Draft Paper: Master of Strategic Foresight

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Draft Paper

Niels Brock Master of Strategic Foresight January 2010


Niels Brock - Copenhagen Business College/CBC has long been a frontrunner within educational development in Denmark and Norther Europe. With offers such as the IBB, The Elite High School, Entrepreneurial House and international partners of exceptionally high caliber, CBC has marked itself as a leader of innovation and knowledge development in the world. As yours truly deals with business and strategy development, with strong ties to applied futures studies and with a background in educational development, it seemed very natural that the idea of a higher education in foresight and innovation arose. CBC was a natural choice as a partner for aforementioned reasons and as a former student. Daniel Karpantschof Washington, D.C. Objectives and Approach

The project is aimed, ultimately, to create a higher education which covers in the section, Themes, thematically divided disciplines and their practical applications in executive corporate management as well as the public sector, the political spheres, in marketing and business planning as well as many other of the numerous opportunities in which applied foresight can be utilized. An education of this type is extremely new and controversial East of the Atlantic. Similar programs do not, with few exceptions, exist and the few that does, are usually dealing with theoretical rather than applied foresight. This document outlines the initial thoughts on the project. The final program, form, content and structure will be defined further in the process and the underlying parameters and thoughts are therefore more inspiratory than definitive. It is not as such intended for Copenhagen Business College to establish a masters program, but the choice to describe it as such, was chosen in order to draw attention to future possible applications. The document is thus developed in order to inspire ideas to define the tremendous opportunities there are, rather than the challenges we face, even if these will be mentioned. Based on this draft paper, and feedback it’s feedback, the development process can be initiated. Hereby the starting gun. The ground zero of the brainstorm. Themes

The education is developed to cover the aspects relevant to the planning of an unknown future (thereby actually preparing for several). This includes tools and resources, models, Daniel Karpantschof - Progress in Progress...

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