AccreditationNBA M.Tech. DEPARTMENT PROFILE M.Tech Biotech. BiotechnologyB.Tech. M.Tech Biotechnology Ph.D Biotechnology approvedCPCSEAAnimalHouse supportedIndustryAlgaeBiomassLab AccreditationNBA B.Tech.

II. To recognize and solve problems pertinent to Water, Food, Health Care and Energy through biotechnology approaches and To raise biotechnologists with potential to innovate and disseminate technical knowledge towards the betterment of the community
I. To impart academic excellence, professional competence with ethics to develop processes and valuable bio-products

Cross Cutting Components Industrial Safety Human Genetics and Genomics Entrepreneurship Sustainable PollutionBiotechnologyAdvancedDevelopmentBioprocessEnvironmentalControland Engineering Entrepreneurship, IPR and GeneticBiosafetyEngineering and ClinicalBioethicstrials and Bioethics Gene manipulation lab Constitution of India Human PhysiologyAnatomy,andHealth Education Programme Exit CourseCurriculumFeedbackFeedback Feed back Process Alumni Feedback At the end of every Semester Ten feedback per Duringclassthe 8th AnnuallySemesterfromAlumnus EmployerFeedback From Employers Food Health Water Energy Artificial Intelligence in Biotechnology IoT in Biotechnology NGS Data Analysis Concepts of IntroductoryBioinformaticsAIinBiotechnology Next Gen Technologies 4

5 O B E PROCESS Excellence in interdisciplinary knowledge for sustainable development in Biotechnology on par with National and International standards. Professional skills to resolve problems in health, agriculture and environment domains using biotechnological tools and practices. Inculcate bioethical practices and social responsibility among students. 21 3 Correlated with Vision & Mission of Biotechnology withCorrelatedVision&MissionofKITS • High levels of academic excellence, professional competence to serve humanity with compassion and exemplary values. • Solutions to human problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health and Energy through scientific, social and technological research. • Academic excellence and Professional Competence • Solutions to problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health Care and Energy • Professional Ethics PSOPO CO

• Teaching plan is prepared by faculty (Revised bloom’s taxonomy) mapping to Understanding, Analytical or Evaluation abilities of students. • The syllabus of each course contains 3 Course Objectives, 6 Course Outcomes and 6 Modules • Program Education Outcomes (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) are developed • Curriculum is revised periodically to incorporate latest technological advances as and when needed • The syllabus is to develop skills for employment or entrepreneurship as indicated in the PEOs. • The Courses related to process design, experimentation with modern tools and ethics are introduced in the curriculum • Industrial training, Minor/Major projects anywhere in the country or abroad are included Course/RemedialBridgeCourses Project based Learning/ MOOC Teaching Learning Process Research Grants/ SelfCoursesStudy • Teaching pedagogy includes Project based, experiential, problem solving, collaborative, cooperative, etc.

7 BiotechnologyAnimal Biochemical Engineering EngineeringBioprocessBiochemistry EnvironmentalBiotechnologyBiotechnologyIndustrial Microbial MicrobiologyTechnologyGenePharmacy&Bioinformatics Plant Biotechnology

FacultyAchievements AchievementsFacultyBiotech Karunya Short Term Research Grant for Research International Interactions UGC Research Awardees Funded project Investigators DST SERB Young Scientists Post Doc Karunya Grant for Product DevelopmentTN Women Scientist INSA Faculty Exchange BestAwardeesFaculty

95 91 91 94 93 98 6050403020100 70 1009080 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 PercentagePass Year Year wise Pass % of Students Students Performance in Examinations 9

7 5 2 2 1 23 11 4 6 4 8 2 13 14 17 9 5 28 16 15 15 37 21 100 20 4030 50 10 2015 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Research & Collaboration Ongoing Projects Events organized Faculty Research Collaboration Student Research Collaboration StudentsofNumberNumbers * Recommended 3 6 5 4 8 2 6 10 2 7 8 4 20 4 121086 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 JRF & Ph.D No of JRFs/SRFs PhD awarded 10

Industry Internship & Inplant Training for Students 11

Major Consultancy INR 42,69,400/- 12

Student Internships UniversityAgriculturalofAthens,Greece WestUniversityPomeranianofTechnology,Poland Ben theUniversityGurionofNegev University FederalUniversidadeKonstanz,ofGermanydeQuroPreto,Brazil From Karunya to different UniversitiesAbroad From UniversitiesAbroad to Karunya Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Interns from Universities abroad) University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Medical University of Lodz, Poland University of applied science "HTW Berlin", Germany Tarbiat Modares University, Iran Switzerland Argentina Czech Republic Canada

Impact Factor 3.512 Impact Factor 7.579 Impact Factor 7.086 Impact Factor 5.133 Impact Factor 6.609 Impact Factor 3.465 Publications 7 29 42 60 64 50 18 17 25 52 20 12 6 3 2 6 3120100806040200 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Research Publications SCOPUS/WoS Book Chapters Other UGC Highest Impact Factor : 9.642 Average Publications/faculty: 2.13 14

KAVID –Karunya disinfection chamber PolyherbalPreformulationointmentAerobic-Fermenter Biosynthesis of Isopropyl Myristate Production process of cellulose from waste pulp Granted - 2 4 1 2 2 4 7 1876543210 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Patents (Filed & Published) 15 938 1 Areas of Invention Healthcare Environment Agriculture Energy

1 “Derma Hierbas” an ointment for Skin Rashes 3775/CHE/2014 Dated 01/08/2014 2 Process of Removal of Dye from Coloured Effluent usingAneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus 5608/CHE/2014 Dated 07/11/2014 3 Amethod for Decolorization of dyes using composition comprising of Nanoparticle and Microorganisms 5610/CHE/2014 Dated 07/11/2014 4 Preparation & Characterization of Carbonized wattle Humus 1225/CHE/2015 Dated 12/03/2015 5 Wound Healing Non Immunogenic Oxazolidinone Nano Scaffolds 201641015465 Dated 04.05.2016 6 LOBICURE-Aherbal wound healing ointment. 201741004799 Dated 10.02.2017 7 Apolyherbal Ointment for Skin ailments 201841036973 Dated 01.10.2018 8 Biosynthesis of Isopropyel Myristate 201841028122 Dated 26.07.2018 9 Indian Patent onAerobic Pre-fermenter 201741006585 Dated 24.02.2017 10 Development of improved production process of cellulase from waste pulp and paper sludge material 201941018465 Dated 08.05.2019 11 Enhanced production of anti-snake venom compound (Taraxerol) from suspension cultures systems of Euphorbia Hirta L. 201941017991 Dated 06.05.2019 PATENTS FILEDAND PUBLISHED 16 Sl. No Title of Invention Details
12 ChickenAntibody Generation against microbial pathogen bacillus cereus from human nail 201941048986 Dated 28.11.2019 13 Process of Extraction of Biopesticidal compound against aedes aegypti (Dengue vector) using pseudomo 202041008663 Dated 28.02.2020 14 Dried Banana Peel Powder as an organic carrier in Bioformulation for Biocontrol of puthium sp 202041010982 Dated 13.03.2020 15 ANovel Composition for controlling pathogen in maize 202041014007 Dated 30.03.2020 16 An insect repellent composition from micro-algae and the process for the preparation thereof 202041014485 Dated 31.03.2020 17 High solid loading saccharification process of waste pulp and paper sludge (PPS) material for production of fermentable simple sugars in concentrated form 202041019318 Dated 06.05.2020 18 Kavid – Karunya Disinfection Chamber 20241020677 Dated 15.05.2020 19 Synthesis of pegylated caffeic acid- Anovel anticancer drug 201941021400 Dated : 07/06/2019 20 Anovel Herbal Disinfection composition and Dispensing Device Thereof 202141014723 Dated : 16/07/2021 21 AMicrobial Fuel Cell For Generating Electricity From Wastewater 202041021896 Dated : 26.05.2020 17 PATENTS FILEDAND PUBLISHED Sl. No Title of Invention Details

Specialized Laboratories 1. GENOMICS FACILITY 2. PHYTOTHERAPEUTICS LAB 3. BIOSAFETY CLASS – II FACILITY 4.ALGAE BIOMASS RESEARCH LABORATORY 5. CANCER NANO-THERAPEUTICS RESEARCH LABORATORY 6. WATER TREATMENT RESEARCH LABORATORY 19 Equipment: RT-PCR, Nanodrop Spec Total Outlay Rs.: 20.0 Lakhs Equipment: HPTLC, Rotary Evaporator Total Outlay Rs.: 8.5 Lakhs Equipment: Biosafety Cabinet, Co2 TotalincubatorOutlay Rs.: 6.5 Lakhs

Total Scholarship : Rs. 2,15,58,095/Student Scholarships 46 103 73 100 111 15.78 44.94 37.1 58.75 53.42 3020100 40 706050120100806040200 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Student Scholarships Total Students benefitted Scholarship Amount (Lakhs) (Lakhs)AmountStudentsofNo. Student Diversity Gradient indicates number of students Colors 0 5 25 20

3 6 8 5 12 14 86420 10 161412 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 NET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CA T/GRE/TOEFL/…… 79 85 83 88 75 81 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Placement, Hr. Education and Entrepreneurship Percentage 21

Recruiters 22

Outreach & Sensitization AIDSAwareness Parthenium Eradication Health Survey TBAwareness Tree Planting Campus Biodiversity Studies Health Survey

National/International Interactions INDO - ISRAELSeminar on ‘Water treatment and desalination’ INDO-TAIWAN Research Collaboration National Conference on Prospects ofAlgae in Food, Health, Environment and Energy (PAFHEE’19) International Conference on RecentAdvances in Virology RAV’19 INDO-ISRAELCollaboration 24

25 Ms. Ridha Haridha S V (URK18BT013) Business Analyst Mr. Business(URK18BT015)MANISH.M.SDevelopmentAssociate Ms. H Naziya Senior(PRK20BT1020)SayeedResearchAssociate Mr. Kevin Research(URK17BT054)SujoshAssciate,AzentaInc.Maryland,USA Ms. Benazir Begam Scientific(UR16BT042)ApplicationAnalyst, Mr. Gaius Goforth Daniel E Research(UR15BT009)Associate, Ms. Mary Immaculate W Executive,(UR15BT035)QualityControl Mr. Pranesh A S (UR16BT013) Technical Process Executive R.H.Ranjith (UR16BT042) M.Sc Medical Biotechnology Mr. Mohammad ConservationMS(URK17BT084)IsrarEcologyandBiology DistinguishedAlumni

Best Practices – 1 1. Innovations, Incubation & Start up for Students Total No. of Patents - 22 Patents Co-authored with Students 21 (96%) Products Developed 7 Processes Developed - 12 Total Publications - 272 Co-authored with Students 185 Highest Impact Factor 9.86 Field Projects 100% Products Developed 26

Best Practices – 2 Technology Missions Projects 1 Patents - 2 Products - 7 938 1 Areas of Innovation Heathcare Environment Agriculture Energy Outcomes 5 Bioavailability Enhancement of Retinoid drug by Nano formulation with cationic Liposome for improved therapeutic effect on lung cancer INR - 30.86 Lakhs 27

Distinctiveness Major Consultancy on Water INR 42,69,400/Major Funded Project on Water Phycoremediation a green technology initiative for effluents and there by production of high calorific biomass for bio refinery from microalgae using cost effective medium 18.8 Lakhs Theme based Lab on Water • Algae Biomass Laboratory • Water Treatment Laboratory Ph.D Completed on the theme Water - 3 Products Developed on the theme Water 1 MOU Signed 1 28

Dr. Jibu Thomas Head, Department of