KT /KTR Kulturarv, Transformation og Restaurering/ Architectural Heritage, Transformation and Conservation
Christoffer Harlang/Leder af kandidatprogram/Head of Master’s Programme På engelsk betegnes fagområdet i dag ’conservation and transformation’, hvor ’conservation’, der betyder bevaring eller konservering, omhandler de processer der kan føre en bygning tilbage til sin oprindelige tekniske og æstetiske tilstand, og’transformation’ betegner de processer der fører en bygning frem med fornyet teknisk og æstetisk indhold.
Under indtryk af fagområdets udvikling i praksis udvidedes fagområdebetegnelsen på dansk til ’Kulturarv, Transformation og Restaurering’. Det er i dag snarere reglen end undtagelsen at arkitektopgaverne inden for kulturarv repræsenterer glidende overgange imellem disse begreber. Mens restaureringen af C.F. Hansens ’Christiansborg Slotskirke’ i 1997 primært var en restaurering med hovedvægten på genskabelse, omfatter den netop gennemførte ombygning af Frederik VIII’s palæ fra 1755 en programmatisk og faglig kompleksitet, der bedst lader sig samle i begrebet transformation. Valerio Olgiatis hus fra 2007 for musikeren Bardill (Scharans, Schweiz) repræsenterer en mere radikal transformation, hvor en helt ny bygning har fundet sin form født ud af bygningskunstnerisk typologi og kultur, fortolket i helt ny materialitet og rum.
The subject field is generally referred to as ‘conservation and transformation’, in which ‘conservation’ deals with the processes that can take a building back to its original technical and aesthetic condition, and ‘transformation’ describes the processes that carry a building forward towards renewed technical and aesthetic content. Due to the subject field’s development in practice, the Department has chosen to expand the designation to ‘Cultural Heritage, Transformation and Restoration’. Today, it has become the rule, rather than the exception that architectural assignments within cultural heritage represent a smooth transition between these concepts. While the restoration of C. F. Hansen’s Christiansborg Castle Chapel, Copenhagen, in 1997 was primarily restoration with emphasis on re-creation, the recently completed reconstruction of Frederik VIII’s Palace at Amalienborg Castle from 1755 included a programmatic and professional complexity that is best described by the concept of transformation. Valerio Olgiati’s house from 2007 for the musician Bardill (Scharans, Switzerland) represents a more radical transformation, where an entirely new building has found its form, born of a building artistic typology and culture, interpreted in completely new materiality and space.
T ÅRGANG/YEAR Kandidat/Graduate
NAVN/NAME Anders Suhr Laustsen
LÆRER/TEACHER Ask Anker Aistrup, Victor Julebæk, Charlie Steenberg, Nicolai Bo Andersen
Værksted: Thorvaldsens Museum
Workshop: Thorvaldsens Museum
Værkstedets formål er tredelt: dels at udvide kendskabet til bygningskultur og -historie, dels at forfine kendte samt at udvikle nye registrerings- og repræsentationsformer og endelig at studere et eksisterende bygningsværk med en nutidig opmærksomhed. Opgaven er at registrere Thorvaldsens Museum med kendte og nyudviklede redskaber - en fænomenologisk registrering. Redskaberne til at beskrive værkets egenskaber er tegning (opmålinger og rumlige fremstillinger), fotografi og model; proportioner, former, stoflig karakter, lys- og skyggeforhold, rumlig atmosfære, farver m.v.
The workshop has a three-part objective: to expand knowledge of building culture and history; to refine known registration and representation forms and design new ones, and finally, to study an existing building with modern-day attention. The assignment is to make a registration of Thorvaldsens Museum with known and newly developed tools – a phenomenological registration. The tools used for describing the work’s properties are drawing (measurements and spatial representations), photography and model; proportions, forms, material character, light and shadow conditions, spatial atmosphere, colours etc.
ÅRGANG/YEAR Kandidat/Graduate
NAVN/NAME Julie Norman Wendt
LÆRER/TEACHER Peder Knudsen Jeppe Ecklon
Tektonik 1: Sammenføjning
Tectonics 1: Joining
Gennem et disciplineret forløb med fremstilling som omdrejningspunkt, er det opgavens målsætning at forstå ’materiale’ som en projektion af logistik, anvendelse, overfladebehandling, materialets egenskaber, tektoniske evner og værktøjets ’bid’.
It is the assignment’s objective to understand ‘material’ as a projection of logistics, application, surface treatment, the material’s properties, tectonic capacities and the tool’s ‘bite’. This is achieved through a disciplined course with production as its pivotal point.
Forløbet beskæftiger sig med fremstilling af tømmersamlinger i 5x5 tommer fyr samt overfladebehandling af træ. Sideløbende med workshoppen gives forelæsninger i historisk byggeteknik og materialelære samt teori og historie.
The course deals with the production of timber joints in 5 x 5” pine with surface treatment of wood. In parallel to the workshop, lectures are given in ‘Historical Construction Techniques’ and ‘Materials Science’ and ‘Theory and History’.
ÅRGANG/YEAR Kandidat/Graduate
NAVN/NAME Fabian Sahlqvist
LÆRER/TEACHER Jeppe Ecklon Charlie Steenberg Nicolai Bo Andersen
Transformation og restaurering 1: Funktionstømt bygning
Transformation and Restoration 1: Function-stripped Building
Opgavens første fase skal træne evnen til at registrere, analysere og værdisætte en fredet, funktionstømt bygning som grundlag for en transformation. Bygningen er Kedelhuset på Carlsberg, tegnet i 1926 af Carl Harild. Anden del af besvarelsen skal udpege en ny funktion for bygningen - en ny funktion der vel at mærke skal afstemmes med bygningens karakteristiske struktur og centrale beliggenhed på Carlsberg. Endelig skal projektet udvikles til et samlet tegnings- og modelmateriale, der kan beskrive den transformation, der kan bringe den funktionstømte bygning ind i en ny tid.
The first phase of the assignment is to train the ability to register, analyse and value a listed function-stripped building as the basis for a transformation. The building is the Boiler House at Carlsberg Breweries, designed in 1926 by Carl Harild. The second part of the assignment is to select a new function for the building – a new function, mind you, which must be aligned with the building’s characteristic structure and central location at Carlsberg. Finally, the project must be developed into a complete drawing and model material describing the transformation that can bring the function-stripped building into a new era. KA 12 /KANDIDAT/GRADUATE
ÅRGANG/YEAR Kandidat/Graduate
NAVN/NAME Julia With
LÆRER/TEACHER Charlie Steenberg Nicolai Bo Andersen
Transformation og restaurering 3: Addition
Transformation and Restoration 3: Addition
Opgaven er at give forslag til en addition til Sophienholms enkle, klassicistiske bygninger, tegnet i 1802-03 af Joseph-Jacques Ramée. Additionen kan udføres som en tilbygning til, en fritliggende bygning i umiddelbar nærhed af, eller en selvstændig bygning i haveanlægget omkring Sophienholm. Det er væsentligt, at additionen reflekterer en stillingtagen til landskabets, haveanlæggets og de eksisterende bygningers kvaliteter og tekniske, historiske og fænomenologiske egenskaber på tre skalatrin: ’landscape’, ’still life’ og ’portrait’.
The assignment is to propose an addition to Sophienholm’s simple, classicistic buildings, which were designed in 1802-03 by Joseph-Jacques Ramée. The addition can be executed as an extension to Sophienholm, a detached building in the immediate vicinity of the main building or an independent building in the grounds surrounding Sophienholm. It is important that the addition reflect a decision on qualities of the landscape, the gardens and the existing buildings as well as their technical, historical and phenomenological properties at three levels: ‘landscape’, ‘still life’ and ‘portrait’.
ÅRGANG/YEAR Afgang/Final
NAVN/NAME Ask Anker Aistrup Victor Julebæk
LÆRER/TEACHER Charlie Steenberg Nicolai Bo Andersen
Transformation Berlin
Transformation Berlin
Projektet handler om transformation af to eksisterende industrianlæg i Berlin: en delvist fredet isfabrik samt en postgård. Området er ca. 30.000 m2 i grundplan, strækker sig over en halv kilometer og ender ved floden Spree. Bygningerne er aktuelt truede af nedrivning, og det er projektets målsætning at pege på en række potentialer i anlægget, der viser hvorledes byen ville miste et potentielt unikt byrum ved nedrivning. Afgangsprojektet arbejder med genstandsfeltets tre overordnede tilgange: renovering, transformation og tilføjelse.
This project deals with the transformation of two existing industrial facilities in Berlin: A partially listed ice cream factory and a mail house. The ground plan of the area covers approx. 30,000 m2, and the area stretches across half a kilometre, ending by the river Spree. The buildings are currently under threat of being demolished, and it is the project’s objective to suggest a number of potentials in the facility that will show how the city will lose a potentially unique urban space if the facilities are demolished. The graduation project works with the three overall approaches of the object field: renovation, transformation and addition.. KA 12 /KANDIDAT/GRADUATE