2 minute read
Choosing a Focus Word of the Year
Building Resilience & Confidence in Children
Learning as Metamorphosis
Using Picture Books as Theater for Literacy
Dear Readers,
When I began editing for Teachers Matter, my oldest son was 12 years old. Now, he is nearly 18, and is in his final year of school, all ready to go to university - big changes are definitely coming our way here in our house! I know that he is more than ready to go out and face the world, but I was also secretly relieved that he chose a university only an hour and eight minutes from our driveway. (Especially when his three younger siblings need help with their Geometry homework!)
It’s because of amazing educators like each one of you that kids like mine are confident, flexible thinkers who can take on a challenge and set their course. I know that my son’s teachers have absolutely helped mould him into the young man he is today. For that, we are eternally grateful. How humbling to know that as educators, even on our worst days, we may quite possibly be the best part of someone else’s day.
This issue is full of great resources to guide educators toward that exact type of lasting impact on their students. The first two go hand-in-hand with one another. If you have students struggling with math or reading, don’t miss reading Joanne Kaminski’s article, “Tech Tips for Readers with Dyslexia,” along with Susan du Plessis’ article, “Dyscalculia Treatment and Intervention.” Both of these give amazing tips on how to better level the playing field for students, making the content more accessible.
The next article to check out is, “There’s Only One Way to Study - Right? Wrong!” In it, Clare McIlwraith debunks three common misconceptions that teenagers face while trying to study, the main point being that studying doesn’t look the same for everyone - and it certainly doesn’t need to! Kids learn differently, so why shouldn’t studying look differently, too?
Lastly, one of the most impactful pieces of education to this day, in my humble opinion - reading aloud to your class. Check out Bernice Williams’ article, “Building Resilience & Confidence in Children.” I know that just one of the many reasons my son is ready to go and face the world is due to the opportunities to discuss life while listening to books read aloud from his teachers over the years. What a perfect chance to really meet students where they are in a safe, comfortable environment. Never ditch the read aloud!
This issue has it all, so don’t miss a word!
Yours in Education,

Teachers Matter Magazine Team
Publisher, Sales and Advertising

Karen Tui Boyes karen@spectrumeducation.com
Editor Jessica Youmans
Art Director
Andrea Aragon-Echano
Magazine Co-ordinator
Jo-Ann Hall hello@spectrumeducation.com

Email: info@spectrumeducation.com
Thanks to the educators, speakers and authors who contributed interviews, articles, photographs and letters.
Teachers Matter magazine is registered with the National Library: ISSN 1178-6825
© Spectrum Education 2023
All rights reserved.
Parts of this publication may be reproduced for use within a school environment. To reproduce any part within another publication (or in any other format) permission from the publisher must be obtained.
The opinions expressed in Teachers Matter are those of the contributors and we love them!
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Spectrum Education Ltd
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