Module 1: System and System Environment: Component of a System – Continuous and discrete systems – Types of model; Steps in Simulation study; Simulation of an event occurrence using random number table – Single server queue –two server queues – inventory system. Module 2: Random number generation: Properties of random numbers – Generation of Pseudo – random numbers – techniques of generating pseudo random numbers; Test for random numbers: the Chisquare test-the kolmogrov Smirnov test – Runs test – Gap test – poker test. Module 3: Random – Variate Generation: Inverse transform technique for Exponential, Uniform, triangular, weibull, empirical, uniform and discrete distribution, Acceptance rejection method for Poisson and gamma distribution; Direct Transformation for normal distribution. Module 4: Analysis of simulated Data: Data collection, identifying the distribution, Parameter estimation, goodness of fit tests, verification and validation of simulation models. Module 5: Concepts of System Identification Identification using normal operating records (Integration method) – Identifiability conditions – System order determination Module 6: Modeling of mechatronic systems: Modeling of mechatronic systems and their application in engineering practice Modeling and simulation and their practical significance Computer modeling and simulation Simulation of mechatronic systems using simulation software Creating animations of mechatronic systems Text Book: 1.
Banks J., Carson J.S. and Nelson B.L., “Discrete – Event System Simulation”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, Inc 2004 (ISBN 81-7808-505-4).
Reference Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Geoffrey Gorden, “System Simulation”, Prentice Hall of India, 2003. Narsingh Deo., “System Simulation with Digital Computer”, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
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Course objectives: To impart knowledge on 1. Basic structural and functional elements of human body. 2. Organs and structures involving in system formation and functions. 3. Understand all systems in the human body. Course outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to 1. Recall the basic elements of human body. 2. Compare the major bones and their processes as they relate to each region of the body. 3. Interpret the major organs and components of the respiratory system and understand their functions. 4. Recognize the major organs and vessels of the cardiovascular system and understand their functions. 5. Describe briefly the basic components and functions of urinary and special sensing systems. 6. Demonstrate the structure and functions of nervous systems. Module 1: Basic Elements of Human Body (9 Hours) Cell: Structure and organelles - Functions of each component in the cell. Cell membrane – transport across membrane – origin of cell membrane potential – Action potential Tissue: Types – Specialized tissues – functions, Types of glands. Module 2: Skeletal and Respiratory System (7 Hours) Skeletal system: Bone types and functions – Joint - Types of Joint - Cartilage and functions Module 3: Respiratory System (7 Hours)
Instrumentation Engineering