, send it back within 14 days for a full refund of the purchase price less delivery. The product must be in original condition. If the swing tag has been removed or product has been damaged, you will not receive a full refund. The issues Emella Boutique will face would be not being able to compete against similar children’s clothing companies around the world such as in China as they will be able to mass produce products at a cheaper price. Because Emella Boutique is Australian and hand made our costs could be three times the price compared to the other companies.Another issue Emella Boutique may face is not being able to produce enough products for the customer’s demands. Depending on the amount of sales, producing would not be as fast as bigger companies as everything is home made. In the future Emella Boutique will resort to a warehouse and using a faster production company to manufacture our products.

Target Audience/Market Emella Boutique’s target audience are parents specifically women aged 25-35. The target audience would by purchasing the clothes for their children. In there near future Emella Boutique will expand into women’s fashion where they will also be purchasing for themselves. Our Clothing appeals to them because they are priced towards what the average middle class demographic can afford. We cater to females who like to indulge in trendy and comfortable outfits for their children that have been handmade and eco-friendly. Children’s fashion has become a trend and we want to continue it by supplying top quality clothing catering for all of customers needs. We pride ourselves on being able to dress your children in the cutest outfits that are easily accessible whether it be rushing out the door or rlaxing at home. We want to be known internationally which is why we have international shipping and ship worldwide. This will create more recognition for our brand and hopefully help us in becoming a well-known boutique.

Resources This description will be on the basis of the current position of Emella Boutique. Emella Boutique plans on growing and expanding in the near future. Emella Boutique’s obtained resources (Personal, Financial and Physical): • • • • • • • • • • • •

Domain (, created with WIX which is $25.00 per month. Adobe Creative Suite to create patterns, $18 per month. Digital Fabrics Sydney to print the patterns, $32.00-$65.00 per meter. Spotlight for ribbed fabric, $7.95 per 0.5 meters. Target for black and white bodysuit’s to print on, $22 for a pack of 5. Office Works Iron on Transfer paper, $40.00. Australia Post to deliver, In Australia from $7.95, Overseas from $10.67. Zazzle for stickers $7.80 per sheet of 20, swing tags $14.15 for 10, and thank you cards $3.60 per card. Stationary Equipment, prices will vary. Designers including Creative Director. Laptop Transport

Development The next steps towards development for Emella Boutique is to constantly post on our social media platforms including Instagram and Facebook. Emella Boutique plans to have a growth of 25% by 2019 through the drive of social media. Following similar businesses to get more exposure as well as commenting and reaching out to other accounts which has been proven to work when building a brand on Instagram. Emella Boutique will have a set marketing team to promote and advertise us daily. By posting daily and sponsoring posts we hope to gain our customers mainly from social media where they are able to hashtag or tag us in their posts so we are able easily identified. Currently Emella Boutique sources all the products and equipment locally to be able to create the best quality. In the future, finding a way to purchase items in bulk for cheaper prices would be beneficial. Emella Boutique plans to expand the ranges with different products such as women’s fashion and creating different patterns for children’s clothing. It is quite possible that if the business continues to grow, Emella Boutique will need to mass produce products as the turnaround is much faster than hand making every item. by 2021 we plan to expand by opening a Boutique in a shopping center on the Gold Coast, Australia. To achieve this, we will experiment with regular pop-up shops across the Gold Coast to see our place in the market and how we can improve and grow from our experiences.

Week Eight: Integrated media Marketing Strategy


Emella Boutique will be collaborating with the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Starlight’s mission is “To brighten the lives of seriously ill children and their families”. They achieve this by creating programs which embrace the principles of positive psychology, provide distraction from fear and pain, help sick kids create positive emotions, encourage social interaction, assist with identity formation and build self-esteem. Most importantly, they empower young people to embrace their uniqueness and creativity. Working together with the Starlight Children’s Foundation will help us achieve our objectives and bring awareness to both our company and the Starlight Children’s Foundation and what they do to help the community. Emella Boutique will be selling Beanie’s and Knotted headpieces where 100% of the profits will go into helping the Starlight Children’s Foundation.


Website Banner

Website Banner promotion towards the cause.


Instagram promotional posts towards the cause.


Facebook promotional posts towards the cause.


Poster for advertising will be at bus stops, shopping centres, train stations etc.


Special swing tags when purchasing a beanie or knotted headpiece.

Thank you love from X

Special thank you card when purchasing a beanie or knotted headpiece.

Week Nine: Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 22/05/18 Kara Brown Emella Boutique (07) 55803443


Emella Boutique and the Starlight Children’s Foundation join forces to help bring love and happiness to sick children around Australia.

Gold Coast, Queensland: Emella Boutique and the Starlight Children’s Foundation are joining forces to bring awareness and help raise funds to help sick children around Australia who are constantly in and out of hospital. It’s Emella Boutique’s and Starlight Children’s Foundation’s mission to help replace children’s pain and fear by creating a happy and fun experience while they are in hospital. We want to help sick kids and their families take a break and find some much-needed joy and happiness during difficult times. During the month of August Emella Boutique will focus more on the collaboration and will frequently have market stalls including information, our collaborative products and donation boxes. For each Beanie or Knotted Headpiece sold, 100% of the proceeds will go to the foundation, raising money to find cures and their special programs. “Being able to collaboratively create products with the proceeds helping sick children is a really exciting moment for everyone working with Starlight Children’s Foundation”, says Susan Henry, Head of People & Culture. Thousands of children get admitted to Australian hospitals daily, although we may not be able to cure them, we can help them by creating a fun environment for them to enjoy themselves for even just a few hours. By creating products, we hope to create awareness and funds to help the Starlight Children’s Foundation’s goals. About Emella Boutique: Emella Boutique is a business that designs and sells hand-made children’s clothing including onesies and track pants. Emella Boutique promises to always be ethical and provide high quality products.

Week Ten: Testing

If our campaign idea were active today, how likely would you be to recommend it to others?

Would you personally support our campaign if it was real?



How important is our chosen issue to you?






Extremely likely

Extremely likely

Extremely important

Very likely

Very likely

Very important

Moderately likely

What do you like about our idea? • I like the products and the cause. • It is for a good cause. • That its for children and so is your brand

Overall, regarding our campaign pitch and idea, do you: a) approve it to go ahead as is, b) think weshould scrap it and think of a new idea, or c) think we should modify it before continuing? • 4 Approves

• I like the products

What changes would most improve our idea or pitch? • Think about the different kinds of marketing. • Think about you win win approach.

What would make you more likely to approve our campaign? • Maybe a product that people without children could purchase.

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