/2 /2 Institut for teknologi Torben Dahl/Institutleder
Igen i dette studieår har instituttet kunnet glæde sig over en voksende aktivitet, nye inspirerende medarbejdere og forskningsresultater, der både har nået en bred international offentlighed og er blevet anvendt direkte i instituttets undervisning. Udvalgte vinderprojekter fra prisopgaven 'Sustainable Living', der løb henover foråret 2009, blev i slutningen af september samme år til en udstilling i forbindelse med Kulturministeriets klimakonference 'COP Kreativ'. Projekterne blev viderebearbejdet til rumstore installationer og fremlagt for et offentligt publikum.
Årets crescendo var udstillingen 'Climate and Architecture' i skolens udstillingshal. Udstillingen var et sanseligt, poetisk og arkitektonisk indspil til den debat om klimaspørgsmålet, som fyldte det offentlige rum i slutningen af 2009. Udfordringerne for det byggede miljø er store, men der ligger både kompetencer og løsningsmuligheder gemt i adfærd og kulturelle mønstre, i det levede miljø og i bygningskulturen, som kan overkomme disse udfordringer. Udstillingen var KA's bidrag i anledning af COP15, sammen med UIA-arrangementet 'Open Forum' og den internationale UIA-studenterworkshop 'Sustainable by Design'.
I forbindelse med udstillingen blev bogen 'Climate and Architecture' udgivet. Den er skrevet af en række forskere med tilknytning til Institut for Teknologi og hovedbudskabet er, at en analyse af lokale klimatiske forhold og en inddragelse af den tavse klimatiske tilpasning, der ligger i stedets traditionelle arkitektur, indebærer et rigt og uudnyttet arkitektonisk potentiale. Takket være økonomisk støtte fra Velux Fonden fik instituttet i løbet af studieåret 2009-10 mulighed for at ansætte tre gæsteprofessorer. Philippe Rahm, der arbejder udtryksfuldt med relationen mellem krop og klima, Rogier van der Heide der har belysningsarkitektur som speciale og Tony Hunt i faget 'Bærende Konstruktioner'. Et meget værdsat tilskud til instituttets undervisningsog forskningsaktiviteter.
Som det fremgår har bæredygtighed været en integreret problematik i mange af instituttets aktiviteter i det forgangne studieår. Det afspejlede sig i kursusudbudet og i særlig grad i instituttets forskningsprojekter, og resulterede i udgivelsen af flere bøger om emnet.
Center for Industriel Arkitektur stod i slutningen af 2009 for gennemførelsen af seminaret 'Reworking Architecture, A Seminar on Sustainable Tectonics'. Seminaret anviste og diskuterede mulige veje mod en mere fleksibel og bæredygtig byggeindustri. En byggeindustri, som i højere grad er i stand til at optage innovation, anvende nye teknologier og imødekomme nye behov. Endelig kan det nævnes, at instituttet – sammen med nationale og internationale samarbejdsparter – har opnået støtte til større forskningsprojekter fra henholdsvis Forskningsrådet for Kultur og Kommunikation og fra EU's 7. rammeprogram for forskning og udvikling.
/2 Institute of Architectural Technology Torben Dahl/Head of Institute
This has been another academic year where the Institute is pleased to have benefited from increasing activity, new inspiring members of staff and research results that have reached an international audience and been used directly in the Institute's teaching. Selected winning projects from the award competition ‘Sustainable Living’, which was held in the spring of 2009, were turned into an exhibition in September that year in connection with the Ministry of Culture's climate conference ‘COP Creative’. The projects were further processed into room-sized installations and presented to the public. The year's crescendo was the exhibition ‘Climate and Architecture’ held at the School's exhibition hall. The exhibition represented a sensory, poetic and architectural contribution to the climate issue debate, which filled the public sphere towards the end of 2009. The challenges for the built environment are great, but both competences and solution options may be found in behaviour and cultural patterns, in the lived environment and in building culture, all of which can help overcome these challenges. The exhibition was RASA's contribution in connection with COP15 along with the UIA event ‘Open Forum’ and the international UIA student workshop ‘Sustainable by Design’. In connection with the exhibition, the book ‘Climate and Architecture’ was published. It was written by a number of researchers associated with the Institute of Architectural Technology, and the key message is that an analysis of local climatic conditions and an inclusion of the silent climatic adaptation inherent in the traditional architecture of a place contain a rich and unexploited architectural potential. Thanks to financial support from the Velux Foundation, the Institute had the opportunity of employing three visiting professors in the course of the academic year 2009-10: Philippe Rahm, who works expressively with the relationship between body and climate, Rogier van der Heide, who specialises in lighting architecture, and Tony Hunt on the subject ‘Load-bearing Structures’. A much-valued addition to the Institute's teaching and research activities. As indicated, sustainability has been an integrated issue addressed in many of the Institute's activities throughout the last academic year. This was reflected in the choice of courses and particularly in the Institute's research projects and it resulted in the publishing of several books on the topic. Towards the end of 2009, the Center for Industrial Architecture hosted the seminar ‘Reworking Architecture, A Seminar on Sustainable Tectonics’. The seminar pointed to and discussed possible routes towards a more flexible and sustainable construction industry. A construction industry that will increasingly be able to absorb innovation, apply new technologies and accommodate new needs.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the Institute – along with national and international partners – has achieved support for large research projects from the Danish Council for Independent Research | Culture and Communication and from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for research and development, respectively.
TITEL/TITLE Three Ways of Assembling a House/ Three Ways of Assembling a House
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Bogudgivelse/Publication
NAVN/NAME Anne Beim Jesper Nielsen Kasper Sánchez Vibæk
Three Ways of Assembling a House Bogen tager pulsen på anvendelsen af industrielle systemløsninger i aktuel skandinavisk byggepraksis – et felt der stadig er i sin vorden og som derfor kræver en arkitektonisk diskussion af, hvilken retning det skal udvikles i. Bogen diskuterer styrker og svagheder i en række scenarier og understreger her vigtigheden af at fokusere på andet og mere end blot den fysiske systemløsning. Forhold som brugernes ønsker, arkitektonisk helhedssyn, projekt- eller forretningsorganisation er mindst lige så vigtige i forhold til at tilvejebringe bæredygtige industrialiserede systemprodukter og -koncepter. I en byggebranche som præges af en stadigt tiltagende industrialisering, søger mange af branchens aktører efter måder at rationalisere og standardisere byggeriet
på ved hjælp af systemer på produktniveau såvel som på procesniveau. Mange potentielle boligejere og brugere ønsker til stadighed en bolig med arkitektonisk kvalitet og muligheden for at sætte deres eget præg. Disse to positioner er ikke altid forenelige, og der er en risiko for at fremtidige boligprojekter bliver ‘billige’ og uattraktive på bekostning af både arkitektonisk kvalitet og bæredygtighed. Bogen maner således til eftertænksomhed i forhold til, hvordan industrielle løsninger reelt kan implementeres i byggeriet. Den har til hensigt at inspirere en praktisk, såvel som teoretisk udvikling af en ny byggekultur med nye industrielle løsninger der kan gå hånd i hånd med arkitektonisk originalitet. Bogen retter sig på dette grundlag bredt mod byggeriets parter.
TITEL/TITLE Three Ways of Assembling a House/ Three Ways of Assembling a House
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Bogudgivelse/Publication
NAVN/NAME Anne Beim Jesper Nielsen Kasper Sánchez Vibæk
Facadeelementer, Dalton A/S. Foto: CINARK
Skaktens bestanddele samles på fabrik og installeres som et modul. Foto: NCC Construction, DK
Three Ways of Assembling a House The book checks the pulse of the use of industrial systems solutions in current Scandinavian construction practice – a field which remains incipient and which therefore requires an architectural discussion of which direction it should be developed into. The book discusses strengths and weaknesses in a number of scenarios and stresses the importance of focusing on something other and more than merely the physical systems solution. Conditions such as users’ requirements, architectural holistic approach and project or business organisation are at least equally important in relation to procuring sustainable industrialised system products and concepts.
means of systems, both at product level and at process level. Many potential home owners and users continue to require a home of architectural quality, which allows them the option of adding their own individual mark. These two positions are not always compatible, and there is a risk that future housing projects become ‘cheap’ and unattractive at the expense of architectural quality and sustainability. Thus, this book urges reconsideration as regards how industrial solutions can actually be implemented in buildings. Its aim is to inspire a practical as well as theoretical development of a new construction culture with new industrial solutions that can go hand in hand with architectural originality. On this basis, the book is directed widely at construction’s parties.
In a construction industry marked by ever-increasing industrialisation, a lot of the industry’s players look for ways of rationalising and standardising buildings by
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Udgivelse/Publication
TITEL/TITLE Tre videnskabelige artikler/ Three scientific articles
NAVN/NAME Brian Edwards
ENERGY CONCEPT Energy concept
Atrium ventilation
PV solar cells
Heat gain
A high distance between the ventilating openings speeds up airing – quicker airing minimises heat loss.
produce electricity for hybrid ventilation, pumps and LED lighting.
Let in heat through South facing windows.
Solar thermal collectors for domestic hot water, room heating and seasonal storage. During summer solar cooling through heat pump.
Hybrid ventilation
By means of the building’s energy design, the building has cut down ¾ of its energy consumption in relation to Danish building standards. This means that the building is better than other buildings in Low Energy Class 1 under the EU standards applicable since 2006. These standards are expected to apply across the EU for all new construction work by 2020.
with heat recovery for days where the weather conditions do not allow natural ventilation.
LED lighting
powered by the solar panels.
Intake of fresh air via electrically operated windows.
Night cooling During the night, the warmed-up building parts emit heat.
In kWh/m²/year
The sun constitutes the central point and primary energy source of Green Lighthouse. The house is 950 m2 and it has been built in accordance with the “active house” principle, which means that it generates energy. The house has its own energy supply consisting of an unprecedented combination of thermal solar heat, heat pumps, seasonal storage, PV solar cells and district heating. Green Lighthouse is an energy-efficient construction work of high architectural quality and with a large intake of daylight. The house is filled with plenty of fresh air deriving from natural ventilation, which ensures a healthy indoor climate.
Solar thermal collectors
Automatic sunscreening following the course of the sun.
High insulating building envelope
Heat Solar Heat Solar heat pump heat pump water tank water tank
Ventilation 3 Hot water 4
External sunscreening EXTERIOR SUNSCREENING
Deficit 3
Lighting 7
Green Lighthouse has an annual energy need calculated at 3 kWh/m²/year.
Running installations 2
PV solar cells 20
10 Room heating 14
Heat pump, seasonal storage and thermal solar heat 7
Energy requirement
Production of renewable energy
Energy need
The primary energy is accounted according to the Danish Energy Calculation tool BE 06.
Floor heating
Seasonal storage
District heating
of heat in the underground.
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Tre videnskabelige artikler
Three Scientific Articles
Artikel: 'The British Embassy in Rome: Collaboration between Spence, Nervi and Arup', Arup Journal, december 2009. Artiklen udforsker et tidligt eksempel på bæredygtigt design i varme klimaer, der involverede omfattende samarbejde mellem den britiske arkitekt Sir Basil Spence, den danske ingeniør Ove Arup og den italienske arkitekt/ingeniør Pier Luigi Nervi. Ambassaden er fra 1966 og anvender passiv solafskærmning, gårdspladsformer og ventilation med skorstensvirkning, før det blev almindeligt at anvende sådanne tilgangsvinkler. Bygningen er også interessant pga. dens brug af lokale byggematerialer og proportionelle systemer inspireret af renæssancearkitektur.
Article 'The British Embassy in Rome: Collaboration between Spence, Nervi and Arup', Arup Journal December 2009. The article explores an early example of sustainable design in hot climates and one which involved a great deal of collaboration between the British architect Sir Basil Spence, the Danish engineer Ove Arup and the Italian architect-engineer Pier Luigi Nervi. The Embassy dates from 1966 and uses passive solar shading, courtyard forms and stack effect ventilation before such approaches became commonplace. The building is also of interest for its use of local building materials and proportional systems inspired by renaissance architecture.
Artikler: 'Active not Passive' og 'Energy efficiency goes full circle', EcoTech: Sustainable Architecture Today i hhv. november 2009 og februar 2010. Artiklerne udforsker to grønne prototyper, der for nylig er bygget i Danmark: ‘Bolig for livet’ nær Århus og ‘Green Lighthouse’ ved Københavns Universitet. Begge bygninger er nyskabende inden for de anvendte teknologier og i deres tilgang til design, og næsten kulstofneutrale, hvad angår forbrug af fossile brændstoffer. Artiklerne undersøger tilgangen til design og energiforbrug med fokus på prototyper, støtte og nyskabelse. Velux er et nøglefirma bag de initiativer, der diskuteres, idet de går nye veje, hvad angår klima, dagslys og aktive facader til forbedring af komfort og reducering af energiforbrug i hjemmet og på arbejdspladsen.
Articles: 'Active not Passive' and 'Energy efficiency goes full circle', EcoTech: Sustainable Architecture Today in November 2009 and February 2010 respectively. The articles explore two recent green prototypes constructed in Denmark - Home for Life near Aarhus and the Green Lighthouse at the University of Copenhagen. Both buildings are innovative in the technologies employed and in their design approach and are near to zero carbon in terms of fossil fuel energy use. The articles examine the approach to design and energy consumption, bringing perspectives to bear on the role of prototypes, patronage and innovation. Velux is a key company behind the initiatives discussed, using new approaches to climate, daylight and active facades to improve comfort and reduce energy use in the home and at work.
TITEL/TITLE TEK 5 - byggeri produktion og logistik/ TEK 5 - Construction, Production and Logistics
NAVN/NAME Anne Beim, Odilo Schoch, Katrine Lotz, Kasper Sanchez Vibæk
Interfaces and indicators User typologies
OPFØLGNING dog-owners
youth from the neighbourhood
parents and small children
drunks and unemployed
Configurator Future scenarios
private companys
voluntary work
clubs / associations enclosing semi-private
donations communal activities
urbanisation inhabitants
local housing associations
social events
greening municipality
public events
construction of buildings guests
public re-organizing municipal means
education kvarterløft group
social experiments
school / institutions
TEK 5 - byggeri, produktion og logistik
TEK 5 - Construction, Production and Logistics
Byggeriets processer, produkter og organisering er under radikal forandring. Dette stiller store krav til arkitekter om både at kunne mestre givne produktions betingelsers spilleregler gennem viden om processer og brugen af specifikke digitale og analoge værktøjer og om samtidig at kunne være innovative i forhold til dem. Mange forskellige aktører og kontekster har indflydelse på og påvirkes omvendt også i tilblivelsen af et arkitekturprojekt. Dette forhold må indarbejdes som et vilkår i designprocessen.
The processes, products and organisation of construction are undergoing radical change. This poses great requirements on architects to be able to master given production conditions’ rules through knowledge about processes and the use of specific digital and analogue tools and at the same time be innovative in relation to these. Many different players and contexts influence and are in turn influenced in the creation of an architectural project. This fact has to be incorporated into the design process as a condition.
TEK 5 introducerer til konkrete beting elser for nutidigt byggeri. Samtidig analyseres baggrunden for, konsekvenserne af og mulighederne inden for disse vilkår kritisk, med særligt fokus på hvad de betyder for arkitektens rolle i en større sammenhæng. Gennem kurset opnås viden om samarbejdsformer, lovgivning samt industrielle og it-baserede design- og produktionsproce sser. Forløb: a) Case-study, hvor en arkitekt, ingeniør, bygherre og entreprenør i et nyere projektforløb interviewes b) Rollespils baseret forløb omkring en konkret opg ave, der tematiserer nutidig byggeindustri og produktionsvilkår og giver erfaring med designstrategi og bevidsthed om arkitektens rolle(r).
TEK 5 introduces students to the terms of present-day construction. The background for, the consequences of and the possibilities contained in these conditions are also analysed critically with a particular focus on what they mean to the architect’s role in a wider context. Through the course, students acquire knowledge of collaboration forms, legislation and industrial and IT-based design and production processes. Course: a) Case study, in which an architect, engineer, client or contractor from a recent project is interviewed; b) Role-play based course about a concrete assignment that thematises contemporary construction industry and production conditions and give the students experience of design strategy and awareness of the architect’s role(s).
TITEL/TITLE DagslysEvent 2010/Daylight Event 2010
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Forskningsprojekt/Research project
NAVN/NAME Karin Søndergaard Karina Madsen Katja Bülow
DagslysEvent, den 25.-29. januar 2010
DaylightEvent, 25-29 January 2010
I januar afholdt KA 'DagslysEvent 2010' i kantinen, som optakt til studenterkonkurrencen ‘International VELUX Award 2010’.
In January, RASA held the weeklong 'DaylightEvent 2010' in the canteen. The event served as a prelude to the student contest 'International VELUX Award 2010'.
Ugen startede med indlæring af Karin Søndergaards performative metode til undersøgelse af lysrum. De studerende arbejdede med kunstlysrum af forskellig karakter, og fik mulighed for at opleve, kommunikere og fotoregistrere lysrummene. Denne metode blev brugt som inspiration til design af dagslysrum i skolens kantine. Der blev arbejdet med farvede, stemningsfulde rum, samt sat fokus på bevægelsen og opholdet i rummet i forhold til designet af lysrum.
The week started with an introduction to Karin Søndergaard’s performative method for exploration of light spaces. The students worked with artificial light spaces of varying character and had the opportunity to experience, communicate and photo register the light spaces. This method was used as an inspiration for the design of daylight spaces in the School’s canteen. They worked with coloured and evocative spaces and focused on movement and people’s presence in the room in relation to the design of light spaces.
Resultatet blev nogle meget smukke og sammenhængende lysrum, hvor der blev eksperimenteret med at lukke af for eller forstærke lysindfaldet. De studerende gav udtryk for, at arbejdet med de forskellige materialer i 1:1 havde givet dem en ny forståelse af, hvordan dagslys kan ’modelleres’, og i hvor høj grad man kan forstå dagslysets visuelle effekt ved at arbejde med materialet og lyset ’i hænderne’. 'DagslysEvent 2010' blev sponseret af VELUX.
The result was some very beautiful and cohesive light spaces, which featured experiments with shutting out or enhancing incident light. The event provided the students with a new appreciation of how daylight can be ‘modelled’ and of the degree to which one can understand the visual effect of daylight by working with the material and the light ‘hands on’. 'DaylightEvent 2010' was sponsored by VELUX.
TITEL/TITLE Klima og arkitektur/Climate and Architecture
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Udstilling/Exhibition
NAVN/NAME Torben Dahl, Peder Duelund Mortensen, Winnie Friis Møller, Ola Wedebrunn
Klima og arkitektur
Climate and Architecture
I anledning af klimatopmødet ‘COP15’ bidrog Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i november og december 2009 med udstillingen ‘Klima og arkitektur’ samt UIAarrangementet ‘Åbent forum’ og den internationale workshop for UIA-studerende, ‘Sustainable by Design’. Bogen ‘Climate and Architecture’, der er skrevet af flere forskere i nært samarbejde med instituttet og redigeret af Torben Dahl, blev udgivet i forbindelse med udstillingen. Kernen i udstillingen var installationen ‘New Olduvai Gorge’ designet efter idé og forslag af arkitekt Philippe Rahm i samarbejde med Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole. Installationen bestod af arkitektoniske scenarier forbundet med hverdagens indre og ydre omdannelse af energi: kulde, varme og dagslys.
In November and December 2009 the exhibition 'Climate and Architecture' together with the UIA-arrangement ‘Open Forum’ and the international UIA students’ workshop 'Sustainable by Design' were the contributions of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architectureon the occasion of the climate conference 'COP15'. In connection with the exhibition the book 'Climate and Architecture' was published, written by several researchers in close association with the institute and edited by Torben Dahl. The core of the exhibition was the installation the 'New Olduvai Gorge', designed after the idea and proposal of architect Philippe Rahm in cooperation with the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture. The installation consisted of architectural scenarios connected to daily life’s inner and outer transformation of energy: The Cold, the Warmth and the Daylight.
TITEL/TITLE Organiske konstruktioner/Organic Structures
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Forskningsprojekt/Research project
NAVN/NAME Olga Popovic Larsen
Organiske konstruktioner
Organic Structures
‘Organiske konstruktioner’ var et ugelangt intensivt forskningsrelateret kursus/ workshop for 3.-års-studerende fra KA’s studieafdeling 2 samt 1.-års-studerende fra studieafdeling 8. Hovedformålet med kurset var at undersøge naturinspirerede bærende konstruktioner.
‘Organic structures’ was a one week research related intense course/workshop for 3rd year students of Study Department 2 and RASA 1st year students of Study Department 8. The main aim of the course was to investigate Nature inspired loadbearing structures.
De studerende så på menneske- og dyreskeletter, knoglers struktur, sammensætningen i strandskaller, edderkoppespind samt cellers og mikroorganismers former. Derefter blev disse sammenlignet med menneskeskabte konstruktionssystemer, såsom membraner, tensegriteter, skalkonstruktioner, samt enkle og sammensatte gitterkonstruktioner. Undersøgelserne blev gennemført vha. fysiske modeller i lille og stor skala. Der blev bygget to modeller i fuld størrelse, hver med et spænd på over syv meter: en gitterkonstruktion af bambus og en sammensat reciprok ramme.
The students looked at human and animal skeletons, the structure of bones, the composition of sea shells, spider webs and the forms of cells and microorganisms. These were then compared to man-made structural systems such as membranes, tensegrities, shells, grid shells and single and multiple grid structures. The explorations were made through physical models small and large scale. We constructed two full scale models both exceeding seven meters span: a bamboo grid shell and a multiple reciprocal frame.
Efterfølgende blev konstruktionerne udstillet på Wood Summit 2010 i Virserum i Sverige. Kurset var planlagt, arrangeret og blev afviklet sammen med gæsteprofessor Tony Hunt fra Velux.
Subsequently the structures were exhibited at the Wood Summit 2010 at Virserum in Sweden. The course was planned, organised and run together with visiting Velux Professor Tony Hunt.
TITEL/TITLE Wood for Good/Wood for Good
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Udstilling/Exhibition
NAVN/NAME Olga Popovic Larsen
Wood for Good
Wood for Good
Udstillingen 'Wood for Good' blev afholdt på KASB fra 19. april til 12. maj 2010. Den var planlagt i forbindelse med symposiet 'Wood for Good - Innovation in Timber Research and Design'. Udstillingen havde form af plakater og fysiske modeller, der præsenterede nyskabende forskning og design udført af lærere og forskere ved Institut 2, CINARK, BEAK samt anerkendte designere, fra bl.a. Glenn Howells Architects, Ted Cullinans Architects, Buro Happold Consulting Engineers og Vandkunsten.
The exhibition ‘Wood for Good’ was held at KASB from the 19 th April -12 th May 2010. It was planned in connection with the Symposium ‘Wood for Good – Innovation in Timber Research and design’. The exhibits were in the form of posters and physical models presenting cutting edge research and design work by teachers and researchers at Institute 2, CINARK, BEAK and renown designers including Glenn Howells Architects, Ted Cullinans Architects, Buro Happold Consulting Engineers, Vandkunsten and others.
Udstillingen faldt sammen med Københavns Forskningsuge, og et offentligt foredrag af Olga Popovic Larsen gav et overblik over design og forskning på udstillingen.
The exhibition coincided with the Copenhagen Research Week and a public talk by Olga Popovic Larsen offered an overview of the design and research from the exhibition.
TITEL/TITLE Tektonik i byggekultur/ Tectonics in Building Culture
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Erasmus-workshop/Erasmus workshop
NAVN/NAME Erasmus-studerende/Erasmus students
Tektonik i byggekultur Den internationale Erasmus-workshop blev i 2009 gennemført med deltagelse af studerende og lærere fra syv europæiske arkitektskoler i Letterfrack, Irland, med natursten som gennemgående tema. Indledende studier af monumentale stenbygninger og stablede mure og hegn i det storslåede irske landskab introducerede begrebet tektonik, frembringelsens eller sammenføjningens poetik og inderste væsen.
På workshoppen indøvede deltagerne teknikker til stabling af tørmure, instrueret af en dygtig ‘stonemaster’. De oplevede stenblokkenes masse og tyngde og udfordrede stablingens og sammenføjningens iboende logik. Efter en skitsekonkurrence blev tre blivende værker opført som gruppearbejde forskellige steder i lokalområdet.
TITEL/TITLE Tektonik i byggekultur/ Tectonics in Building Culture
KATEGORI/CATEGORY Erasmus-workshop/Erasmus workshop
NAVN/NAME Erasmus-studerende/Erasmus students
Tectonics in Building Culture In 2009 the international Erasmus workshop was held with the participation of students and teachers from seven European schools of architecture in Letterfrack, Ireland, with natural rock as the general theme. The opening studies of monumental stone buildings and stacked walls and fences in the magnificent Irish landscape introduced the concept of tectonics, the poetics and inner being of creation or
joining. During the workshop, the participants practised techniques in stacking of dry walls, under the instruction of a skilled stone master. They experienced the mass and weight of the stone blocks, and challenged the inherent logic of stacking and joining. Following a sketching competition, groups worked together to erect lasting works in three different places in the local area.