03 /03 Arkitektur, proces og projektudvikling/ Architecture, Process and Project Development Finn Selmer/Studieleder/Head of Department
Arkitekter – i hvert fald danske arkitekter – holder af forestillingen om, at faget er nært knyttet til det håndgribelige, for arkitektur handler jo når alt kommer til alt ikke om luftkasteller, men om substans. På den anden side bygger arkitekter som bekendt ikke huse, og hvis de undtagelsesvis bygger om derhjemme, er det snarere som amatørhåndværkere end som arkitekter.
Så måske rammer selvforståelsen lidt ved siden af. I virkelighedens verden beskæftiger denne stand, der føler sig så nært knyttet til det materielle, sig næsten udelukkende med at udvikle repræsentationer. Der medieres på livet løs, og med stadig mere raffinerede medier til rådighed foregår udviklingsarbejdet i stigende grad i ’indbildte verdener’. Det kan lyde skræmmende, men er det ikke nødvendigvis. Faktisk kan man med god ret påstå, at netop denne evne til i første omgang at udvikle og manipulere verden i tanke og ved repræsentation, er det, der karakteriserer homo sapiens, herunder arkitekterne.
De viste projekter demonstrerer en betydelig bredde i brugen af både traditionelle og nye medier. Og det gælder vel at mærke ikke blot når de ’færdige’ projekter skal videreformidles, men også når man gennemfører de undersøgelser og eksperimenter, der udgør selve udviklingsprocessen. Begge dele er søgt illustreret på de følgende sider. Architects – Danish architects at least – are fond of the idea that the profession is closely linked to the tangible; after all, architecture is not about castles in the sky, but about substance. On the other hand, it is a known fact that architects do not build houses, and if in exceptional cases they carry out reconstruction at home, it is more likely to be as amateur tradesmen than as architects.
So, maybe the sense of self misses the mark somewhat. In the real world, this profession, which feels so closely related to the material, deals almost exclusively with the development of representations. Architects communicate incessantly, and with ever more advanced media available, development work increasingly takes place in ‘imaginary worlds’. This may sound scary, but is not necessarily so. In fact, you may be justified in claiming that this particular immediate ability to develop and manipulate the world in thought and through representation is precisely what characterises Homo sapiens, including architects. The projects shown demonstrate a considerable width in the use of both traditional and new media. And what is more, this is not just the case when ‘finished’ projects are to be disseminated, but also when studies and experiments are carried out, constituting the actual development process. The following pages aim to illustrate both aspects.
NAVN/NAME Liv Knöchel Jeppesen Michala Crone
LÆRER/TEACHER Michael Cederfeld de Simonsen Poul Høilund D. Cruise Jan Christiansen
Et hus i byen – færdiggørelse af Sankt Kjelds Plads
A House in the City – Completion of Sankt Kjelds Plads
I 1889 udkom den østrigske arkitekt Camillo Sittes bog ’Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen’, som satte tydelige spor i samtidens byudvikling, bl.a. på Københavns Ydre Nørrebro med Sankt Kjelds Plads som et godt, men ufærdigt eksempel. På baggrund af en fælles typologisk undersøgelse af bebyggelsesmuligheder vises to studerendes forslag: et, som via modelforsøg baseret på en perifer mur danner regulære byrum udadtil og mere intime opholdsrum indadtil. Et andet, som dokumenterer et udviklingsforløb fra traditionelle karréer til felter med jævnt distribuerede punkthuse.
In 1889, the Austrian architect Camillo Sitte’s book ‘Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen’ (City Planning According to Artistic Principles) was published. This was to leave clear marks on urban development of the time, including in the Outer Nørrebro district in Copenhagen with Sankt Kjelds Plads (St Kjeld’s Square) as a good, but unfinished example. Two students’ proposals are shown here, based on a joint typological study of building options: One that forms a regular urban space outwardly and more intimate living spaces inwardly, via a model experiment based on a peripheral wall. Another that documents a development course from traditional blocks of flats to fields with evenly distributed tower blocks.
NAVN/NAME Christoffer Gotfredsen Alexander Eising Birk Daugaard
LÆRER/TEACHER Andreas Klok Pedersen Jan Christiansen
Google City Workshop og Vesterbro Baneterræn 2030
Google City Workshop and Vesterbro Baneterræn 2030
Arbejdet tog udgangspunkt i et globalt studium af bydannelser og tætheder baseret på modeller af 25 300x300 m samples hentet fra Google Maps. Herefter blev det 50 hektar store Vesterbro Baneterræn udviklet på tre niveauer: strukturplaner, bebyggelsesplaner og zoom-planer. Det viste projekt tydeliggør Vesterbros signifikante front mod baneterrænet, bearbejder metroens kommende klargøringscenter i form af en landskabelig overdækning og skaber nye tætte bydele med forskellige karaktertræk. Fra et medieringssynspunkt drejer det sig om at vælge og kombinere på skalaen fra det diagrammatiske til det eksemplificerende.
The work took its starting point in a global study of urban formations and densities based on models of 25 samples measuring 300 x 300 m, fetched from Google Maps. Then, the 50 hectares Vesterbro Baneterræn (Vesterbro Railway Terrain) was developed at three levels: structural plans, building development plans and zoom plans. The project shown illustrates Vesterbro’s significant front towards the railway terrain; it processes the metro’s future preparation centre in the form of a landscaped covering, and it creates new, dense neighbourhoods with different characteristics. From a communication point of view, it is a case of choosing and combining on a scale ranging from the diagrammatic to the exemplifying.
NAVN/NAME Kasper Benjamin Reimer Hansen
LÆRER/TEACHER Andres Klok Pedersen Jan Christiansen Finn Selmer
En kunsthal
An Arts Hall
Årets bacheloropgave var en kunsthal suppleret med boliger og erhverv – i alt omkring 5000 m2 som skulle placeres inden for rammerne af de udarbejdede planer for Vesterbro Baneterræn. Det viste eksempel er en ombygning af et DSB-værksted fra 1980’erne hvor søjler og tag bevares, og hvor de forskellige funktioner placeres som ’svævende’ kasser: kontorer og boliger med sidelys og kunsthallens rum som ’black boxes’ eller ovenlysrum. Der er tale om et ’svendestykke’ både med hensyn til indhold og formidling.
This year’s Bachelor’s assignment was an arts hall supplemented by residences and businesses – a total of about 5,000 m2 to be placed within the framework of the prepared plans for Vesterbro Baneterræn. The example shown is a conversion of a DSB (Danish Railways) workshop from the 1980s, in which columns and roof are retained, and where the different functions are placed as ‘floating’ boxes: offices and residences with sidelight and the arts hall’s spaces as ‘black boxes’ or skylight spaces. This is a ‘test piece’, both in terms of content and in term of communication.
ÅRGANG/YEAR Kandidat/Graduate
NAVN/NAME Margit Kraft
LÆRER/TEACHER Thorhallur Sigurdsson
dies formstudies mstudies formstudies formstudies
layering & folding
a place for creative movement in my site-analysis I have spoken about the various creative actions that take place on holmen. however, one is missing: creative life. connection. a mess. I propose an infill of student housing to be placed inside the old trusses, one cube per
student. the parking lot turns into a temporary garden; the old swimming docks are recreated and used as common rooms for the students. this invites young people into the area and makes the place come alive, also in the evenings. the drydock becomes a common
space that can be used as concert hall or for practicing. strangers and inhabitants meet here, it can adapt to whatever use the students find for it. this is the space that I will focus on during the next week.
as I have done in my previous project, I split the textiles into two parts. this equals the way, an outdoor-jacket is designed: the outer layer protects from wind and rain. the inner one is clser to the body, it provides warmth and comforts its user.
folding history & present
the inner layer is big enough to cover the whole stage. however, it can also be folded. the folds come down and create more intimante spaces in between them. also, they divide the stage in parts which can be used by different groups.
as my site is part of the former navibase on holmen, ist architecture speaks the precise and functional language of the military. two steel trusses frame a
parking lot; the longer one used to serve a swimming dock, the shorter and stronger stands next to a drydock. today creative institutions and businesses inhabit the
area: the architectureschool, the schools for music, dance, theatre and design as well as some architecture firms. only dokøen, the dockyard, is still unoccupied.
long ropes connect two of the beams. on that rope, a fold is fixed; every fold has an inbuilt little beam to give it more stiffness. (see long section 1:100)
fabric expression having defined the needs of the locaton, I come back to where i started: the spacial expression which belongs to textiles only. the result expresses the
properties of fabric, as I have named them before: adaptability, folding and layering, bearing tension.
with this system, a great amount of flexibility is reahced with very simple means.
symmetry & use at first sight, the place seems to be the parking lot, framed by the two trusses. in fact, the trusses are tailored to very specific tasks that lie on their other side. I am most interested in the smaller one that serves the old drydock. the dock itself is of a very high architectural quality.
structure like a ship as I have definied in my initial theme, the old structures must be respectes and the new has to find a way to hold onto it. to treat the trusses as they are meant to be used means to just apply vertical pressure from
above. in this direction they were designed to carry heavy loads. if I want to profit from these properties, I have to accept this. I decide to make a structure, that hangs from the old trusses
and balances itself, like rigging on a sailing ship. thus, only the vertical forces end up in the beam.
the serving & the served the trusses can be seen as strong servants, designed to bear heavy loads and to carry them to the boats who are being repaired on both of their sides. while the drydock gets the support of the trusses, the dock itself only serves the ships in it. the ships are the true masters.
long section a-a m 1:100
upper connection truss/tent
detail m 1:10
lower connection truss/beams
short section b/b m 1:100
lower connection truss/beams turned 90°
connection beam/upper tent turned 90°
Materialets arkitektur – arkitekturens materiale
The Material’s Architecture – Architecture’s Material
Forårssemestrets program er en undersøgelse af materialet, dets æstetiske kvaliteter, dets fysiske egenskaber og dets produktionsformer set som drivkræfter i udviklingen af det arkitektoniske projekt. Gennem workshops, kortere opgaver og undersøgelser analyseres materialets potentiale i forhold til forskellige situationer og skalatrin. Det viste eksempel på en delopgave tager udgangspunkt i eksisterende gitterdragere og en tørdok på Holmen og foreslår en fleksibel overdækning med henblik på forskellige kreative udfoldelser. Arbejdsmetoden veksler imellem en række supplerende medieringsmåder.
The spring semester’s programme is a study of the material, its aesthetic qualities, its physical properties and its production forms seen as driving forces in the development of the architectural project. The material’s potential in relation to different situations and levels is analysed through workshops, minor assignments and studies. The example of a sub-assignment shown here takes its starting point in existing lattice girders and a dry dock at the island of Holmen, proposing a flexible covering with a view to different creative activities. The work method varies between a number of supplementary communication means.
ÅRGANG/YEAR Afgang/Final
NAVN/NAME Amanda Hedman
LÆRER/TEACHER Anne Mette Frandsen Katrine Lotz
Portal til bymæssig natur
Portal to urban nature
En nedbrændt men fredet gymnastikbygning i et af Stockholms tætte byområder står tilbage som to sidebygninger og to facader omkring det gårdrum, der engang udgjorde husets store sal. Gårdrummet er efterhånden groet til og udgør en oase med sjældne dyrearter og sarte planter. I projektet gøres denne uplanlagte oase tilgængelig via kælder og sidebygninger og ved hjælp af tilføjede trapper og gangbroer. Projektet rummer et særligt nærvær, der både trækker på det registrerende og det anelsesfulde, og stedets poesi skildres tilsvarende med en sikkert doseret blandingaf målfaste og atmosfærebeskrivende fremstillingsformer.
A burnt down, but listed gymnastics building in one of Stockholm’s dense urban areas is left as two side buildings and two facades around a courtyard space, which used to constitute the house’s great hall. Over time, the courtyard space has been covered in vegetation, and it now constitutes an oasis with rare animal species and delicate plants. In the project, this unplanned oasis is made available via a basement and side buildings and by means of added stairs and footbridges. The project has a special presence, which draws on both the registrating and the presentimental, and the poetry of the place is correspondingly depicted with a carefully dosed mixture of accurate and ambience-describing production forms. KA 12 /KANDIDAT/GRADUATE