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GSM, GPRS Towards 4G

Telemetry System ď Ž

Old Communication Systems were based on VHF

Irrigation Directorate Telemetry DMS Computer

Water Distribution Computer

Switch Modem LAN

ISDN DSL IWRM District Telemetry DMS Computer

Water Distribution Computer

Switch Modem LAN


GSM is a cellular network, which means that cell phones connect to it by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity. There are five different cell sizes in a GSM network— macro, micro, pico, femtoand umbrella cells.

GPRS, Edge, 3G and HSDPA what’s the difference 

They made GSM modems. Does anyone remember the times we used those horrible 56K modems to connect your desktop to the internet by plugging it into your phone line? Well at first that Is how they did it with mobile phones in a roughly similar way too! Very low data rates of 10kbps and also the fact that you paid for the time you used the service were the main down points of this.

General packet radio service (GPRS) ď Ž

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GPRS usage is charged based on volume of data. This contrasts with Circuit switching data, which is typically billed per minute of connection time, regardless of whether or not the user transfers data during that period. GPRS data is typically supplied either as part of a bundle (e.g., 5 GB per month for a fixed fee) or on a pay-as-you-use basis. Usage above the bundle cap is either charged per megabyte or disallowed. The pay-asyou-use charging is typically per megabyte of traffic.


GPRS is a service that customer has to request from Vodafone to enable it before it can be used. The GPRS network has been connected to external data networks, such as the Internet and corporate Intranets. Each external network is given a unique Access Point Name (APN) that is Used by the mobile user to establish the connection to the required destination network.

Wireless Solution Layout

Application Server Frame Relay Or Leased Line



General Packet Radio Service GPRS is a 2G technology that allowed mobile phones to extend their usability a lot further than by simply making calls. It is the main technology behind MMS features that allowed users to send pictures, sound clips, and even videos to other MMS capable mobile phones. It has even allowed access to a diluted version of the internet via WAP with speeds that ranged between 56 and 114 kbps GPRS is 115 kb and GSM is only 9.6


‫تعد تقنية التراسل بالحزم العامة للراديو ( )‪gprs‬من‬ ‫التقنيات المبتكرة لنقل البيانات عبر شبكات جي اس ام‬ ‫وتستخدم في الوصول إلى المعلومات عبر أجهزة‬ ‫الهواتف المتحركة المتوافقة مع هذه التقنيـة‪.‬‬ ‫ويتم نقل المعلومات في شكل حزم مما يسمح بالوصول‬ ‫إلى أحجام أكبر من المعلومات الخاصة بخدمة (واب)‬ ‫وبتكلفة أقل من معلومات (واب ) التي تعتمد على مدة‬ ‫االستخدام‪.‬‬


‫إن أهم ما يميز خدمة )‪(GPRS‬التي توفرها شركات‬ ‫االتصاالت هو تمتعك باتصال مستمر ودائم بشبكة‬ ‫اإلنترنت مما يعنى أنك لن تدفع سوى تكلفة المعلومات‬ ‫التي ترسلها أو تستقبلها ‪.‬‬

2G 

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G is for generation 2G , 2nd generation of cell technology is GSM which includes both GPRS and EDGE (Enhanced GPRS) (EGDE is perhaps 2.5G) 3G, 3rd generation is UMTS which includes W-CDMA and HSPA 3G is faster than 2G GSM is 2g and GPRS and Edge are protocols/technologies that use GSM (so GPRS and Edge use the same physical older towers).

Then came 2G 

However with the take up on mobile phones rapidly increasing we saw the switch to digital networks which allowed for better call quality and the SMS service. We started to see the potential for data to be sent using them. 2G was born in the form of GPRS. This allowed data to be sent over a network that was a lot more optimized for data communication.

GPRS was and still is a little bit slow at no more than about 114kbps and unless you have a class 3 device, it can’t support sending data at the same time as a GSM voice call is in session. However this is more than enough for many peoples needs, even today and to add weight to that, the first iPhone was a GPRS device.

Edge a stop-gap ď Ž

3G was on the way but we saw one more incremental step before this was rolled out. Edge, GPRS or 2.5G was a technology that gave us 3 fold better data rates with typical 400kbps being heralded by Cingular in the USA by using better coding methods than GPRS. However 120-200kbps is probably more realistic.

Finally 3G Arrives ď Ž

Finally full 3G was released and it not only gave us more reliable faster data rates of up to 384kbps but it's based upon a far better platform that allows synchronous voice and data usage. With 3G browsing the web performing more media intensive data work became a reality and in some cases still rivals some broadband connections we have in out homes.

3G 

The appearance of 3G technology has even expanded the capabilities of mobile phones even further. 3G introduced video calls along with high speed data access that reach speed of up to 384kbps. Those speeds are already more than enough for browsing the internet. The mobile phones that are compatible with 3G networks have also advanced enough to carry browsers that are capable of processing and displaying whole web pages.

3G ď Ž

The added benefit of 3G is the fact that telecoms are now charging by the minute and some even offer data plans with unlimited access. This made mobile internet basically just like DSL.

3G ď Ž

The speed that we experience with 3G is so much more compared to GPRS and it has allowed multiple capabilities like video calling and even live TV via streaming. Aside from all that, the introduction of even newer technologies like HSDPA which provides over 7.2mbps of bandwidth ensures that 3G would be here for the foreseeable future.

HSDPA and 3.5G, 3.75, 4G and beyond 

Currently HSDPA is the standard for most mobile phones. Running at 1.3mbps it rivals most broadband connections and networks are being upgraded across the UK to run at speeds of up to 7.2mbps, coined 4G. We’re now even starting to see our first 4G devices in the HTC 4G MAX, although we’re actually seeing a trend in 3.75G HSUPA devices being released at the moment, which are actually HSDPA devices but with improved upload speeds too.


HSPA (High Speed Packet Access), commonly referred to as 3.5G, is an upgrade to WCDMA networks that allows for much higher data speeds for internet connectivity. There are two aspects to this technology and each is more or less independent of the other. HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) is the one that improves the downlink of the data transmission while HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) is the one that improves the uplink or transmission from the mobile device to the network.


HSDPA is the side of the technology that brings information down to the user while HSUPA is the side of the technology that brings information up from the user 2. HSDPA affects downloading and browsing while HSUPA affects uploading files and sending emails 3. HSDPA is often deployed way ahead of HSUPA 4. HSDPA has much faster speeds compared to HSUPA

Summary ď Ž

3G is the quickest mobile broadband network that is available while an EDGE connection is via 2.5G and 2G is slightly slower; GPRS connection is via the 2G network. HSDPA and HSUPA use the 3G+ network and have varying speeds. In the near future, there will be the possibility to reach even higher speeds. This means that you'll be able to load web pages and download music or videos much quicker using our mobile broadband.

3G has the following enhancements  over 2.5G and previous networks: Several times higher data speed;  Enhanced audio and video streaming;  Video-conferencing support;  Web and WAP browsing at higher  speeds; IPTV (TV through the Internet) support.


‫الـ ‪G 3‬هي أي تقنية الـ ‪UMTS:‬خدمة نظام االتصاالت‬ ‫المحمولة العالمي‪ :‬وهو االسم التجاري لتقنية الجيل‬ ‫الثالث‪ .‬تم تطوير معاير هذه التقنية بناءاً على معاير نظام‬ ‫الـ ‪GSM‬ويسمى أحيانا ً بالـ ‪WCDMA.‬‬ ‫الـ ‪G 3.5‬أو ما يعرف بالـ ‪HSDPA:‬نظام تنزيل حزم‬ ‫البيانات عالي السرعة‪ :‬وهي تقنية تدعمها شبكات الـ‬ ‫‪ ،G3‬تسمح بتنزيل بيانات اإلنترنت بسرعات عالية جداً‪.‬‬ ‫تترواح سرعة التنزيل نظريا ً بين ‪ 1.8‬و ‪ 7.2‬ميغا بت‬ ‫بالثانية‪ .‬وكذلك الـ ‪HSUPA:‬نظام رفع حزم البيانات‬

‫أما الـ ‪G 4‬فال يزال قيد التطوير وال تزال شركات‬ ‫االتصاالت تستخدم كل واحدة منها المصطلح ‪G 4‬على‬ ‫مزاجها‪ ،‬فالبعض يستعمله للداللة على اإلصدارات‬ ‫األسرع من الـ ‪HSDPA‬والـ ‪HSUPA‬والبعض‬ ‫يستخدمونه للداللة على الـ ‪WiMax‬وهو تطوير لنظام‬ ‫الـ ‪ ،Wi-Fi‬يتميز بمدى تغطية أوسع يتراوح بين (‪ 8‬إلى‬ ‫‪ 30‬كم)‪ .‬صمم اإلصدار األولي لنظام ‪WiMax‬لتأمين‬ ‫شبكة اتصاالت السلكية لألجهزة الثابتة ( كبديل لنظام‬ ‫اتصال الـ ‪DSL‬المنزلي)‪ .‬في حين تم تصميم النظام‬ ‫األحدث ليدعم ميزة التجوال بين األبراج‪ .‬يعتمد الـ‬

Vending Machines

IP Address 

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Static IP Dynamic IP Static IP addressing is for one customer on one IP address and Dynamic IP addressing assigns a different IP address each time the ISP customer logs on to their computer, but this is dependent upon the Internet Service Provider (ISP) because some ISP's only change the IP address as they deem it necessary.

Static IP ď Ž

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If you feel the need to always know what your IP address is then you need a Static IP address, because it is constant. Static IP addresses are more reliable for Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), more reliable to host a gaming website or to play XBox, Play Station, use Virtual Private Network for secure access to files from your company network computer, etc. Static IP addresses are also great if you use your computer as a server, as it should give your file server faster file uploads and downloads. Another plus with Static IP's, when hosting a website you are not sharing your IP with another company who sends out a lot of E-mail SPAM and not only has their website been shut down but in turn gets your IP address blacklisted. In contrast a static IP address can become a security risk, because the address is always the same. Static IP's are easier to track for data mining companies. Static IP addressing is less cost effective than Dynamic IP Addressing.

Dynamic IP ď Ž

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The biggest advantages of Dynamic IP Addressing are less security risk as the computer is assigned a new IP address each time the customer logs on, they are cost effective and there is automatic network configuration (the less human intervention with network configuration the better). Dynamic addressing is usually used by ISP's so that one IP address can be assigned to several users, however some ISP's use Sticky Dynamic IP Addressing and do not change the IP address very often. Dynamic IP Addressing can be used by families with several computers or by a small business owner who has a home office. The software that comes with a router allows for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) setup and assigns each computer attached to the router an IP address automatically. In contrast, Dynamic IP addressing should not be used for VOIP, VPN, playing online games or game hosting because Dynamic IP addressing is less reliable then Static IP addressing and could cause the service to disconnect while you are on a VOIP, VPN or gaming.

Evolution of GSM technology

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